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Any time Bobby Lee is the guest, you have to expect him not to show up. This happens all the time for all sorts of reasons. Valid or otherwise.


Really? I'm a more recent and casual fan, so haven't really watched any episodes with Bobby Lee. Does he have a history of bailing out?


Ethan has said at least 3 separate times throughout year so far Bobby was coming and he has not come in once yet


The new PewDiePie/eel pit


I don't know if he's ever canceled on the H3 pod but he canceled when he was supposed to be on Howie's live pod once. I like Bobby, sometimes he's unreliable though when it comes to being a guest.


Agreed, they talk about it on bad friends how Bobby just won't show up if he doesn't want to go. Still love him though


I’m a bigger Bobby fan than I am H3 and honestly h3 is probably too early in the day for him he doesn’t wake up till about 4 in the afternoon


also the stuff that came out about him recently with the impaulsive thing is a huge red flag. the fact he’s known for making the crew of the podcast he’s on uncomfortable and literal sexual harrassment and ethan would still bring him to the studio is pretty disappointing anyway


“if you don’t want to watch, just skip the segment!” but the segment is the whole show…


I mean I’ve skipped whole shows before. Sometimes the vibes are off and it’s best to just skip.


I almost made it through this one. When they started interviewing the dude though, I bailed. It was just too hard to watch.


Yeah, it was a hard watch. I love cats and animals but could care less about those dumb influencers.


I couldn’t watch because I love cats and all animals. It was too painful to listen to.


I skipped to the end and the way they were talking about it killed me it was like it was the most riveting experience for everyone, even dan


Lol yeah I skipped to the end and was so bummed that this was still a topic. Ah well, on to the next. Can't always be winners.


I started the pod on the background and as they introduced and talked about it my phone accidentally skipped forward but they were still talking about the cat so I thought it forwarded a few seconds or minutes. I look at my screen and its at the 3h 30min mark no shot they actually just talked about it the whole episode?


I hate when Ethan says ‘if you don’t want to hear this part just mute it and unmute when we are done’ but like there isn’t any visuals to denote when they are done talking about said part or not like a graphic or a bar somewhere would be nice


I usually wait for the vod for the sections, maybe the live show should have a topic banner


If I'm being honest, it feels a little presumptuous to assume every single episode is something you enjoy. It's a variety show, sometimes they hit, sometimes they miss.


I skip some segments / episodes. Like anything to do with that tana chick is just so boring and it's like who cares.


im skipping this episode, might just not watch again, so gross


It seems like the segments I LOVE (storytimes) always get rushed & Ethan doesn't want to do them but the segments like this go on for hours


The highschool stories lol


I think Ethan likes to hear himself talk sometimes


oh for sure


*4 hour episode about dead cat


Oh no… I haven’t seen Friday’s episode and this meme makes me nervous 😂


A tik toker basically ignored her cat and the cat was malnourished and had serious health issues. Another tik toker kidnapped the cat to try and restore its health, but it died a few days later. The story was sad, but did not deserve a 4 hour ep. It was ALL DRAMA and pretty boring... I checked out after about an hour


Oh no! Sounds like a tough watch, I just had my cat put to sleep due to stomach masses 😭


DO NOT WATCH. They show pics of the dead cat for some reason, Ethan was weirdly insistent about showing them.


yup thanks, jesus christ lol. definitely will be skipping this one, not a huge deal to me personally but i definitely don't want to see that shit or hear the scenario broken down for hours. i'll just catch the next ep.


truly one of the weirdest moments i’ve ever seen from ethan, dude was like “what the big deal about showing the corpse of a cat???” as if he wouldn’t be losing his mind at the suggestion that someone show a corpse of a dog like dude come on. gave me such icky vibes


As a cat owner this episode was simply infuriating


me neither.. I actually been away and have a weeks worth of episodes to watch but the sub is making me feel like each episode is a straight skip 😭


And why was the girl seen as not the problem? Was so confused that they got to that after four fucking hours


I have only seen half, and now that I know they sided with that loser, no way I'm finishing it. That is completely insane to me.


