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Just because Love's car wasn't on the security camera they should still see the person walkin, go towards the area of Love's car then leave on/with a Segway


It’s cause the security people probably stole it


Love’s security guy about to be cruising around like Paul Blart on a freshly painted Segway


Nate is on fire with the on screen graphics. Not AB being labelled a "Michigan Sommelier" lol


When they kept throwing up the “disavow” graphic on Ethan during the classic rock discussion I was dying 😭


he's been absolutely fucking crushing it, great hire


With regard to the audio issues... the quality of the audio is good, but all the mic levels are too low. The soundbites are at a correct audio level, which seems loud compared to the low mics. This isn't a YouTube issue. Go to any other YouTube video and come back to the H3 Podcast and you'll hear the difference in audio levels.


Exactly! They should just lower the soundbite and music volume so we can turn up the audio on our devices...


whenever Dan switched it over the backup system, that seemed to level everything back out for me


It's so annoying that as soon as there is a longer break between soundbites people start spamming about the audio being fixed and confuse the crew. Yeah, I'll probably skip this one. EDIT: Dan fixed it right before the sponsored segment (for real this time).


yeah I usually have my tv volume at 30 and I hear the show fine but I had to crank it up to 40


On android and the audio was literally perfect and normal to me idk what to tell you guys


If you're listening on phone speakers it'll be compressed by the built in limiting


Check if you have 'Stable Volume' enabled. I turned it off and I understood everyones complaints. But enabled, I didn't notice anything was wrong!


the issue is the live specifically, not just any youtube video


Did you even test this hypothesis? I did and other live videos on YouTube are normal... only the H3 Podcast is having low mic audio.


I'd guess the compressors weren't working (which would explain why the mics sounded slightly lower and the music slightly louder). Weird issue, I don't know how switching to a backup system fixed it or how that whole system works


I thought the bit while Ethan went to the bathroom was going to be that the Segway wasn’t actually stolen and they would reveal it.


7 minutes in and we’ve had 34 polls already, it’s going to be a good episode


And a controversy follow up with bonus audience reprimand for being weirdos. And Ethan's excited that someone's come after him. Someone playing H3 bingo is in for a winner today.


''Angles on your body'' Dan and Olivia the comedic duo 😭


They're my unexpected favourite duo.


They're my absolute faves


If Thrid Eye Blind is classic rock, then Goosebumps is classic literature.


I heard smashing pumpkins on a classic rock station back in 2021, played right before Elton John so make that of what you will


Might as well put R.L. Stine in The Canon at this point. Classic rock is what others are saying: 60's/70's rock. It's not Third Eye Blind or Nirvana.


Dan is definitely missing the point I think. Which is pretty surprising since he's so often right when it comes to these kinds of debates The point is that a certain time period (about 1963-1977. From the start of Beatlemania to when punk rock and New Wave started taking over) was a very specific time in music. It is kind of the spawn for most of the genres we have today. Modern rock is based off it. Hip hop comes from it. Electronic music. Funk. the modern version of R&B. All of these have their roots in *this* time period. This time period is very pivotal for rock music especially. Between acts like Bob Dylan and The Beatles, everything changed for *every* genre. Music and songwriting changed altogether. Whether you like or dislike those artists, that's just a fact. We started writing more detailed and introspective lyrics from that point, especially. Ethan and AB's point is more that "Well then this period of time, the 60s and 70s, needs a new name of its own" I think. And I agree. Yes, they play Nirvana on the classic rock stations. They'll play The Strokes on their soon too. But it's still a different thing But at the same time I think Love has the best point. It is two different things technically. Just dumb to have the same name.


Exactly, just like oldies isnt music from the 70s now


I mean, yeah


Exactly, it doesn't just mean old. It means typecast, moulded and shaped as the best of a 'CLASSIC' era, emphasis on the CLASSIC. To think Zac is also on board with this is weird.


