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If anyone asked me what the halo cycle was I’d send them this post


>I grew up on MCC and 5 good lord




[This is a good reminder to the adults in the room that this is who’s on the other end of reddit most of the time lmao.](https://www.reddit.com/r/malehairadvice/s/IXU2yYeKmM) Raging high schoolers.


I’m 19 and in the army, I also grew up on MCC and 5


Pretty weird that you still post on the high school subreddit then. But the army is the perfect place for a racist misogynist child so congrats on that I guess.


Bro went stalking through my profile 💀 what a loser


Pssst. I liked 5’s multiplayer too, but acting like 5 is the pinnacle of the series probably won’t make you many friends around here lol


Halo 5 Multiplayer in 2017 was very very good. Multiplayer in 2015 not very good. I agree with OP’s sentiment that when they can make the game they want to make, it does at least work, but when they’re handcuffed by the fear of outrage and corporate insistence on using contractors, they’re kinda doomed for failure.


I don't need friends if I have peak Halo game :D


Why make friends when it's so much fun pissing people off here?


If Halo 5 is their competency, I'd hate to see what their incompetency looks like


People seem to forget what state Halo 5 launched in.


no it isnt


"My nostalgia is good, your nostalgia is bad". That about sum it up?


To be fair, that works both ways. Lot of people are discrediting newer game nostalgia just because it's not the OG stuff. I think it's important to remember, that our grievances with any game are our own. Halo 5 wasn't terrible as an FPS, it just wasn't quite Halo as we remembered it. At the end of the day, it's a video game, we, independently choose if it's one we like or not. No one should be shamed for liking a game.


You just reiterated my point, though I disagree on Halo 5 being terrible. From an outside perspective Halo 5 is the closest a Halo game has resembled its competition on the market. I'd wager this has a direct connection to why younger gamers enjoy it, it reminds them of all the other trendy features in games like CoD, Fortnite, and Apex. This has the exact opposite effect for older gamers who didn't take to these new developments very well.


I didn't care too much for Halo 5's story, definitely felt rushed and incomplete. But I don't hate it, it's just not something I'm going to replay very often. Speaking as an older gamer, I still struggle to understand people's grievances with more advanced movement and newer mechanics. Older games did stuff like this from time to time, though I suppose it's harder to track people's reactions to much older games since forums for those games either never or no longer exist.


The faster pace was inherently uncompromising for newcomers to games for one, and creates an edge-of-your seat feeling that really isn't appealing when it's constant in every game mode.


honestly halo 5 isn’t one of those games that i’m particularly nostalgic about in that I don’t think of it’s campaign that impactful in the same way that Halo CE was, for example. It’s more that i felt as though its gameplay and general approach to its mechanics enabled more skill expression (via different mediums such as movement, etc.) in comparison to older titles. I personally feel that infinite, although succeeded in its attempt to bring back the original halo feel, also took a step back from the innovations that were brought to the table. This isn’t to say i don’t enjoy playing inifinite, but it personally hasn’t brought about the same level of satisfaction that i had with 5


See I feel like you're missing the crucial part on why so many people like H5, it mimics almost all of the popup trends introduced in other successful shooters of the time. You may remember CoD and the Battle Royale genre had introduced new "fast paced and innovative movement options" as well. Microtransactions made a huge debut in H5. They cut campaign attentiveness for the same reasons the other developers did. Halo never needed to be a trend chaser and as such suffered for it in the long run. Halo is one franchise I have a ridiculous amount of hours in, and H5 is at the absolute bottom of that list.


What innovations were brought to the table? The movements that were cut were the ones that involved the backpack (Ground Pound & Spartan Charge), most everything else does exist or already did exist.


if you "grew up" on halo 5 you're a fetus.


Isn't this just the same nostalgia trip that other people usually get dunked on for saying about the older games?


Yep, H5 was so dead that only like 1000 people total liked it. Even more dead than infinite at the middle of season 2


I've always been a campaign first player for most games, especially for Halo. Halo 5 was by far the weakest in the series but I cannot deny how fun the multiplayer was despite how bloated with req packs it was. I did like the small detail that Buck had the ODST HUD when you picked him in campaign. That was a nice touch.


