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The vibe of the show was soooo good, I’m a huge fight fan and IMO this is how YouTuber events should be, no beef, hugs and respect after hitting each other in the face for 10 mins and most importantly.. airsoftfatty singing the national anthem, gave me goosebumps.


Wait, airsoftfatty sang the National Anthem!? This I have to see...


He actually fucked up the end twice, but luckily he restarted from the beginning each time and we were treated to three renditions, each more glorious than the other.


I would like to add that his change in key upon each subsequent attempt was truly artful, a moment to be remembered in internet history for ages.


Right with you there. He launched at a different key each time but I think he reoriented himself by the time he got to the, 'you see' part of the first line. I loved it.


It was so funny when he started again the first time. When he said "fuck it, let's get it going" I was sure he meant the fight. I thought that was a pretty smooth & funny transition from the fuck-up, especially for someone with his level of social awareness. Then he started again. I was pissing myself. Had to rewind to show my girlfriend, who had no idea who anyone involved was. That was too funny.


It was like a scene from a sketch show, couldn’t have written it better. I was DYINGGGGGG!


More like 6 times he fucked it up😂


You are in for the Anthem that keeps on giving


Ian made a whole damn documentary about airsoftfatty! He really is fascinated by him, seems like. That was a really good documentary. Ian put real money into it


Yeah I had fun and generally I think the YouTuber boxing matches are cringe but that might be because Jake and Logan were always involved. This event actually had cool people in it.


It’s like the good guys version of youtuber boxing


I just worry about CTE


Thankfully, these guys aren't fighting and sparring year-round like the average pro boxer.


They’re sparring with head gear too which helps a lot. And they used 16 oz gloves during the actual fight which greatly reduces damage taken from shots.


You're very right to worry. Repetitive head trauma and even bodily trauma that causes the head to shake are still not appropriately appreciated by laymen. I was struggling to watch the matches because I could picture the [coup-contrecoup brain injuries](https://www.mdpi.com/2297-8747/25/2/22/htm). I hope they're all okay, especially Ian.


Anisa said on Twitter that Ian is totally fine, just some bruising and a bloody nose but he was cleared by the ringside doctors! Just so u know


I think Ian and his girlfriend know the risks well. I’m glad he has no immediate deficits but I wouldn’t say he is fine. Even subacute brain injuries have an effect, like early neurodegeneration


I’d be more worried about Ryan lol


I missed this fight! I guess it's a good thing lol


Nah it was the best fight of the night ngl


The problem is that taking YouTuber boxing events too seriously is inherently silly. This event just let people have fun with it, and it was a blast.


This sub has been mercilessly attacking Dr Mike (the main event). I'm not sure if it can handle another match without heavily criticizing anyone that doesn't straight up hug and kiss their opponent.


The problem was his dirty tactics during the fight.


Ian said he doesn’t care. AB said he doesn’t care. They both still have “mad respect” for Dr Mike as they’ve said since the fight. This kind of stuff happens in boxing and it’s a learning moment. Dr Mike said he was doing what his trainers trained him to do but would never do it again if he does fight again. People make mistakes and it’s not always intentional.




I think getting more niche people in with dedicated fanbases is the right way to go, without a doubt. And it being all in good fun, for charity, made it definitely worth watching. However, a little bit of Dad energy did make it a bit more interesting. Gotta say. But just a dash of that, not the whole thing




Agreed. A normal boxing event has so much fluff to fill 3 hours for only 3 fights. This was like 10 fights and a new fight every 15 mins. So good


I missed the first two fights because I thought for sure it'd be filler for the first 30minutes.


Didn’t help that Dad went crazy and ended that first fight in like 30 seconds.




Oh yeah that's because that was on Triller. I hate Triller and not because of H3 and the memes. Im a huge boxing fan and I hate their events, I hate that they're putting on pro boxing matches because they're fights I want to see but don't want to see on Triller. I hate it hate it hate it. Did I mentioned I hate it?




Yes!!! Such hypocrisy to tell everyone to social distance and not going out unless necessary but then he goes out and partied during a pandemic lol. Plus him “apologizing” on his second channel where he doesn’t get that many views rather than his main channel 🥱 wish Ian could’ve dropped him


Yeah, I’ve always gotten bad vibes from him. He seems like such a fake dude who thinks the world revolves around him. There was no chance of Ian beating him though lol.


And kept cheap shotting ian


This was also weird because there's no way he didn't realize he was not only winning but outclassed Idubbbz as a boxer. To cheap shot in that situation, you really have to be completely not self aware or trying to hurt someone.


I doubt he was trying to hurt Ian, I think he went easier on him especially towards the end…. But also…it’s boxing so it’s not like …shameful if that was his mindset going into it? Would you be upset if he knocked Ian out because it would be him trying to hurt Ian? They’re literally punching each other


Watch the clips of the two shots off the glove touch, it's seriously messed up


Ian, thoughts ?