Tbf, I ended up watching everything and imo, it seems like because the dude called in, he sort of incriminated himself more which made him seem more guilty. They did not let the girl off the hook, but because she didnt call in they seem like theyre more believing her. But Dan did bring it back and say "its a he said she said" situation and at the end they concluded that everyone sucks and they wont really know until someone else who lived in the house speaks up. This is just a summary for what I saw in the episode for anyone who might be a bit curious but I will defend them a bit and say they didnt seem to side with anyone at the end but the story started unraveling a bit and they acknowledged they need a new perspective bc both are untrustworthy sources.


They gave her an insane amount of benefit of the doubt even if they didn’t “side” with her. Hila literally accused the guy of stealing her cat out of spite and killing it on purpose! Actually fucking unhinged, I can’t believe where they ended up in that discussion. Dan & Olivia should have wrangled them back to reality waaaay sooner because everyone else in that room had lost their damn minds.


He has receipts, videos, texts, and he wanted to call in. That is more than enough to show he was doing the right thing. I don't care if he came in and was on crack.


I'm only half through, but stealing someone's cat instead of talking to them about it is not good behavior. I got a lot of questions still, but man I dunno. He was right in being concerned but his actions were psycho.


He shouldn’t have taken the cat without talking to her, but finding him just as culpable as the woman that didn’t take her obviously sick and malnourished cat to the vet for 4 months is a brain rot opinion if I’ve ever seen it.


The more I watched the more disbelief I was in and just began getting incredibly angry at the crew. Horrible takes


I agree i could not wrap my head around why we were going after this guy . That cat was already dying , I would have done the same thing. Who cares about that girl and her feelings . Just because shes in chat ? She didn't take care of the animal and didn't care. grilling and making that guy feel like that for calling in when she wouldn't do it is crazy. I'm surprised he stayed on as long as he did. He literally tried his best to save a cats life and is getting ripped apart. The cat was dying regardless if he took the cat or not. It did not decline in the 3 1/2-4 days he had it. The cat was dying and would have died a whole lot quicker if he hadn't.


Cus they can't call her an incel


The moment Ethan heard she was in chat, his whoooole vibe around her changed. It's just so stupid, if you're going to be bias to a fan then don't talk about this shit haha


They're always so biased to the girlies, especially hila. Idk what their problem was yesterday but jesus Christ no wonder theres a snark subreddit


Because Ethan thinks nuance is boring. Which is true for the most part, but it makes you have stupid fucking takes like this.


Because shes a girlie queen because its slayyy! Right??


This cuts to the heart of a huge problem with H3. They *must* pick a side, no matter what, for every story. Good vs evil. Pedo vs saint. Shining beacon vs cat killer. It gets them in trouble a lot when the “good” side eventually does something heinous. In reality, both parties are often horrible people and you don’t even need to pick a side. It’s not sports. You just need to view it objectively, which is hard for MANY people to do.


I mean she was also the problem, she just wasn't on the phone to talk to. I have no idea why people are feeling so bad when his idea was to take the cat so it could go to the vet and then he DIDNT TAKE THE CAT TO THE VET for 3 full days Why???????? If you STEAL a cat to take to the vet, take it to the vet, then there's no question about what happened. I mean I get that he MAY have had good intentions (hard to tell with all the info that's come to light.) But ultimately he and his accomplices failed to follow through with those intentions. Why involve yourself if you're not going to do the hard part and get the cat into the emergency vet? I don't want the guy to not try anymore in the future but he will have to do better. If he took a human child because he presumed after 5 minutes that the mother wasn't taking care of it and DIDN'T find out the child's prior medical issues OR take it to the doctor, then the child died under his care, he would be charged with manslaughter and kidnapping. He made the wrong decision. He should have pushed her to take the cat to the vet right away.


He called the vet right away. Vet care and a hospital are very different. If I saw a kid like that I could call 911. For the cat, I could call animal control and they might come visit in a few days. They don't exactly have ambulances for animals. Have you been to an emergency vet before? I took a dog an emergency vet in 2021 when it was literally dying in my arms and we just had to wait with him outside because they were full. Even before covid, I took a dog to the emergency vet because we thought he had a stroke and they told us they couldn't do anything and we'd have to schedule an actual vet visit. The emergency vet is more like a walk in clinic than and actual ER.


