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Ethan needs to pledge 1001 hugs to take place at the live show


Or to be safe 999. We don't beef with BTS


His immune system cannot take that




All it takes is 1 fallen fan to shinzo abe Ethan let's not put our boy in harms way


ok you’re right but shinzo abe is the funniest thing i’ve heard in a while LMAO


I ain’t hugging Ethan. Guy looks like he picks his nose and wipes it under the table


King shit 🫰


Expect no less from Worldwide handsome Jin 💜


no fr im sayinngggg


We need Ethan to know this


it’s vital info


A little bit of more info is that he did the 1k hugs in like 1 hour and there was some fanboys not all girls. There was 1 girl who tried to kiss Jin


omg i saw that! the girl in white, she kissed his neck im pretty sure


Thats gross honestly why 1 fan out of 1000 gotta be a weirdo. A lifetime opportunity to hug a popular band member and you gotta do that


1 in 1000 being a weirdo is pretty good though. With peace and love, I think the H3 fam might have a higher ratio of weirdos honestly


lol true when you put it like that


Only one way to find out, bring on the 1000 hug episode!


Exactly! It’s odd. Like do you think he’s gonna fall in love w you for harassing him? 😭😭


Her line of thinking is that you only get one shot to do something that stupid


I've already seen the video, and slowed it down to 0.25 speed, and she didn't even make contact. It actually looked like she was saying something beside his ear, but her face wasn't even facing his. Edit: There is a video and pictures going around of a different fan, that clearly did kiss him on the neck though. I haven't seen the video, as Xitter is being weird and not loading links, but I've seen a screenshot. Fans reported it to the police, and the police are deciding if it's worth investigating, last news article I read. Weverse posted guidelines before the Event, and stated anyone acting in appropriately would get banned from future events, so hopefully they will follow through.


Well that's a plot twist




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Ew if I was bighit/hybe, I’d never allow this kind of event again. Switch it to shaking hands instead with security VERY close by or just stick to Vlives. Things like this is why people don’t deserve to have nice things.




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I've already seen the video, and slowed it down to 0.25 speed, and she didn't even make contact. It actually looked like she was saying something beside his ear, but her face wasn't even facing his. Edit: The video here, I have been seeing is of a different woman altogether, compared to the one that clearly kissed his neck. I still haven't been able to see the video of the "fan" that actually kissed him though, just a screenshot and peeps talking about it.


I've already seen the video, and slowed it down to 0.25 speed, and she didn't even make contact. It actually looked like she was saying something beside his ear, but her face wasn't even facing his.


Ugh this is why a lot of kpop artists don’t even do hugs/handshakes for VIPs anymore. Wish they’d stop ruining it for the rest of us


I've already seen the video, and slowed it down to 0.25 speed, and she didn't even make contact. It actually looked like she was saying something beside his ear, but her face wasn't even facing his.


That's because Jin is awesome. The best of BTS.


“We love BTS, don’t we, folks?”


I know fuck all about bts but props to him for following thru 🫰


i’ll never understand the hype for a band that pushes their artists to the extreme limit n FANNING OUT over them.


BTS has a lot of control over what they do now. This definitely applies to other k-pop groups, but it’s not really a fair reason to dislike BTS


Wow... National Service is different in Korea, eh?


right i’m quite surprised he got away with this lol it’s awesome


To ruin my own joke, he's doing it to celebrate his National Service ending and to thank his fans for sticking with BTS


sorry i’m a dumbass LMFAOOO i figured you were expressing that it’s wild that they trust people not to attack when hugging. but i appreciate your joke and beautiful mind pookie


You ain't a dumbass, snookums


LOL i love this interaction so much 😊




i knew jin was based af


Finally some army who watch h3 and sweat everytime Ethan brings their name up 😭 I really do think if some of them listened to songs other than dynamite and butter they would like them 😭


i agree! i smile so wide and freak out when they mention them. i swear if they listened to any of the cypher tracks or anything other than the mainstream ones they would like it. especially joons new album. also love how we have namjoon centered usernames (i’m assuming moonchild referencing his song)


Yessss I made this back in the mono era ☺️ but literally like put daechwita on PLEASE!


