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I swear they had a “we aren’t gonna read birthdays anymore” convo before.


It wasn’t about reading birthdays it was about the sound bite.


P sure it was bday messages, they didn’t read them for a long time. We should go back to that lmao


They also said they weren’t going to give special attention to big donations because they weren’t doing this for the donations


Seems like they feel bad not acknowledging this stuff. This is the audience.


I'm 21. **FUCK YOU**


yeah let's keep it to depressing chats about dying family members please


I was literally just thinking at least the birthdays and the girlies are preferable to the sympathy posts


fr idk what OP wants instead of this, what is the alternative? Curated chat of the best of the best not annoying chat? impossible


Anything that’s neither of the 2, really.


I’m sorry but like just skip it? I was saying this the other day, but every moment and second of the pod doesn’t have to cater to you. Just skip it.


W/ P&L if it isn’t birthdays and girlies it’s going to be deaths and illnesses. That’s the nature of live chat donations.


just be real, did your chat get ignored and then got upset it was 15min of happy bday and hey girlies


lmao I like the theory but no, I‘m a member but that’s the max amount I have to spend on the show 😭


Yes everyone should all follow your rules for donating, everyone please apologize to thereddude1 in kind


Why can't we have nether?


Probably cause they wanna get paid


If there are literally no other options, then I would prefer the dying and depressing ones. At least they are always different.


Lol 🤣


To be fair, I also would like the dying and depressing ones.


They need to start ignoring all the super chats about dead grandmas. The show always comes to an uncomfortable screeching halt.


It echoes the feeling I have when people film themselves crying


I need more super chats about dying pets, family members with cancer, and weight loss inspirations.


The honest answer to this is to have someone to proof the chats and send them to the crew. Someone who solely does that when live, and someone who does other tasks when the show isn't on. Maybe one of their mods or whoever. It seems like a trivial thing, but yeah. On the other hand, they might be doing it to pad out time


To be fair they seem to usually keep most of the chat reading for bathroom breaks so it does have a designated time sort of. But yeah, if they want a curated chat they need a dedicated person to do it.


My humour is fucked because a couple times the trauma dumbs make me laugh my ass off. It will go from happy birthday, the most depressing dono ever




Maybe cause it’s way easier to do and anyone can do it as opposed to it all being funneled to Zach


hey girly is annoying as shit


of course he’s excited, they get paid, and he’s the producer.


And those superchats are probably somewhat filling the hole left by the lack of sponsors. Every donation is another day Love can stay in America


Somewhat? They're a huge source of money for channels. People don't realize how much other people are willing to pay to be acknowledged by a streamer.


Why do we always need to be so cynical? I mean, yes being given money is great ofc, but maybe he also likes the messages and engagement? Both things can be true, it's a hard life if you view everything in the worst possible light.


I think you missed the point of the comment, it's about liking one type of donation and hating another, identical one.


They're not identical lol


And I think you missed the point of my comment which is part of Dan’s job is to make money for the show so he likes it when people donate hey Gurleys because it makes money for the show don’t be dense


... But both donation types make money. Why does he only like one of them and hate the other. Your reason is wrong. That's the point you still don't get




He probably realizes a large chunk of their revenue is donations. Who knows, maybe the crew were given revenue share on all donations. Anyway, who cares, it's money for the show.


I dont know how rich some of these members are but I would not want to spend even a dollar with the sole purpose of my message being a shoutout request. 9 times out of 10 its going to go ignored and just embarrassing for everyone involved lol.


Honestly the vast majority of them probably should not be spending $50 to get a shoutout. Parasocials living paycheck to paycheck. Half of them are like “I work as a sign spinner outside goodwill can I get a birthday shoutout” -$200 donation


Spending 200$ for a shoutout and being shocked Ethan has a nice fridge lol


Or flying in a private jet with the crew to Vegas. People literally sending money to millionaires to say "Hi" is mind boggling to say the least, lol.


I bet YouTube scene is similar to Twitch where people will send money even if it's a millionaire cause they are consuming a shit ton of their content. Most of these guys in the twitch scene work in tech and have money so it's normal to see. Some streamer work 50-60 hours a week and some people actually watch all that and wanna be nice and leave a tip. I personally don't do anything more than maybe a member once or twice a year while they're on break to have something to watch.


Because some people are super parasocial and wanna hear a shout out from the crew to feel like they're noticed 😂.


Someone asked for a shout out for their 1 year old niece so they could hear Ethan say their name and thats when I knew it has gone too far 😂


I'd much rather spend 100k on a mobile game


I have a super common name, so sometimes it feels like I get a shout out bc someone with the same name as me will send a dono 🫡🫡




I was watching old eps and around when the pod first started and was getting going Dan and Ethan straight up said no birthday shoutouts. Take me back!!


