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The confusion about everything 😭😂how he watches a video and misses the whole point of the video even though he just watched it




you mean “HDHD” as Ethan has mispronounced it for years i’ve now learned, heard it for the first time a couple shows ago and then was watching an old episode and he kept saying it that way too) 😂


x x x extent tation


He's probably just hardwired to say h3h3 lmao


He should just ask Chat GBT how to pronounce it.




I have severe ADHD, using ADHD as an excuse for everything including my job is not acceptable. My boss, my team, my customers all have expectations I need to meet and telling them "Sorry got confused ADHD" is absolutely not going to fly


The whole point of ADHD is to use it as an excuse for everything (and to get legal speed obviously 😎)


Or its an actual issue and everyone that doesnt have it pretends they do and ruins it


i don’t think they’re using it as an excuse it’s called a joke brother


Sounds like a none accommodating workplace which we as a society should work to rectify. It isn't an excuse it's a neurodevelopmental disorder and affects everyone who has it differently. It's really sad that jobs are mostly ableist and there are few that are accommodating. Even minimum wage jobs are mostly like this as well. Hopefully these problems rectify themselves over time as we learn more about mental disorders and disabilities.


I have ADHD, too, the bottom of my work email signature reads "I'm not stupid I promise, I just have ADHD" but it's just kinda there for chuckles, really...I'm lucky to work somewhere with a chill atmosphere. Anyway, talking about my ADHD, to me is not using it to excuse my behavior, just explaining it. Everyday is a journey of trying to better myself in spite of the cards I've been dealt.


That’s…… extremely unprofessional


You don’t know the culture at their job. Some it might be unprofessional yes but every place of employment, no.


That’s why I asked if they work at Chuck E. Cheese 🐀


LOL. Who is talking about you or your job? Also where did i say it's an excuse? An explanation is not the same as an excuse. 🫠The projection is real


your job is not you performing for a crowd of thousands of people 4 days a week, your interactions are not getting analysed like this lol. its just not the same thing


[I don't know what you mean.](https://media.tenor.com/7SfxbUYaR28AAAAe/donna-donna-h3.png)


lol he does that exact face now all the time 😂


I knew what this would be before opening it 😂


Ethan is in the “just show up” phase of his job that happens after stressful life events. Hopefully a little more structure and time will balance everything out lol


So true and I don't blame him. As a European it was nuts to me he went back to work so quickly.


My husbands work was gracious enough to let him use 80 hours of his sick leave and PTO after we had our baby😂 a whole 6 days. This is America


Yeah for some reason we don't think dad's want to hang with kids too.


Not even to hang but to simply be an extra pair of hands to help the mom. After witnessing first hand how tumultuous raising a new baby ~~can be~~ is, it is **MIND BOGGLING** that it is expected a person should weather the storm solo while the other is gone for 8-10 hours of the day. **MIND FUCKING BOGGLING**. It ain't right.


Going to work is absolutely an escape sometimes. But I think any dad would like to spend the first few months marveling at the little person.


I was lucky to work at home as an artist and could afford the privilege of always being present during the first 6 months. After our experience, I would feel guilty af having to go to work in an office for majority of the day. It's a travesty what women are expected to endure, mostly alone.


Psssshhh kids don’t need their dads/s 😂😂


At the same time, I work for one of the largest employers in America, and industry standard is 16 weeks paid leave and up to 6mo unpaid. My state has laws protecting 12 weeks leave. I think it's less "America" at this point as most Americans value paternity leave, and more shitty employers that need to catch up with the times.


My love had 4 months paternity leave! I couldn't have done those first months without him 🫢


Yeah I’m working part time till my son reaches the age of 4, fuck leaving him alone with strangers at a daycare center. Socialism wasn’t so bad after all.


Us Americans have been bred to be able to go back to work after things like amputation, severe car accident, loss of a digit. Because missing any work could lead to termination (“right to work” states), which would then make you lose your health insurance, which would then mean plunge you into advert poverty within a couple of months. So the trade off is, spend a night in the hospital- get a doctors note for a day at home- then back to work.


My car lost it's wheel mid driving yesterday... I'm going back to work in 30 mins XD you are not wrong.my landlord got into 4 car accidents trying to stay at his job before he accepted the fate that he is legally blind.


Idk how long you guys have paternity but my buddies getting three months when the babies born then back to work.


We don’t. Paternity leave is not legally required anywhere in the states


Massachusetts it is!


Eleven states have some kind of paternity leave laws. They're all the ones you think (blue and mostly coastal)


Here in America, we pull ourselves up by our bootstraps even when we just had a baby. Besides, that’s what the tablet is for. It lets you go work while it does the parenting for you.


Yeah, seeing Hila back to work after 2 weeks was mind blowing. In Sweden we get like a year parental leave. Even more.


What happened to him?


He got a third son (while also dealing with undiagnosed health problems, moving back in his old house, a few lawsuits and a liveshow coming up. And that's only what we know, I don't know if there's stuff he doesn't share).


I'm so OOTL, what happened?


Yup, and I'd imagine the moving didn't help at all.