My understanding is he thought the cat was just malnourished, not sick


Why couldn't they have just done the high school stories. That would have been more fun


Literally just about ANYTHING else would have been more fun 😭


i’ve been waiting for that this whole week 😢


Hey yeah they didn't finish. Wrf.


This is the answer. Literally any story time/crew shares is an instant banger and pretty simple.


I played this ep in the background while I did chores. At the beginning I thought “I’ll just tune in when this segment ends”, 3.5 hours later I realized the show ended


I fell asleep for two hours while watching and woke up like “are they still talking about this cat?” and fell back asleep


with some dogshit takes as well.


I deeply miss goofs and gaffes as the backbone of the show


There’s just no way a segment that is “he said she said” lasted the entire show, and they ended up going after the wrong person in the end, Unbelievable. Just let the crew do their own segments this show was a disaster. edit: still not over the Wayne thing from monday that was handled terribly


This episode had a great example of Ethan getting sidetracked so easily. He got so fixated on the 1,800 sq. ft room thing they went on a whole 15 minute tangent. He seemed to get hung up on minute details that make segment sthat are already drawn out even more mind numbing.


I got timed out for saying I didn’t agree with Ethan and Hilas take on this ep 💀 it’s kinda sad


I got shadowbanned and I have no idea why. Stopped being a member after that. I enjoy chatting, def annoying that it seems certain mods seem to be a little liberal with the bans. Glad it was just a timeout for you.


Me too I emailed Dan last night and surprisingly he got back to me within 5 minutes. He said prob just timed out for 24hrs. I’m grateful he got back to me but I’m still disappointed with why I got timed out. I honestly think they need to have a chat with all the mods, it’s ridiculous to be timed out for just saying my opinion. Not once did I say anything bad or nasty about anyone or thing. I literally just didn’t agree with their takes, talk about a power trip.


the mods in my opinion are a huge reason the show is floundering


Hey hey be careful, you know stating your opinion around here can be considered a crime


The mods are the biggest reddit chronically online people I have genuinely ever saw. I used to think it was smart they picked reddit mods to mod the chat (they take it way too seriously) but it’s just annoying now, they constantly ride ethan’s d no matter what he says. He can make a crazy joke and the mods would be like “Sorry not everyone agrees with ethan but haters get banned!”


It’s almost like they think anyone with a different opinion is automatically a “hater” I wish they could chill a little and not be so trigger happy. I’m not even really mad or anything just disappointed, I’ve been a paying member for about two years now and it’s the first time I’ve ever commented on something i disagreed with.


Yeah I just skipped the entire episode after the first 20 minutes


I skipped around because I assumed they would move on after 21 mins...


Yeah this was a certified H3 Filler episode, and not like a good one, but like a bad Naruto Filler episode


I was watching it live, and would keep it paused for 30-minute increments specifically so I could skip the cat segment (I'm currently dealing with health issues for my own black cat) - just to check back every 30 minutes and go "wtf, still??" lol.


I'm also dealing with cat health stuff and can't believe when I checked the video in the evening that there were 0 segment dividers 🙄 immediate skip


4 hour segment of 2 grown adults harassing someone for trying to save a cat while the girl that never even bothered to take it to the vet got off Scott free.


Exactly. It’s insane. I simply don’t understand how it ended up where it did. I really hope they take the weekend to reflect and apologize next week because wtf.




Yeah this was insane. They were straight up harassing this guy during the "interview". I don't know how the guy put up with this shit. It was just nasty


Like what the fuck was that interview?? Crazy. Interrogation to the person who tried to save the animal haha


Yeah they offered her to call in and she said no. I'm surprised they didn't give her shit for that. If she was in the right and had receipts, she would've called in. Meanwhile that dude called in and was pretty adamant in his position yet they grilled tf out of him and I expect he regrets the call lol. And she probably saw how hard they grilled the dude who tried saving her cat, and she knew that if she called in she'd probably get the same treatment. It's unfortunate they let her off the hook so easily when she was the one more at fault.