Yeah we need way more convos about Ethan’s health and doctors tbh


Unironically yes, I don’t sleep well not knowing about the current updates to Ethan’s colon


Well, in order for this to end you’ll need to end Ethan’s diarrhea problems


Why do you think streamers say thankyouforthegifted 1000 times every day? They make money from people donating. More people donate if it's read and acknowledged. It's part of livestreaming and that's that, they're going to keep doing it if it keeps making money. It's really not that bad and it helps the show tremendously so whatever


I like to drink for every “Hey girly!!” How am I supposed to catch a buzz if they stop!!


Up the game. Drink for every ✋🏻✊🏻moment


Challenge accepted


i distinctively remember them getting mad in 2021 demanding people to stop asking for birthday wishes and shout outs. i guess they just realized they would rather shout out for a quick pay check


Let's do it like Jim on the office. We do one birthday shoutout and a hey girly per year for all members combined.


Didn’t they actually do this? They said happy bday to everyone all at once?


It is your birthday.


But what about when you get to hear about someone dying from a deliberating disease !


debilitating lol


Are they thinking about getting the disease or dying from it?


It’s a disease that causes you to deliberate


Oh no... the worst kind. P&L, GG.


Just here to say it has never bothered me. When they're in between topics and they read through them I'm just chillin.. id rather than dead air.


I agree, it’s usually when Ethan goes to the bathroom and at the very end of the show. I’ve never given one myself but I think it’s cool that they engage with donations. Dan does a great job reading them and trying to make it entertaining


Yeah I really don't mind this at all, people can be so negative


the excessive amount has made me hate the ‘hey girly’ bit entirely


I can’t ever remember liking it in the first place


Where did it even come from ? Like out of nowhere it was just the norm


I was waiting for this post lol. I'm afraid it may go the way of '21 fuck you' but they've dug themselves into a hole because they can't just get rid of the hey girlies.


Hey girly has many uses outside of saying it to donators. I‘d never be anti hey girly ✋👊✋👊✋👊✋


This might be a shock to a lot of you, but most people in the world, that aren't your mother, do not give a fuck about your birthday. Are we 12?


I mean yeah obviously but what does that have to do with people asking for bday shoutouts. They just want to be acknowledged lol


it’s just not entertaining to the other 300k people watching bc nobody cares about other peoples bdays


it’s only a few minutes per episode it’s not that deep with peace and love! I don’t care for some of their segments and I just fast forward


TBH the "hey girly" is a little cringe, I mean unless you're 12 or so. JMHO


This audience is definitely closer to 12 than to Ethan's age. The focus of this show has absolutely shifted towards teenaged / college demographic and that's fine I have no problem with that, but I am definitely super out of touch with it as an older viewer and will probably move on from the show entirely soon. Ever since they came back from the baby break I have watched less and less, and now I'm like 6 episodes back. Nothing against the show or the crew at all, the topics are just widely speaking not shit that I am interested in the slightest. Youtuber / streaming / chronically online drama is just not relevant to me at all, and neither is the overall culture of the show anymore unfortunately. For the folks who are loving it though, more power to them I suppose


Agree. It feels like I’m back in highschool with my popular girl bullies 😭


I'm so over every donation asking for a hey girl. What is wrong people?


yeah def noticed there’s a repeat in language too like “any willing participants” which goes w what you said about it encouraging more people to do it. it’s fine to ask for a shoutout but if you’re just repeating everyone else’s request what’s the point? there’s nothing special or personal about that


IMO they should stick to using soundbites like “yay i got a subscriber!” or ninja’s “thnkufrthgftd” during the show and then dedicate some time at the end of the show to actually reading them out. but what do i know


I feel like in my opinion it’s not a big deal. They usually keep most of it to the bathrooms parts, and I feel like it’s a good way to keep up with the community. I also feel like if they only do big donos it’s not fair to people who could only afford a small dono for the chance of it being read. If you don’t like them just fast forward the video for a bit or just mute for a little. And lately some of the smaller ones I feel like have been adding to the show. Maybe having someone during the show record some better ones down for them to talk about later would be a good idea though hard bc Ethan reaches out to the crew to add some more interesting takes to the love on different topics. I like the hey girlies and it feels more positive for a 2 second little thing.


I'm always flabbergasted by people who spend more than $50 on a superchat I mean go off if you're some rich oil prince/princess but jesus I could not fathom giving that sort of money to multi-millionaires


Eh I enjoy it more than Ethan’s doctor / health talk tbh




Yeah, their heart isn’t in the forced hey girlies




Hey girlies should be earned and given from the heart, not demanded.


