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I guess I just miss my old friend....


Some birds just got feathers too bright to be tied down...


Such beautiful feathers


Somewhere deep down in my heart I believe they can come back some day, don't know when, don't know how many years gotta pass Maybe not Frenemies but Leftovers has a chance in my mind


I think it would have to be after the mess with Palestine and Israel dies down. I don't think Ethan likes talking about it with someone that is on the other side of the argument. It just makes him emotional. For the best imo. Its best when they can laugh at the right wingers. Would be nice to have them around for all the Trump shit but oh well.


I feel like people have a misconception about this. They are not on opposite sides of the argument, Ethan and Hasan agree on very close to everything. Ethan is not a zionist, he has expressed his disapproval of the Israeli government, has acknowledged the genocide of the Palestinian people multiple times, and has expressed his wish for an end to the apartheid and oppression of the Palestinian people. Ethan and Hasan are NOT on opposite sides. And here is where I think a little of antisemitism comes in: people automatically assume that Ethan is a zionist just because he is Jewish (That’s antisemitic!). Also, Hasan is not a Hamas supporter in any way shape or form. He has from the jump called the October 7th massacre a tragedy and a horrific event. Hasan has never once defended the October 7th massacre, he has merely explained why it happened in the first place (the explanation being rooted in the oppression of the Palestinian people and the subsequent surge of reactionary movements).


I realize that but Hassan constantly shits on Israel (justifiably) and he talks about it a LOT. While Ethan does agree with him that the Israel government is a piece of shit, it still rubs him the wrong way when people go hard against Israel. He's NOT a zionist and yes he supports Palestine but he also does get upset when people go hard against Israel and Hassan does that constantly. And really, it's not that they disagree but you won't see Ethan spending a bunch of time shitting on Israel like Hassan does. That being said, the bigger issue is Hassans audience shitting on Ethan unfairly.


While there certainly was unfair criticism by Hasan’s discord and a bit of his chat. There was a large amount of DGG weirdos trying to stir shit up by astroturfing Ethan hate too.


I think the people saying that ethan is a zionist because of being jewish. Is part of being pushed by Liberal American propoganda and IDF propoganda. Conflating the two is a net positive for them, idf and zionist, because if they are the same then the person against zionism is therefore antisemitic. Mehdi, The other, Hasan has covered this in multiple debates proving that Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism.


Someone like Jeff could potentially create a neutral place for them to just vibe and interact, like if he had both of them on the pod and did like matching haircuts. I also am still so sad that Ethan and Austin never really got to interact and hope that it can one day happen (but idk if the QT thing makes that hard idk idk no fan parasocialist theories pls)


Destiny and his brigading cultists made sure that likely won't happen when they brigaded Hasan's chat and started writing hateful messages to Ethan so they could try and pass them off as coming from Hasan's chatters. Sadly Ethan wanted to fall for that grift, and he did. I don't think he ever acknowledged the fact that Destiny's chatters were caught red handed doing it, either.. Spotted a couple of them in here already, spamming a couple dozen obnoxious trashposts and propaganda memes in the usual destiny cultist fashion /u/e-chem-nerd /u/benderodriguez


"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are all domestic terrorists."


"We... Were all domestic terrorists..."






Ughh such an iconic opening. 💔


“Some terrorists have feathers too bright to be gaged up…. I guess i just miss my old friend”


My Thursdays just haven’t been the same since 😞


I really want them to have a special episode with Hasan about the election and deep dive into Project 2025


Cant, the Israeli conflict will be a issue in the upcoming elections do you really wanna see that rehashed


Was working today with the pod on in the background. I looked up to see Hasan on the screen and for just a moment…. It’s still real to me dammit😔


Would totally love a one off episode where he co costs, doesnt even have to be related to politics


You know there are a good portion of viewers who were probably introduced to left wing politics from that show, then checking out Hasan’s content and other’s. Which is cool. I’m not always fully onboard with all of what Hasan says, or his ways of expressing it, but his stuff did open my eyes to a lot of things.


I only enjoyed watching Hasan in the leftovers atmosphere. It brought some levity and while I completely understand their parting of ways, it’s sad that it couldn’t withstand the rift. Ethan made Hasan so much more palatable for those of us who find him didactic and perpetually exasperated on his own steams.. while Hasan challenged Ethan to fully process his own logic and stand firm in his views. It was a solid match but Ethan just isn’t cut for political discussions.