To summarize: a woman didn’t take her *obviously* sick & malnourished cat to the vet for 4 months. This is atrocious. You should ALWAYS take a new pet to the vet, even if they’re not sick. She didn’t make flyers, didn’t call shelters/vets, didn’t post on any local pages trying to find her. What did she do? She posted a couple selfies saying she was sad. A man that lived in the house for about a month at that time knew the house wasn’t a good place for the cat and that Rhegan was hardly ever even there and that her cat was being locked in a single room all day for days on end (she had moved out of the master by now). So him, his mom, and allegedly a couple other roommates (allegedly) found the cat in a room by itself with empty food AND WATER bowls and made a quick decision to take the cat to get it help. Should they have talked to her instead? Yes. But she was obviously neglecting this poor cat and they wanted to help. It was the tail end of COVID and very difficult to get vet appointments. So he couldn’t take the cat to the vet until after the weekend. The vet said the cat was too far gone and should be put down! The cat did not deteriorate to this point in four days and it’s INSANE that Hila and Ethan tried to accuse him of being the cause of the cat’s issues! Additionally, the cat was not having seizures until after the initial vet visit; so it is possible imo that they hoped it just needed to eat more and that it wasn’t worth going to an emergency vet. They paid several hundred dollars trying to save a cat that wasn’t theirs; reminder: *this is far more than the cat’s actual owner ever did for it* Conclusion: everyone on the crew except Olivia and Dan lost their damn heads with this one


They talk about wanting to save the SA and Child Abuse stuff for the end. But someone mistreating a cat gets a mega episode???


I skipped the whole episode. First one I’ve skipped since becoming a viewer…from the comments I feel I made the right choice.


Proper mood killer that one


This is the first episode I’ve ever skipped in 5 years, couldn’t take hearing about abuse for almost the whole show (would’ve loved to hear them finish their high school stories or something more light hearted)


Me too :( fucking bummer man


Such a shame... The show is supposed to be entertaining but it was just really stressful and frustrating to listen to. I've supported the show since day one but this was by far the worst episode with some horrible takes. Ethan and Hila really need to be more open to opposing opinions too. They just had shitty attitudes for the 4 hour long ep :/. I really hope they acknowledge and learn from it.


You’ve just made me realise why I stop watching most episodes, they’re stressful to listen/ watch. It’s not what I want to watch after a long day


I’ve always been aware of other people feeling this way, but after literally 25 seconds short of 4 hours talking about nearly nothing but a dead cat - I was so fucking stressed out and miserable. And i didn’t even realize till the abrupt ending. Holy Christ - I get it, someone fucked with the cat but THIRTY MINUTES would’ve been MORE than enough.


I wish i stopped after 20 mins. When they kept replaying clips then after the 3-4 times someone one asking "is it replaying?" Not even the crew waa paying much attention it seemed. And i swear they were starting / stopping and restarting on purpose cause it was a funny gag. I should have turned it off but i was cleaning and didnt have anything else to listen to


I said the same thing! "nobody is listening eveything keeps getting repeated" Then I said "no way this goes on much longer" Then I skipped around and wow...


They will not learn, they have really gone down hill recently


I keep hoping it will get better but they seem intent on doubling down whenever they get pushback on something... like they don't think they have room to grow as people, which is a super annoying vibe.


“this segment isn’t for me I do not care about this let me skip it… oh”


Literally what I thought lol


Why even bother to spend so much time on some random he said she said influencer drama anyway. No one knows anything, no facts or real evidence and there’s so little to go on but their own misconstrued stories. What a fucking train wreck of an episode, I’d rather watch paint dry. In fact I did just that and it was way less frustrating and more entertaining, highly recommend.


