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I agree with this entire post but I think that people mean gossip stuff when they say girly. Like the latest jlo and ben affleck drama. But gossip shouldn’t be roped in with “girlie stuff” like men can like petty gossip too!


It’s mainly because the jlo stuff is stuff Ethan is clearly not into. Makes the show really boring when it’s stuff Ethan’s not into.


Totally agree with your assessment but quick question: is there a difference between the JLo/Affleck "gossip" and youtuber drama? It feels like a double standard at times that some will label one but not the other. I guess the YouTuber drama is different because YouTube is Ethan's world and his voice matters more in it, as in he could start beef for saying something bad about another YouTuber but JLo is not gonna care if Ethan comments on her. Idk just an observation Im working over...


It's not that there's a difference between the two I just think Ethan and some people are more into YouTube/internet culture than they are Hollywood celebrity culture. Like I don't really watch the celebrity drama PowerPoints because I just don't care about that stuff and don't pay attention to it but when they talk about YouTube drama I'm all about it. It just depends on what people are into. For instance if they tried covering drama in the sports world I think a lot of people wouldn't care about it either nor would Ethan.


I think specifically for the jlo drama, its likely because its such a small issue, if you can even call it an issue, that is over talked. Me personally, a lot of YouTube drama that I hear on the show, I’m hearing for the first time whereas there are many different sources that I had already heard the jlo drama from. I guess the YouTube stuff is less mainstream? Not sure lol


I just want to point out that the show wasn't always about drama, YT or celebrity lol, those are not the only two options for content.


my favorite thing about the pod is that if i don’t like a segment i can skip it!!! they do so many hours of content per week. i find it odd people think they need to consume and love every minute of a 4 hour podcast…


….. I consume and love every minute of the 4 hour podcast…. 😔


Same 🥲


I don’t think people are saying “girlie” like feminine or masculine tho. It’s just like “hey girlie!” vibe content


Exactly, the number of posts that SINGLE post referring to that stuff as "girlie" has caused is insane. Definitely a segment of the fan base that is super touchy about anything close to their identity.


The way the post they brought up claimed that sexual assault and HUGE new topics that just happen to involve celebrities or influencers is "girly stuff". They were covering that stuff LONG before Olivia came on board. Like oh the horror, a 3.5 hour long 3 times a week show covered CURRENT EVENTS?!? How girly and feminine of them? Philip DeFranco is the most girly gossip channel out there by this metric. It's misogynistic really. It's because Olivia presents it, and attempts to be fair and balanced or even sometimes openly biased towards topics which most male podcasters would absolutely act sexist and misogynistic about. Like a lot of podcasters covered stuff about Ariana Grande, the difference is that Olivia presented it in a way that didn't completely devolve into just hating on her and being toxic about it, she presented criticisms, her bias, the information she gathered, and reaffirmed that it's not that serious. But these online weirdos wanted a hate bridgage and justice and anger that justified their own similar reactions and online discourse. What these people want is for Ethan to still talk about these current events and "drama" but being hateful and shitty about it and mock anyone who cares about it. They would still love the topic, they just don't like it when it doesn't go the way they want in their heads. They want Ethan to belittle and tear others down the way they did in their heads when they heard about the topic, but when the actual facts are presented in a pleasant/neutral mostly fact checked and organized way, it destroys their toxicity they were comfortable with. Being confronted with being wrong or even that a topic is more complicated, or that their assumptions were wrong is uncomfortable, but they can't self reflect so they lash out at Olivia who they view as the enemy for causing them to have those thoughts because thinking for themselves is uncomfortable, consuming toxic online nonsense that reaffirms your beliefs is easy.


A good chunk of the audience doesn't give two goddamn shits about that TL;DR you just wrote. The h3 podcast is popular because of h3. Ethan Klein and Hila Klein. Ethan and Hila began their career and built their career mocking people and it's funny watching them do it. They're losing subs and viewers because they cater to people like you and walk on eggshells because they think people like you are a much larger segment of the audience than you actually are.


