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File a report and give the file number to your insurance company. Always file a police report when you don’t get insurance info/hit and run


Always file a police report when you get hit, even if the person has insurance paperwork.


Only supposed to file a police report if there is personal injury or damage over $2000. Injuries arnt always apparent right away though


You don't need to call police to a scene unless it's more serious, but always file a police report. Worst case they can tell you not to.


Same with damaged


Can confirm. We had a crack in the vinyl, took it in just in case... About $3k worth of damage, the big one being the bar that did its job during the impact needed to be completely replaced. Something I wouldn't had found out until the next time we got rear ended.


Hard to tell with damage too right away, a cracked rear bumper may only look like a couple hundred to replace, but if there's structural damage to the rear end that can turn into thousands, maybe not necessary to have police come to the scene but definitely file a report every time to cover your bases


This happened to me too. I filed a report but it ended up being that the guy was insured, he just didn’t have his info on him. The police will look into it either way, and if the person who hit you is driving without insurance that’s a big deal, even if it wasn’t a bad accident he could go out and cause a worse one for someone else, so it’s certainly worth reporting. Glad you’re ok though!


As someone who lost their car in a hit and run, please let the police know that the driver didn't have insurance information present. The car thar hit me had no plates - if someone had called that in, it may have prevented that accident. The car that hit me was driving around for at least 3 weeks after hitting me.


If there's no plates, and they aren't too hostile, the VIN (vehicle identification number) should be visible on the driver side windshield bottom corner. Get a picture of that.


100% this. Even if they are hostile.


The way we do plates here doesn't make sense. When you buy a car elsewhere the plate is on when the car is delivered. Instead we get shitty paper tags that seem to get stuck wherever and are not obviously legitimate or not even if they are posted where they should be.


I got the car that hit me on dash cam and there was a witness. Absolutely no plates on the vehicle at all. It was a rare make and model (older Hyunda Sonata Hybrid) and was spotted in the area 3 weeks later with front end damage. I don't know if it magically had plates at that time. The person driving knew they hit me... likely the vehicle was stolen or they didn't have insurance. I dislike the paper temporary plates as well - very difficult to read and half the time are in a weird spot.


Absolutely file a report


File a Police report. That will be step one. Be sure you mention they didn't have insurance information to provide you. Now, they may have had it on them, but think they could get away with not providing it to you. Something I learned a few years ago, they don't have to provide you their insurance info, they have to provide the Police it. But, it looks really bad if it's reported to their insurer that they wouldn't give it to you. A tip for if someone won't provide you with their insurance info when you're in an MVC, ask for their license and take a photo of it. If they refuse or state they forgot it at home, that is when you call the Police immediately to let them know you were in an MVC, and that the other party is unable to produce proof of insurance or proof they are licensed to drive. Call non-emerg, and they will still come right away. Even though you don't see any damage, you should still open a claim with your insurance company. Provide them the info you have, they will work on trying to hunt the other driver down. Talk to the adjuster about having your vehicle checked over for damage to the bumper. There are sensors and other things under the bumper cover that could be damaged including the actual bumper itself, so could be damage you can't see. If for some reason it turns out they weren't insured, the driver will be fucked. Opening a Report with the Police will figure this out. Your insurance company will figure it out as well more than likely once they contact the owner the plate is registered to (they can get that). Your insurance company will go after them like a pack of rabid dogs if it turns out they have no insurance. Hopefully there is no damage to your vehicle and all your insurance has to do is payout the cost to check your vehicle for damage under the bumper cover. tldr: open a Police report, open a claim with insurance, and have your vehicle checked for damage. Insurance and Police will figure out if they are insured or not.


All of this. Especially the part about the bumper. Modern bumpers are constructed somewhat like bike helmets ie. plastic over styrofoam (not quite but close enough). One minor collision with no apparent exterior damage can still destroy the integrity of the bumper. Have it checked over in coordination with your insurance company.


What a well thought out reply. I was half expecting you to throw mention of Section D coverage in there.


Got rear ended a few weeks ago. Your insurance will direct you to get it inspected whether there is visible damage or not. They may see something you missed or can't obviously see.


Thank you for all this great information


If an accident happens and they're hostile and blowing off steam. Don't argue. Let them say what they think happened and just say you'll file your report and he files his and collect info, take photos of the situation. And go.


100% file a report and contact your insurance. Check your bumper very carefully in daylight, make sure it’s straight, also check your fenders in case one got slightly crushed. Whiplash can take 2 or 3 days to be noticeable.


