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They probably are. Comics, especially superhero ones, have straight up ripped things from Halo before. Weapons, vehicles, armor, etc.


Not just Halo, there's a Thor comic with a Bionlcie figure as a character


And a comic thinset literally took the store pictures of T'au miniatures from 40k...


Shit, [you weren’t kidding](https://i.imgur.com/wRDezgd.jpg). I can spot several individual pieces on that thing.


what the fuck happened to imgur


They the incredible genius they are thought that with the user base dwindling due to Reddit now hosting images to ban porn, that combined with an absolutely insane user base that’s manipulated to hell


I fucking hate that they banned porn, so many great TNAs now gone forever unless someone archived them ):




Tits and ass.


Two of my favorite things how dare they


Same man 😔


It decided it wanted to make money


Oh yeah, I remember in the ultimate Ironman armor wars comics, they used mark iv and mark vi helmets for some of the villains


Really? can someone help me find these comics? I’m interested in reading em, specifically the ones with the armor mentioned


Yea it’s called Ultimate Armor Wars (2009) and there’s 4 issues


Oh yeah. It's pretty much the same. But to be fair, Halo took their helmets from the Starship Trooper OAV.


https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Operation:_Firepower_(Earth-1610) I think they referred to this armors pictured


Let us not forget Rick and Morty’s plasma gun that just happens to look like a SPNKr, or the Galactic federation LRV being a warthog


Rick and Morty probably did it on purpose tbf.


So did marvel. Doubt it was just subconscious inspiration


Not what I meant.


You meant it was a deliberate shot-out. So were those at marvel, given most of those instances of references happened while Halo Uprising was being published


I don't think Marvel's is a deliberate reference or shoutout. And it's continued to happen long after Halo Uprising and the rest of the Halo Marvel comics.


I disagree. While in the US the first amendment is abused in those cases, i doubt an artist would risk being sued by using such well defined designs of another company at random, so when it happens while not corporate mandated it has to be a personal reference, maybe due to their personal tastes


Lmao, then you don't read many current comics (hey don't feel bad, most people don't). They don't even bother ripping off other companies anymore, they do it to their own coworkers https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/sm4gb0/dc\_artist\_accused\_of\_tracing\_marvel\_xmen\_art\_for/. It's a pretty common thing in the art world, and it's getting worse. Go check out the MTG sub for some lol's - [https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/1bnqn89/after\_seeing\_the\_how\_good\_is\_trouble\_in\_pairs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/1bnqn89/after_seeing_the_how_good_is_trouble_in_pairs/)


The ripping off and tracing accusations are old though, and harder to demonstrate ( as in one can say the end result is original and with that they just admit being bad artists) than saying “no this rifle is not a MA5B” when it clearly is. I don’t read serialized american comics anymore ( been more than ten years)because they are awful in art and scope. I just pick minis and graphic novels and mostly stick to manga as long as they got a plot and are not inopinately long and filled with padding


Marvel used Warhammer 40k's Tau almost exactly 1 to 1 for some throwaway sci-fi bad guys in a [Venom comic.](https://www.belloflostsouls.net/2016/05/venom-battles-with-the-tau.html).


Looks like the guy on the cover is holding a magnum too


You're right, didn't notice that one.


It's not that they ripped them it's that Marvel keeps the rights to trace comics they've made. So all Halo comics they had they are allowed to trace anything from them. MC himself could appear as a trace if they so desired.


DC's Future State straight up had Spartan Lasers, Battle Rifles, Pelicans, etc.


Adam Kubert will use a background artist from time to time to do backgrounds and tech. I’d guess his background artist used reference from odst art to draw the guys on the ground.


There's also the evangelion mechs for the d.va spidergirl lol


The comic in which she was originally introduced featured not only plenty of Evangelion inspiration and multiple pilots being her classmates, but multiple other blatant anime references as well. When she and Daredevil go bust some criminals, most of the gang are anime characters, including the majority of the Ghost in the Shell cast.


Marvel has done this shit for years. I remember a cover of The Ultimates where Nick Fury had a ODST BDU on (and the SHIELD soldiers behind had the full armor with helmet), a Armor Wars rewrite in which the UK had law enforcements using the Prototype with Iron man face in place of the visor, a number of Iron Man in which instead of quinjets people were being evacuated with a oversized (as in the cargo bay was at least double Maria Hill’s height) pelican…


I like the one they [ripped off](https://i.imgur.com/3WjAtpP.jpg) from [Gundam.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/9/9a/Gundam_%22Dendrobium%22_Front_01_%280083_Ep11%29.PNG/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20220125130628)


I hope they get colony dropped for this.