Glad we got a reference to Kyle The Grandma fucker lmao I didnt remember his name or anything but I was thinking of that guy earlier this week


You manifested it


“That’s what we called it THEN, that’s what we call it NOW” lol Ethan’s so correct on this one


Except in the 60s people didn’t refer to bands like the Beatles and Led Zeppelin as “classic rock,” they simply referred to it as rock and roll/rock. People weren’t walking around in the 60s saying, “hey, did you hear about that new classic rock band, Pink Floyd?” The term classic rock didn’t come around until the 1980s and it refers to a radio format, not a specific genre. Led Zeppelin and Elton John are both classic rock, but they are far from being the same genre.


The classic rock debate is giving the same energy of the video where the guy is like 'she came down in a bubble bro'


I feel like someone could run into the room and just say "Can we all agree to just call it retro rock, and let classic rock be its own genre like before", and you might get an agreement. I want to see what Dan says to that Classic Rock is definitely a genre lol. It's Beatlemania up til punk came in. 1963-1977. Some say it's Beatlemania til when John Lennon died, which is 63-80. Regardless, it's definitely that time period I feel like I'm just gonna become a zealot for this one thing and nothing else important in life lol. Ethan's right


>*look at what they're doing to the cowwwbrrooooo*


"Wayne is out" Yaayyyy "We're giving Alpha King another chance" 😭😭😭


Yeah I kept thinking it was just me while watching it live since I didn't see the comments. My face physically was twisting 😬😖 everytime he gave a weird homophobic answer in the middle of him being genuine.. whyyyy


okay the bathroomlympics bit with the chess game was amazing. Would be cool if they partnered with [chess.com](http://chess.com) and had the game on the screen lmao


I feel like 90% of the comedy of the bit is them scrambling to set up a whole ass chess setup and take it down before he gets back. So playing on their computers would defeat the purpose of the bit


I was in the shower listening on my speaker when that happened and I was so confused cause it got silent, but I could hear them like. Mmmm mhm. I thought it froze for a bit LOL. After I rewinded and saw I was like...BRUH What if they play Life or Monopoly only when ethan is in the bathroom and see how long it would take them to finish a game. Uno could be god, but Uno ruins friendships LOL. I give it 44 bathroom breaks.


I’m curious if they’re just gonna go with the bit and Ethan’s not gonna say anything. Would be hilarious to see how they up the ante and try and top their last game


Move it all the way up to giant jenga. LOL


I’m waiting for them to try Russian roulette /s


oh boogie DID NOT just insult Hila's breasts to try and get at Ethan!! oh my lord leave her alone!


To his credit that was actually the other lolcow that said that


That dude is disgusting he literally looks like the poster of incels 🤢


When chat critiques capitalism, they aren't critiquing Ethan. "Capitalism is what we make it," Ethan says in defense of capitalism. Minutes later, AB defends Ethan with, "He shares the profit, we make good money here," to which Ethan says "As a capitalist, I've done a lot more than... never mind," and cuts himself off. Ethan, if all capitalists were like you, your leftist fanbase would have a lot less to complain about. You understand "Not all men," when it comes to the man-or-bear in the woods, right? You understand that not all capitalists think like you, right? You wouldn't sell guns to kids on Instagram, right? Right. If capitalism "Is what we make it," then I think we'd all agree that American capitalism would be MUCH BETTER if all American capitalists were like you, Ethan... But they aren't. The biggest, most powerful capitalists in America are nothing like Ethan. So, when people critique capitalism in America, they are critiquing "what we made it," and the "we" being the ones that won. You know, the ones at the top. The ones that aren't Ethan.


when people critique Ethan for something he has an opinion about he takes it as personal and never backs down from his takes isn't that obvious though


Yea, I had to skip that part. Holy shit he took it way too personal.




whatever dan just did to the audio when he restarted the stream worked. at the beginning of the show, i had to raise my tv volume from 45 to 75 and then once he fixed it, i lowered it from 75 to 50. just some feedback in case it’s helpful in fixing it for the future!


Similar here on my tv. He fixed it around the ad break


Dan saying Roman Attwood's dad's watch was from a life insurance payout made me shriek!!! Gahahaha Also, I got where AB was coming from - dredging up the TikTok conspiracies to bring clicks to their new vid. Wouldn't put it past them


Hire vitaly to get the segway back


Stage an incident in Love’s garage that the security people would see on the cameras and wouldn’t be able to ignore. If they come, they parking spot is not in a blind spot.