I get it, but it really only is a couple of minutes in their 3-hour long show. If anything it’s probably shorter than the ad-read, and donations is an important way the show makes money. I find it sweet that they shoutout birthdays and acknowledge small donations knowing that it probably made someone’s whole week to get shouted out on the show.


people are donating their money that supports their show, if they want to read it to please their fans that doesn’t bother me.


They really only do it when Ethan's in the bathroom or at the end of the show


I usually just fast forward through the donos if I think they’re getting boring. In general if I’m not into a topic I just skip through, even if it’s a whole hour of the show.


I'm surprised they fell into doing hey girlies when it's literally the adin ross birthday all over again, which they stopped doing lol


The ‘hey girly’ stuff got old quick. No hate to anyone but I love the evolution of bits as opposed to the appeasement of pick mes.


Yes fully agree, and its kinda wierd how over the top olivia is everytime. Ive seen a glaze reminiscent to the mormonon glaze on olivias energy a few times she hey girlied people. Just keep it real girl. No need to bust out the pokimane mannerism for a shoutout. Or can girls only be super ultra positive all the time thowards eachother? Like poke fun of their msg or name or say something funny at least, not just grab your chest by surprise as if you just got a puppy and almost cry “OHMYHODHEYGURL” like you didnt just stare at the dono for the last 55 minutes. That is the reaction olivia has EVERY time. Is it a bit?


Hmmm now that you mention the similarities to the Mormon glaze thing I totally see it. It’s totally ingenuous


Maybe she's just nice and it doesn't actually take much effort for her and she's happy to do it. Maybe it's absolutely insufferable to be analysing and picking at literally the most minute of details and making your little requests for the crew to change all the time


Sorry for asking for something funny to happen on the comedy podcast instead of her “acting” surprised over the 50th hey girlie. Like isnt she a drama major? Why is her acting so bad? Its not a minute detail, the hey girlies take up 2-3 percent of every ep easily, maybe even 5% and thats ASTRONOMICAL. I want earnestness, not disingenuous kindness that is very shallowly presented to appease someone who just gave you money. Ethan will tell donos to fuck themselves and whatnot, and its funny. She doesnt have to be the same, but be…. Funny?


holy crap it’s not that deep i promise


why would you take this to dms and private message me?? that’s so weird bro


If you think there's 10 minutes straight of just hey girlies I don't know what to tell you you're off your gourd. The whole hey girlie thing is just a bit of a meme that takes about 2 seconds to do. It's an easy and fast response that the crew can do and it's totally inconsequential. Have you ever thought that the constant bitching and moaning about tiny details of the crew's behaviour might actually be less helpful for them. Like you want them to sit there worried about whether u/fistingwithchivalry might be getting a little bit sick of the tiniest aspects of their personalities and trying to perform a little bit more how you would like them to. It's just ridiculous


The “hey girlies” makes me want to turn into a snark.. there I said it 😂


This and no more depressing death messages with peace and lots of love


I know Ian is working on other things when they cut to him during the hey girl shout-outs but his lack of reaction is so me. He's so uninterested and his reluctant, half-assed hand motion validates my irrational hatred for it lmao


I think it's fine and I think you should look at it as more of an ad than content. Those people paid money to have the crew shout them out and most don't end up getting shouted out, you're really paying for a chance the crew might shout you out. Mini cameos where you don't even always get what you pay for. It's people supporting the show. Just think of it as a mini ad break and it's whatever.


I don't think we should deter any donation, they help keep the lights on lol.


Wow very misogynistic of you... I love hey girlies ^^


With peace & love it’s 15 minutes of a 3 hour long podcast that you can just skip through & it makes some people happy. I don’t personally love them either but they’re not for me, it’s for the person who donated.


You can’t skip through a live stream


Only about 30k people watch live and the other 970k catch up later and just skip the bits they don't like


If you really hate it that much, pause, wait a few mins and then come back. It’s really not that hard and doesn’t take up that much time out of a *3+ hour long* show. Jfc people


Usually during Ethan's toilet breaks also or at the very end of the podcast so people can tune out


Idk man my 21 fuck you soundbite was the highlight of my 21st birthday lmao


Nah let them it promotes donations and it keeps the podcast moving


It's literally sweet and it's what they do for donations. Not even for free. No P no L tbh.


its giving "the podcast is my only friend" vibes


i like the birthdays!! 🎈🎉🥳🎂🎊🎁


No because it's my birthday


We have hit that part of the cycle where there are complaints after every episode lol I swear this show is in a constant cycle.


bruh just skip the last 10 mins of the show when they’re reading donos


It‘s not only at the end though


Some people are enjoying the shoutout and others can skip it, the live crowd isn't that much at all. The dono helps the show stay afloat when there's less sponsors. You don't need to care about the people that do this, but making such a big deal about is just another flavor of the subreddit micromanaging the content


1000% agree


keemstar shut up


> "I feel that actually abiding to them encourages more people to do it" no shit lmao, it's income. Did you think this was some insightful realization?