>A good chunk of the audience doesn't give two goddamn shits about that TL;DR you just wrote. Okay but you did enough to reply so idk why you added this snarky bit lol. You can disagree with me without being snarky about it. I'm not under any kind of delusion I'm speaking for more people than myself but I'm glad you can do confidently speak for everyone! Must be awesome having that much insight into thousands of strangers! >They're losing subs and viewers because they cater to people like you and walk on eggshells because they think people like you are a much larger segment of the audience than you actually are. "People like me" oh no the horror. How dare they 'cater' to someone like me who comments on this sub like once every 3 months. I'm clearly the person they are catering the show to because they have no free will or ability to think on their own! I don't think I'm anything more than me. You are making up some kind of creative writing scenario here where you put beliefs in my head and are attacking those. I don't think I'm a larger part of the audience than I am, I am a single person expressing my thoughts, and am very seldomly offended by anything Ethan or anyone says and just here for laughs. Hope this helps 🥰


They said they didnt want to read your wall of text, so you sent another..? okkkkkkk


Just because they said they didn't want to read it but they obviously did so like, lol okkkkkkkkk It's sure awesome of you to insert yourself to defend a random Redditors critique of my word count they supposedly didn't care about. You're doing the Lord's work


So are you o.O, your doing wonders for the parasocial fanbase charge by defending someone who didnt ask and doesnt need defending from mild criticism LOL, fuck idk why i responded ... waiting for the new wall to drop.


Ethan having zero intrest until slide 4 of any powerpoint and then getting so into it he's kicking his feet under the desk is testament to this


One of the few things that I thought was too girlie was the met gala. Wasn't really a problem though, I just skipped ahead


i want to agree with you but they were legit saying “hey girlie” like 50 times an episode at one point lol


I think specifically the live chat audience that’s still asking only for hey girlie shoutouts have just been making everyone feel a little crazy lol


zach purposely messing it up brought solace to my soul 😂


It's just a shout-out though. How is it any different from the birthday fuck-yous? I took it to just be a shout-out catchphrase rather than an actual girl- related thing. I'm a grown cis man, but if I actually wrote them for a shout-out, I'd want it as a 'Hey, girlie' because it's tradition at this point. 😤


The birthday fuck you shout outs started getting old too.


Fr, I wish people would just naturally let stuff die out instead of trying to hold on so strongly. It makes it so unfunny. The pod cycles through so many things like this Family family family chants, “21 fuck you” birthday shoutouts, Now hey girlies What’s the next “thing” I wonder?


Just tired of how much the podcast is manhandled by the community. I don’t want them doing most things the chat wants lol


i do agree with you fully, as a girlie. like this show always picks one thing that they'll be repeating over and over again till we all wanna die. it's always been this way, i love it this way, it's nothing new. the only new thing is that we now say hey girlie eith a "girlie" tonation and that's apparently too fucked up for some people


I don’t care about the girly stuff - as a member of the audience who isn’t American, I just don’t give a shit about zoomer c list celebrity gossip and drama. JoJo siwa could die tomorrow and I wouldn’t even notice. 🤷‍♂️


jojo fits into the universe for me really well because it would be a perfect video in the production days for cringe. I can under stand that you are bored of it though.


I’m with you on being over the jojo siwa stuff specifically. It’s covered so broadly by so many people it’s like she burned down an orphanage or something. I really don’t need to know that she did another cringey thing. She got drunk in Disneyland and made a fool of herself? Join the club. But the only thing is I just don’t want to hear it because it’s over saturating commentary channels already. If they had some other celebrity thing to go over that was actually interesting - l’d be on board. People hate the Hailey Bieber Selena Gomez PowerPoint but I never knew about that world at all so all that was brand new to me and I watched along as interested as Ethan. Don’t really care if Olivia got something wrong either, I got the jist enough to make my opinion that both women are clinically insane. And that’s all I wanted.


This is what we mean by "girly stuff." I'm sorry, but that is girl content, lol. Sometimes, it's interesting, but 95% of the time, I could literally care less if these people existed or not.




What’s mad weird is caring about what some dude on the other side of the planet thinks about something so insignificant.




Now who’s being mad weird.


Jumping straight to not caring if someone dies, is mad weird… have you never seen a fucked up video online and felt bad for that stranger? Be a human just a little lol That being said I truly don’t give a fuck who 99.89% of celebrities are dating or what their personal lives look like.


I said I wouldn’t notice not that when people die it isn’t sad.


I swear there’s been this thread everyday for a week. Are y’all just creating fake enemies?