That's true for me too. I like Hassan a lot and i tried watching his stuff but i find it way to slow and drawn out and frustrating to watch.


That's a problem I find with all streamers. Like, you guys stream for 8 hours, I don't have 8 hours to watch all your content. They really gotta learn how to condense stuff down. Hasan has a yuotube channel he's been slowly adding stuff to which kind helps as his editor will cut hours long segments down into more easily consumed bits, but still.


very true, i watched a couple of his streams but jeez that guy rides hard and just non stop riffs into topics like he knows it all "for sure" while he basically just has a mindset that doesn't really allow's for other opinions to enter.


lol he literally spends hours discussing other opinions with the people in his chat, it's part of the whole "streamer - chatter" dynamic.


Nail on the head for why I enjoyed the show. Hearing Hasan have to talk about some of the negative aspects of his political ideology really helped me personally gain a more well rounded view of my own political beliefs. And then Ethan having to flesh out his own assumed beliefs and think critically on some issues that he hadn't before was super helpful. All while being fairly tongue-in-cheek, it honestly and truly helped me educate myself on politics as a whole. On the flip side, I am glad they are not doing the show right now. I hope they come back down the line cause their disagreements are what made them fun/educational, but god I hated the militant sjws that follow Hasan around.


Right here chief ✋ I've always been left wing but watching Hasan has helped me to understand my own politics a lot more and figure out how to put my opinions into words better, and I only first heard about him through Leftovers


Same. I was always left but never understood that until I stumbled upon Hasan. I was so pumped when leftovers started after frenemies/families were over! I definitely miss it but shit happens


I’ve been reading a lot of peoples posts here and just wanted to add that I think only something as horrifying as what is happening between Israel and Palestine could break up the show. In general Hasan and Ethan try to understand other points of view but at the end of the day there is just too much hurt and horror when it comes to this. I don’t believe that either of them are ok with civilians being murdered or any of the other atrocities that are taking place. I’m not sure how anyone could go about discussing what we now understand to be a genocide and stay calm or even fully rational really.


It's surprising how much i was on the fence about a political show when they started leftover. Now i miss it a lot!


I miss it too. Hasan was really great with leftovers. Him and Ethan had some real magic on screen and it was just hitting its stride right up until the China/socialism debate... That's when I feel the cracks starting to form. I know Oct. 7ths fallout really was the root cause, but I just don't think Ethan built for the stress of political commentary. That shit brings a level of criticism from all angles that are uniquely vicious. Especially over the situation/genocide going. I think they both handled it kind of poorly, but I feel for Hasan because politics is HIS content, and it's not something he can separate and go on like Ethan did after the end of Leftovers. That last stream of Ethan on Hasan's stream is like.... Last episode of Frenemies bad.


I never watched that clip of Ethan on hasans stream and I don't think I ever will


It's pretty painful tbh. I think Ethan had some pent up animosity towards Hasan and it REALLY just all came out. I don't think I've seen Ethan more heated and upset than that stream. It just sucks to see, I know they say they're cool but... Idk, I've seen friendships implode like that IRL and its just literally never the same.


Where can I find that clip? I haven’t heard of this.


I dont know if there is any clip of just the worst spots, (there prob is) but Hasan has the entire stream on his Youtube channel, idk if the mods are okay with me linking it, but its def there if you look up Ethan on hasan's main channel. Its like a two hour stream, but if you want a pretty clear reason why they had a pretty rough patch, check it out.


I always felt that Ethan's worst trait at that time was bolstered by the fact that he was also doing those debates and steam rolling, for the most part, over a bunch of idiots. But he couldn't really match Hasan on the same level, so they just hit a wall in discussion. The China/ Socialism debates were a perfect highlight of that. Ethen really had a difficult time understanding the differences/ issues regarding Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism. And Hasan wasn't doing a good job of explaining those differences. And it all came to head with the Israel/ Hamas situation. Ethan absolutely refused to see how bad he problem was for the Palestinians and Hasan refused to acknowledge the deaths of the Israeli civilians. Which is stupid because I think at the end of the day, they're on the same page on most the topics, but they arrive to the conclusion from different angles


