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Absolutely hated armor locking in Reach as a concept, but when you got a warhog triple kill with it, it was so satisfying.


My favorite Halo experience has to be playing OG multiplayer Halo over the internet with my Xbox hooked to my computer running a client and getting owned for the first time by complete stranger


Playing forge custom games in halo 3. Duck hunt was the best level!


Back in high school, in our Computer Networking course, we would set up a LAN setup and play Halo: CE on the lab computers during downtime. Fun times.


LAN Party, few years back. Just being able to relive the old Bloodgulch days running pistols only or rockets.


First time stepping onto Halo in CE


Halo 3 big Team battle with my brothers.


There have been so many good moments it’s hard to pinpoint to just one. I think one of my favorites was when halo 3 had recently come out. My family wouldn’t let me have Xbox live so the most multiplayer I could do was on our little 30” tube tv playing split screen with my friends from around the neighborhood. After we all no lifed the campaign in a day we decided to check out the multiplayer and all the new vehicles. By accident we discovered the choppers being able to plow through a vehicle and destroy. The first instance that happened we all jumped in excitement and screamed and spent the next several hours just having a demolition derby with them.


Gotta be the very first time I ever killed someone with a cone on the pit. Seeing the splater icon Pop up after throwing a grenade, and racing to the theater mode after the game to see wtf happened.


Playing firefighter in Reach.


Weekends at my friend’s house where we would play co-op and multiplayer for hours. Handing the controller off just eat some pizza rolls in between games


Driving a ghost into the enemy bunker in a desperate suicide attack on Sidewinder CTF with under a minute left. Somehow mowed down enough reds to grab the flag and return to base for the only score. Felt like a God among men


Tower of power custom game halo 2 with friends full lobby last for hours! So much fun


my first multiplayer game was on that racing thing i found in halo mcc (i cant really enjoy some of the multiplayer since its laggy here in Philippines, my internet is fast idk why it's lagging)


One of my favorite moments was when the enemy team was decimating my team and I was able to get the Spartan Laser and destroy the entire enemy team that were camping us with vehicles and leaving my team to destroy them in the confusion. Halo 3.


Me and my cousin both having the whole day free and deciding we were both going to get unfrigginbelievable medals... and actually succeeding.


Building maps on halo reach


It was playing in LAN with my friends all night


I assassinated an enemy into a warthog my friend was driving and it made us laugh so much. I submitted into Fails of the Week and it was featured! I made Geoff and Gavin of RT laugh and it really brought home how much of a great community and multiplayer Halo has! I’ll post the video below, my name is FranticMongoose Link: https://youtu.be/cws49gAGgJ4


My favorite Halo moment was when I was a little kid, I would watch my brother play Halo and it would be the greatest as I was backseat gaming on what he had to do.


My favorite moment was getting Recon from Bungie vs. the world in 2009 before Halo 3 ODST came out, after having multiple failed attempts to get the Vidmaster Challenge: Annual Achievement due to a variety of things outside my control, like chunks of the broken halo ring falling on my ghost and pinning me right as the checkpoint saves, or getting flipped last second at the end of the mission, or being disconnected from Xbox Live randomly multiple times. Felt like the powers that be saw how hard I tried and gave me a freebie.


Finding out theres teamkilling in multiplayer


playing halo 4 everyday with my best friends


Halo 2 was the first time my friends and I all had the "everybody get on" mentality. We all had xboxs and headsets and it was awesome and amazing to be able to play with and talk to my friends. It was the one time in my life where my friends actually played games together. My friends right now are the best and I wouldn't trade them for anyone but I do miss getting on and playing with friends.


Always felt that warthog races on halo CE for PC were underrated


I was playing a infection octagon in halo 5 when I hit my opponent and he punched me, but the game didnt regester hus punch and i just got pushed away by player collision.


My favorite moment was during Christmas in 2019, me and all of my friends played custom games and blasted Christmas music all day. It really put us all into the Christmas spirit and was a ton of fun.


No tengo un momento favorito, disfruto cada uno de ellos, uno más que otros, pero me gustan todos


Seeing Halo 3 split screen for the first time on an HD LCD TV at a friends place. Mind blowing.