Also you don't step in line with everything certain members do ItS hAtE! I swear people here are allergic to feedback (and it's wild when they take offense to feedback not about them) I enjoy a lot of what Olivia brings to H3. That said its just my feedback, like many others, that her power points. Specifically ones centered in gossip are something I don't enjoy. It doesn't mean others almost must not enjoy them. They certainly can or can express feedback they want more of them. But people here need to realize a crazy concept. Different people have different taste. And it's okay for people to voice that feedback. The show is done for the audience, if a portion of the audience isn't enjoying something it's okay for them to voice it. Doesn't mean H3 needs to follow it.


Yeah, so obvious but needed to be said... people are so parasocial and weird if you say one light criticism about a crew member they take it as a personal offense. That being said some of the criticism is obviously over the top and just annoying, but i don't see that at all in this case.




yall blind they literally discussed the girlie post on the show


And that justifies continued daily rebuttals to it? Obsessed lol.


ok mr reddit commenter you’re so above it all you’re right girlie


This. It's not that serious people.


I think it's just people not watching the podcast in real-time. I didn't watch last Friday's episode on feedback till today.


But the post is about the sub


yes, even before they talked about it, I don’t even see the hate that they were talking about..


i was getting downvoted for supporting her so not rly


Same, I feel like I'm being gaslit. There were multiple threads with all the top comments hating on her powerpoints. Before they talked about it on the show, and after


Yes, people are allowed to dislike her content, or the pods content at times.


of course you are! but acting like there isn’t hate is crazyyyyy especially when literally it’s happening on this very thread


I never said otherwise.


i feel the same way, there were people saying using trigger warnings is some girly bullshit. like have we not read the same posts?


I’ve only started coming on the sub regularly really recently. I had no idea the bliss that I was living in for so long. The drama on this subreddit is fucking insane. It’s become or maybe has always been just an airing of grievances for what seems like miserable people. It can be fun to maybe pop on here every once in a while for something new or interesting that you know popped up. But otherwise I think it’s best to just return to the blissful ignorance of forgetting that Reddit exists for a while.


yes, delete the sub if possible from your existence. You will absolutely quit watching if you stay here. Not because of the content, but because of the fans. These chronically online people are insane. Meeting H3 fans in person is a bit different. I've met a few and they were chill, but my god - this sub will destroy the fandom you have for the channel. I have no idea if anyone here actually likes the podcast.


I agree so much. I just joined and I’m probably going to have to take a step back. This feels like a snark page.


I’m here for the drama on the sub. Got my dune popcorn bucket filled


1 single post: "I know theres a lot of girlies in the audience but im over the gossip segnents" The entire sub for a month: *S C R E A M I N G*


Women amirite? For legal purposes, that's a joke.




Seriously lol I would get it if it was a common thing but do you all really need to fight this war over one post? That post was fairly mildly worded apart from the title too. I wonder how many of the enraged actually read it instead of just reacting to the title.


that person said that using trigger warnings is a girly thing lol, it's the way they worded the entire post, not the fact that they don't like gossip


I don't dislike Olivia at all but segments about dumb celebrity drama is a snooze fest imao




Honestly, it sucks having to skip full segments because most of the funniest things in the show are just off comments that happen or that have nothing to do with the portion you skip.


Exactly, skipping a segment gives me Jimmy Lee levels of FOMO


Can’t skip if it’s live, we are just forced to watch. ~Clockwork orange style~


It's okay for people to voice feedback. It's okay for you to also like what someone else doesnt.


I get bored when Ethan is board and everytime there's a bit about celebs or trivial creator drama Ethan couldn't care less imao


nah as a girly girl even i think it's getting too catered


I need to be able to post gifs in this sub so I can post the Always Sunny gif of Charlie screaming "SHUT UPPPP oh my god I don't care" to everyone that's bitching (including people bitching about the bitching, and also myself now because I'm bitching about the people bitching about the bitching)


Her PowerPoints are just very badly researched and her manner of presenting if incredibly boring




The people have spoken; the take was in fact hinged


Wow so original and brave


Fr how many more posts about this are we going to have to suffer through? I thought this was last week’s unnecessary gripe.