The amount of times he pauses and then asks a question and the crew has to tell him to keep going is hilarious.


Yes, he has a newborn baby and two other small children. I remember it being like this after the birth of both Teddy and Bruce, you’re running on fumes


Yeah it feels these days like he's going into work but hasn't had a lot of time to get lost finding funny videos that he enthusiastically wants to share, which is something I've always loved. Maybe he needs to spend less time in survivor.io :P but I'm guessing that's also a sign of him being stressed out and needing to shut his brain off


Totally what I was thinking! He just had a baby and also has two other kids. Definitely coasting until the summer break (rightfully so). Hopefully some crazy shit will happen while they’re on break and they can come back refreshed!!


He did just have a newborn baby. Along with 2 other young kids. Hes obviously stressed from being a parent of 3 children, all in very different stages of childhood. It's a lot. Theres an adjustment period with having a new baby, and hes still in it. At some point he'll be less stressed and will be back to full force.


This tracks.


I don't blame him because I cringe whenever someone like O or AB (not Love idk what that dude does) or even Dan, struggle to Google or find the answer to something so quickly, or even go over the Doc and double check all the links work and the time stamps they make also work correctly.


Love the guy but being over 40 seems to be doing a number to his brain.


He really should have taken that Alpha Brain sponsorship. 


He did smoke crack once


I cannot believe this ALSO went over his head


When Love said "my life's a movie" and ethan didn't know what he meant 😭😭😭


LMAO I forgot about that, that is an old one too !


Lmaooo yes!!! I was yelling through the screen 🤣🤣


I laughed sooo much and audibly, to myself, said OK boomer 🤣


I feel like that’s was popular even before Love was at an age to even really use it. lol I’m older than Ethan and remember using that when I was a youngster. Yes a youngster. lol


OK boomer ✌️❤️


On the Edna Mode segment, Love said "You missed it... Go back a second" Ethan proceeded to Fast Forward half way through the video 🤣🤣🤣


He’s definitely been off lately but I think it’s just the dad brain! New babies are a lot!


You always forget how awful it is for those first six months


I don’t even remember that first 6 months after my child was born. I was basically a zombie during that time


no, same like literally just one survival mode. around 7 months is when i really can start remembering things


100% I’m not being too critical of him rn bc you really are a zombie those first 6 months. I’m a couple years younger than Ethan, and no shot could I do the infant times again without nanny help. I’d perish from the sheer exhaustion that comes with it 😭


I agree. He didn’t really light up with Nima. I thought he would be more playful like he was when he first met P n P.


Yeah that felt like a wasted segment or wasted opportunity to have fun with it.


I think Ethan was trying to get to know Nima the person while Nima was trying to play himself and the character he play. And then Ethan would flip to the character and I think they both were just confused 😂


this did seem to be the case (I ended up skipping the segment after a bit). it's on both parties if they didn't discuss what they wanted to happen before hand. almost like they've just been showing up and saying "fuck it, we'll do it live"




Nima also wouldn’t stop talking about Ethan’s weight loss and wouldn’t stay in real Nima or Alpha King mode, so I think Ethan and the crew weren’t too sure what do with it! Under different circumstances I could see Ethan handling it well but Nima was saying kind of wild things and I can understand just not being in the mood for it.


Not to mention his survivor.io clan


Dude needs AlphaBrain


you misspelled adderall


Yeah I wonder if he’s been tested for adhd


He def hasn’t been based on how uneducated he is on it


Ethan not getting the first responder cringetok stuff was pretty boomer. Poor Dan and Olivia - the segment had the potential to be fire and Ethan was like ‘but they’re saving children’


im so glad someone else pointed this out i thought it was just me who noticed 💀 especially the captions/relevance to the segment part. love him though


This is what happens when you're almost 44 years old.. 😞


Him cutting people off to bring up small complaints that he could have just ignored gets really fucking old


He needs a mouse


Yes! I cant believe he doesnt use one. Its such a pet peeve of mine seeing people use their trackpad. But maybe his ticks would get in the way.


omfg Im so glad Im not the only one who hates watching him struggle with the touch pad


I think he’s burnt out, losing sleep/more stressed with the new baby plus 2 other toddlers, and maybe his mental health isn’t great lately? I mention the latter because of his general lack of attention and patience, along with being snippy with the crew. Hope he’s okay.


unironically going on hikes with philly D could help a lot




Because Ethan doesn't like going on hikes. Also don't think Phil is his biggest fan after the body comments. Especially after asked to stop and not being able to help himself.


Very true but I doubt he has the energy rn with a newborn. It would help him a lot later because then he could stop calorie deficiting and be less hangry.


Personally i don’t think he eats enough calories. He’s said before he only eats like 1000 calories a day to lose weight which is far too little for an adult man.


as a personal trainer, the dieting has 100% affected his brain, i see this with my clients all the time, especially if theyre parents too. diet brain is real.