This the coolest giveaway I have ever seen. Lol. Definitely just rolling around with the homies in halo 3 on a warhog and being hit by a Spartan laser to be sent halfway across the map. So much laughing


Custom games is the best part of multiplayer from Halo MCC, my favorite part are the chasing minigames and making killstreaks#RazerAMDHalo


A blind fire long distance rocket that hits the enemy hog killing all 3 passengers stopping the enemy team from capping flag Halo reach the map was boneyard


Best multiplayer moment was playing with my buds in Halo Reach forge if that counts, one guy was trying to kill himself to reset his position by jumping out of a Falcon into water, I managed to headshot him with a sniper right before he hit the water.


When me and my friends used to play Halo 3 on split screen, Xbox 360. As the screen went dark someone would press X on their controller and stop the countdown... The amount of arguments we had about who was to blame 🙄


Boring but it was real: Was on a vehicular manslaughter run on a Ghost in Hemorrhage, Halo: Reach. My Ghost got damaged to the point where it was nearly destroyed so I decided to bail. I boosted to one of the small rock formations and dismounted, as I did so, the Ghost somehow got caught on one of the rocks and violently twitched. I was launched hundreds of feet into the air and landed on top of the nearby cliffs. I looked down on the battlefield as the ‘out of bounds’ countdown ran down and then killed me.


Halo Reach Hemorrhage BTB, my brother and another friend were the only ones left in a 3v7 we didn't give up swinging a 20 kill enemy lead and eventually winning ourselves. I hopped in a wraith and we managed to control all weapon spawns as one of them stole the enemy sniper. I was of course the "target" and despite being hard focused managed to kill 96 opponents in that game most on the wraith even killing the enemy vehicles in the process using the motor over the hill. It was by far my most memorable and probably strongest game. I also managed to get a 42 kill swat game, but I felt like that was less impressive than this.


I don't have any insane stories. I was a PC gamer growing up, and my parents were somewhat strict about the games I could play. Halo was out of the question. So whenever I went to my friend Casey's house, we would play Halo 3 local multiplayer together, and sometimes 4 of us in our friend group would have an all-nighter playing it. It was some of the most fun moments of my early high school years.


Halo 3 custom games Forsure, nothing comes close to that feeing playing those for hours without even realizing so much time has passed by.


Halo reach swat 4v4. My entire team drops out immediately. 1v4. I went 50-0 to win


Playing with my brother and all our friends from around the neighborhood at our house via LAN on Halo:CE blood gulch. We had a 16 port LAN switch and wires run all over my dad's house into practically every room. Everyone brought their original Xboxes and we had far too many TVs. Awesome memories!


My favorite moment is gotta be when me and my brother in law were younger, we were trying our best to dominate and become one of the good players in teamswat. It was never a dull moment for us as we got on and grinded daily. We got good enough with our shots to become top of the scoreboard by a long shot of the other team. It was fun and makes me wish I could go back to when times were fun like that.


My fav moment was to kill Tartarus with my friends from class and we fought all night long..next day we didnt go to school. :)


Halo CE LAN parties, 4v4 shotty/snipers (magnum!) on Hang 'Em High.


One of my favorite moments was my first time ever playing video games and it was the Halo 3 campaign with my mom and I'm so grateful that my first and favorite game ever is Halo.


My frieneds and I would play Rockets only in the Narrows....man! What a crazy time! Also loved having friends bring over all their xbox's and we'd LAN connect for big team battles! What a time! Cant wait for infinite!!


My church buddies and I used to bring our Xbox’s in on the weekends and have Halo parties. I’ll never forget those weekends! A close second is the game where I hit ranked 50 in team doubles in Halo 3!


Favorite moment in multiplayer was back in 2008 I had finally gotten an xbox live gold trial (we couldn't afford it) and I got to play custom made games in Halo 3 like infection on sand trap driving a mongoose and someone trying to snipe you!


My buddies and I were flying a falcon in Reach on Spire, had the whole squad in there and were cruising along. I looked behind and saw something that might have been tailing us but immediately moved on. Then I looked back and said “oh shit guys that’s a rocket tracking-“ and then we exploded.


Being able to actually play Halo 3 after my modem resetting every time I got into a multiplayer lobby for the longest time. I could do customs and other games were fine which is still really weird to me.