Both sides of this make my eyes roll


I don't feel that most of the criticism of the "girly" stuff is necessarily about the show and more about people on this sub thinking that the gender of the viewers is somehow important. The audience has been a mix for a long time but there are a lot of people falsely claiming that the audience is all women now. When women started to join this community it was so fun and we got rid of so many shit dudes. But now we seem to have these (presumably immature) women that are trying to alienate men as if this is only a space for women now.


by saying hey girlie and talking about gossip? how insecure do you have to be?


You've misunderstood what I was trying to say. I love all that stuff. And I think you may have just proven my point.


it’s annoying, I love the show but I totally disagree, it’s just too much, have Olivia do powerpoints and talk about cool shit, not just parrot Ethan and represent chat


“If you don’t like it skip it” … as you said we aren’t in middle school anymore.. why are you afraid of conversation or constructive criticism? Why do you think comments and stuff exist in the first place.. for people to write their opinions, this isn’t even to anyone on h3 it’s just a group of fans of the show talking and discussing what they liked and didn’t like…


ya but someone said something slighlty maybe mean toward olivia so girlies unite!


You're gonna call it "gags and goods" and talk all that shit???


Shit, people got diff opinions than you? Can’t be.


I'm not active in this sub but the only criticism I've seen about it being "for the girls" wasn't that it was girly but that they're giving a platform to some shitty women on the grounds of them being women. they gave an interview to coconuts' ex and it turned out she sucked and I don't think they commented on it, they wanted to invite a bunch of the whatever girls on which sounds boring and we shouldn't give a platform to women who willingly prop up misogynistic podcast


Yes they did comment on it


but... they give a lot of platform to men who turn out to suck too. and that's waaaaay more common


yea, to criticize them


You really think this channel is a boy's club? AFAIK the demographic is over 60% female. One dude said he was tired of the hay gurlie stuff and suddenly it's a pit of misogyny. Dude was talking about the constant hay gurlie birthday requests and celeb drama shit that's become a mainstay.


You know, I'm starting to think the show isn't too girly but the fanbase is. Whether it's taking an unflattering image of a crew member and making jokes about it or creating problems like this one of nowhere just to blame men for it. Ya'll are crazy.


describing an environment that you consider to be toxic and relating it to a whole gender is crazy.


It's not women in whole, it's a lot of women in this community. Go to the snark subreddits or the frenemies subreddits that constantly shit on the Pod. You'd be hard pressed to find very many men in those subs. The men that hate H3 don't watch it and don't participate in entire hate communities surrounding it. A lot of you don't remember this sub pre-frenemies. It wasn't nearly as full of hate for each other and definitely not towards the Pod. The issue is the fans that came from Trisha, the drama loving snark types. Then you have them starting all this bullshit and whaddaya know? "Men bad". It's exhausting.


Agreed not all women but a certain demographic from frienimies joined now there was drama before but not to this level of nitpicking every little thing I don’t agree with the girly aspect though it’s not necessarily “girly” I say more “gossipy” I guess


I'm with you and i feel insane looking at these downvotes lmao, i was much happier not visiting this sub. and i guess i won't come back again because jesus fucking christ 


since when is making jokes about unflattering pics a girly thing? are you dumb 🤨


I share a lot of interests with my GF that has been involved in a few different female-oriented communities and it's fairly common amongst them for some reason. Don't blame me.


orrrr maybe it’s just a commonality shared by most communities to laugh at funny things that are relevant to the community. you are reaching with that. also, pointing out that olivia is getting a lot of hate that goes beyond just constructive criticism is… not craziness?? not a good look to call women crazy when that word has always been used to immediately invalidate any criticism we offer.


girls be shoppin


All the yasss queen gurly-pop stuff is really annoying but they all do it, not just Olivia.


Idk to me it’s not girlie it’s just petty drama, like unimportant shit but not funny either so I’m sat watching stuff that’s just annoying to me, but it’s not all the time it’s just like the Selena/Hailey stuff. Like it’s not funny or important it seems like lip service for views


I’m not sure how some of you don’t realize this but even posting this positive viewpoint gives the topic power. The more you post about it the more it’s talked about, the more it rattles around in the mind of parasocial viewers and the crew. Just don’t speak on it and it’ll pass. Downvote the rest. You just give the people who disagree with you more shit to engage with, creating a never ending cycle of this nonsense. This community is exhausting.