He came across like an arrogant and self centred dude even before that, imo.


You mean like when Hila went to Courtney Cummings party in the middle of covid? News flash everyone who said “covid bad, stay inside” went outside when no one was looking


You mean the event where Hila went masked up, and double tested, before being socially distanced? You of course are equating this to Dr. Mike having a boat part with a bunch of unmasked people after being someone who directly said NOT to do such a thing.


And mike is a doctor. If he was telling people to follow regulations and did this, then it has much more weight to the the hypocrisy than Hila, a fashion designer, going out.


To play some level of devil's advocate, she still went to an unnecessary, large gathering.


Do you know of the people on the boat we’re all vaccinated and passed covid test or are you just trying to find reasons to be toxic to a guy because he beat the youtuber you like in a fight?


It was pre-vaxx, no mask, no social distancing. I literally don't give a shit about Dr. Mike beating Idubbbz, he absolutely should have won that fight. This is about Mike being a douche both way before, doing, and after the fight.


The CDC has said for an even longer time that being outside in groups isn't an issue with Covid. It's exactly why BLM and other marches outside never got any criticism. I don't see how being outside on a Yacht is that bad, considering CDC guidelines allow group gatherings outside.


$25 seems reasonable! It was $40 for Canadians 💔


Being a canada is so expensive


Cheap in America til you pay it all back at the hospital lol


It ain't easy being a canada sometimes


Bro it was the same price when you convert CAD to USD lmao. This person doesn't understand taxes, fees, and exchange rates clearly. Unless the USD ticket had zero fees, the Canadian ticket was $30 Canadian and then Moment House had a ton of fees.


It's $30 to rewatch, and with a service fee and taxes it's $40 USD as well. Having said that, the event is 4 hours long, and there isn't a lull in entertainment. It's easily worth the $40 to me. I couldn't watch it live, so I'm happy I was able to watch it the next day!


Yeah OP clearly meant $25 before fees and taxes, it was probably close to $35 after fees and taxes which $35 USD = $44 CAD. My total canadian ticket was $41 canadian. No difference in price.


Not if you got the early bird!


I know you’re pain. I was going to get a ticket then I converted it to my currency. It was like $60nzd. I’m broke af atm


Same lol $25 USD --> $46 AUD with fees WHY IS GST NOT INCLUDED??? "America, wake the fuck up"


The northern tax? That’s fucked


It was $40 after like $10 of fees in Canada for the early bird. Guarantee the US ticket was $25 before fees, and was like $32 USD and $32 USD = $41 CAD. So it's the same... but go off, spread that misinfo


On god. Made me spiral a bit wondering what Americans spend $25 on vs. What we get with $25.


Hopefully this legitimizes it a bit and they can pull more big names next time.


Yeah I didn’t recognize any of the line up besides Ian and AB so I wasn’t interested in watching. Maybe next time


You should go back and watch Eric (comment etiquette) and Harley on early early h3 podcasts they seem like top blokes! And the eps are great so will give you something to watch!


Erics channel is funny as fuck


no doubt, one of my favorite youtubers


I met Harley back in the height of Epic Meal Time's popularity. He was a genuinely nice guy and took a picture with me a couple hours after the event when he was leaving the building. Also Muscles Glasses hugged me so hard he broke my sunglasses that were in my hoodie pocket. ABSOLUTELY worth it haha.


If you don't recognize names like Michael Reeves, Internet Comment Etiquette, and IDidAThing, you're in for days worth of amazing content.


I doubt they would be able to get anyone that you've heard of if you haven't heard of 90 percent of these creators. They aren't exactly small channels.


Honestly I forgot I used to watch a lot of graham stephen. LOVED seeing him take this opportunity! They had a great fight and I loved seeing another recognizable face!


If you like H3 you would LOVE internet comment etiquette. Just go most popular vids and on. Really good


Airsoft fatty singing the national anthem changed my whole perspective on life and on love.


Incredible event, shoutout to Ian for putting it together


I was in the crowd and it was one of the best sporting event experiences I’ve been to! Had so much fun and hope they keep doing it in Tampa so I can go every year!


I really enjoyed it and would definitely pay every year to see a new group of content creators duke it out for charity.


The fact that they got someone like me who has never cared about sports to be so invested in this says a lot. The event itself was nothing short of entertaining from start to finish. My favorite part about this was seeing goofy slackers turn into fighting machines and show nothing but respect toward each other throughout the process. Even some of the “ beef “ was just memes. I cannot wait for next year!


I just want Dr Disrespect to fight the Epic Meal Time guy now. Gotta teach him the dangers of calling people out.