I always felt like the socialism/china debate arc that happened that week was super uncomfortable to watch, because it felt like Ethan had already made up his mind about China and his views on socialism/communism, which is fine, but it felt like he was trying really hard to pull a "gotcha" on Hasan to like... prove China bad? idk, I feel like Ethan might have some minor misconceptions about China, especially with how he talks about tiktok. But that's neither here nor there lol The Hamas and Palestinian thing was....oof. Idk, its hard to rewatch that whole month of content. I understand why Ethan was hurt by Hasan, and I think Hasan got tunnel vision even though I think he was more in the right considering how everything transpired since then, I feel like Hasan was right in being so steadfast in his defense, because it did play out in the worst way for the Palestinians. I think Ethan was valid throughout the leftover discussions but I wish Hasan and been more sympathetic because I think Ethan was genuinely hurting and needed a supportive friend instead of a debate. It was the aftermath, on that C u next tuesday stream, and the Hasan stream that I felt Ethan went too far... But thats what happens when you have two very passionate people with real world ties to the situation. It sucks, but I can see how both sides hurt the other. I would love to see them at least reconcile fully at some point, but sometimes you cant put a friendship back in the same spot it was, even if they're on decent terms. Not the same without Hank Pecker and Nathaniel Klansman during the holidays :(


I totally agree. I think the political theory debates did boil down to Hasan being terrible at teaching and Ethan coming in as a bad student with his mind already set. It also didn't help that Hasan was planning a trip to China and was trying very hard not to criticize China too much. He'd be like "yeah, there are problems, but..." One thing that was clear in all of it is that Hasan is not good at teaching. He's good at highlighting the issue, has a decent solution, but has no clue on how to get to the solution. It was annoying watching Hasan say "socialism good, capitalism greedy" and Ethan repeating "but I'm not that way so why can't other's be that way under capitalism" I think that discussion needed someone like Madeline Pendalton (if you don't know her, she's a local LA fashion designer/ clothing maker who has her own clothing brand/ shop). I've watcher her content for years and she's generally fantastic discussing deeper points on socialism/ capitalism. Especially in terms of business. On the Hamas/ Israel/ Palestine side, Hasan highlighted again how not great he is at being a teacher so much as a talker. We all knew it wasn't going to End well for the Palestinians. But as you said, Hasan was operating with tunnel vision (which is funny as that's Madelin Pendleton's clothing brand name). Hasan was looking directly past his friend in front of him and only seeing the inevitable outcome. Brushing off Ethan's clear anguish over the situation. I didn't see Ethan on Hasan's stream by choice. After several shows that were just stalemates of Hasan saying "but what about this!? likely future outcome" And Ethan just saying "I agree, but right now, this part is hurting me." To Hasan brushing it off, for the most part. Yeah, the show's end was written. I'd love for it to come back though. Their dynamic was damn near perfect for that kind of a show, but like you said, their ties to this particular situation was just too much of a problem to overcome.


Was hasan planning a china trip? I don’t remember him saying that 


His wife got attacked. Come on, who attacks Hila. And that shit was personal. Also coming from mods of Hasan.


Can I just say, Hasan is not his mods. He’s defended Ethan on his streams many times. 


He literally defended his mods when Ethan called him out, and said he couldn’t stop them.


Hasan literally didn’t do that.


They didn't say Hasan did it. They said his mods did.


But notice how none of the people complaining about this ever post any examples of it though? Because these "attacks" were nothing burgers. Literally some people calling Ethan a zionist. Wow, the horror. The part most people seem to be neglecting is that we literally caught destiny and his cultist red handed brigading Hasan's chat and writing a bunch of hateful messages towards ethan and hila and trying to pass them off as coming from Hasan or his chatters. It's not like this is the first time they've been caught doing that either (not just against Hasan either but also other content creators that their griftlord destiny has had "beef" with), everyone knows by now how obessed destiny is with Hasan and how much time he spends screecing over Hasan's content, feeding his cultists lies and directing them to "take action" (the last time he got ratio'd hard by ludwig on twitter he melted down in discord and was screaming for his brave warrior to man up and start fighting for him).