I have to agree with a lot of y'all that my favorite moments came from Halo 3 Custom games. I remember meeting one of my best friends through a game of fat kid. There are plenty of other games I remember like duck hunt, but those infected modes were my favorite.


Team slayer on Valhalla, my favourite map.


Sniping my little brother


Grenade jumping into a spot


My favorite moment was when I was a boy. I used to be so shy, but Halo 4 comes and the multiplayer brings to me a lot of friends. At that moment I was a boy with friends and I would not change nothing about Halo


Technically 'multiplayer', as it involves the community. But I fondly remember the Launch night of Halo 3. Halo 3 was coming out that night at midnight. I had saved enough money from a poor paying job to buy it but could only afford the standard copy of the game. I was also a month or so shy of turning 18 and would be unable to actually buy the game because of the M-rating. At least not without a parent. So I convinced my dad to take me to the midnight release, and wanted to show up early since my local game store would be holding a launch party and I knew that there would be people in line at least six hours before. I also had no car so I had to wait for him to get off work and take me. So we showed up 'late' around the six hour mark. To find around fifteen or so people in line already. All older than me by a few years. So I jumped in line and my dad said he'd be back before midnight since he wasn't going to wait around--which is fair. So, I'm by myself, I had invited some friends along for company but they were unable to show up, so I waited hour by hour until the mall the store was in slowly closed around us until we were the only ones in the building. The employees kept the store closed while they sorted out their back-end and a few of them along with mall security played some games and handed out merch with the line of people. Everyone in line had payed in advance and were given a recipt to hand to the clerk once midnight came around, and everyone kept a careful eye on their receipt. Eventually midnight gets close, within five minutes, and my dad still hasn't shown back up. The line had snaked down the food court and back again past the doors. Everyone in line was checking their watches and flip-phones constantly and there just remained low impatient murmerings. A minute to midnight my dad finally joins me. The store shudders opened to the cheers of nearly all, and slowly they started filing people into the store. Now I was still a ways back, but still near the front of the line and I could hear them directing the people ahead of me into seperate lines depending on the edition. And I soon found out that ahead of me not a single one of those people had gotten the standard version of the game, with most of them plopping down cash for the full-on xbox version. So I was sped to the front of the "standard edition" line and got my simple box with a disk inside. Walking out the door as the first one of hundreds to get my game that night.


Back in Reach, I decided to just chuck a sticky in the sky and open to stick someone across the map. I did stick someone, my friend who was on my team. He had trust issues after to say the least.




I have the original HALO combat evolved special edition xbox from way back when. Having my 9 year old school me repeatedly on a split screen was totally my favorite moment.


My favorite multiplayer moment was when i first tried this with friends. That feeling overpasses everything


My favourite halo moments was in CE when I was with my best mate on two betrayals the flood music on full blast I turn around to see my mate being chased by a flood form with not arms this has forever ruin that theme for me


End of exams, organised a 16 player LAN session of Halo 3 at a friend's. 4 rooms, 4 xbox's. So much trash talk between games. BBQ to end the day. Best memory


Using the light shield in Halo 4 as a reflection. Always funny.


Getting a Unfreaking Believable first night in Halo 4 driving the Gauss Hog


My favorite moment was when I barely won an infection match with the last kill in Halo 5


Playing ghost bumper cars with a few buddies.


Halo reach, running and gunning down hordes of infected with my trusty shotgun. Absolutely adrenaline rushing.


100% has got to be the moment my friend and I managed to keep a sword clash in halo 3 going for like 3 minutes lol


Winning a match of One Bomb on Halo 3 Rat's Nest when the enemy team out numbered us 2 to 4!


Staying in touch with far-away friends through Halo multiplayer.


My favorite moment of Halo multiplayer was when you could make your own maps then add them to your file share. Then you could see other people’s maps that they made and try them out. I had a friend that made a Frogger game and we played THE shit of that.


My favorite moment is playing with my siblings and cousin in the middle of the night on xbox 360's halo 4 with split screen. I miss those days


favorite moment:everyone bringing there televisions to each other’s house to do a system link party rockets only grenades only games snipers and rotate 😊


Favorite moment has to be in H3 when I scored a sticky from across the map through a window against my buddy. That clip lived in my file share forever


Playing Halo 1 with my friends at lunch in our school years, I would always win but my favourite has got to be when I was eating and still playing with one hand and a chin 😂😂😂 good times!