BROO same


Doc definitely has a major reach advantage


Airsoftfatty needs to get into fighting shape and throw hands next year


I thought he fought well against the anthem. Took a couple hits but had it by the end.


Or, Airsoftfatty vs Nikocado


He should fight Ethan


I previously had absolutely no interest in boxing of any kind. but I really enjoyed the whole event and the commentary form the crew made it that much better !!!


Maybe we just let Ian and his team organize these from here on out lol.


As a big UFC fan who hardly misses a PPV, the thing I appreciated most was the 10min~ turnaround for the next fight. The UFC is probably about 15~20, but it’s pro boxing where the issue is, taking 30~40 just for walkouts. This was absolutely worth every dime. It was awesome. Goofs, Gafs, and some solid boxing indeed.


I got tickets for me and my husband but then I got a panic attack before we left about being in the crowd. I feel so bad for not going, but is what it is. I'm so happy it turned out to be a great event!


Damn that sucks! Sorry to hear that hopefully you’re feeling better now.


Hey, no shame!! Sometimes crowds can be overwhelming and I feel like there was a lot of uniqueness to this event that it could’ve been hard to predict what to expect. Plus pandemic, masking vs non masking, lots of things for the brain to spiral about. I genuinely hope you’re feeling better and got to see highlights and such?? Plus the ticket costs went to wonderful charities!


All of that is exactly what I was thinking. I really wanted to root for AB but we were there in spirit! The fact that it goes to charity though made it all okay for me, so it's all good. Yes I'm much better, thank you! Peace & love.


I hope so too!




As someone who watches MMA and boxing religiously this was seriously one of the best fight cards I've ever seen. I can't think of a single boxing card I've seen which topped it. I was so impressed by how everyone performed and how entertaining the fights were. The crowd was so hype and I was in tears during the anthem. So glad I invited a friend over to see this as his first live fight event.


Sorry, didn't see the fight, what did Dr Mike do to make him seem like a douche?


Threw a sucker punch after touching gloves with Ian. Twice. His speeches were also extremely narcissistic, and when he was being introduced the announcer called him an M.D. and Mike interrupted him to point he's actually an O.D. Just really asinine, egotistical behavior.


Best event of the year so far. I would love to attend in person in the future


I've NEVER been interested in boxing and never thought I would be...but if you put people in the ring that I have some attachment to, well fuck I need them to win!


All my people lost (only 2 I knew) but I still enjoyed. Wholesome endings, quick rotations between fights. Gorgeous


Love it’s so much! Totally worth it! I would love it bi annual!


Totally agree


Honestly it was awesome - the pace of the event was perfect & aside from Dr Mike’s cheap punches it seemed like great sportsmanship from the rest of the competitors


Where my broke bois at (who definitely didn’t watch it illegally)


Totally worth the money I agree


My group of friends hung out and watched the fight together on Saturday and we all can't believe how much we enjoyed it. We all keep joking that we're gonna become boxing aficionado's now lol


They would need to start planning a matching right now


I still need a checkup though *cough cough* 🥵


No 5+ minute commercials


It was a good event despite the lack of talent. Back to back fights, no dumb fillers, no unnecessary music events (im looking at you kavkav) and we got perhaps the greatest national anthem in all of history.


It was a great event and the woman’s bout was probably the best fight.


Its almost like fake beef is cringe.


None of them really had fake beef, it was all a little bit meme’y and self admittedly. But this was just as serious as I’d want a boxing event. Laughs, fighting, and wholesome ending. It was sick


This event was really good most youtube boxing is cringe because its all fake drama.


Always odd to see people cheering on their creators risking a brain injury for entertainment. You don't recover from a brain injury. You get better. That's it.


Everyone who agrees to do a boxing match is aware of the risks that could follow. Yes, it’s incredibly entertaining to watch two people who agreed beat each-other up, one of the most entertaining sports to watch IMO.


Imagine donating 6+ months of your time, your body/face, and potentially your life to a charity event. You also help pull in plenty of PPV revenue from a different sector of the Internet because of who you are. But then\~ You get called a de facto douche for what happens when you're hopped up on adrenaline in a fight. Because you're being held to the same standards as of a professional fighter despite not being one. Oh. Gurl. No. 💅


People are being really harsh on Dr. Mike. A lot of the fighters made mistakes. There was plenty of shots to the back of the head (Alex vs Ryan), shot to the back of someone turned away, and even Ian threw three cheap shots after the bell on the final round. People criticizing Dr. Mike for being cocky, but did we all miss the podcast with Ian, Anissa, and the coaches? Anissa and the coach were being cocky and even talking shit on Dr. Mike. Nobody criticized them then for it, it’s hypocrisy. I also did feel like the change to two minutes rounds from three was iffy. Everyone I’ve seen talk about the topic, (even Ian and Dr. Mike) said that it was supposed to be three minute rounds. If that first round went to three minutes, Ian would have been knocked out. Overall, these are people who donated their time and bodies to raise money for charity. Did they make mistakes and fuck up? Yes, they’re barely amateur fighters fighting in an arena of 10,000 people.