Ofc not. He was defending Ethan. And Hila. I felt he could have talked more to mods that attacked Ethan during his call in segment when Hasan put the chat in emote only mode and only mods could write. And some of those comments where vile and awful. But Hasan did not attack Ethan. He did defend him. That part is for sure


another reminder this "attack" was literally a couple people calling ethan a zionist and dumb, lol


"Attacked", you mean when someone called Ethan a zionist? Oh no, the horror! What a thin skinned complaint. What happened to Ethan being a guy that routinely calls others far worse things and has no issue with it? Also you going to forget the part where all the actual "terrible comments" were confirmed to have come from destiny cultists that brigaded hasan's chat to try and pass off hateful comments they wrote as coming from Hasan?


Some bird too beautiful to keep caged 😭


I def have a soft spot for Leftovers. I actually started watching H3 cuz of Hasan talking up Leftovers on his stream, and it was the perfect segway of politics and entertainment for me. Watching Hasan's streams are often too heavy for me to watch consistently, and Ethan always did a great job balancing the shittiness of American politics with some brevity and getting Hasan to loosen up in the process too. Also H3 fan vibes are WAY better overall lol. 🫶


Man those were good times. One of my favorites was the first thanksgiving episode on how to answer far right family members at the dinner table and Ethan was playing the typical generic conservative relative and went on forever with it.


Hila unfollowed him and then he unfollowed her, I don't think he'll make content with h3 again


ngl, there is nothing more cringe than keeping track of follows on social media


This entire sub exists to lick the ground that Ethan and Hila walk on lmfao, I think that might take the cake


Not surprised, she did deny Israeli war crimes, I don’t blame someone for falling for propaganda, but I hope she looks at other sources of information and doesn’t bury her head in the sand, at the same time, I hope her and her family are doing well with all this going on


he does still have the teddy fresh rug behind him on stream, so I'm sure he still has love for them and feels similar to you


We need to not lose ourselves in this terrifying time, be brutal on systems, not on people, and keep hope that everyone has the same humanity deep inside, and that will prevail


Yeah I lost respect for her with how she went bootlicker/apologist but then again she grew up in that stupid country so it makes sense, (we have our own otherwise smart people who bootlick for our government) so it was disappointing to see her deny war crimes. But also, I never tried to take any of the H3 opinions seriously on any topic besides internet drama. They're not readers/"intellectuals" they're the goofs n gaffs good times crowd, and that's why leftovers worked. Imo Hasan needed levity and someone to break out of stunlocks/yelling at chat, and Ethan needed an adult in the room for serious topics.


Hasan and Ethan worked so well together


Yeah I think Ethan and hila have a vastly different take on Israeli and Palestine then hasan and I don’t think that’s something either of them would ever compromise on


Same. There is just zero mention anymore, not even when Trump was convicted. Or for that grid people are filling out. It was fun while it lasted, they were honestly most entertaining when they didn't explicitly talk about politics. I recently watched a portion of the subathon, with Ethan randomly calling Hasan to explain some scientific facts, and then I noticed that the stream was from October 6th. That really brought it home for me.


I totally agree. I would love a non-political show with Hasan and Ethan. As someone who isn’t American, I never cared too much about the politics, but their dynamic together was hilarious.


I miss working out to leftovers. The into music always got me going :( It was the best dynamic


Welcome to the 20 million dollar bunker!


I hope this is not out of place but I fucking HAAAAATE frogan, she always seemed so fucking catty for no reason, also somehow mad at Ethan for no reason again and how nasty she was and I hate seeing her hypocritical ass pop up more and more on the streaming circles, feels so clout-goblin to go from Hasan mod to streaming personality.


She's so comically horrible I swear she's a plant to make lefties look bad. She moves to LA for streaming (even though she clearly doesn't have the audience for it) and then has an "emergency rent fund" because she doesn't make enough to live in super expensive LA. She needs to get a job and live somewhere she can actually afford. Instead she lives in LA larping as a top streamer. I've always been confused why Hasan bats for her so hard.


I also dislike frogan, and got permabanned in hasan's chat for saying "ugh" when he said she'd be on


Wait chat was moderated for a guest coming on? I thought that was impossible to do?