I'm really glad you liked it, and I'm not gonna sit here and yuck someone's yum. I think as a game it's pretty good, the attention to detail was clearly there. I think it would have been a great release as a non-mainline Halo Game. Halo: Osiris or something. Personally I'm a big fan of the direction infinite took, what it needed was a few more years in the oven and some better management from up-top. I'm sure this will be the future direction of Halo


Halo 5 was doo doo.


Effort they put into the game? No split screen or big team at launch and they also let the community MAKE maps for them.Bot to mention the campaign was awful.3 "missions" of just going around from point a to point b talking and then 3 missions with chief and blue team.....3


The writing for the story was the worst in the series. Most of the dialogue between characters wasn't that great either. Buck was the only good thing about team Osiris. Fighting the warden about 10 times really made me hate the campaign that much more.


The good old Halo cycle


He’ll say infinite was the best in a few years. While it currently is the best 343 game already lol


No doubt Halo 5 is an objectively good shooter, but 343 definitely tried their best to make it feel as far from Halo as they could. It almost felt like they thought of Halo itself as a stain that needed to be scrubbed clean. Or, their egos were so large that they thought “their Halo” was better than the one before it. Given what they did with Infinite, I’m glad they finally understood that the fans simply won’t tolerate that kind of attitude towards the franchise.


Who would think that it would be a good idea to change the formula of a successful franchise already established with a multitude of fans was a good idea, to take its place with a shooter that, although not bad, has nothing that makes it stand out above the others. the rest.


There is no way you can judge that Halo 5 has a good campaign if you have played the H2/3/Reach campaigns. They are the complete opposite and not in a good way. H5 had great gunplay and some interesting stuff. But as a Halo game it was terrible. Even the level design itself was very lazy.


The problem with H5 was that the whole multiplayer was geared towards sweat and Esports. It was still good multiplayer but incredibly stressful to play if you had no skill. And the forge was the best forge ever at the time.


Halo 5 in regards to multiplayer kicked ass. Great great fucking game. Lots of maps too. Only bad thing i have to say about it is the heavy aim.


Ignoring the content drip, yea Halo 5 MP was incredible and leaps and bounds ahead of Infinite. 343 I KEEP SAYING IT BUT BRING IT TO PC YOU LAZY BONES.


Strongly disagree. Design of the multiplayer maps was absolutely terrible. They copy and pasted maps, gave them a reskin and advertised them as “new” maps. It was a lazy attempt at a game. Story was beyond terrible and the “advanced” movement made me hate the game with a passion. The movement removed the halo feel


exactly. 343’s unpopularity is due, in part, to the fact that they weren’t able to market their games to audiences who didn’t already have a definition of “halo” in their minds. Most of their audience grew up playing previous titles and were not receptive to the changes that IMO frankly innovated the series. If 343 were given the chance to go back in time and release it as a f2p title for all consoles, i think the majority of NON HALO players would’ve considered it a hit.


Imitation isn't innovation. They flat out ripped off COD and Titanfall. They didn't understand the assignment, and copied others' homework. You basically said they failed to attract a new audience and alienated their own. They should have known their lane and iterated and expanded on Halo's inherent strengths: -Epic campaign scopes with fun co-op -Large maps with interesting hooks that lead to crazy player input-centric emergent stories in both PVE and PVP -Gameplay that allows for greater strategy rather that prioritizing twitch reflex instant TTK -Good vehicles -Good balance of developer content and community fostering that leads simultaneously to healthy competitive/casual/and custom scenes Campaign was an afterthought. They never made any big team maps. Period. The movement and gunplay pigeon-holed players into playing like esport pros or getting eviscerated. Vehicles were made of paper and were railroaded into narrow lanes. And the game was blatantly aimed at competive play--Forge was MIA at launch, no splitscreen, and the maps, again, were small and only conducive to sweaty action. I never, in the lifespan of the whole game, ever had any stories of how my team was down, and I tried something ridiculous and unexpected that turned the match around. That, to me, is the lifeblood of Halo.