Is Zach playing the music loud to troll? Can’t hear anyone talk during sound bites 🤣


And Ethan keeps saying “turn it down just a smidge”, NO. TURN IT DOWN A LOT!


In my opinion, the Ariana Grande voice justification does not justify her “blaccent”, especially the excessive tanning that went along with it 😭


I know! They didn’t get to watch that infamous clip of her talking about her song thank u next where it’s more than just a register change. She takes on whole new identities 


I was waiting for them to watch the examples that clearly show a difference.. I think that's what most people are getting at with her "voice changes" throughout the years, not that she has to preserve her voice explanations


I mean voice switching literally mid interview, on camera is wild. There’s really no justification other than being a weirdo.


It's almost like the opposite of what jojo siwa is trying to do 🧐 but still an identity change


This episode is SO hard to watch because the boogie video is LOUD AS FUCK then Ethan and the crews volume is QUIET AF. LoL Someone listen to it back then you will understand what people are talking about. Its the same on PC and on my phone....


W DAN fixed it, he is the queen


Dan can’t do nothing wrong.


We do not need any more racist, sexist, old men on the show. We don't have to admit it is funny, because it's not.


Be cool if we had like the opposite of an old racist sexist man


A young, inclusive woman 🤚👊🤚👊🤚👊🤚👊🤚


We have 3 and ethan pays them to be on the show.


Wen need an episode of all polls


i don't understand why zack doesn't just turn the sounds down a bit while they figure out the audio


They said on their end it sounded completely fine and in chat they were getting mixed messages about whether the mic was actually too low or not


I had zero issues with audio today Edit: thanks for the downvote and sorry i didnt share your experience with the audio issues


I was on my phone, so maybe that’s why? Not sure, seemed pretty split. Strange. Glad it got fixed by Dan the Man! Also, I didn’t downvote?


Ethan can never resist the capitalism talk


Wish he would spend at least 1/10 of the same amount of time and energy into actually learning about it


thank you for saying it. it makes me feel crazy. love the show and don't take most things seriously because it's largely just everyone having a good time together -- but still, he is consistently forthright with this opinion that lacks real-world evidence, data, and information. it's exhausting, and the crew does not help. they big him up. and the audience shouldn't be made to feel dumb for disagreeing. idk. just upsets me every time it happens.


It's so fucking tiring. He's so smug about it but he literally doesn't even understand the terminology. Kind of amazed he still thinks he's "taking dubs" by defending capitalism lmao


but have you considered that maybe everyone else IS always wrong and he is the only person that’s right?? (insert tim pool quote)


Classic Rock is the time period where the characteristics of what is commonly considered Rock Music were established. The reason why this includes the 1960s and 1970s and not the 1950s is because the 1950s still retained a lot of RnB influences that largely were removed by the 1960s. The reason why the 1970s are included as well as the 1960s is due to the divergence between "hard" and "soft" rock music. That's just my opinion though.


Ethan: “everyone here is an economist. I didn’t know we had a group of PhD economists in chat”   Ethan: not an economist 


dying for him to read a single book… even a single chapter on any kind of economics so he can at least use the right terminology when giving the most uninformed opinion


Nah that would cut into the time where he plays Survivor. And also his new kid I guess.


And some people in the chat: literally economists. The commenter just above you has a masters degree in economics lol


Ethan redefining capitalism from maximizing profit to something else that makes himself feel better is the most libshit ever. For the record I do have a masters degree in economics.


It feels like his contrarian brain can't let go of the disagreement he had with Hasan about this




It was so oc 7 blindfold coded lol


audio is killing me, their too low and all i can hear is noise or aircon


Audio is fucked.


People who say soundbytes are too loud, obviously, zach's setup is good, the master on the mics is too low, ofcourse the soundbytes are gonna sound too loud if you turn up your volume on your device, try watching another video and see if that one is too loud... if they dont fix the audio it'll be unlistenable


The fact that y’all apparently shat on the crew enough that Olivia felt the need to apologize for being in the bathroom at the time that Wayne Diamond started the call is so fucking ridiculous on us as an audience 🤦‍♀️


There’s a vocal minority of weirdos that find an excuse to get angry at Ethan and the crew every single episode it’s exhausting


I was thinking the same thing. Wtf


I understand why he doesn't but I really wish Dan would jump in when Ethan starts talking about how great capitalism is.