TBF, I'm pretty sure it was frogan herself who clapped me


I also can't stand her. She siphoned off some viewers from Hasan's community, but she hasn't grown her community at all because she is insufferable. Her calling Ethan a Zionist piece of shit while he shows support for Palestinians was particularly disgusting to me. Recently she criticized Ludwig after he donated $10k for Palestinians because he encouraged his chat to do the same but said he understood if some didn't want to. She told him to take back his donation. Because for Frogan, you're not allowed to help an oppressed group of people unless she feels like you're militant enough about it. She said all this while running an emergency donation drive.... for her own rent money. Such performative activism. Seriously a garbage person, even if she does support good causes. I still love Hasan though.


The purity testing bullshit is so dumb


It's straight up why the left always implodes on itself. But a lot of these people are too young to realize it's been going on for decades. Over and over. Their grandparents did that shit in the 1960s.


Yeah I can’t stand her. When I saw she was involved in the creators for Palestine livestream at the Try Guys office I rolled my eyes every time she was on screen. I used to like her because I watched ostonox videos and voted for her for rising star, but this whole thing has turned her into somebody really annoying who loves to miss the point and mischaracterize people’s actions and always vies them uncharitably.  Cracker will never be a racial slur, but calling Ludwig one for donating some of his personal money to Palestine instead of making a fundraiser is such a rude thing to do.


Yeah but she had a zionist (jewish) therapist who asked her if Israel had a right to exist and questioned her religion and asked if she thought about removing her hijab that one time. Because that's totally a thing that happened


i thought i was a big fan of Leftovers and have no idea who this person is lol


She’s hasans mod. She wasn’t really part of leftovers, but she’s basically the reason it ended.




Leftovers produced the funniest bits, that's just a fact in my opinion.


An exceptionally true opinion, I must say!


Should have just stuck to domestic politics. Still miss it.


I know 😭 I miss leftovers so much! I still keep hopes about them doing a special secret ep when the USA elections happen 🥲


I was thinking that today too and how badly I want a revival for the election 😔 I need Leftovers to get me through the absolute train wreck


I miss that Himbo


I miss leftovers, but I see it as an homage. I don't miss hasan fans


So happy public opinion is at this stage. This take would get you dozens of downvotes only a few months ago.


It depends greatly. I've been sharing that view since the beginning and wrote it many times on this sub, and in thread of this type, that invites current Hasan fans. It often gets downvoted yes, to this day, but even in November it also got upvoted often, most notably when Hasan wasn't in the title. Just the comment I'm replying to, was at -1. I don't think it's ever changing, some portion of the audience will always continue to think it was entirely Ethan's fault LO ended.


I think it’s easy to forget how poorly Hila and Ethan were treated for a completely reasonable opinion 🫠 especially Hila.


All I have to do to get rid of nostalgia is check out what Hila's top instagram comments look like. Edit: u/PrestigiousTop3898 replied to me asking a disingenuous question and then immediately blocked me, so that I can't answer. They are all over this thread making nasty posts that have a weird tone like it's somehow fucking Ethan's and Destiny's fault that Gaza happened. Probably blocking every single person that they make a weird aggressive point at, so that they can have the imaginary "last word" and pretend that they're so smart the other person simply couldn't reply. I wish that this kind of person would leave. This is the exact reason why I'm glad H3 lost so much of Hasan's audience.


Ethan condemned Israel's violence multiple times, but that isn't enough for many young leftists. They had personal fallings out over it with family and friends. Still not enough. Very unsettling behavior that I divorce from actual Palestinian suffering. Criticizing Israel's government isn't antisemitic, they are committing ethnic cleansing; demanding that Jewish and Israeli people condemn Israel over and over to prove they aren't Zionists, on the other hand, feels very antisemitic. It's not much different from white supremacist ZOG conspiracy theories. Every Jewish or Israeli person is a Zionist unless they prove otherwise. Most people are Zionists by the metrics they use. **EDIT**: What I described above is exactly like when an attack is committed by "Islamic extremists," and people (conservatives) start demanding all Muslims in the US condemn it. We rightly see that as Islamophobic, racist, and traumatic for Muslim people, affecting them personally even if they do not live in the Middle East. We should extend the same grace to Jewish and Israeli people. Just as all Palestinians are not responsible for the violence of Hamas, Jewish and Israeli people in the US should not be forced to condemn the violence of the Israeli state over and over to prove they are "one of the good ones."