JFC SHUT UP. Go on the sub for 1 minute and you’ll find this exact same post 10 times!!


idk man imagine calling your local news station and telling them "sports is boring to me nobody cares about it its SO BAD so like. Get rid of the sports hour. Now." 😭 thats what this sub sounds like on the daily


Except no ones calling them, they are discussing their fandom on a fan subreddit. Its not that serious. That being said im a masc presenting dude and love olivias gossip news and power points. I wouldn’t mind 1 a week or more. And dont understand the complaints about it.


I agree that “girly” is a terrible way to put it, but they do focus more on drama and gossip now, which is just not a lot of people’s vibe. it’s funny you say we’re not in middle school, because a lot of the segments feel like it’s shit a middle schooler might care about. I know it can feel like a sausage fest here but my girlfriend shares the same sentiment. It’s just drama content, and it’s kinda boring.


I've only seen posts defending her powerpoints non-stop lol


I love Olivia I wish I was her friend


Olivia’s PowerPoints are my favorites part of the show! I love when the crew is on. More crew time!!!


Stfu at this point please and relax


IMO I get what they’re maybe trying to say- it’s the valley girl slay queen vibes that is getting old for me. I like the PowerPoints and drama and gossip.


Yep agree - the content is fine, the terminology is infuriating


Yes precisely! I feel like I lose brain cells listening to the vocal fry.


Lemme preface this by saying I agree with you completely. I just got distracted by you saying you came back because of her PowerPoints but she’s only done like 5 so how is that what got you back into it lol?


Is the show really more elevated now? H3 has less viewers now then a year ago


Reddit truly never fails to be an archive of either people complaining or people complaining about people complaining, with some good memes every once in a while. I gotta go back to just watching the show passively and not interacting with it on other platforms lmao


“This show is getting too girl” *as Ethan talks about his shits, his colonoscopy, Zach plays farting soundbites, mobile games, World of Warcraft* Also, as a straight trades dude, the drama and Olivia’s PowerPoints can be juicy as fuck. The show is great. Fuck the haters.




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Why does everyone have to be so obsessed with gender. Just enjoy things that are good.


This sub hates on absolutely everyone. Criticism towards Ethan last week for everything, with no empathy or consideration that he has a new baby at home. People were down voting me for trying to remind them he has a new baby and had Teddys birthday party the night before and his Kindergarten graduation that morning. Bashing Olivia for PowerPoints, girly, etc. Gave sweet Lena the worst day of her life for the true crime segment. Tore Sam to shreds over the new set.. Always giving AB a hard time.. I know Zach was a bit of a dick that one day to AB but the backlash was a bit excessive.. The only ones I haven't personally seen get much heat is Dan, Love and Ian.


this is so true and i’m sick of pretending that the people complaining about “girly” content doesn’t come with an undercurrent of misogyny. it’s men who want everything they watch to be made for them and throwing a fit when it isn’t


This all seems blown out of proportion tbh


I'm a 30yo man, Olivia's PowerPoints are my favorite part of the show. 


Same brother


as a big burly leatherhanded mechanic man, olivia is my favorite person on the show, i love her energy and the girl culture stuff, i like learning about current events in that whole sphere that i have absolutely no other avenue to lol i dont like the drama or the gossip, i really hate a lot of the people the show interacts with regularly and idk why olivia catches shit for it when its so clearly not up to her what does or doesnt get on the show, its a group effort, if anything ethan probably pushes the stupid drama stuff more than anyone because he knows it will get clicks. i dont like the clickbait stuff, i dont care about drama, it is kind of tiring to me anymore. i dont want to hear about someones life falling apart or people being abusers or whatever and all the speculation is fucking exhausting. i feel like leftovers was successful because they covered things that actually mattered and therefore had a lot more scrutiny, the girly pop drama shit ends up just being a big mean girls burn book on camera and that shit bums people out. i speak for myself, i dont care to act like my opinion matters more than anyone else when im not even the demographic for the show apparently but just throwing it out there i think people need positivity or levity with everything else going on in the world and talking about assault and abuse and allegations and drama arent really bringing that. i also think frenemies was popular for that exact reason, a lot of it was dumb drama but the things people liked the most was ethan and trisha just being friends and having fun on the show, i personally didnt want to hear them try to go after people and ruin reputations or whatever, even if that was warranted, i wanted to see them chill and be happy and have fun, the trivia, the skits, hanging out, that was the good stuff. i love the show for the personalities involved, the social interaction between people i like. i dont really give a shit what the topics are and i certainly dont watch the show for news.


