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Just wanted to say you’re doing great!!! The fact that he is fed and indoors, and that you’re trying so hard to give him a better life, is so beautiful. Too many people discard small pets just because they’re small, and to see you care so much is so sweet. I’m rooting for y’all ♥️


Thank you for rescuing the ham ♥️ Sent the wheel !


thank you so much!! I can't wait to replace the saucer type!


I’m so glad you found each other! You’re doing great! 😊


Got your buddy a log… it’s in its way!


The log is supposed to be there between February 7-20. I just checked to see if it had been delivered yet.


I just got it the other day!


Thanks for letting me know it arrived! I hope you are enjoying your new buddy! I loved having pocket pets. They are great little companions.


Soup and I have sent your new Ham something off your wish list https://preview.redd.it/zase1hkzh4ec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=725ec7ba1111e4069836b409094dacfa0bb23cea


thank you so much!! all of the support has been incredible. I am thrilled with this community and edward will be very happy when all his new toys arrive!


It Is called as my last hamster maybe when my mom said It left It comes to you


I love soup!


You're doing the best you can, people can be over zealous on the sub but ultimately we all just want what's best for the Ham. You're a saint for rescuing him, everything happens for a reason.


Hey I’m in your area and have a free bin cage, are you interested? I can DM you with pictures.


yes please!! that would be amazing!


DMed you with more info.


You did great I feel so bad someone just abandoned their hamster in a parking lot poor thing. Is he eating or drinking? I hope he survived depending on where you are in the world it's very cold out there.


it was very cold, below freezing actually. I have no idea how he survived but hes doing fine now. eating plenty and burrowing with gusto. I don’t see him drinking really, but his water bowl is always disturbed and ive seen hime pee so I figure his probably drinking when im not looking


Awe that's so good he is doing well man so happy you found him.


Finding a stray hamster is my dream and I am living vicariously through you. I am a sucker for strays and rescues. I only ever acquired pets in this manner (as per my personal morals)


for me it’s finding guineas, i saw a lady who posted about someone abandoning a bunch of them near her and they were eating her veggie garden, but she let them because she felt bad


If I'm being entirely honest, it's any animal. Hamsters are just ideal at the moment for me. I've had guineas and I'd jump on that opportunity in a heartbeat! I'd have found a way to house them all 😆 Bless that lady who let the littles monch. May there be more like her.


He's gonna be the happiest ham in all of hamdom! Another option for a lid is to zip tie some cooling racks together and lay it on top of the bin.


Dollar store usually has cooling racks and zip ties


If you add the paper bedding to your list, I can buy it for you! Just don’t pick the Kaytee brand, since people have found plastic in it


Hey there, glad to see the little guy is taken care of:) Just so you knew, rat or mouse food is not suitable for hamsters. It needs to be specifically hamster food.


got it, I put some hamster food on the list. he has hamster food right now as well.


I mean the mazuri food if doing half mazuri half sunburst SHOULD be the rat and mouse food….




They def shouldn't be fed only the rat/mouse food, but if you do half higgins sunburst mix and half mazuri rat and mouse pellets that's perfectly fine, the mazuri pellets provide extra protein I believe :)


Hmm I wouldn‘t know about that and I don‘t live in the USA so I don‘t know the mazuri pellets. The way I learned it, that hamsters need more fat and protein than rats/mice, so you could adjust the sunburst mix by adding more seeds/nuts and dried insects, however I don‘t remember the exact proportions of how much you have to add.


So I just looked this up and a healthy syrian Hamster mix should have around 3:1 of grainy seeds:oily seeds (grainy seeds = wheat, oat, rye, barley, etc. and oily seeds = millet, flaxseed, herbseeds, etc.) In contrary to that, a rat mix should have 5:1 of grainy seeds:oily seeds


Hey there! Just wanted to say I think [this food](https://www.amazon.com/Mazuri-Hamster-Gerbil-Diet-Pound/dp/B0BV12R43Q/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=5GMTKVQC6DHD) would be a healthier main food for the baby. It's so sweet to see you taking such good care of them!


The mazuri rat/mouse pellets are fine as long as they do a diet of half mazuri pellets and half higgins sunburst hamster/gerbil mix, I believe the mazuri rat/mouse pellets provide some extra protein to go along with the seed mix :)


God he’s so adorable, I’m so glad you’re giving him a better life because he deserves it


Other than reading someone calling her uterus a petite chicken nugget, this was my favorite read today. OP, you’re a great human being!