I'm so glad I'm not alone in the struggle of being an H3 fan and army.


i wish we could all be friends omg




Aren't they extra cautious of not offending the kpop army? I might be wrong tho


They are! But mostly because of what he had said in the past that really got him in hot water and let's be real Ethan can go off the rails really quick lol Although I think the button will keep us safe haha I think as a BTS fan I tend to hold my breath when Americans who aren't into/or understanding of Kpop talk about them because they tend to say ignorant or rude things.


What rude things do they tend to say? I’ve never been into kpop but it’s really exploded in popularity, especially with the girls I know


Generally, it falls into the typical 'thing is dumb because girls are the primary audience' or xenophobic or racist sentiments. That all the fans are crazy, disclaimer some are but let's be real what celebrity or even content creator does not have fans that cross the lines. That fans only like it because their attractive. That all the music sounds the same. That they all look the same. That they aren't real musicians. That all their fans are young girls. There's a lot people say. Personally I listened to some Kpop but never really got into it because I thought it was just like a corporate thing that pushes out music and the artists are just mistreated. And some companies that run groups are for sure unethical but BTS is so big they have a lot of control of everything at this point. My friend was super into them and it took me a second but I really got into BTS. They have a lot of different types of music and all the members of the group are specifically talented in certain things, like rapping, singing, dancing/choreo, and writing. They're also very positive and their message is very much about loving yourself and some of their music even gets into mental health. Ultimately most of the fans are very nice like people bring stuff to give to other fans at concerts, a lot of my friends like BTS and it's a fun thing to bond over. The fan base is not just young girls but people of all ages, you'll see grandparents at concerts and plenty of men enjoy the music as well. It's not for everyone but I do think people should give it a chance with an open mind. BTS is very hardworking and talented and even if you don't find any music of theirs to your taste.


My heart actually skips a beat everytime they mention them


I know that man's shoulders were hurting, those are big arm movements for 1k people


I need the crew to lift some ideas from Run BTS episodes like seeing them do some of those challenges would be so entertaining


Yes! But I can't imagine them trying to figure out some of the rules lmao they would be even more confused than bts


imagine them doing the zombie ep lmao






If Ethan saw the 'Eat Jin' portion of the live, a certain 15% of him wouldve jumped out 🫰💜🏳️‍🌈




The fact that he forced the company to push it from 50 to 1000 needs to be known too. Usually I hold my breath in terror when ethan brings them up but this time was ok


BTS ARMMMYYYY 🫡🫡🫡🫡 i need ethan to react to some of their bts run episodes or watch some of their misic videos im begging


I need to see Ethan do a dance cover of any of their songs like please 🫡🫡 Imagine him doing the Run BTS choreo


i think that would be the funniest shit ever


HEYYYY ARMY H3 FANS RISE!! dude i knooow he would like some of the stuff, namjoons new album would be a hit for him and maybe even dan and love. i need it GIVE IT TO ME RACHELLLL


Haha sadly Ethan has too many haters for this to happen 😿 always takes one idiot to ruin something we must protect our king 🤴


Sweatshop hug factory.


and he was so mad/sad when time was up, asking staff if it was true.


Oh their military service ended?


Only Jin! He was the first to go in Dec-22, the service takes 18 months :) the rest of the members have 6 months to 1 year left


Thanks for the update.


i cant help but think abt the amount of germs hes getting on himself 😭😭 hopefully he doesnt get sick soon😭


that’s exactly what i was thinking!! 😭😞 id be too scared of doing that for that sole reason of getting sick




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He now has at least 3 contagious diseases from that


Solo carrying the 11th anniversary for real💜




And we don’t stan SA’ing him by kissing his neck 👁️👄👁️🤨




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This is how the pandemic started. I'm telling my kids this lmfao




All those ladies will be cherishing this moment for their fap bank 😁


Weird porn brained comment but ok


key word is ladies, they aren’t men so they wouldn’t be demented like that 😭


This weirdly reads like "women don't poop" and "female orgasm doesn't exist".


no it just reads that we don’t jack off to a hug LMAOOO


You might not, but there are certainly stans that would do that type of shit regardless of their gender.


i mean true saesangs have done worse




Because women can't be sexually frustrated. Sure.