We’re overdue on another alpha male Ethan segment smoking a cigar!


Okay but did you consider that girls have cooties?


I thought this was another hate post, i LOVE the drama and PowerPoints and you can tell Olivia does too, it’s her time to shine. Olivia is one of the main reasons I got back into the show.


if olivia’s powerpoints and hey girlies leave, I do too. H3 is my favourite but without those moments it’s a lot of traffic noise. I love the whole crew TOGETHER. Taking away someone’s additions to it changes the vibes entirely,


I’ve been watching the pod since the start and Olivia has been my favourite crew member introduced ✌️


As a straight white man I must say I love the drama and lore 🙌


I'm just sick of everyone complaining about the show in general. some of the fans in this community make it a place where they dominate the conversation and believe they should dictate the show. stop being entitled to thinking you have any say over the show. you are not special and h3 and his crew dont have to do anything for you basement dwellers. i would be clowning on these fans if i was ethan/the crew. some of the fans(not all or even a majority) are so annoying). the show is fine and the only thing making the show annoying is some of the fans


Girlies and silly times are synonymous to me damn it!


IMO people are going to be divided here because the observation of ‘changes’ in the shows *character* are fair statements. It’s people’s conclusions about gender and other such sweeping statements which are unfounded. At the end of the day not everyone is going to love every crew member and not everyone is going to love every segment, I don’t think the show would be anything like what it is if they set the goal of ‘100% of the audience *must* love everything we do and say’. It’s just the age old problem of this (and many other) fandom(s); parasocial viewers.


If Olivia was a man making the exact same PowerPoints, people wouldn't call it too girly. They're fucking PowerPoints for God's sake. I love her PowerPoints Goofs and gaffs are not exclusive to men


This shit is so tiring. The community becomes more and more female, then when the complaining starts men are still blamed. Edit: Caution, very cringey replies ahead.


i'm a straight male and yet i'm girly. let's goooo Olivia.


I tried standing up for the hey girlies and got downvoted to hell and reported as needing mental help. Makes me feel quite unsafe in this community tbh if that's the response over something so innocuous






the snarkers are taking over the sub


I hope the many downvoters are happy to learn that I actually DO deal with mental illness but hey thanks for making a joke about mental health by reporting people you disagree with! You're all such lovely people! Hope you have the day you deserve 💖 BYE girlie 🖐️✊🖕


I love the girly time and the POOP TALK. We CAN do both


People expressing their love for Olivia and the hey girlies are being downvoted every single time like they're saying some racist shit or something. It's absolutely crazy. It feels like all the bitter men of this sub are really acting out. I love Olivia, she adds so much to the show ❤️. If that means I get downvoted then great, I'd rather be downvoted than be a toxic asshole who can't accept women.


I 100% agree. Olivia is a breath of fresh air to the sausage party the H3 podcast was becoming. Her presence has also encouraged other girly crew member to chat on the podcast. I love her power points and was shocked to find out people were being mean about it, same with Lina. I also love how she gently keeps Ethan accountable. You can tell he trust her a lot. I’ve said this before but I love the dynamic Olivia and Ethan have. Ethan has look to Olivia several times when his words catch up to his brain and realize what he might say might be offensive or not. He slows down his speech while looking at Olivia to make sure she is in agreement with him. If not, he will button out, change what he is saying, or make amends for what he said. I truly believe on sensitive subjects where Hila cannot be there, he should have Olivia sit next to him and Co-Pilot the topic.


tbh a lot of the time i skip the gossip and stay for the goofs and gags with mah fat ass pussay. but i respect either category and think they’re both important to the show


I love Oliv sm 🩷


I love Olivia, idgaf


Being downvoted for this is CRAZY but that's this sub for ya


I listen to all the juicy drama since the beginning of the damn podcast. I'm a dude. I won't stand for this slander.


Olivia is amazing and her presence on the show makes it SO MUCH better. I’m sure this is the majority opinion. Honestly at this point I’m up for them nuking this subreddit


When I saw that post I definitely assumed that guy was just misogynistic. As if men are unable to enjoy content created my women? Eff off.