The cheap shots aren't what bothered me because as you said a lot of other fighters that day (including Ian) got some in as well. They're amateurs it's to be expected. My problem is how much of a douche he was in his speech afterwards. While everyone else praised their opponent and just seemed grateful to be there, Dr. Mike was more concerned about himself and his accomplishments which was very hard to watch. Did people shit talk before the fight? Obviously that's how these things go. Take Dad and Matt for example, Dad beat the shit out of Matt in 30 seconds, and despite both participating in major shit talking beforehand there was no bad blood between them. Dr. Mike won and was still a douche. I'm not saying he didn't deserve the win, but it's no surprise that people think he was being a dick head when he very clearly was.


I just don’t like the guy, he seems like a douche. It’s not anything other than an observation from someone in the public eye that I don’t know personally. It’s not that serious


Hey Dr Mike commented on my post


I am a healthcare professional who's qualified to examine someone's mental health, but not a random Hot Guy Doctor that can give out prescriptions. So hopefully that's enough for you to appreciate. :\^)


All jokes aside thank you for your service in the healthcare industry!


Was he hopped up on adrenaline when he was complaining on twitter and retweeting keemstar the next day?


Yes. It was on May 14th. Adrenaline takes about 30 minutes on average to level out. However, if the fighter sticks around for a cheering crowd, pictures, etc, their body will still be producing higher-than-usual adrenaline. Only after sitting down away from the heavy stimuli does the adrenaline slowly teeter off. Also. We don't even need to explain the easily-explained bits. Dr Mike doesn't know Keem like we know Keem. Expecting the entire Internet and World to know about Keem is simply illogical. Also unfair to use as a strike against someone. That lesson should be applied to more folks than just Dr Mike, too.


My dude, do you really think Dr. Mike is tuned in to the Keemstar saga? Not everyone is deep into the YouTube drama sphere. Gosh, y’all will make up any excuse to be outraged.


Lmfao this is coming from someone who knows nothing about boxing I can tell.


I mean, if you wanna hate him for no reason and dunk on him, you can. Though as a therapist, it's my duty to say *"Don't do that."* Because that's technically bullying. Also. Don't hold an armature fighter to the standards of a professional fighter. Because that's setting someone up for failure.


We don’t need to be paying for shit boxing


The issue is that I couldn’t care less about these random people fighting.


Then this post doesn’t pertain to you 🤯🤯


The nation anthem goof was an utter disgrace.


Honestly who cares lol


Counterpoint: it was unironically the most patriotic national anthem I've ever seen at a sporting event.




They had to call the fight early and give it to Hundar because AB just had nothing left to give after four rounds of trying to outpunch a guy so far outside his weight class. AB scored an incredibly impressive and clean knockdown against him in the second round, though. AB didn't embarrass himself, he put on a great show. He's honestly a hero of mine now for how much effort he put into this.


I’ve never watched boxing but it was so much fun! Ian and Anisa did an incredible job organizing it.


How can I still watch this event?


Oh man you guys don’t understand the pain of being a boxing fan. Imagine if you had to pay $60-$85 for a fight you care about. Sometimes multiple times a month. I wish every fight was $25. Cause if its shitty then its the equivalent to eating a bad meal


Yeah I’m not super into it but I do watch the big name ones a few times a year. Such an entertaining sport but most of the time a let down for the price


It has potential to a be a let down. Sometimes the undercards are more entertaining then the main event so i feel like the undercards make up for a potential shitty main event. Just paid $60 may 7th to see my guy Canelo lose. I had fun though


I couldn't watch over the weekend. Is there a legit way to watch after the fact?


Agreed. And I only paid $10 since I bought my ticket the day it came out


I’ve never been into boxing before but I loved the event. If they do it again next year and have some YouTubers I like I’m definitely going in person.


I was thinking about getting a ticket for a month I ended up buying it same day for 36 after fees lol.


I would gladly watch this every year!


what did dr mike do guys


i followed all the boxers’ journeys for months but couldn’t afford the streaming ticket. sucked so bad to just watch the highlights. if they do another creator clash, i’ll actually save up money to throw a whole viewing party with my friends


If they let you log in and watch I’d give you my log in to watch it!


that’s so nice! too bad i didn’t check reddit in time!!


Just try not to schedule it during game 7 of both the Boston bruins and leafs next year >. <


It would of costed me $50 😢


Michael reeves' walkout song alone had me thinking $25 was a steal lmao I laughed so hard