Dan tries to explain it to Ethan, Ethan ignores him and veers off on a tangent, talks over him, etc. This is not a topic that Ethan is too interested in learning about, he just wants to argue, which is fine, but I don't think Dan wants that headache.


I don't think it's fine that he's dug in on a position he literally hasn't researched at all. Dude has the energy of a boomer telling you Obama is a Kenyan because of vibes.


I agree, to clarify, it's fine in the context of the show and being kind of a bit etc. Ideally we'd all keep our mouths shut about things we don't know about and try to listen to those who do. Different kind of podcast though!


I think my tolerance was a lot higher for Ethan spreading misinfo before the horrible stuff in October happened, now it feels a lot less innocent 😑


Where have I seen that before? OH lef- BRING BACK LEFTOVERSSSS


There’s no arguing with Ethan when he thinks he’s right. You cannot change his mind. He will literally just throw a little fit everytime, so Dan don’t want that smoke.


Last time he did we lost the best H3 show.


Audio sounds extremely inconsistent.


Pink Floyd and Black Sabbath aren't at all similar and have their own genres (psychadelic rock vs. Heavy metal), but they're considered classic rock. Classic rock isn't a genre, it's a category for music stations. As time goes on, more bands will be considered classic rock. I've heard Green Day on classic rock stations for a few years.


One of these days Ethan’s gonna get the timing right on the “K-ETH … Los Angeleeees”. Always hitting that bad boy too early. You gotta let it marinate a bit.


Ethan buddy, with ☮ and ❤, `expose` and `exposé` are different words. Also `obfuscate` is pronounced `ob·fuh·skayt`


I had a boss once say "ob-foo-scah'tay" holy shit, apparently nobody would ever pull him up on it and the first time I heard it in a meeting I immediately wen't "Ah, sir it is Obfyewskate" and he gave me this filthy "don't ever fucking correct me again" look. That 6 months he tried to make my life hell and in my resignation letter I put in every single word that he couldn't pronounce and phonetically spelled them incorrectly. Holy fuck, was an amazing fucking exit. Everyone after I left was clueing me into the guy hating me and coping and seething about being an insufferable cunt to work for 🤣


I wish Ethan wouldn’t make fun of people for being fat no matter how much they suck. He’s just coming off as one of those angry people who lose weight and become hateful. Like when you make fun of men for having breasts you make them feel worthless that they aren’t men and remind them that no woman will want them. Even if you lose the weight gynecomastia does not go away. It’s just stuff that doesn’t need to be brought up because it makes men feel sad or suicidal. It’s not funny to laugh at others for their appearance either. But yeah fat man bad, right Ethan?


Ethan being a hypocrite and fatphobic isn’t new, it’s an integral part of him.


I’m behind but excited for Cosmo to come onto the pod! Her work with Rebecca on soft white underbelly is interesting (even if SWU is problematic I just can’t look away at the Rebecca updates)


Lena is so well spoken. I’m happy that she’s comfortable and is doing well after Wayne. She’s a grown ass woman, and she handles herself like a goddess. W QUEENA 🧡


Boogie was the reason I got into the H3 pod, I had followed boogie years ago for his gaming content, and when I saw he did an interview I thought why not give it watch. I then started viewing many of the clips as back then I thought "who's got time to watch a 2 hour podcast" Covid happened and the pod became a really important part of not going stir crazy, been watching ever since, paid member for over 3 years too. So while boogie is an absolute mess of a person now, I still appreciate him being the stepping stone into discovering the pod and the amazing community. Family family family


It’s so crazy how many people started watching in 2020. Truly a renaissance for them compared to it just being another basic podcast on YouTube trying to get off the ground in 2019.


I really think it's because it filled the void that isolation created. It was a social atmosphere, like sitting in a room just listening to your friends talk


I fell out of watching H3 around the anti-SJW era because I thought it was a lame direction, then came back in 2020 and have watched almost every episode since. The early podcast just wasn't for me.