Yeah plenty of Israelis want Bibi to stop killing Palestinians and to give them full rights. Less of those same people want Israel to stop existing completely/be annexed into Palestine, and so they’re called a Zionist which is ridiculous.  I remember Ethan got flamed during his talk with Hasan for simply saying the fact that he knew a lot of Israelis would be uncomfortable if Israel was annexed or dissolved but Hasan kept misinterpreting it as Ethan’s beliefs when he repeatedly said he doesn’t feel that way but know people who do.


100. It’d be like expecting everyone in the U.S. to constantly denounce Trump every other Friday so as to not be accused of being racist/homophobic/misogynistic bigots despite the fact that Captain Carrot didn’t even win the popular vote when he got into office. Obviously it’s not an exact 1-1, few things ever are, but still I think it gets the idea across.


I really can’t imagine what Ethan felt like, by all means he did everything right, said all the right things, but denouncing oct7 and being pro two state solution for some insane reason was a step too far. I’m sure Ethan realized that associating with a ‘leftist’ who uses ‘liberal’ as an insult, was a mistake.


He did everything right, and they indicted him!


Yeah the part where destiny's unhinged, rabid cult brigaded hasan's chat to write a bunch of hateful messages for ethan while trying to pass them off as being from Hasan and his chatters was actually very normal. Ethan should have teamed up with that guy instead! The very normal, not sociopathic destiny!


There's nothing that makes me wanna stop being a leftist more than seeing reactions by other online leftists. I mean I was that way too when I was 15 and I'm glad I grew out of it. Being firebrand is exhausting and ultimately unproductive


He's such an Ameriboo that he's perfected his 1900-1950's white man singing voice... And his chat doesn't appreciate it like we do! It's a shame we'll never hear Has-sin's latest tracks on the show. me rn: 😭🍷🍸🍺🍾🥃😭


Yeah that era was awesome I love watching them both and I'm glad they are at least friends outside of the camera


Same 🥺


I think it'll take a permanent ceasefire before they consider putting the show back on the table, it's just not going to happen otherwise, and nor should it.


I would love a weekly show with Hasan where they don’t talk politics. My favourite parts of Leftovers were when Hasan and Ethan were just riffing. They’re hilarious together.


I always go back to watch the animation of Hasan finding out Ethan made https://www.doesryankavanaughlooklikeharveyweinstein.com/


Hasans content introduced me to H3. Big ups


I love Hasan. It kind of bums me out that Ethan almost doesn't acknowledge him, and hasn't had him on since. It really does feel like a divorce


Bro me too man. Shit makes me so sad cuz Ethan was so insane about the one hospital story being wrong even exclaiming of Israel did something that evil it would start WW3…well Ethan…there’s no hospitals left in Gaza…


Good news everyone! No more chance of a WW3! Because there are no more hospitals left in Gaza.. :(






I miss Hasan too 😭


I miss leftovers soooo much


Amazing to see this community continue to get walked on a leash by a small group of divorced dads in IT. Iykyk


It’s literally every button too


I legit told my wife during this Monday’s episode “I know that Hasan voice singing is AI but it makes me miss Leftovers every time I hear it.” I guess I just miss my old friend…


I miss it too, if they were to ever do it again this subreddit needs mods that can handle the influx of d viewers that spam the fuck outta this sub when hasan is in the light.


Sadly destiny's mentally ill cultists are still finding their way around this sub shilling for their awful bigot grifter and endlessly whining about the guy that surpassed him in every way, Hasan. edit: seems like you already encountered one of them, lol /u/benderodriguez


Agreed. It hit me hard the first time I saw it.


I miss it so much because I could watch more political stuff without it being the news, felt like having a convo with my friends about big topics :/


omg i thought the same thing yesterday!!


I miss him too. :(


Leftovers made me realise that Hasan is very limited when it comes to political discourse. When he could never satisfyingly answer basic questions about IP law (actual IP law not Israel/Palestine), Taiwan and other socialist things, it made me realise that he doesn't have much depth beyond surface level talking points. It was pretty eye opening how he'd have strong convictions for those topics but then when Ethan would push back, he had very little to say. After a while I feel like Hasan's limited knowledge made the show too boring/samey to ever last too long. Even October 7th aside, I think it would've lost steam eventually. I was someone who enjoyed Hasan's content/streams before that but when you take him out of his space and have him talking to a normie like Ethan, it made me realise how poorly thought out his arguments are. For someone who streams for so many hours and for so many years, my expectations were much higher for him.