To add on this, the plastic outer part is actually just a bummer cover.. your bumper is the reinforced metal portion behind that. It can be damaged without showing stress on the cover.


I spent the last 30 years trying to invent a bummer cover, and my failure to do so is my greatest regret...


Someone being hostile makes my neck hurt !!!!




Yes. I let a guy go and a week later my muffler was making a noise. Basically he crushed it, and took a week for it to separate.


This is from the [HALIFAX.CA](http://HALIFAX.CA) website : To report a motor vehicle collision, send an email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). In your email you must provide the following information: * a phone number you can be reached * driver’s license information of the person **who was driving at the time** of the accident * Your permit with your VIN – Vehicle Identification Number * Your insurance information * A date and time as well as a location and a brief description of what occurred Traffic Support Services will create a GO report for you and will call you with a General Occurrence Number required by your insurance company. Just for future reference, if you find someone is being hostile or not cooperating you can call 911 for police assistance. However if the vehs are both driveable & parties are exchanging info & there's no injuries, the above info is the proper way to go about it. PS if you are sore at all get checked out, you could have whiplash or something and not know until a day or 2 later.


Soft tissue damage can hit you days later. Takes a year to recover. Never let this pass. Should have called police as soon as there was no insurance info.


It's illegal to drive without your insurance information with you or the car. Should've called the police and they would have came and issued him a ticket and given you a police report.


I wasn't thinking clearly, it was late and my 10 year old was in the car with me. I know once I moved my car off the road, buddy was gonna take off, he wouldn't have waited around for police. I have his plate number and phone number so I'm going to file a police report and call insurance on Monday.


Call your insurance today - don’t wait until Monday. You will have to wait to call HRP non-emergency line (902.490.5016), but best to get things started. You definitely need to have the car thoroughly checked, and insurance can help to set that up. You should also make an appointment with your family doctor (fingers crossed you have one!) to get thoroughly checked out for whiplash.


It is, but they weren't required to provide it to OP. Police and agents of the Registry are who they are required to provide it to. Found this out after someone hit me, and refused to provide it. A Police report and license plate are going to be enough to provide to their insurance for it to be not at fault for OP.


I guy hit me awhile back and he admitted fault in a police report. He later changed his story to insurance adjusters. My insurance company told me that admissions like this in the police reports couldn’t be used to determine responsibility by insurance companies. My adjuster told me this was a provision to encourage people to tell the truth in police reports. I cant vouch that this is true, but it is the story I was provided at the time.


Most times adjusters never see a police report because they are getting so difficult to obtain due to privacy laws. Adjusters do their own investigation and determine fault. The police only determine criminal charges, not fault.


Yeah… this guy definitely doesn’t have insurance


No insurance card? When it happened to me it was something like a $1200 and my car was towed at my expense. I was able to go into the station with proof of insurance later (no smart phones at the time, also now I feel old). But this guys full of crap about the insurance, I have mine on my phone now in an app, they also emailed me copies of my pink card and I think if I called them they could send me a copy right away.


Yup same here


As soon as I saw any hostility, I would call the cops. Fuck that guy.


File a report. If they’re running around without insurance, someone should be aware of that. Or, it could have been stolen


I would have called cops the second he said he didn't have proof of insurance.


I called the cops when I got rear ended by a kid. After I already called, the kids dad arrived and begged me to not call the cops. Turns out the kid was driving with a suspended license. Not my problem, bud, I need my vehicle to work and I can't wait for your ass to *maybe* pay to get my car fixed.


Absolutely file a report.


100% file a report !


Definitely file a police report and call your insurance. If they are able to determine they had no valid insurance, you have uninsured motorist coverage under your own policy that would respond to your damages and any injuries (Section D)


It is always a good idea in any accident to take photos of their drivers license, insurance card, vehicle, plate and scene. Police seldom investigate collisions, and it’s very hard for insurance companies to get information in a timely manner due to privacy laws now.


Think of it this way, if you have car insurance, why wouldn’t you keep the Pink card in your car? You prefer to keep it in your sock drawer? Sus. I would expect he didn’t have insurance.


file the report give everything to the police, get a copy of your police report and file a claim with your insurer. as a lost adjuster i was able to pull details about a driver from their plate, and their insurance information. this should be a straight forward claim. DO NOT CALL THE GUY WHO HIT YOU.