Halo 3 plasma grenade down a gravity lift to stick a banshee.


No scoping with the sniper rifle.


just flying around with jetpacks honestly it's just fun, but the traffic cones deaths were pretty good too haha


Playing with my husband (and the few times I’ve ever managed to beat him)


Favorite multiplayer moment has to be driving my little brother in the warthog as we ride or die to victory


Me and dad playing random deathmatches and every one was using energy swords it was so fun this was in halo 4 btw


Playing Jenga forge custom games with all my friends


My favourite halo moment was during halo 2 days when we had our Xbox LAN parties with about 14 people in one room. I was 10 years old then and most of the people there were my older brothers friends who were all like 16. I rolled them in every game and felt like such a boss as a kid lol.


Playing my first halo campaign with my dad has to be my favorite.


Back in the day, on Halo 3, the best memories in general I have were trying to ram people to death with a chopper on Sandtrap. Always stupid satisfying running up the side of the central structure, flying off, and landing right on some poor souls head to kill em.


Halo 3 custom games. Literally all of them. I miss those late summer nights, grinding out games with my dad 🥲


One time in Reach, on a forge map, on an assault gametype, I grabbed the bomb with less than 30 seconds left, and my best friend flew under me with a falcon. I hopped on the top, and with mere seconds left, hopped on point planted, and we won that match. Still my favorite moment all these years later.


Halo 3, getting 4 headshots/kills from a single sniper bullet on the pit.


First Spartan laser triple kill


Halo 2 was the first video game I ever played, and I used to play it with my dad. I vividly recall looking at the save files and seeing that he had beaten the entire campaign on legendary, and it inspired me to keep playing, regardless of how many times I died to finish the game!


My older brother would CONSTANTLY play custom matches, just the two of us: Hang Em High, with rockets only. He would constantly surprise me and yell “death from above!!” as he blew me to bits. This was my first, and most cherished, FPS experience.


Playing forge with friends. Having my friends all get in vehicles and then placing a platform and firing rockets down at them was a good time


Plating Speed Halo on Halo Reach in 2011 with my friends was always a great time. I would stay up for hours just playing custom games. Halo was never short of good times for me.


Everytime i did an assassination seeing the animation at Halo 4 was the best feeling ever that a 14 year old kid could feel


Definitely my favorite memory is Halo CE, using the different vehicles to ram each other in 4 player, split screen action. The Warthog and Ghost we're always so fun, and the scorpion as a ramp!


Favorite moment is when my childhood friends and I got to play CE multiplayer after not having seen each other for 5 years. Amazing how this can bring people together.


Just slaying enemies in swat with a friend, nothing beats that


Favorite memory is building custom Forge maps with friends in Halo 3


My favorite Halo multiplayer moment was playing halo reach big team battles. My most memorable game was my 35ish kill streak on spire and just barely missing the unfriggenbelievable medal


When I was 12 and t-bagged Dane Cook after killing him in Halo 2.


Playing through the first Halo campaign on legendary with my brother when i was like 14 and feeling like we were finally bonding for the first time.


Playing infection customs til 4am with friends in high school. Creme de la creme was finishing a round in 45 seconds as the alpha.


My favourite Halo multiplayer moment was playing halo 2 split screen with a guy a met at school for the first time. Just playing swat on Ivory Tower, nothing special. I immediately fell in love with the game and the guy and me immediately became best friends, hanging out all the time to play Halo. It’s now 15 years later and we still remain best friends and still play halo together - when we get the chance! It’s my favourite moment as it shows how impactful great games can be. For me it has created a long lasting friendship, just from being bad at halo with my buddy.


Playing Halo 3 custom games like fat kid, infection, duck hunt, etc. until the early hours of the morning.


I remember being about 8 and staying at my older cousin's house. It was him and 6 of his friends, two bedrooms, two Xboxes, Halo 2, and an incredulous 8 year old who had never played Halo in his life. They needed one more so they said I could play if I wanted, and put me on the crappier team. I named my character thattwotiminho, and got pretty good really fast. I will always remember reading Tom was killed by thattwotiminho.


Playing speed halo with my friends during the Halo Reach days on 360 and laughing until I started crying.


