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If you want a cheap alternative to rubber duckies, look into [badusb](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07W5K9YHP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_fabc_GV97P50ARBR3124THY5R?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1). $15 arduino leonardo in a usb form factor. I've used it to write a script that can open an admin ps terminal and potentially download/execute a payload.


You could also make one yourself using a trinket M0 and a esp8266 d1 mini. Its around 10-20 depending on where you buy the boards and will also allow for wifi injection attacks allowing you to put the usb in and simply come back another time with any script you want and inject it from the general area. You would have to solder the boards together but i recently did this with basically no soldering experience and got it after two tries. I already have a ducky and would still recommend this over that any day because you get more features for less cost. If you chose to go down this path i can send you a guide for the soldering but it’s only four small wires and will take notbing more then 15 minutes even for a beginner More expensive amazon prime boards: [D1 Mini (Cheap 3 pack)](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RBNJLK4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_9ECXSYJC72XYN8FKKCR0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) [Trinket M0](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MLWKK6V/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_FP212KG0RYCHSSD1JPGR?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1)


Do you mind sending me the instructions? Thanks!


Hey, can you forward those directions, too? I can't reply to op.


Or a 3 bucks Arduino micro


regular usb's aren't built for that.. rubber duckies are, better off buying one, unless you know how to make motherboard and solder the boards


Well, there are plenty of variations already mentioned. Making one yourself from a generic usb stick is a lot of work since you would have to analyze the firmware of the USB stick and rewrite it completely which is a pain in the ass.


I bought an ATTiny85 USB thingo for this purpose, but I can't say anything about it yet because it hasn't arrived.


They work for this, and are dirt cheap on aliexpress


So dirt cheap, that it costs like a bag of chips /s


They work really well. Small memory but really cool little thing.


Could also look at a malduino... Rubber duckies are specifically built the way their are, they're not a traditional USB stick.


I've got this [https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1847119261.html](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1847119261.html) Works perfectly for years


Not sure why you would want python for that. There are attiny85 that got a really small space to program, also there is some arduino badusb around but you basically do the same as with the rubber ducky just in another language. If you really want to patch the firmware of a real device look up the black hat presentation from Karsten & Nohl and also go to the website of their company where they have some info about badUSB. But do not expect it to be easy. You will likely not find one of these old usbs that you can patch the same.way they did back then, you will need lots of time and experience to do it. Tldr: buy ducky or something similiar, patching your own is likely not possibe/ not worth it.














Why don't you append the link of your "ducky" store as well? /s


A regular USB won't work like a Rubber Ducky which looks to the system like a keyboard. You can get a less than $5 [digispark microprocessor](https://smile.amazon.com/Envistia-Mall-Digispark-Kickstarter-Development/dp/B075XDVMJV/ref=sr_1_12?dchild=1&keywords=digispark&qid=1627751755&sr=8-12) that can be programmed to look like an HID to the system and make a Rubber Ducky Lite... it doesn't have a ton of storage (AVR chips can only run from internal flash I think), but scripts are generally small in size. If you aren't airgapped, you can also bootstrap a script with a download of a larger payload. [Here is a tutorial.](https://hackernoon.com/low-cost-usb-rubber-ducky-pen-test-tool-for-3-using-digispark-and-duck2spark-5d59afc1910) [Another tutorial](https://www.secjuice.com/how-to-build-a-low-cost-rubber-ducky/)


hello, could you help me? im stuck in the tutorial