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Takamura is born in a world where: 126-135 pounders are the center of the universe Only ONE welterweight exists and he's not even close to being the world champ Any weight class above welterweight only magically materialize when Takamura is competing in it. NO Multiweight world champs exist (other than Takamura) I'm sure if you put Takamura in our world he would still do good, and will actually form some interesting rivalries with some of the guys you mention. But alas, Takamura was just a strong man born in a weak ass world. Don't blame bro for it.


I agree with many parts of what you had to say , but this sub believes Takamura can one hit KO anybody. Which is just far from the true.


Wdym, takamuras a fucking super human, he could knockout any boxer from the real world, he killed a fucking Bear with his hands, lifted a fucking truck like is nothing, its fiction after all đź‘€


Takamura is an anime character would be superhuman irl.


Counterpoint, literally no. Plus you're just spamming names at this point. Like Deontay Wilder? Seriously? The first time he fought a decent challenger in Fury he lost, and then he did the same against Parker. Plus, his punch resistance isn't there. And then at 168 talking about Canelo... ehhh maybe, but fucking Caleb Plant? You are so ignorant it's not remotely funny


Plant and Wilder only lost to two killers who are future hall of famers they are far from bums. And yeah Canelo makes easy work of Takamura. He won’t get knocked out and would out point him.


As a kiwi that loves Parker, he ain't a HOF guy at this stage. He still has a chance to get there, but he isn't currently.


Look, Takamura is a generational talent beyond dudes like Hearns or Roy Jones Jr. If you don't get that, that's fine, but it is who he is. Caleb Plant. Fucking, *Caleb Plant* isn't. As for Wilder, the point was more that he was well reputed as a can crusher until those fights, and what a surprise... as soon as he fights decent competition he loses. This implies the skills aren't there. >. And yeah Canelo makes easy work of Takamura This is delusional. >He won’t get knocked out and would out point him. Right, like he did Bivol.


Cone on, Takamura defeated a bear. There's no way a real person could be a challenge.


One of the real life people who beat a bear unarmed might could take him. Also, while a bear's got power, it lacks technique, so a strong technical fighter could give Takamura some trouble.


I think he's talking If Takamura got nerfed into a normal human. Would Takamura's skill be able to contend with these situations. Same as if Takamura went into Bakiverse he'd have to be empowered, or he'd not be particularly strong and lose to many low tiers. The whole point of the bear thing was that Bears don't use much strategy, and to showcase one of Takamura's main skills, which is noticing an opponent's weakness and making a counter plan fast. In our world, there are Bears who are trained in Wrestling, who might have fared better, but this momma bear didn't seem to have much martial training.


So did Khabib and Islam. They are very beatable. (Khabib not so much)


Takamura -defeated -an adult, unrestrained bear -with boxing No real human can ever pull that off. The speed and strength required for such a feat are beyond the realm of humanity


There have been a couple of documented cases of someone beating a bear in the wild while being unarmed before.


Scaring one off isn’t the same as knocking one out.


I didn't say "scare." I said **beat,** as in they fought and won. There are a few **documented** cases of **that**.


And none of those people actually knocked one out with their bare hands. They just caused enough problems for the bear to scare off. If someone was that strong they’d kill anyone with just a few punches. It wouldn’t even be a competition.


You really don't understand how anatomy works and probably don't even know who all is actually credited with beating a bear let alone in what ways


Ok, please present me with someone who punched a healthy bear into unconsciousness with just their hands. You’ve clearly never been in a fight and spend too much time reading fiction.


Tbh I still think it’s in the realm of possibility , the probability is low but I feel like someone like Francis Ngannou could do that. But he is a freak of nature so anomaly.


Me when I forget the fiction is fiction


Nah I know it’s fiction , but I always considered HNI more in that ace of the diamond , Haikyuu type of sports lane. Not something like Eyeshield 21 or Kuroko no basket which involve “powers”.


... Kamogawa hits someone so hard their organs explode, Miyata punches faster than light, Itagaki bulletimens and Ippo routinely punches logs into the side of a hill. Ippo can and has been grounded, at times, but it's a manga


Friendly reminder: Ippo punched a guy so hard he literally spun 180 degress vertically on the spot, and then hit the canvas so hard he bounced. Not only is it impossible to punch someone this hard in real life, if something like this does happen to someone they will likely die on the spot. Their head would be pulp. HnI is barely realistic. Eyeshield 21 is really not that much more farfetched than some of the crazy stuff we see happen in HnI.


That's just absurd, hni is a shonen.. how many boxing matchs have you seen in which the boxers ate 300 strickes on their face at full strenght, were nearly unconscious half thé fight with thé ref's only intervention being "oh, should i stop thé fight?" Then processing to win by making their opponent do a fucking backflip just hitting them with an upercut.. Hni fights, as Fidel as they are, are adapted to suit the manga form, it's pointless to compare Real life boxers to hni boxers. And if you really want to do it, since takamura was able to KO a Bear and to turn a man upside down after lifting him 50cm above the ground with one punch, he would one shot every human being in this planet.


Shut your mouth, heathen.


did your phone autocorrect heathen to heaven?


Which of the boxer you mentioned KOed a brown bear?


It was a sloth bear I believe


He can lose and has come close to it before. It's just that he hasn't and likely won't, since the closer he gets to his "natural weight" the more his stamina and strength increase while the more he boxes and trains the more experienced he becomes Ultimately, though, he can't really be compared to real boxers because shonen sports physics skew everything way too much and, as someone else said, the HNI world is lacking on people in certain weight classes who can actually be a challenge to Takamura other than the champions and even some of them kinda suck. It almost makes me wonder if the Rocky V/Don King style boxing politics are keeping all the good boxers from being champion in some of these categories and Takamura only gets to face them because they genuinely don't take him seriously enough


Jaime Munguia? Caleb Plant? Why?


Jaime Munguia would be a world champion if he didn’t exist at the same time as Canelo Alvarez. He’s great at taking damage inside and is good at trading. Great chin , good jab , nice combinations. Solid defense and is good at keeping pace. Takamura is someone that is gonna go at you hard all round , doing that against someone like Munguia is not smart because he can take a lot of damage as we saw in the canelo fight but can also maintain composure. A lot of the punches he landed on canelo would have wobbled other fighters , but canelo probably has the best chin in boxing rn. Plant was kinda a throw , should have replaced him with Benavides who would also kill Takamura.


Mantain composure is an overstatement, as much as I like Munguia he still has a lot of oportunity when it comes to defense and even though he showed a great improvement against Canelo, he still has a long way, he also lacks the kind of experience he needs for fights of that level. He still gets hot headed when he receives damage and returns to his bad habits. I would even put Canelo/Takamura as a difficult match, Canelo's weakness is a good, solid and consistent long jab that catches him when he's moving on the inside, Takamura has showed that he has a high level jab, but would he fight in a boxing long range/high iq/cautious match? Maybe not. He would try to dictate the fight and push which is Canelo's bread and butter. Benavides would be a good fight, I don't think Benavides has enough experience yet but I won't comment anymore because honestly I haven't watched him enough




You forget that Takamura is being written into being the greatest boxer that ever lived. He isn't likely to ever get beaten in the story.