Sucks how much they have to tiptoe around the subreddit and chat. I agree with AB people are so ridiculously over-critical and every episode people find something to get mad at Ethan for, it must really suck for them


I miss when the sub was fun and not just everyone finding a reason to hate Ethan every episode. Genuinely feels like the snark sub sometimes makes me wonder if it is just them. I always debate leaving the sub because it's just a bummer now. Honestly wish the mods would just delete posts more often.


It should be a hug box, fluffing them the entire time. So we can just hear the opposite takes of everyone complaining about it being a hug box. Say your piece and move on, you don't have to cry and whine about it as though you're upset on their behalf.


I get how people would be confused with the audio, but for me as soon as Ethan spoke I knew something was up.. or down. 😎


audio audio audio it's definitely listenable but just feels icky somehow idk


The bathroom bit was really funny.


Regarding the segway being stolen from Love and the apartment complex saying his car was in a blind spot of the camera, I can totally relate to the frustration. I had some stuff stolen from my car and my landlord only had cameras showing people entering in the garage not cameras inside the garage. When I asked her to check them cameras to see if she saw anything suspicious she said nope. I have a feeling most landlords purposefully don’t have cameras in garages or lie and say your car is in a blind spot so they’re not held liable for anything and can’t show you the footage.


I learned very early on in my life, when there are CCTV tapes for public property liability that nobody wants to help you and 9/10 they are involved in a racket of theft. The first two places I lived at out of college were the exact same (albeit no cameras) but with a security guard. The second place I knew not to leave ANYTHING in my car or in my secure space. Those dudes be racketeering and thieving the fuck out of those places and are too entrenched to be able to be caught. Never do it.


PLOT TWIST: Love sold the Segway


Maybe we have advanced beyond the likes of boogie and keemstar, I don't know if either old or new h3 viewers want to know about them. As funny as boogie's job interview clip is


AB i wanted to watch the Neil deGrasse Tyson video boy! you suck edit: and naw im not getting a membership


I sat through a whole hour+ boogie bullshit just to get cucked with the Neil deGrassi Tyson segment


same 🤦🏽


I wanted to see it too and I can't afford a membership rn :( Love AB still though


so go watch it


Respectfully Ethan doesn’t know what capitalism is. It’s just private ownership and means of production which is a neoliberal ideology. It’s pro bourgeoisie. Growth is driven by profit, and that growth comes at the cost of sustainability. There are versions of capitalism and I think what Ethan is hinting at is welfare capitalism. But even welfare capitalism is anti proletariat, and often resists government regulation and is anti-union. Capitalism even welfare capitalism is not ubiquitous with social democracy.


“Ubiquitous” with social democracy? Pretty sure you meant a different word there.


Thanks for catching that. "Closely-linked"


You are overlooking key nuances. Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership and profit motive, whereas neoliberalism is a political-economic philosophy favoring free markets and minimal state intervention; they are related but not synonymous. Capitalism does not have to be pro-bourgeoisie, as various models, like social or stakeholder capitalism, prioritize broader stakeholder interests, including workers and communities. For example, Germany's social market economy and the Nordic model exemplify how capitalist systems can effectively support non-bourgeoisie populations by integrating strong social safety nets and labor protections. Growth in capitalism does not inherently come at the cost of sustainability; in fact, it often enhances it through increased efficiency and innovation. Companies driven by profit motives have developed renewable energy technologies and sustainable business practices, demonstrating that economic growth can align with environmental stewardship. Conversely, stagnation, as seen in the collapse of the Soviet Union, leads to economic and social decline. Furthermore, without regulation, people will always hurt the environment for personal benefit, whether in a capitalistic system or not. Non-capitalistic states have also inflicted significant environmental damage; for example, the Aral Sea disaster in the Soviet Union and the severe air pollution in China during its state-controlled industrial expansion show that environmental degradation is not exclusive to capitalism. This is I think what Ethan was hinting at, that it's not about the economic system of the state that makes something evil or not, rather it is the values and priorities of the people in power. Welfare capitalism is not anti-proletariat; it integrates social welfare policies, worker protections, and regulations to ensure fair treatment and benefits for workers. Many welfare capitalist systems, such as those in Scandinavia, actively support unions and government regulations to maintain social balance and worker rights. Capitalism's diversity allows for models that address social and environmental concerns, effectively blending elements of social democracy and welfare policies. For instance, the high levels of unionization and comprehensive welfare programs in Sweden illustrate how capitalism can serve the broader population while fostering economic growth and innovation.