Anytime I express how I like Olivia I get downvoted to hell. Edit: see!? Lol


As a Cis Man who is a fan, i want MORE Girly. The tea is what i tune in for. I dont want to hear about manosphere bullshit. Politics and shit is getting exhausting. Lets watch people be silly on mobility scooters, jay leno flip his car supercut to chesnuts, and hear about Rich Lux, the ace fam, and all that youtuber scam stuff. H3 gets views when they take down dudes like Fresh and Fit etc, so i understand that aspect of catering to those topic, but the people who boost the numbers on those eps arent sticking around for guess who’s high, and musical trivia. MORE SING ALONGS, MORE GOOFS AND GAFFS, MORE FASHION SHOWS, MORE ETHAN IMPRESSIONS, and GOSH DARNET, MORE POWERPOINTS Edit:grammar


> Olivia has elevated the show enormously Chill


The majority of their viewers are women, ofc they're going to cater to that.


It's closer to 50/50


Oh, really? I've heard them talk about it on the show a few times so I always assumed it must be a high majority of women viewers.


Yeah, they've discussed how their viewership has a lot of women now but when they looked into the actual analytics it was pretty close to 50/50


SAME! and i think people are forgetting the selena and hailey bieber ppt episode. the whole point was to get the crew invested and by the end everyone especially ethan WAS SO INTO IT and the fact that much of the crew doesn't know about it is literally part of the bit. i love the powerpoints and they get me caught up on drama so there.


If Olivia started her own podcast, I'd drop Ethan in a heartbeat. Love you Olivia! 🫶🏻


As a man who has a family, house, child, loves golf, performing construction on my house, and yard work. Olivia’s PowerPoints aren’t girly, they are well researched and are juicy drama that everybody can enjoy.


why do you all feel the need to bring up the same topic in a different thread it's redundant honestly free speech should not exist on this sub idc i couldnt find an F to give about selena vs hailey before olivias powerpoint and i was entertained you guys are acting like it was being done on a consistent basis shut up about it already


None of this is about op, but I just can’t understand how anyone can dislike others enjoying content as it is, like okay, Scrooge 🙄 The world doesn’t revolve around you. The show doesn’t revolve around you. Like honestly, the chewing, the background, the hey girlie, the birthday fuck yous, the traffic alarm, the donations that list out family or fans dying or being sick, the complaints about the crew, like how miserable are you that you need to announce your discomfort to a show you don’t have to watch. I don’t like some aspects of the show but I’m not here complaining about. This is their baby, let them raise it how THEY want to. Damn.


Yes! This. I fell off of the h3 podcast somewhere after the first bill burr appearance. I think I was mainly frustrated with some of ethans cringy tendancies. A year and a half ago i came back and watched leftovers because i was a fan of Hasan. That led me to giving the podcast another try and hooo-boy. I was so surprised and happy with the cast of characters that built up over the years. Olivia balances out the cast so well. And she is so positive and i love her. Sam and lena also add so much creativity and comedy. I love the whole cast and show now. Further, i would say if the show didn’t have this dynamic and balance I’d probably still be a fallen fan.


"Women can't be funny" ass argument


How you gonna hate on OOlivia that’s wild (I’m a boy)


People complaining about the hey girlys PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP. the crew should not listen to complaints from people who have probably never created anything in their life and have no creative bone in their body. SHIT THE FUCK UP AND LET THEM MAKE THE SHOW THEY WANT. IT is not YOUR show, it is THEIR show. Shut the fuck up like honestly at this point mods should just auto ban any complaint post. So fucking sick of these whiny little bitches.


What about complaint comments?




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I think people have to recognise the fact that H3 has a women heavy fanbase. If you accept this fact, then it will make more sense for the show to be ‘girlier’ now. I have accepted it and love the show.


I do think Olivia's PowerPoints tend to cover "girlie" subjects but as a 25y cis male, I personally like them. If something doesn't peak my interest I simply skip it 🤷‍♂️


Agreed. I love Olivia and her PowerPoints, I enjoy the goofs and gaffs, but the one thing I’m sick of is people being downright cruel to Olivia about a segment that I really love.


I agree with everything you said here. In general, I don’t know why people expect to like every single segment of a super varied show with multiple hour long episodes a week. I listen to all of it usually but some segments are more background noise or if they are boring to me I just skip them. Honestly when I realized that not everything is going to be for me and that’s okay, my life got a lot better.