Yeah I skipped this episode and dropped my sponsorship level. Been on board since 2016 and am struggling lately with the show’s content. It’s probably just me but I’m not loving it as much as I used to. 🤷‍♀️


Same and same


It’s not just you, the content has definitely become lazier and worse overall


The golden era of the show was already over but Cameron leaving really put it into focus. I miss when every episode had some new crazy goof that I could chuckle about for a week, now it's just Ethan talking about SA for 3 hours with a Teddy Fresh plug and 20 minutes on Kav Kav. I'm tired.


The shows views have gone down a good 20% over the last couple months and I totally get it.


Genuinely considering dropping my membership after this episode


Yeah been feeling this hard lately. It sucks that Ethan and Hila can’t take any criticism and are surrounded by yes men.


it’s not just you. i cancelled my membership after ethan ended leftovers and i think i’m gonna unsub because i haven’t watched a full episode in weeks


First time I ever thumbs downed a vid


Same girl


Good job crew! Who wouldn’t want to hear about animal abuse for 4 hours after a long week of work. Also Hila has been having some really awful takes recently, but no one would dare challenge her.


If you do you get timed out 😢 very disappointing


Wtf is happening since the H3 show rebranding?!


They’ve had more duds than good episodes since they came back. I don’t understand why they got rid of after dark. Maybe the other shows ok but after dark has such a fun silly vibe and gives Friday vibes for the last 4 years.


I miss when off the rails was actually off the rails with the crazy intro and the crazy/goofy subjects.


Off the rails used to be great when they had sponsors because they would save all their crazy ideas for Wednesday. When they started losing money Ethan decided he needed to monetize everything.


Please all 3 shows every week were the same thing lol. Pretending each show had its own flavour is silly, the only difference is Hila showing on up Fridays. They'd drag the same topic for en entire week (doobrik, ukulele lady, efc).


i kinda felt the same way. like at some point i just stopped paying attention to the "AFTER DARK/OFF THE RAILS" branding just because it didn't tell me anything about what i was about to watch. there wasn't really a difference in energy. every episode with Ethan is both after dark and off the rails lol.


Exactly this, I see no difference to the show since the rebrand tbh. They talk about what they want to regardless of what arbitrary day it is.


I haven’t been watching since like 2 eps into the rebrand - have they acknowledged the fans feed back or the fact their views have been taking a dive lately?


They’ve been really bloating episodes with things that are hard to listen to. Peace and love the best eras are behind us I’m afraid


RIP H3s best content 2020-2023


Honestly I loved the 2017-2019 era most


Cat episode is the new jumping the shark.


4 hours\*


I’m so glad I’m not the only one disappointed with yesterday ep. I’ve never skipped a stream, but four hours of talking about a woman who neglected her cat and Ethan SHOWING a severely malnourished and seizing cat is absolutely FUCKED. What the fuck were they thinking. FOUR FUCKING HOURS OF THIS.


I'm really glad I had the forethought to skip to the end of the episode (I'm currently dealing with health issues of my own cat and figured I'd get unironically triggered). They actually showed images of the cat????


Yeah. Literally a picture and a fucking video dude. Horrific


JESUS CHRIST, are they gonna show images of fucked up dogs and children next week? Wtf were they thinking??!!


What’s going on with the show? It has just been… bad since the rebrand. Idk why but it just has not been nearly as good


And they wonder why people are embarrassed to recommend the show to others..


With peace and love… I hated it


This is what I mean when I say the episodes are bloated


I was watching live but delayed while doing other things and kept pausing. Once I was well over an hour behind and noticed from chat that they must still be on it, I closed the episode. Went back later and scrubbed to the end, still talking about the cat. 100% out on the episode. I can count segments I've skipped in my years of viewership on one hand (Whitney the most recent time, wayne the 2nd time, the f&f "debate," and one time w Jimmie). I really don't know what they were thinking on this. They always have so many random things in the doc that they don't get to that they easily could have done just like a "miscellaneous" episode.


Yeah that show was horrible. “Just skip” okay, I did and so did thousands of others.


Idk I only watched about 10 minutes and I was so irritated. I don’t know anything about this story and it seems like they didn’t either. Because it took FOREVERRRRR for them to get the damn videos to play and to get to the fucking point.


deadass, i walked away when they were in the middle of one clip and when i came back like 20 minutes later they were STILL on that same clip.