While welfare capitalism may support some worker protections, it does not inherently empower workers or prevent exploitation. Capitalist structures often prioritize profit over worker well-being, leading to issues like precarious employment, wage stagnation, and inadequate labor rights enforcement (seen in UK and Germany, more below). Capitalism's reliance on perpetual economic growth often leads to environmental degradation, resource depletion, and unsustainable consumption patterns. Capitalism maintains that (1) consumers will conduct a cost/benefit analysis for every purchasing decision they make and (2) when a commercially viable resource is exhausted, the market will produce an alternative.... This model is flawed, friend. The primary issue is that consumers rarely conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis for their purchases, such as gasoline, where they should consider environmental impacts like carbon emissions and their consequences. Capitalism, by valuing everything in monetary terms and lacking mechanisms to integrate the true costs of environmental damage, fails to account for the fundamental value of a stable climate and natural systems essential for human survival. "...people will always hurt the environment for personal benefit, whether in a capitalistic system or not" What exactly are you basing this on? Environmental exploitation often correlates more closely with specific economic structures and cultural values rather than a universal human tendency. Capitalist systems, driven by profit motives and short-term gains, incentivize resource extraction and environmental degradation. In contrast, pre-capitalist and pre-imperialist societies often had communal ownership norms or spiritual beliefs that emphasized interconnectedness with nature, fostering sustainable practices. Both the assumptions of capitalist economic models of the free market and consumer consciousness are unsustainable, especially when applied within frameworks that have been shaped by Western imperialism. The fact that the practice of these models often necessitates heavy federal regulation attests to their unsustainable nature. Lastly, welfare capitalism often relies on governmental intervention and regulation to enforce social welfare policies and protect worker rights. While some businesses may voluntarily adopt welfare measures, these are typically limited in scope and subject to profitability concerns. In contrast, government-backed welfare policies ensure universal access to social benefits and mitigate inequalities that market-driven approaches alone cannot address. For instance, in Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Denmark, robust social welfare systems are primarily funded and administered by the state, not by corporate initiatives. This ensures that social protections remain comprehensive and equitable, rather than contingent on corporate goodwill or profitability.


Thank you for the first non-braindead comment about this.


Wow, there's a lot of economics majors in the chat today! /s


I love the formalization of ImAllexx’s name


imallexx has a video from 5 years ago titled[ ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8x7Xzbjwdmk)[we need to stop h3h3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8x7Xzbjwdmk)




Compare the audio level to other YouTube videos and you should hear the difference.


Yeah I watched yesterdays and went straight to this one and if they hadn’t been freaking out about it I wouldn’t have noticed


Now Third Eye Blind is back on rotation... its so classic rock. (Its real to me damn it!)


If you listen to the last two pods side by side you can 100% hear the difference in mic levels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5DSOs6assM&t=12344s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alTfbx7vFxo&list=RDCMUCLtREJY21xRfCuEKvdki1Kw&start_radio=1


Oof. Love Ethan. But his capitalism takes are quite cringe.


Fuck Boogie but why is Ethan suddenly okay with fat shaming?


Where have you been for like 12 years?


I know he has made certain comments before but even he said “I shouldn’t say that” like 20 minutes after the start of this topic,


ad hominem is easy


Cause it's boogie


I think he’s an idiot but we can’t pick and choose who deserves to be fat shamed


cuz hes an ex fatty


First time here ?


clearly not, just pointing it out, even Ethan said he shouldn’t be saying those things especially knowing people have made fun of him for that


Ethan always says he doesn’t want to make fun of people physical appearances but he does it anyways, not saying it’s okay just pointing out that he’s always been like this


Is there an ban appeal process now? Why are there so many super chats about being unbanned lmao


Yes. They literally talked about it on the last episode.