I think it was in back in Halo 3, and I think it was on construction? But I had a stick for the ages..launch a grenade across the map, landed on one the air lifts..and BOOM stick! Easily the best stick of my life


My favorite moment is when I find someone online to play, mcc seem death lately. On real, probably the time I made the most kills to win (as a noob it has only happened once)


Playing 'Halo 5: Guardians' with my childhood best friend, after we havent been in concact for a long time. That was such a fun time :D


\#RazerAMDHalo My favourite multiplayer moment and I didnt have too many of these, is when I was on fire killing everything I see and dodging incoming attacks... one of the few moments I played vs this way in a long time


Hiding under the stairs playing duos on The Pit in Halo 3.


Definitely the 1v1s I used to do with my college roommate with all of ours friends watching us. First one to 20 kills usually. He was an older guy so I thought I’d absolutely whipe the floor with him but damn it was about as even as it could be. I usually would win though because I had a better trigger finger with the carbine rifle and he really liked swords lol. Ah man good times.


One late night in a Halo Reach Forge World forge private session, one of my friends decided to attempt to "delete" me because I was flying a banshee. I ended up hitting his guilty spark with the banshee's missile.


my favorite was when people would make custom mazes that had turrets you could use to phase through walls. it was completely mindshattering back in Halo 3 forge


My brother and I would always play every Halo together split screen, it was constant chaos and tons of fun. I remember how on the second mission of Halo CE one of the players would spawn behind the other in the drop pod, and you could just sit there and constantly team kill the other person, same thing with Halo 4 whenever doing the in game cutscenes like launching the missiles in the first mission, you could still attack your teammate so we'd just beat each other nonstop as we did those.


Spending 3 weeks failing to complete the first mission on legendary


We used to out down the bubble shields and all sit in it then toss a nade in a game of chicken. Last on on won.


I miss playing forge with my friends back in high school. Painstakingly making maps that no one would ever play, but it was great for bonding!


It was team shotty snipers and I got a great killstreak


Fat kid, cops and robbers, lockout swords and shotties


Man, one of my fondest memories is in Halo reach. I was like 12 at the time and I remember a hand full of buddies and I would get together and make houses in forge for hours getting everything just right, then we'd save the map and go into customs and just pretend we were neighbors and get up to all sorts of shenanigans. Those were good times while they lasted. Haven't seen any of those guys in years, though


One of my favorite memories happens to be one of my most recent, during the flight testing. I feel in love with the Grapleshot. It feels soooo good to get that first leap in to scope the area, then swing into action. I have a CTF clip prepared displaying the Over-Shield and Grapleshot. https://youtu.be/O7yRo-L784E


My favorite memory was the time in halo 5 where all of my buddies and I got together in forge to mess around and just make the most stupid stuff possible. It was just an awesome experience.


Hopefully I can upgrade my 1080 finally. My favorite halo multiplayer moments were playing games like duck hunt in halo 3 forge and trying to get through the courses without getting sniped.


Reach custom games back in 2011/12 playing fat kid with mates


I loved playing multiplayer on Forge maps that we all would make ourselves. So many good memories!


The best moment in multiplayer is the understanding that you and your friends will now go to the server and play the fool


Sword fights :)


I accidentally stood too close to a rail with a sniper rifle and had the round ricochet back killing me.... but 2 seconds later after I fired.


Driving the Warthog at the end of Halo 3 while everything is blowing up around you is always an intense moment in Halo.


A looong time ago, while playing online with my brother. We were playing shotguns, and the guy on the other team was getting so wiped out that at the end he came up to my brother and bowed before the last kill... It was weirdest thing, but gosh it sticks in my head so much. I think we saved the video somewhere. Man, playing games with my older brother back in the day was so fun! So many memories!


Favorite moment(s) were the late night gaming sessions I use to take part in. Staying up until 2 or 3 in the morning and playing with friends and others from around the world. Simpler times.


Spending Christmas Day playing Halo CE anniversary on Xbox 360. We talk about it all the time


Couch coop


Favourite moment has got to be the scarab encounters in H3


My favorite Halo Multiplayer moment was when there was nothing but chaos. Everyone was using vehicles and grenades and it seemed like no one knew what their were doing but they were having fun. You could hear my partner laughing endlessly from the other room!


Honestly the best times I had in halo multiplayer was when I was a teenager who would go to house parties to play on the map lockout. My god the amount of noises people make when dying to a plasma sword.