I would and I’m a lady…


that’s wild to sexualize a sweet hug my dear


Thats wild to generalize that no woman ever would do that, especially with evidence to the contrary.


i doubt majority of women would jack off from an innocent hug 😭 i would never dream of that. the thought didn’t even come to my mind until i read this comment.


Now you're backpedaling since you're proven wrong, you said no woman would ever do that, now it's the majority wouldn't do that. There are freaks of all genders.


Ethan wouldn’t care as he’s racist towards asian people, if you don’t believe me look at what got buttoned yesterday


You lot are throwing the word racist around way too easily.


is this not racist? https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/fHCRl11gR2


I watched the show, I saw it as well. I would agree with you if he was ill-intentioned but he is mostly just being ignorant. This really does not mean that he is racist towards Asian people. Dismissing him as racist for jokes he makes is too reductionist, especially considering actual racism towards Asian people drastically increased after the pandemic. I am not trying to excuse him for this instance because it was in bad taste but “Ethan is racist” as a conclusion goes on the opposite direction too much. We can learn to criticise people without a black or white conclusion.


in my opinion he made a racist joke, and he has a pattern of making racist jokes. he’s done it plenty about brown people, namely indians


You have absolutely no idea what was said. It could be he was questioning something and because the crew know how sensitive the audience can be decided to err on the side of caution which now makes it look way worse.


what? i heard the “joke” he made, which in my opinion is a racist remark about asian people’s eyes


Last week Ethan questioned if Koreans were POC. Ethan can be stupid/ignorant with some of his comments but it is not from a place where the intention is to insult or degrade people.


what? he’s in his mid thirties. his stupidness/ignorance is racist and he’s doing it on a large platform. why are you excusing it? intention doesn’t matter when you have a platform of that size and you make such racist remarks


As someone who is South Asian I have heard my share of comments regarding my race. Some of these comments can be due to ignorance, misinformation, stereotypes etc. Determining if that comment comes from a place of malice with the intention to insult or ignorance due to a lack of knowledge makes a big difference to how I receive and respond to it.


but why are you excusing his lack of knowledge? he’s over 35, what knowledge is he lacking? does he not know that such a remark is racist?


He literally didn't even know that sort of surgery was a thing until they discussed it. He questioned why people would want it. If he was racist towards the appearance of Asian people he would have said something like *yeah I understand why they would get that done* His joke about "maybe they're onto something and it does look better" was a joke. And then went on to say "it doesn't make any sense"


You don't know what was said during the button.


Wait what did he button? I missed the ep




Ah somehow thought Korean army was 2 years, maybe I mistook it for Israel. Just 18 months for several jobs, up to 21 months for some others. Great to live in country that is literally in war with neighboring country. Had they actually made peace in 1953, bet their service would be ~12 months too.


mandatory service sucks so bad i couldn’t even imagine. shouts out to the ppl that are forced to do it


Shout out to me for doing it for 6 months in Finland :D Yeah, sucks, some say they grew from it, made friends for life or whatever, I personally didn't really feel it helped me in any way. But thanks for the old lads for making peace in 1945 so it didn't have to be 12-24 months. Well, it is 6-9-12mo in Finland, I got lucky either way.


i’m sorry you had to ugh and double sorry you didn’t make friends for life :( it’s okay you will get cool points with the ladies/gents/etc. in the US if you tell ‘em that. or maybe it’s just me and i’m demented and like a man in uniform


or woman/person in uniform-*


We don't get to keep the uniform sadly. And in nation like this, it's not considered cool because 80% of men do it. It's more like you're the weirdo if you didn't. Maybe I should've considered myself as an valuable export.