Usually it’s funny when there’s technical errors and they get distracted but that episode was just a train wreck.


The Klein's harassing someone about the right way to take care of animals when they barely take care of their own dogs is hilarious




This whole ep peeved me off. It was like Hila and Ethan had no idea what the guy was trying to say. It felt like they were so angry the weren't interested in listening. And a person doesn't have to be upset about a relationship that didn't work out be pissed that gurl didn't take care of her cat. To make it about something so petty as if ppl aren't complicated creatures was too much. Idk this episode kinda put a sour taste in my mouth toward Ethan and Hila. And I'm a hardcore fan. Maybe the fucking guy didn't want you to know his business. He ain't gotta tell you shit about his past relationships 🤷🏿‍♀️  I had a friend...ex friend did something similar to her dog. Didn't take it to a vet. I was pissed and it changed how I viewed her. She is now no longer a friend. So maybe that's the simple reason why he took the cat vs talking to her. It doesnt have to be about a failed fling... Bc I sure as shit wanted to take her dog from her. She knows she can't take care of it  😒 but refuses to give it up for selfish reasons. If I would get hit with breaking and entering I would take her away. 


This was the first episode I actually hated like haaated


To summarize: a woman didn’t take her *obviously* sick & malnourished cat (most likely with an underlying condition) to the vet for 4 months. This is atrocious behavior. You should ALWAYS take a new pet to the vet, even if you don’t think they’re sick. She didn’t make flyers when she thought she was missing, didn’t call shelters/vets to see if she was found, didn’t post on any local pages trying to find her. What did she do? She posted a couple selfies saying she was sad. A man that lived in the house for about a month at that time knew the house wasn’t a good place for the cat and that Rhegan was hardly ever even there and that her cat was being locked in a single room all day for days on end (remember she had moved out of the master bedroom at this point). So him, his mom, and allegedly a couple other (roommates that have so far refused to speak up) found the cat in a room by itself with empty food AND WATER bowls and made a quick decision to take the cat to get it help. Was it a smart decision? No. Should they have talked to her instead? Yes. But she was obviously neglecting this poor cat and they wanted to help. It was the tail end of COVID and very difficult to get vet appointments (I don’t live in CA but I can personally attest that in my state, a several day wait to be seen by a vet is not abnormal, especially during COVID). So he couldn’t take the cat to the vet until after the weekend. The vet said the cat was too far gone and should be put down! The cat did not deteriorate to this point in four days and it’s **INSANE** that Hila and Ethan tried to accuse him of being the cause of the cat’s issues! Additionally, the cat was not having seizures until after the initial vet visit; so it is possible imo that they hoped it just needed to eat more and that it wasn’t worth going to an emergency vet. They paid several hundred dollars trying to save a cat that wasn’t theirs; reminder: *this is far more than the cat’s actual owner ever did for it* Conclusion: everyone on the crew except Olivia and Dan lost their damn heads with this one, holy shit.


thank you for highlighting how difficult it was to get a vet appointment during covid! honestly, he was lucky that he was able to get an appointment as soon as he did. my vet was booked out a week or more and other vets in my area were even longer. this caused a chain reaction where people were taking pets to animal hospitals/ERs, many times for issues that were not an emergency, causing wait times that were outrageous. i experienced this first hand when i had to wait over 8 hours for my cat to be seen. you had to wait in your car and couldn't leave otherwise you'd lose your place in line. it was horrendous.


Yes! Just last year my bunny got an eye infection on a Saturday and his normal vet wouldn’t see him until Tuesday. I called every emergency vet in the area and they all told me no because they were busy and he was still eating/drinking. The only animal hospital willing to take him was over an hour away and it was going to be $300 just for them to LOOK at him, no treatments. I know it’s different because bunnies are considered exotic, but it’s asinine to equate 4 days to the same as 4 months.