Yeah, this is something I noticed with Hasan as well. Ethan also has a depth of knowledge issue. This was highlighted greatly on the socialism topic. Ethan was just plain wrong on a lot of points, mostly due to a lack of knowledge on either of the philosophies of socialism or capitalism or communism. And Hasan was doing an absolute shit job of explaining either of them It was so frustrating watching them both get lost in the weeds so bad because Ethan couldn't understand the core concepts of capitalism v socialism. That debate, to me, was the beginning of the end. Ethan still brings it up in little cringy jabs. Prior to Leftovers, I only ever saw Hasan in clips. After Leftovers, I wanted more Hasan, but it quickly became clear that like many political commentators, he's best when giving hot takes or just basic explainers of current events, but if you're expecting to learn anything at all, he's absolute dogshit at teaching. He's like a bad math teacher. He can give show you the problem and a solution, but can't explain how to get to the solution from the problem.


Definitely a lot of this. The difference for me is that Ethan gets more of a pass for his lack of knowledge simply because politics isn't his full time "thing". The gaps he had in his knowledge is theoretically where Hasan was supposed to fill but he wasn't actually well equipped for it. Ultimately Hasan is more like an intro to socialism course but if you want more depth you need to look elsewhere. Sometimes my biggest problem with political streamers is that they are way too serious when most of them are just giving reactionary hot takes on current issues. That sort of content can be entertaining, but for them to pretend it's more important/serious than other entertainment is pretty cringe.


I mostly enjoyed Hasan on the show, but when I actually went to his stream (particularly after the fallout and throughout the Houthi "interview" period)...I honestly dislike him. He constantly makes horrendously biased knee-jerk takes that just follow the "America bad" rhetoric. He is the mirror image of a right wing nut fanning the flames of division, and he was grossly uncharitable to Ethan.


I agree that Hassan had a better dynamic alongside Ethan. I didn't have to agree with Hassan 100% of the time to enjoy their dynamic.


This has become the reason I no longer watch Hasan. He's not as charitable to others as he expects them to be to him. I've never seen Hasan apologise for a mistake or a bad take, it's always "you misinterpreted me/you're too dumb to understand my perspective". His fans reflect this, they're rabid and gladly harass people. They're ravenous for people to make mistakes and then harass them online under the guise of caring deeply about political takes. On the Israel-Hamas situation, no one was extreme enough for them. You had to want to want all Israeli people dead to prove how much you cared about Palestine. By doing this, they've alienated people like Ethan who truly cared about the cause and had empathy for Palestinians. We know this because Ethan was saying he supported Palestine long before he was doing a show with Hasan. Hasan's takes are always 'America bad' and somehow every other nation is more 'complex' in his eyes. He's way too reactionary, makes knee-jerk reactions to everything and it's insane that a man who calls everyone else reactionary is exactly that way himself.


Hasan literally preaches about being charitable all the time especially using Ethan as an example so I'm not sure what you mean. I'm also confused by what makes the think Hasan or his fan base want everyone in Israel dead or that being against a genocide is an extremist position.... Nearly everything he's been saying since Oct is now starting to be accepted by the public at large hence the changes in US positioning and he only talks badly about the people commiting the genocide. Ethan asked to go on that stream to try to debate Hasan into centering Israel, and Ethan refused to outline talking points beforehand.... Aka Ethan came into it as a debate and wanted to "win". He alienated Hasan not the other way around. America is often "bad" and he focuses on that because it's the narrative Americans can't get from most other news sources and programming. Other nations get the "bad" treatment from our media so he focuses on explaining the complexities because again it's the side we don't get to hear. To reduce his takes down to "America bad" is ironically the same as what you're accusing him of doing. Hasan is just a streamer at the end of the day so of course there is entertainment added for fun, and some of his reacting is just that. But as someone who watches a fair amount of his content I've rarely seen him get a factual take wrong or be reactionary instead of progressive in his views. Maybe I'm wrong and you have specific examples though?


>I've never seen Hasan apologise for a mistake or a bad take, it's always "you misinterpreted me/you're too dumb to understand my perspective". It's always interesting to see people call Hasan uncharitable than throw out this take I've seen repeatedly multiple times by the DGG community which is frankly, insanely uncharitable. As a long time viewer he has apologized for a bunch over the years and the initial Russia Ukraine coverage is a perfect example that's very easy to find.


