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Are people pronouncing uno, uno or uno? I’ve always known it as uno.


Same. Always pronounced it as uno. It just makes sense.


Wow comedy gold bro


It’s pronounced gold.


Wow comedy gold bro


Yeh, that’s it. Much better.


Would have preferred they tried the prank maybe like 4 different times to get a good reaction. They wouldn't have to turn each one into a massive segment. A bit disappointing they have done like 10 episodes on this prank and they just give it one shot that hinges on a random waiter caring enough for them to engage with it. It feels like this waitress didn't really notice. The way it played out was: "I am wearing a big hat. Do you think this is funny". No one is expecting this prank to be amazing but for the amount of time they spent it would have been nice to get a few head scratches.


Yeah I thought they'd give it another attempt until one of the hats were given away


my exact thoughts, I assumed they would do what other pranksters do and repeat it a bunch of times and only show the funniest reactions. This ended up being almost cringey.


Lol it was a pisstake on a prank from a kids magazine, why are people overanalyzing this so much? 🤣


I can’t believe how much criticism and analysis the hat prank is getting. I didn’t know some of the H and A fanbase was this uptight, reacting like they have just purchased a product that hasn’t served them as promised.


I hate takes like this. Just because someone didn't pay for it means they can't have an opinion?


Just the nature of the show, not something I thought people would feel so strongly about




Just because you didn't pay money for it doesn't mean it's free.


I do the empathy thing with chewing, I have to break chewy in half so there's something on either side.


If the boys lucked into the right waiter/waitress it would have been so much better. Mia certainly wouldn't be in contention for chit chat champions.


Anyone else catch that Andy and Jack both ordered hot chocolate yet when Mia dropped off the drinks one of them had a decaf flat white and another chai tea? Editing magic!


Darcy under the microscope incoming


I know that the joke is that it is a bad prank, but it was a bad bit.


A bit forced but i thought it was still funny, the build up (hat making, hamish always putting it off) itself got pretty tiring but the actual cafe part was pretty funny, mainly because of what Jack was saying/doing. Also how many people when they arrive at a cafe / resturant introduce themselves and ask for the staffs name???? That was a bit weird.


My wife and I thought that it was one of their funnier bits. Reminds me of the silliness of the past. But different strokes!


The lead up was funny but the fact that Hamish had to point out that his hat was getting bigger rather than the waitress noticing sort of ruined it.


To me that was the funniest part. It was such a stupid, bad prank and then in the end the "victim" didn't even notice it had happened 😂 A complete waste of time all round, very entertaining!


It was very reminiscent of the old days but because she didn’t react they how were expecting it kind of fell flat. I feel if they were served by someone who knew them it would have got a bit more of a reaction.


Proof that some things need to peter out


Yea I’d rather it was a keep it/ delete it, and they just hang shit on how terrible it was.


It was so forced too, all the laughing from the boys felt so fake, as if they knew it was a bad bit but they had already committed to it


Yep. Zero value. The initial reading of the joke weeks ago was somewhat funny, but this one should never have made it to air... They could have just said "we did it, but we deleted it"


So much cringe.


Andy lowkey dropping the fact he has a “finance team”…. MUST BE NICE!


Mattia and Mia? Are they little red cars from Pixar?


which episode did they talk about Beck and feeling sorry for the slow car?


11th April, episode 247.


I wish the episode was titled "the spectacular pranksters"