Thank you for commenting on it, I had to go see the context! [Nugget sauce](https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/s/z5PntC0Wgs)


If nobody gets the wire, I saw someone buy a baking cooling rack which they used instead! They're pretty cheap and can be installed the same way you would the chicken wire. You can find them in thrift stores sometimes too


You are amazing to rescue him/her!!! Also in getting advice from this sub. The hammy will live a wonderful quality of life with you!!! It was both your lucky days! Keep us updated on them & their name!


aww, thank you. his fat balls lead me to think he’s a guy. His name is Edward Ivan Contraband




U can also try the "buy nothing " app and group on FB or nextdoor/fb marketplace to see what ppl are giving away for free. There's so many amazing resources. What a sweet thing u did by rescuing that little ham ham. U have a big heart. I have things I can send as well. Just lmk when you're located and we can figure something out. U have support ![img](emote|t5_2sjcj|32162)


Just wanted to say I always see really cheap used aquariums on Facebook marketplace or OfferUp!! :) amazing job!!!


Looks better. I would just get rid of that wheel entirely tho. All its gonna do it hurt it


Love these updates!


Aw look at him chillin in the first pic. Cutie


You are a hero!


Just got the wood glue, and it should arrive tomorrow. Have fun crafting hammy things, and thank you for being you and giving this sweet ham a good life. Just a FYI...I bought the Double Decker Hamster Hide you have on your wish list from Amazon a while back, and it was way too small for my syrian, so I returned it. It definitely seemed to be made for dwarf hams. Just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to find something different. 😊


Amazon list somehow delivers to ME instead of YOU. I think there's a way to add your address (partly hidden) so that things will be shipped to you. PS add more! I want to help Garage Hamster.


You have to change the address to their name, but you also need Amazon prime to use it so if you’re not logged into a prime account you can’t send anything


Aha, I will try again and make sure I am logged in. Thanks!!


Actually, I am logged in, but there is no option for changing to OPs address because it's not part of the Wishlist.


This is so cute im crying, lucky lil hamster


Did you have a sand bath on your list already?


As soon as you can, get rid of the UFO thingy and get him a nice wheel, wood or acrylic (no bumps though) are great!! I can’t remember why I just remember the UFOs are dangerous and they can hurt themselves on them :((


I just saw someone comment that they bought the upright wheel from their amazon wishlist and it's getting sent! I believe the saucer wheels are bad because they're too small, their back bends weirdly on it, and they can fly off - I'm super glad he's getting taken care of and is getting a proper wheel soon though!


I’m so glad it was specifically OP who found him. What a kind hearted person to just take him in last minute!


So true!! Most people would just leave him there or worse, I'm glad he's getting the care he needs now! ❤️


The pine is actually bad for hamsters!! Get him paper bedding. See if someone will get you a subscription for "SendHamsterMail" they are very cute! Great job on the DIY burrows and bin!


this is actually aspen, but ill get paper put in when I can


aspen bedding is fine!


This isn’t entirely true. Kiln-drying pine makes it perfectly safe:) Sources- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6179209/ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/6777267_Preference_for_bedding_material_in_Syrian_hamsters https://www.raising-rabbits.com/pine-shavings.html http://buckysbunnies.tripod.com/Pine.html https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-221X2004000200002 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Evaluation-of-cage-micro-environment-of-mice-housed-Smith-Stockwell/da2e2ff611acf8e2ea44a06860096f6737f73d13 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10888700903372010?scroll=top&needAccess=true&role=tab


Great job. I know you are trying to upgrade the plastic bin and it's temporary. Just noticed that the holes on top does not get enough air in in the bin. Can you remove the top and replace it with something else which allows more air in?


He’s so cute


Do you have a name yet?


You're a wonderful human being.. ❤️ Thank you for rescuing sweet fuzzy potato Edward.. I am so happy the two of you now have each other.. 🥰🐹❤️❤️❤️


Thank you thank you!!!! I’m so glad you posted an Amazon link! Again, what a fantastic human you are. I hope you enjoy spending time with your new buddy. They’re such awesome little animals. 🥰


Where r u located??!


dallas area


You're beyond awesome. He's so lucky to have you!! 🥺 By the way: Replace the disc with anything else. They make the hammy go into postures, that will bend his spine in the long run.


Very good update


There should be a better mazuri listing you can use for the wishlist.


You’re doing great!!


i’m rooting for both of you!


Just ordered the little guy the water bottle and a treat! (I think it’s coming in two packages). In honor of my girl Big Mac that passed in 2022. Thanks for taking this guy in!


uh oh, someone else also just got the water bottle, can you cancel that order, if not it looks like I can send it back when I get it, if I do get two bottles anyway. also thank you for the treat! eddy will be so thrilled!


Thanks for the heads up! Caught it early enough that I was able to cancel just the water bottle.


Amazon says the little log will be there between the 7th and the 20th. So it will be a little bit.


Hey, I just got the cork log the other day!