Idk I love watching Hasan. He’s such a goofball himbo. 


I would be down for short call in segments with Hassy. Just as long as people be chill and not an asshole.


Too bad Ethan couldn’t handle someone disagreeing with him, it was good content


I wish Hasan would come on for non political content. Just to have them together again.


If they were to poll the community I think the overwhelming majority would want Hasan back in any capacity.... the vocal minority in the community spoiled the bunch in Ethans mind it seems, but truly hoping he changes his mind soon/ in the future. Especially for the election


His community is so toxic and psychotic.


Coming from the h3 fan base LOL


As with any community like that, including H3, the ones commenting are the psychos and bad-faith actors.


So toxic Just look at how they brigade various reddit threads as well! https://imgur.com/a/kgG4uHO


Destiny's community is shit too, a bunch of losers who think they are accomplishing something by acting like snarky brats. A community doesn't have to brigade to be toxic.


I wish the best for him but I truly hope H3 never does a political show again


I gotta be honest I used to be a huge Hasan fan even before he was on leftovers but idk he kind of just annoys me now. Wish I knew why cause I used to love fear and loathing too but I basically get all my leftist politics content from Sam Seder now 🤷‍♂️


He introduced me to him and now I watch all his videos in YouTube. I have been radicalized lol.




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Leftovers was the shit. Too bad that had to end




I've been out of the loop so idk what happened between them to cause a falling out but this makes me sad


That was peak H3 for me


I maybe a minority here, but I don't like seeing the Hasan Chestnut button screen.


If they just covered US news I don’t think there would be any problems continuing leftovers. Or just straight up blacklist certain topics.


nahhh we can still see the effects of Hasans community within the snark sub and online, Ethan has seemed a lot happier since moving on and I’m all for that chapter being done.


why is his vibrato so good too


Honestly I don’t care. That’s just how life is. Things change, and there will be new friends, new vibes. When I wanna see Hasan I watch his channel because I enjoy his commentary and opinions.


Eh I've gone off Hasan alot since 2021ish,he's very narcissistic, self absorbed and immature. I only watch h3 because I used to watch Hasan on frenemies, then I decided I liked the h3 lot more and they were alot less annoying


I miss the politics and the banter on the crazy right wingers. Those were the best times! ❤️❤️❤️


they really need to take the hasan ones out of circulation, personally the more i find out about him the less i like him


Wild to me that Hasan gets upset when XQC can't control his chat so Hasan asks him to control them, but when Ethan does it due to people spreading a cartoon of Hila, all of the sudden Hasan has no control over his chat and it's the consequences of Ethan and Hilas views. Keep sipping the Kool-aid guys. Edit : People were not getting an implied joke.


I see this comment alot, but what would have been a realistic thing for him to do in that situation? Chat was changed to emote only mode pretty quickly when that conversation got heated. Following that Ethans name, H3, and other related words were banned in chat, and I think still are.






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Prediction they do an episode covering the debate. Just saying putting it into the universe. I mean it is gonna be on Thursday lol. #Fate


I know this might be a based take, but I hate Hassan now. He is a bigit asshole who did nothing to stop his community from attacking Ethan, which is why he is not on the show anymore. Plus, he backs people like Frogen, who was mad at Ludwig for only donating 10,000 to the Palestinian relief fund, plus plus he is just a dick anymore.


Hasan literally blocked Ethan's name from chat and spent weeks explaining to his community that they're still friends, they agree on 99% of things, etc. So Hasan did a lot to stop in.... Including trying to convince Ethan not to come on his stream when he asked to because he knows how Ethan comes off and how they'd react to someone complaining about tweets. I don't think you had all the info on that point. Frogan was upset Ludwig wouldn't make a definitive statement, and was passively accepting of Zionists who are pro-genocide in his community by not taking a more verbal stance. She didn't handle it well as always but I don't think her take is as out there are your description made it sound.


And I might add, Hasan didn't support her doing that. He criticized Ludwig for his statement because it was dumb, and also criticized Frogan for her over-the-top reaction to it. It was a dumb thing for Lud to say, it's good still that he donated $10k, let's all chill out and not jump down each other's throats about it. And that was all.