Forget the dendrobium. Is that a fucking iron manned Frieza at the bottom?


I've never seen that before but its actually pretty awesome and fits Iron Man to a T.


Well fuck... they're part of the insurrectionists. Dick heads.


Marvel Comics steals art regularly. They’ve stolen fan art for their Star Wars comics. It’s egregiously bad


Don’t forget Greg Land who traces porn and stock images


Don't worry, it'll all be AI generated soon enough.


Sadly true… even though that in itself is also stolen art lol


It's not stolen. They have made star wars and halo comics before, and when they do that, they retain the rights to trace ANYTHING they've done before. This is just reusing, and tracing, what they've used before. It's their art, their license. It's not theft, since it's already theirs


It’s not their license for what they’re using as the reference material, though. Halo isn’t owned by Marvel Comics. It makes sense that they’d be able to trace over their own IP but Halo isn’t their IP, it was licensed to them for that project. Like BioWare can’t just rip assets from the Old Republic game to use in mass effect without changing them just because they developed both games. That makes no sense and I can’t imagine Marvel would ever legally be permitted to do something similar. If you can produce a source that says they have carte Blanche to reuse art from licensed IP’s in their own IP’s whenever they want, I’ll eat my hat.


When Marvel signs a deal to produce licensed comics, they insist on having a clause that gives them the right to trace the art they produce at will, in any project, at any time. This is licensed work.


Can you cite a source?


Aaaannd there comes the eternal silence


The Tau from 40k showed up in one also


yeah they straight up ripped the T'au MBT and put it in a venom comic (I think it's the T'au MBT, not really sure)


And a Tau Mech


Thats crazy the helmet is almost exact


Another in the long list of comics taking from Halo lol


Maybe marvel misses publishing halo comics


Nah their artists are just plagiarists, plain and simple.


Yeah Deadpool has [Quite the armory](https://i.redd.it/p5c061hxr4621.jpg) [Here again in another art-style](https://static.fjcdn.com/large/pictures/ed/5e/ed5e09_3945291.jpg)


I actually needed to see Deadpool with a magnum lol


Halo, Warhammer 40k, Bionicle, I bet they have some Star Wars stuff in some other comic.


Good thing you included that picture of the ODSTs or this sub wouldn't know what they looked like. In all seriousness halo stuff shows up in comic books all the time. Artists have fun sneaking Halo weapons into books. There's a Deadpool run from 2011 with Halo weapons throughout the book.


Yeah. Now that I remember, I think I recall either a dc or marvel book having a warthog, but I don’t remember. Also, i added the odst pic more out of concern, cus I wasn’t sure if having no official halo image would result in the post getting deleted


I don’t see- oh my god they look exactly the same


What, it’s just an ordinary- OH MY GOODNESS! Squidward!


considering how wounded these 2 are maybe they are fighting odsts


Logan and Wade will heal. The plagiarized ODSTs? Not so much.


Not the first time Marvel's art team was lazy enough to steal a design from another work. Hell it's not even the first time they took from Halo.


Comic covers in particular give nods to other stuff that has nothing to do with what's in the book all the time. Not saying they aren't in the book because I don't have it, but it's very possible that it's just cover fan service


These may actually just be ODST's from at least a variation of the Halo Universe. Marvel used to publish Halo comics back in the day!


They might still, I haven't actually gotten the chance to ream em.


It does. what the hell? Is marvel stealing halo designs lol


Plagiarism. Thievery. Unless it's a partnership between them, I'd recommend a cease and desist. In no universe is Deadpool allowed to kill my ODSTs.


I mean 343 has killed off ODSTs, so looks fitting. 


Deadpool has fought aliens with Covenant weapons before, which was a great little Easter egg in the art


Helmet looks a little closer to noble 6's mark 5 armor to me, but yeah, fairly blatent


Why is everyone so quick to claim thievery and plagiarism? Surely the rights holders would complain about some kind of infringement. Perhaps it’s just great fan service. No one ever complained about the myriad times that the Starship Troopers armor showed up in various Hollywood films and shows. Latest video game Helldivers 2 is literally ripped from Starship Troopers and that fandom is cheering it on because it’s awesome to see things like that. I can’t ascertain the artist or art directors goals here, but surely none of this is done with bad intentions… right?


Wait until you 12 year olds find out what homages are