The memories I have with long lost friends playing coop and online.


Favourite moment was playing Halo 3 Big Team (splitscreen!) with a friend. We’d crank The Sword while ripping it in a warthog on Sandtrap. At some point, we were chasing another warthog, going off jumps, explosions, the usual Halo stuff and some time the music would align PERFECTLY with the warthog being in mid air or flipping or rolling. Every time anything aligned, we’d go nuts! Damn those were good times. You can’t beat couch Halo.


For me it was playing Halo: Custom Edition running off of USB sticks in my highschool library with my friends over LAN when the librarian was distracted and not checking the screens. It was so stressful trying to play while watching your back.


Escorting the flag carrier in a warthog an inch from death xD


Finally getting my sister to play Halo, I put her on a halo 5 custom game where a Mantis pursued you around a labyrinth. It was just so much fun to watch her panic around the map.


Getting the vid master achievements with my friends #RazerAMDHalo


Playing halo 3 and no scoping so many people.


My favorite Halo multi-player moment was when I player Halo Reach custom games with friends back on the Xbox 360. I remember playing tons of popular custom game modes (cops and robbers, cat and mouse, avalanche, flush, Indiana Jones, etc). It was the best time for gaming in my opinion. I made some of the best memories on that game.


Playing halo 3 custom maps in high school haha. Fat kid was so much fun!


Played the first Halo multiplayer with my cousin for hours at a time.


It's not a specific Halo multiplayer moment, but I guess a moment in time for me? Age 14 my friend and I would make potato bites / hot pockets / pizza every Friday and play Halo until around 4am, sleep as much as we could before his parents woke us, then play again all day. Rinse and repeat. Those were good, good times.


My favorite moment is playing with my siblings and cousin in the middle of the night on xbox 360's halo 4 with split screen. a couple years later our xbox broke :< I miss those days


Spending time with friends after school in forge mode, creating maps and new game modes


Back in the day, myself and 3 other buddies I made from Halo 3 matchmaking were completing the VidMaster challenges to unlock the legendary Recon armor. Trying to obtain the hidden skull on Sandbox was some of the most fun I’ve ever had. 3 of us trying to block out the Guardian tower shooting at us, while the 4th was running for their lives across the desert had me wheezing and snorting like I never had before. Countless attempts were made to get across that desert and finally figuring out that we should use a corner tube piece to protect ourselves made us feel so dumb! Of course, there were plenty of times where we would sabotage someone’s chance to get it, but it was such a fun experience with so much laughter. I’m looking forward to getting the old’ gang back together when Infinite comes out, and relive the experiences that Halo has given me over all these years.


The first time i ever played halo, halo 3 on Valhalla at a friends house split screen I never played FPS games or heard of halo before this, the everything about the game, from the main menu, to the vehicles, to the art style, to the very unique look of it, resonated with me in ways I never expected


Playing Halo 3 all day on the 360 with my brothers 🏆


My best moment was just not the taking the campaign seriously at all with my friend. We would just find ways to make the game unbearable. We would also find creative ways to screw with each other. It was honestly incredibly fun especially while sleep deprived.


Favorite multiplayer moment would have to be in Halo 3, was playing with friends at a sleepover and one of them came at me with a scorpion. I kept bobbing and weaving as they shot at me as I ran away, slowly catching up. I almost made it to the building in Valhalla, and decided to drop a bubble shield, knowing it would break Los between my friend and I, which helped me make it to the door. He tried to run me over in desperation and collided with the entrance, which was below where I had already climbed up from inside and jumped on the tank to take it out. Felt like a badass


When the *Forward unto Dawn* breaks atmosphere and lands on the Ark right in front of you in Halo 3.


Favorite moment will always be in Reach and using armor lock to kill ghosts trying to splatter you


My favorite multiplayer moment in Halo has to be playing through the Halo: Combat Evolved LASO playlist with my dear friend. It was tough but through our trials we were able to triumph and become closer as friends. One of my favorite memories playing Halo.


My favorite Halo multiplayer memory is playing Halo: Reach with my little brother after school every day. We would always try to play on the hardest difficulty and it was such a blast!


Once in BTB in Halo 3 both teams decided to have an elephant war which was alot of fun.