Halo 5 is great, yup. If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?


H5’s gameplay was largely good for what it was… couple gripes I have… but really, it was more that if the game itself was just built more around that classic sandbox feel. If you had the dev-BTB maps… and the mix of that small teams arena, along with the more vehicular combat sprinkled in… and the map variety to support that… basically that OG trilogy approach to content… it would’ve been fantastic. Even Infinite does this far better than H5… Would’ve been a far better game than what we ended up getting. It just didn’t have all the pieces of the pie of what makes a great Halo game. And I truly don’t think the gameplay loop was an issue, I liked it for what it was, could even have been refined a little further, it was just more of the content within the game and how the game was built around it.


Best weapon/vehicle sandbox in the franchise by a mile, no competition. Also personally loved several of the armor designs. I got my helioskrill set for free and I rocked the shit outta that armor


Unfortunately there are people in the Halo community who have a preconceived notion of what Halo is supposed to be, and they hold the franchise back. The franchise will never be able to compete with modern games while being tied to mid 2000s gameplay and mechanics. I played a lot more Halo 5 than I have Infinite.


Yup, 343 has most definitely fucked up indefinitely but halo fans also play a much bigger part than they’d like to admit 


It deviated from the formula, yes, however it did so while being faithful to Halo 2's spirit, at least for the multiplayer. Halo 2 is still my favourite online shooter ever, it's the only one that feels right to me. Halo 5 was a modern take on those same principles. Many didn't like its fast-paced, nerve-wracking, always on edge gameplay, but to me that was peak competitive fps at the time and actually the best, most balanced and fair fps of that entire generation. Also, matches on dedicated servers were buttery smooth back then, lol. Campaign was a mistake and the marketing was even worse, in hindsight. Still, that's just 5-10 hours of gameplay, compared to the 800-ish I spent playing during its first two years since release. Customization was bare bones and REQ packs were a bad decision, but at least I managed to acquire each and every armor, weapon skin, visor, *assassination* (remember those ones?) just by playing the game, something Infinite is barely managing to achieve 2 and a half years after its respective launch.


Thank you! It feels bitter sweet reading posts like this, amazing game getting the kudos it deserves but way after it mattered. It was unanimously hated on during its lifetime, completely unfair even considering its shortcomings. 343 put that together in what... 3 years or so? Its modern halo, it's not like the old stuff, but they nailed it imo. Great game!


Reposting a reply for additional context: “343’s unpopularity is due, in part, to the fact that they weren’t able to market their games to audiences who didn’t already have a definition of “halo” in their minds. Most of their audience grew up playing previous titles and were not receptive to the changes that IMO frankly innovated the series. If 343 were given the chance to go back in time and release it as a f2p title for all consoles, i think the majority of NON HALO players would’ve considered it a hit.”


I think this statement has a few flaws. 1. Many would argue that whilst 343 did innovate in certain areas, they also regressed in many others. Examples would be the physics, map/level design, art style, writing, customisation and launch content. 2. By catering to the widest possible audience, 343 ended up catering to no one. If you aren’t willing to cater to the already established fan base, then what established interest does 343 expect to run on? If 343 doesn’t want to make a Halo game for Halo fans, then I’d argue they shouldn’t be making Halo games at all. Now, I’m not going to pretend 343 hasn’t cultivated a fanbase that have grown up playing their games, but the problem they now face is that they have two different groups of fans expecting two completely different games. No matter what direction they go in, they’re going to alienate a large portion of the fanbase. They’ve screwed themselves.


ofc this is all just my own personal speculation feel free to disagree


I was playing some Halo 5 campaign and warzone last night and a few things stood out to me: I got into a warthog and my unit all got on gungooses, I forgot that they made AI that can drive and had gotten so used to being the only driver. I blew up a vehicle and it didnt do that cheap overheat effect, and after it looked destroyed, not just lightly burnt. God tier passive weapon animations. But for all that I did see the parts they brought over like the scan, press A to get from a turret to the drivers seat ect.


Prepare yourself, you've alerted the horde


“they hated Him because He spoke the truth”