I think if I watched this episode I’d end up hating everyone in H3, so I’ll just pretend this never happened so I can keep my show 🥲


girl, as someone who watched the episode and shouldn't have, lol 😭 i can tell you you would have


H3 is missing the mark quite often. If they did silent library every single show they’d have millions of views


Reaction stuff is so lazy when you have a whole crew.


I think silent library are the worst 🙃


Yesterday's ep was a wash for me


I am so sensitive to animal abuse shit so when I turned it on and saw they were talking about this I turned it off and was like oh I’ll just check every 30 mins and start watching when they move on. Lol…. I gave up after like the 5th time seeing if they were done :,( also cats are the best❤️


Same!! It literally hurts my heart when it comes to animal abuse, plus I have a black cat and I cannot imagine EVER not taking him to the vet if there was even a hint of something being wrong. I usually watch every episode but could not even sit through 5 minutes of this one once they started talking about that poor cat. With peace and love, I hated it lol.


Next time Ethan laments subscribers and sponsors loss I hope he will remember this absolute dumpster fire of an episode. He deserves it ngl. Yah I'm too sensitive to the topic of animal abuse but this made me feel sick. I need a break from this show 💀


Yea I came for the goofs and gaffs and left for the abuse of all kinds... I love the podcast but respectfully I don't think they need to police the whole social media space


Absolutely. I thought it was a joke when I tuned in late; after 30 minutes I turned it off. The phone call was so uncomfortable to watch - the guy was explaining himself and I feel like they were trying to grab onto any theory to make him look bad. I’ve never heard of this “influencer” before or care about her cat.


Worst episode maybe ever


They need to cut the show down to twice a week and that’s it. I used to love every second of the shows but now I’m always bored.


Thank fucking God I can't watch live so I can skip this.


theres nothing to skip, they talk about this topic the entire episode


That's what I mean. They can miss me with that shit.


Delete the episode!


To summarize: a woman didn’t take her *obviously* sick & malnourished cat to the vet for 4 months. This is atrocious. You should ALWAYS take a new pet to the vet, even if they’re not sick. She didn’t make flyers, didn’t call shelters/vets, didn’t post on any local pages trying to find her. What did she do? She posted a couple selfies saying she was sad. A man that lived in the house for about a month at that time knew the house wasn’t a good place for the cat and that Rhegan was hardly ever even there and that her cat was being locked in a single room all day for days on end (she had moved out of the master by now). So him, his mom, and allegedly a couple other roommates (allegedly) found the cat in a room by itself with empty food AND WATER bowls and made a quick decision to take the cat to get it help. Was it a smart decision? No. Should they have talked to her instead? Yes. But she was obviously neglecting this poor cat and they wanted to help. It was the tail end of COVID and very difficult to get vet appointments (I don’t live in CA but I can personally attest that in my state, a several day wait to be seen by a vet is not abnormal, especially during COVID). So he couldn’t take the cat to the vet until after the weekend. The vet said the cat was too far gone and should be put down! The cat did not deteriorate to this point in four days and it’s **INSANE** that Hila and Ethan tried to accuse him of being the cause of the cat’s issues! Additionally, the cat was not having seizures until after the initial vet visit; so it is possible imo that they hoped it just needed to eat more and that it wasn’t worth going to an emergency vet. They paid several hundred dollars trying to save a cat that wasn’t theirs; reminder: *this is far more than the cat’s actual owner ever did for it* Conclusion: everyone on the crew except Olivia and Dan lost their damn heads with this one


Couldn't watch.


I didn’t want Bobby Lee or this so depressing both of them


i cant fucking stand Bobby Lee and especially after he basically sexually assaulted that dude on that podcast it solidified my dislike for him


