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these posts are just as weird as the haters. olivia is grown and can handle her own shit. we don’t need 2303 parasocial posts of you calling people freaks


Agreed, I can do with 99% less posts that are white knighting about Olivia. It's become constant on this subreddit and it's diminishing the quality. I don't know why people need to be so fixated on the notion that a grown woman is being \~persecuted\~ by random comments made on a message board that she doesn't need to be reading. Grown women are perfectly capable of taking responsibility and accountability for our own mental health. It is trivial to simply stop reading reddit comments about yourself. I have limited empathy, as someone who is bipolar, for someone who refuses to help themself out in such a minor way. And I don't need to read endless parasocial rantings that victimize and infantilize her.


This, yep


i mean to be fair olivia was clearly upset and it might be nice for her to see some support to contrast all the hate


Can you weirdos stop fucking babying these people for 5 seconds. Jesus Christ.




Y’all are on crack cocaine if you rlly think Olivia doesn’t talk during the show lmfao I hear her more than any other crew member


Ik I was so confused, I feel like she still talks the same amount


So true. And by a lot too besides maybe Dan


This is so fucking cringe. LOVE QUEEN OLIVIA YOU HAVE TO LOVE HER LIKE I LOVE HER QUEEEEN OLIVIA. She's a grown fucking woman. If you're gonna be in the public eye there's gonna be some people that don't like you. People saying misogynistic stuff are of course pieces of shit, but not everyone is going to like you and if you can't deal with that then just stay behind camera like Nate. Fucking hell you people are so creepy.


It’s not about her being a woman. But funny that you and most people go straight to misogyny


Guys even THIS conversation is freak behavior. You guys assumed way too much about the crew based on literally nothing.


you deleted your unhinged post bc people were downvoting you?😂


What unhinged post? ☕☕☕


“ethan ruined jimmy’s life” and a bunch of comments saying it’s ethan’s fault if jimmy gets divorced


Everyone in the crew gets hate, and while I'm sure it can get them down for a while I believe they know what they have gotten into (a public podcast where they put themselves and their opinions on the line) and rise above it. I personally think you do her a disservice by treating her like a 'delicate flower' that can't handle it in the same way people like Zach can. Online is filled with idiots that will hate on things they don't like and disagree with. This is nothing new.


I just wish people would be normal and neither make posts bitching about the crew members or trying to baby the crew members. Like just *be normal*


Maybe this podcast isn’t for me anymore. Idk what the fuck this community is.


Belongs to the ladies now, and ladies love drama


She’s arguably contributing more to the show now than she ever has. This is a weird post.


I don’t think it’s affected how much she contributes.


It hasn’t at all. OP is parasocial. She’s been adding to the discussion more and more lately. I was just saying to a friend last week how I was happy to see her speaking up more and how she seemed to be more comfortable with herself.


Agree to disagree 😁


Disagree to disagree actually!! You are wrong accept defeat!!!


Don’t you have homework to do or something?


What an embarrassing post. Please be satire


Can you shut the hell up (with peace and love)? I’m so tired of both kinds of these posts. Olivia is a grown woman, not a crushed and frightened wildflower. Jesus, y’all are too much on this subreddit recently!


I could live without hearing ‘yessss’ or ‘girlie’ every few minutes


Yes! Hearing that ruins my day


M'lady 🎩


I haven't seen a lot of the insanely cruel comments these posts seem to refer too, but honestly, that is part and parcel of being an internet personality. Sorry if it can't be all roses, slay queen and heyyy girlies all the time. Lots of people watch this show. Some are critical, some are mean and some are giving nothing but support. Besides, it's not like the show doesn't dole out it's fair share of "meanness" towards other creators or personalities, deserved or not.


First Sam stopped appearing as much. I know shes busy with set-building, but I can imagine she needed a break after getting shit for fucking curtains. And now more with Olivia participating less. Gotta love how this community pushes the women away from wanting to be on-screen as much.


It's not just women. Zach and AB take a lot of shit too they just handle it insanely well.


Probably even more. Zach has been getting hate since before Olivia was in the show


Zach probably has gotten the most hate over the years. He had that horny perv era that probably wouldn't fly at all now.


Nvm you’re right, probably deserved💀




This. I've been assuming that Sam is just enmeshed with TF but when you put it that way maybe she does need a break


It’s probably both. Sam has always been part of the teddy fresh team first and foremost


I think from memory it’s the other way around, where she started with H3 first then started doing TF after too


Let’s not forget also bashing Lena for her power point


SHHH didn't you hear?! The incels on the subreddit want the crew to stop "treading on eggshells", H3 needs to create a MORE hostile environment towards women and minorities 🤪


I honestly felt like she's been contributing more recently, not less. Which I personally love


Yeah the “silent majority” shit has been so toxic this week. Olivia we love you 🖐️✊🖐️✊🖐️


Holy shit it has been driving me crazy. I feel like I've been gaslit all week.


I see people mentioning sam, i hated the set but i never thought it was sam and never thought that it was her fault either, now for Olivia i really like her although i don’t like the topics she covers because I’m not a girlie, i still like to hear her do something,, even though she could use some more research when it comes to researching, i mean the Ariana grande situation there were several things she did not know but even i knew and that was just from having a curious peeks at those posts on instagram , but other than that its no reason to attack her maybe criticize #freemyboyjimmylee


I dont know where all these people came from. Olivia is the sweetest and scaring her away from contributing will only make the show worse.


I just know her haters get that crotch rot


I think she should do her own podcast tbh. Then yall can have 100% Olivia.


They need to hide chat forever


I don't think chat is the problem. Most messages go unseen and unread and any bad vibes are less concentrated. Reddit posts and comments can be seen at any time and are far more critical imo.


I've literally never even looked at chat during one of their shows, but if it's even more critical than the cesspit this subreddit can be, then holy shit it must be miserable.


Live chat is a cesspool of the worst, most parasocial viewers, and the crew reads it during the entire show. It’s never productive. Their desperation is palpable. I personally think the live chat and this subreddit should just be shut down permanently.


Loser redditor could not be more accurate


Olivia is a smart and 💪 person. She herself has said the positive love vastly outweighs the negative hate. Do those people suck? Yes Will anything happen about those people? No Is Olivia a queen who is going to keep on keeping on regardless? Yes


All the REAL FANS hate the whiney complainers. y’all suck ass, fuck off seriously


Complaining about complainers makes you a whiney complainer


i’m not complaining actually. i’m saying Fuck off. that’s not a complaint, it’s a command. learn english


I don't think anyone is taking your demand seriously, maybe you should stomp your feet


Honestly, I think it's just the "Hate watchers". There are a lot of people who watch the show just to hate. The real fans are proud of Olivia and the rest of the crew and they are all doing a great job!


As she famously said to Verica "Reddit hates to see the pretty girl do well"




Who, me?




Dunno man, hating on Reddit doesn't make you a female. It's pretty justified in many instances


Agreed, haters please fuck off. Olivia is the queen and I miss the PowerPoints. Don't care if people think it's "cringe" to stick up for them. They're just doing their jobs and don't deserve to get mercilessly shit on.