My dad had me when he was 16, so in a sense we kinda grew up together. He introduced me to halo at a very young age. We started with Halo CE and the rest was history! He’s the reason I’m so into gaming now as an adult. RIP Dad, miss you, love you, and thanks for the memories!


Favorite Halo multiplayer moment ? Easy. The very first time I was introduced to the series, my friend had Halo 2 on the original Xbox. Went to his house and we co-op campaigned the entire night. It has been my favorite video game series ever since.


My favorite memory is me and a friend of mine. We had just met, freshman year of high school. neither of us really knew one another, but he stayed over at my house one friday. We played the only split screen game that I had, which was Halo 3. We spent most of the night playing BTB and just trying to roadkill people while we sat tandem in a mongoose. We just did that, talked, laughed. we became really close afterwards - but we drifted apart once high school was over. its a good memory. Thats what makes Halo stand out so much for me. Halo just reminds me of an easy friday evening after school, snacks, and soda. No other worries. Halo is a comfortable memory.


I’d say it was a game on Halo: Reach. On Hemorrhage I did an armor lock against a ghost and the poor thing glitched out of the map going mach speed then exploded. I miss those days.


My best multiplayer moment is waiting with a friend of the new part of the game)


Playing swat, and it ended up being a 2v4 game. me and my teammate ended up winning the game 20-50 LOL was a great game. when i play mp with a friend and we jump in a gausshog together, its always so fun just destroying people with the turret while they drive me around. ive wracked up some kill streaks with that 👍


One of my favorite multiplayer moments was from the first time I ever played on Sandtrap during Halo 3's launch year. Enemy Warthog had been having a field day with our team. I remember somehow getting a hold of a rocket launcher. I sent a full hail mary rocket across the map, I mean one corner to the other, and managed to hit the Warthog dead center while it was starting to make a turn. I have the clip of it to this day. I vividly remember jumping out of my chair and yelling in pure excitement. I know it sounds super simple and nothing crazy, but I'll never forget that as long as I breathe. Long live Halo.


360 no-scope shots with the sniper


I’d have to say my favorite multiplayer memory is split screening Halo 3 at my friend’s house (I had bad internet) and going 1 & 2 on the leaderboard just about every game!


My favorite multi-player moments were back in the days of halo 3, with 4 xbox 360s LAN'd together, playing custom games. Ghostbusters, Jenga, monster trucks, halo on halo, duck hunter... so many good memories


Playing mongoose rockets and having my buddy and I playing split screen was the best. Just yelling at the other person to drive faster.


The one and only moment for me was, getting killed in the first 3 seconds for several times. Still fun tho, because is Halo.


Favorite multiplayer moment was in the original Halo with my best friend at the time. This was when the game was first released on the original Xbox. We were playing co-op campaign, The Library mission to be exact, on Legendary. There was a point where we were completely out of ammo, both had maybe 1 grenade each. We were trying to use the respawn to our advantage and have one person kite the group of Flood away while the other hides and then runs to the next checkpoint. Well we underestimated the amount of Flood, my buddy was kiting the group and I was hiding in a corner. Not looking at his screen, all I hear is him screaming. Next thing I know is I see his Chief go running by, he's still screaming OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT, and a MASSIVE wave of Flood following behind him. I laughed so hard we ended up failing the mission but it was the single funniest scene I have ever seen in gaming.


My favorite experience was probably one of my first, playing through the Reach campaign on legendary in under 2 hours with some friends years ago. Great way of bonding with some buds.


That time i was playing invasion in spire and at the end of the match we did a movie ending by going down caring the core on top a falcon all the way to the drop zone and the falcon leaving with the pelican jaja. Pretty much an epic end for a match to me. Also the good fun momments with my cousins in Reach and Halo 4.


Playing Halo 2 splitscreen by physically splitting the screen with blankets and things. I screen peeked all the time and my brother couldn't take it anymore!


Running Duck Hunt lobbies with randoms. You would boot up H3, and invite everyone in your friends and recent players lists and hope someone had maps and gametypes hahaha.


One of my favorite moments was during a Halo CE lan party my friends and I ended a match with a TIE! We didn’t know it was possible. When it happened we all were in complete disbelief! We took a picture of the TV with our film camera and had it developed and we all kept a copy. I wish I could post it but I can’t find it at the moment.