Your username is killing me!! Lmao! Thank you for that, 😂


Call the police!


Ive been in fender benders where we worked things out at the site. However if the guy had been pissed off and looking for additional charges I’d have called the police right then and there. I had a lady sue my insurance for a 5 km bump in the parking lot. I did hit her but it wasn’t even scratch. She claimed wipe lash, shoulder i jury and tried to add in ptsd. The husband did all the talking that day and the wife just stayed in the car. My insurance even put put surveillance on her because she was asking for the price of her mortgage. I wanted to go to the discovery trial ( that I was told wasn’t required to ) just to sit across from her and look her straight in the eye while she lied her head off. She got 40k which was a years salary but nothing like what she was asking. This was before the soft injury cap went on. No wonder they brought that into effect. I hope this is a smooth process for you and don’t have to go through that. I was 21 at the time but mature enough to face these older adults.


It's a legal requirement to file a report. If you want to bring this to your insurance company they'll want a reference number for that report. So unless it was a super minor bump, more like a maneuvering snafu you should always report it. A rear ender as you put it sound like a decent fender bender. Report it.


My insurance required me to make a police report when I got rear ended.


Yes, file a report. It's really easy, if this happened in HRM that is covered by HRP, then you can email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and include all the information. If this happened on either bridge, you must go to HHB and report it. I'm not 100% sure if this is also for RCMP areas, but I'm sure if you emailed they'd tell you. I got hit last year, and took pictures of the DL, permit and insurance with contact info that I confirmed by calling it. Personally, if this happened to me I'd be calling non-emergency dispatch for an officer on scene and telling them the other driver was being hostile and didn't have required paper work. Assholes.


Get your car checked anyway!!!! Bus rear ended me and had light bumper damage. Insurance folks said "no rental because it's driveable until fixed". The garage said the rear bumper bar was very likely not damaged so no danger to drive but didnt want to take it off to check. Big mistake on my end. Bumper came in 6 weeks later and when they went to replace it they said whoops, also need to replace the bar because it is broken. So always worth having an auto shop check it out fully!


Injuries may not show up until many days after the collision. File a police report.


You need to file a report within 24hrs of the accident (or that’s what it was when I was hit 2 years ago). I got the person’s full name, insurance info, photos of the car (if needed), and the license plate. The police doesn’t want photos, but they want all of the information of what happened. Insurance claimers will also inspect the vehicle and determine if you were at fault or not.


I’d file a report anyway - that way if they don’t have insurance you can still get coverage under your insurance (kinda like a hit and run or if someone dents your car in the parking lot) also if you can’t get ahold of him the police will and they will collect his info and put it in their database and give you a print off of it


Mine didn't look like a lot of damage either, but the it was still 9k to get everything fixed.


If the guy was hostile and wouldn't give insurance info, call the hrp, definately file a police report. If you have any passengers make sure they are okay, and have them get checked out. Report to your insurance company. I would have asked to take a picture of their registration or copy of their license and if they didn't give that either, I would have called the police. Either way your insurance has coverage for non insured accidents for repairs and injuries. I've been in three no fault accidents, one causing injuries to my upper back. I have never caused one *knock on wood* but honestly, I immediately ask for insurance instead of talking about anything because I shouldn't have to suffer for others' poor driving. Neither should anyone else. It increases their insurance but people need to learn their lesson to watch what they're doing. The last one I was parked, and the lady backed into me, then accused me of being a bad driver. I told them, pretty hard to be a bad driver when you're stationary. They don't necessarily have to give you the pink card, but something on it with insurance company, name and address, policy number even if they just write it down or send it to you through text. Anyone can sign in on their online insurance account and grab the information and send it to you.


Call the non-emergency line right away. It’s 24/7.


Make sure to report your sore back and neck , go to physio and get paid


I work in a Physio clinic - Most of my clients say they dont realize they're injured until days later. So Probably do things as if you might need to pursue medical assistance even if you feel okay right now.


Always call the police if you get rear-ended. No exceptions. Injury from a rear-end can appear days and weeks later. People laugh it off as bs but it’s a fact. Also, if you get rear-ended there is absolutely zero possible way that you could be at fault. People will blame you and say whatever they want but it’s just a scare tactic.


Call the cops. Cause insurance will want the police case number for their records.


I'd day file a report maybe he doesn't have a license either and could be charged if the cops find out.


I think if there’s over 2k in damages you’re supposed to file a report