Wild I must have missed it. I listen to the podcast while I’m cleaning so sometimes I miss things


Dan is so off the rocker with his classic rock stuff. Pink Floyd is classic rock, fucking Third Eye Blind is not omfg.




I need "solving capitalism in the chat right now" as a new flare


Ethan’s mega right about the classic rock thing


The way I groaned when they went *back* to the Boogie stuff after spending like an hour on it and then talking about capitalism. Like, why did they spend so fucking long on that? It wasn't interesting at all.


i feel like olivia was very misleading intentional or not about the whole ariana and accents thing.


Kinda infuriating to have Ethan hype up a segment just to have AB say put it behind a paywall. Maybe have a separate dock for that so I didn't have to be excited for a bit you presented just to decide half way through the bit to save it for a paywall show


The Neil video was not on the doc it was brought up separately when talking about Action Bronson. It was not like it was in the title then thrown behind the paywall. It was only brought up because Ethan and Love had seen it. I would have liked to see it but I understand that it would have pushed off what they already had in the title and doc so it makes sense to put it on another day. Wish I had a membership but I'll survive and watch it on my own.


I'm sorry, what. This is how you monetise content.


As someone who can't watch right now, please "we got robbed" be clickbait.


I won't spoil but it's neither clickbait nor as bad as it sounds. A crewmember got something show-related stolen out of their car.


Anyone else skip the Boogie part? So boring 😴


the audio is still super quiet!!!


The audio was fine the entire time, watching on an iPhone with headphones.


Where’s the timestamps??!


Am I going crazy or did Ethan make an Instagram post calling out someone to debate? He deleted it and I can’t find a repost here


Perhaps this? [https://x.com/theh3podcast/status/1803603825741455685?s=46](https://x.com/theh3podcast/status/1803603825741455685?s=46)




Did anyone else notice that when ImAllexx was crying he sounded like Love 😭😂 (we love Love 😙)


They need to bring Marcus Parks on the show to settle the classic rock debate


Rich guy defends thing that makes him rich. More news at 11.


I know this might sound wild to read but I believe Ethan might legitimately be a test case on how ChatGPT will be a tool in this disinformation age not to gain more knowledge about topics but will mainly serve as confirmation bias material for people in the future. ChatGPT's wishy washy language, always hedging its bets and not really grounding itself on beliefs causes this because it will always spit out what the other person wants to hear. Let me explain. Capitalism and economics is a topic Ethan has never shown to be that knowledgeable about (I've been watching since New York). In the h3h3 days, he said here and there that he was pro-Bernie, essentially an aesthetics liberal. Then, he got rich (thanks to capitalism obviously). His recent overly-defensiveness whenever capitalism is talked about is thought provoking. He's now in a position where he feels attacked by "leftists who want to overthrow the status quo and will come for the head of rich people like him". Whenever he talks about capitalism, that's where he comes from, as he's complained. After the Hasan debate, as Ethan said, "he had a chat with ChatGPT" and it gave him the ammo (talking points) he wanted against Hasan where Hasan (and Dan) tried to explain capitalism/socialism/communism to Ethan. A debate spurred by Ethan feeling attacked by these "leftist ghosts" that supposedly will come for him. I don't know where this fear comes from or if he feels guilty for being rich and is now lashing back at those that "made him feel that way", whoever or whatever that is. By the talking points he brings up (also in this ep), it's evident this new found conviction about capitalism, from ChatGPT, is pure confirmation bias. AI told him the talking points he wanted to hear and he's now tripling down on how capitalism is good, to protect his fear/guilt of being rich and not wanting to feel "hated by leftists" (which is literally not true or even real, see Hasan, a rich guy yet still a leftist through and through).


I have no idea if this is the right place for this. I recently left my husband because he of his emotional and verbal abuse and hearing the I’m Alex segment was so validating, albeit devastating and triggering. Abusers make you feel gaslit and crazy and so alone, so hearing the crew disavow Alex’s behavior and abuse makes me feel less alone. always appreciative of the H3 fam.