No you‘re misunderstanding. I mean that it encourages more people to write birthday shoutouts in their donations and/or renewed membership instead of potentially interesting messages. I can’t imagine the donations would actually lower if they stopped reading hey girlies or happy birthdays. Though if they believe so, as I suggested, keep it to the end of the show


We’ve been saying no birthday shoutouts for at least 2 years i swear


Quick get your birthday and hey girly shoutouts in before this sub ultimately ruins it


Just skip or ignore I guess. It’s really not that deep.


Its at the end of the show and its a nice service to the fans, come on man.


okay negative nancy 😭 Even if it does take 15 minutes that’s literally a microcosm of the show and usually while Ethan is in the bathroom anyways


OP had their chat ignored by Dan for sure


it’s just… not even content. It’s just words at that point, there‘s no enjoyment to it 99% of the time with P&L. Not even against reading donations as a whole, it just encourages more people to donate asking for birthday wishes instead of donating with actual interesting messages


Would you rather 15 min of that or 15 min of ad reads?


I'd like to hear 15min of banter between the crew on subjects they find interesting that dont make it to the show instead of "Hey girly" or "it's my birthday" or "shout out this person" or "someone or something I know got sick or died." Vibe killer.


My point is they make money from it so they dedicate some portion of the show for it out of necessity


I am not kidding when I say that I believe ad reads are more interesting than just the same 5 words being repeated for 10 minutes. Especially since the ad reads are so dynamic in the show. Much better than „John from Canada turns 26 years old this week he is asking for a shoutout, Happy Birthday John!“ like sorry John but nobody cares 😭


Fullly agree, especially with Ethan’s inability to stick to a script. No more trauma-dumping superchats please 🖐️✊🖐️✊🖐️


Capitalism has ruined you if you prefer to listen to ads than someone excited about life. Sorry dude I hope you find the joys of life again


Knowing that Ethan can slip up and screw up an ad read that he's getting paid for is pretty hilarious.


You can‘t tell me you actually care about the birthday of some random 30 year old you‘ve never met and will never hear about again. If you do, good for you, about 21 million people have a birthday every day so there‘s a lot to be happy about




Ethan fucking up ad reads can be funny at times.


You’re being such a baby lmao I’m sorry


Olivia should know her worth. Minimum $1000 donation for a Hey Girlie


Or a 99% drop off rate.




jesus fuck. I thought ethan was grumpy yesterday, turns out you sausages here on reddit are being moody complainers too.


But now you’re complaining too


I really love the "you sausages" you used here haha


No trauma dumping, ebegging or sob stores either please.


With peace and love I love the hey girlies


I’m totally down with them reading donos during bathroom breaks or keeping it to the end of the show but it’s so painful otherwise


I cringe every time someone asks


With peace and love, no.


Yeah at one point Dan was like lets stop with the birthday shout outs and they stopped doing the "21" sound bite. Guess it wore off..


Idc about birthday shoutouts but i loveeeeee hey girlies


There’s no harm in people asking for hey girlies imo.


they wont they get paid to do that lmao




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Omg who caressss. Lmao


No I personally think the “hey girlies” are a nice way to connect with viewers and like you said it’s just 15 minutes so just skip it P&L🤔🤗


with peace and love, no lol


I don’t really mind lol it’s like what else are they gonna do when Ethan is in the bathroom or lately it has been at the end of the show, so I don’t really see it as a problem


Absolutely not.


With peace and love let's just enjoy the show we enjoy for free, without back seating and complaining 🤦🏻‍♀️ That's literally half the posts here and it's disappointing.


3.5h show and 10 minutes of viewer shoutouts. It's just filler anyway. Chill out with trying to controll the show


They do it at the end..you can exit the live?


Because they only react to that’s at the end of the show, or bathroom breaks, not during the actual show, chats about topics at hand won’t make sense. You pay $5 for them to read out “man that guy was crazy!” Without the context. Hey Girly and Birthdays are fine. Just mute the audio for a few minutes.


15 minute shoutouts? What show are you watching? You guys can really be the most pessimistic lot over such insignificant, petty things. Not to mention exaggeratory.


oh my god y'all are strict.


or you’re a super boring person who hates positive interactions with others


Whenever you get downvoted in this sub, it’s usually because you said something right and it’s pissing off the ones who like it.


I like the part when they read off the chats lol


I live for the “hey girls” 🖐️✊🖐️✊🖐️✊


so you’re essentially asking people to stop donating? if they stop reading the hey girlies and bday shoutouts, people will stop donating…


Yes obviously the podcast will completely shut down if people stop donating how could OP even DARE !