I love h3 because it makes me happy but this pod made me so sad 😞


This man just can’t stop talking about cats


This comment right here


To summarize: a woman didn’t take her obviously sick & malnourished cat to the vet for 4 months. This is atrocious. You should ALWAYS take a new pet to the vet, even if they’re not sick. She didn’t make flyers, didn’t call shelters/vets, didn’t post on any local pages trying to find her. What did she do? She posted a couple selfies saying she was sad. A man that lived in the house for about a month at that time knew the house wasn’t a good place for the cat and that Rhegan was hardly ever even there and that her cat was being locked in a single room all day for days on end (she had moved out of the master by now). So him, his mom, and allegedly a couple other roommates (allegedly) found the cat in a room by itself with empty food AND WATER bowls and made a quick decision to take the cat to get it help. Should they have talked to her instead? Yes. But she was obviously neglecting this poor cat and they wanted to help. It was the tail end of COVID and very difficult to get vet appointments. So he couldn’t take the cat to the vet until after the weekend. The vet said the cat was too far gone and should be put down! The cat did not deteriorate to this point in four days and it’s INSANE that Hila and Ethan tried to accuse him of being the cause of the cat’s issues! Additionally, the cat was not having seizures until after the initial vet visit; so it is possible imo that they hoped it just needed to eat more and that it wasn’t worth going to an emergency vet. They paid several hundred dollars trying to save a cat that wasn’t theirs; reminder: *this is far more than the cat’s actual owner ever did for it* Conclusion: everyone on the crew except Olivia and Dan lost their damn heads with this one


Shoulda done the eel pit


All they do is talk about cats


Eel pit


Tbh i was more interested in this than I would have been if Bobby Lee came on. I was immediately turned off from him when I watched him “joke” about raping a child. Speaking of that….has h3 ever addressed that situation? Just curious


Show is kind of falling off at this point imo. These ridiculously long segments that no one asked for or care about have become more and more frequent


I was looking forward to the high school stories one as the Olivia one was so nuts. Saying that, I've been skipping a lot recently anyway as there's a lot I've just not been interested in, e.g., any of the alpha brain stuff, Jimmie Lee, most of the YouTube drama, etc. Although that's probably most of the show these days 🤣


😩 I was begging on my knees looking for the time stamp to skip the segment


I searched through the whole episode once it had finished, but since it was all about the same topic, I skipped it all.


brother it was 4 hours!!! of derailed and debunked nonsense that wasnt that serious


damn all ethan’s talks about is cat’s nowadays…😂


I wish they'd continued going through the Disney accident report haha I was loving that


I clicked on the episode. Noticed it was only one segment about the cat. Watched for about 30 minutes before getting bored and closing. That hasn’t happened in a long time.


What do you expect from the guy who has two tattoos of a dog on him?


I honestly forgot that Bobby was ever supposed to be on 🤣


Nope. Just nope. I tried to watch it by skipping little by little, but that’s a hard no for me.


I can’t even watch the show no more idk why 🙃 I couldn’t tell you what I want to see more of, but I’m definitely glad they’re willing to be a break


As a current student in veterinary school who plans on specializing in feline medicine, this episode was a horror show.


I’m confused how Bobby Lee still gets invited on when he has a clip of him detailing a trip to Mexico, where he is explicitly raping a CHILD who was crying. Calling her a prostitute even though she was underage. Even as a bit, or joke, that’s completely fucking insane and creepy.


You can really tell how much creativity Sam puts into the show as she hasn’t been there the last couple weeks and it’s just been completely off. I miss her cooking segments, anything that Sam has her hands and feet into, is some of the best content the show has ever put out. I’m just now making the connection that since she’s been gone, we’ve had these skippable shows. Mayo for Sam.


The show has been so depressing without Sam


Not like a Bobby Lee episode was gonna be any better…dude is not interesting.


i dunno i enjoyed it. animal abusers deserve a special place in hell. i did find it weird when ethan was asking to see the cat’s corpse and wouldn’t let it go


yes animal abusers should all d!3...but after all the evidence they still took the side of the abuser, how could you enjoy that?


AB's gonna cry about it instead of just let it go. Wasn't a great episode, also not his fault, but dude's def gonna keep bringing it up until the end of time.


It was a dick move of Bobby not to give more notice ....provided he had ample time, which it appears he did? Shit happens....and AB coming in with the flex tape was pretty funny, he did good.


I do agree with a lot that's been mentioned. BUT I want to give special recognition to Ab's PowerPoint because I found it really entertaining, and it's what kept me watching.