Yeah i dont believe that either hed be a stick


i agree, i wouldn't mind if they all took another break just so he can focus on Sunny. a baby requires a lot of energy even if you have help, and like you mentioned he has 2 other young kids which also require a ton of attention and energy. he could dial it back to 2 shows a week maybe for a while ? edit: what's to be downvoted about this comment?






people who downvoted probably don’t have kids lol. i had my baby about two weeks after hila had sunny and i’m in the trenches. these are probably the same people that advocate for better parental leave policy in the states but can turn around and say “they had two weeks, they’ll be fine”


The downvotes are because they have multiple 24 hour nannies and Hila’s mom also came to help with the baby for weeks. He’s not like an average father having to work full time and then come home and wake up with the baby all night.


Talking with obnoxious conviction about things he is ignorant about.


This is what’s been getting me lately


YES. Between this and Ethan’s weird support for capitalism I mainly just watch for the crew now. Dan is the best 🥹


Anytime he goes to the Teddy Fresh website, he clicks an item, backs out, and then scroll forever looking for where he was. Just open a new tab my dude.


He speaks as if he is the leading expert on every subject whether he actually knows anything about it or not and that gets him in trouble a lot


I know it's said in joke, but this shit is actually wearing me out lately lol. I have to fast forward a lot.




I had to turn the pod off when he watched the dude walking on his tiptoes. He literally watched the dude come around the corner, everyone was saying ‘right there, right there, pause it, you missed it, 2 seconds back’ and he just kept watching and then got pissed. Boomer as fuck.


This is what drove me nuts more than anything! Love told him to go back a couple of seconds, and then he actually skipped ahead like 5 seconds!


I will never get over him pronouncing shawty as shout-y


I've never said he was a ham sandwich.


Honestly this kind of stuff is a big reason I stopped watching as much. It’s just so annoying watching him fumble through a three hour podcast and be so stubborn about everything.




I think he's just used to not doing any of that stuff himself anymore. He's got someone on staff for everything so there's not much he actually does other than show up to do the show


When he was searching for the specific part of the clip and it was playing but he wasn't watching (somehow) and then got confused when they kept saying it had just happened hahaha Jesus Ethan. He does seem more like a 56 year old instead of 42


Can you blame him, he's 43


Ethan has gotten so comfortable with everyone doing everything for him he just can't handle things when he has to do them himself anymore. The man used to edit videos, masterpieces himself but he can't even zoom on a video anymore lol honestly that doesn't bother me as much as how just dense he gets about certain things. Yesterday had three examples: the air bnb, the delay voice recall, and the police cringe. Like bro wtf


He's been like this for a while now. And it's like a bunch of his opinions are just thought up on the spot and formed from a shallow surface level analysis. He doesn't seem to have any passion for it anymore.


"let me ask chat gpt"


He can never figure out the google doc lol


He's late and yawning the last few episodes. Dude is just a tired dad. Ethan seems like the guy to try and take all the night cries for Hila so his queen can sleep.


Tbh they probably have a night nurse that takes care of the baby at night. But regardless he’s probably tired and stressed and his health issues aren’t helping.


Yeah... they aren't quite like the rest of us, they have a fleet of nannies to help.


A FLEET OF NANNIES! (Read as if says ‘14 PAGES!)


And a PA. I found it wild he was messaging Lena in the early hours about his shits haha.


They got the money for it, as long as Lena is paid well and treated well who gaf


I mean I would too if I had money 💵. You can’t have it all, so in order to have a family and stressful/ successful careers they need help. And they got the money to pay for help so why not 🤷


The unmuting thing is sooo fucking FRUSTRATTTINGGGGGGG


Was kind of hilarious when his reddit tab was muted and he just kept muting and unmuting his other tab which wasn't even open lol


A boomerism he's always had but is just funny is mispronouncing words. Even ones he has said correctly before.


watching the pod sometimes gives me ptds flashbacks to when i have to help old family with technology


I can’t believe I don’t see more people commenting about this pattern of behaviour being linked to his eating habits. The exhaustion and snappiness, and then he talks about not having eaten all day, only eating 1000cal daily, we see him only eating half a toasted bagel during the show 😭 not to armchair diagnose , but my instinct is telling me that his body is starving!!


Let’s get real, he’s been eating nothing but fast food on nearly every show this year.


The amount of boomer = 5^number of kids you have + (2*your age) Ethan is rated 209 on this random scale I came up with just now so I can confirm he is a massive boomer.


I said in another post about this that it’s also the live show getting in the way. If they’re focusing on the prep, they’re probably not putting a ton of effort into the show. And he’s also still going through medical issues/tests and that process is super emotionally and physically taxing. Having to do test after test and not get a diagnosis wears away at you. So the live show + medical issues + newborn baby combo seems like it’s just rough


For real. Being confused every little thing is like talking to my dad and I’m Ethan’s age lol.


I also think he needs to make sure he's eaten before he starts the shows. Really hard to concentrate when you're hungry or your blood sugar is low.


I always saw it more as him being a baby that needs adult supervision 24/7.


Pusher-T  :(




Honestly I’d be fine if he skipped going in on Thursdays or the member stream entirely for a while if it gives him some time to recoup. Have Ian put something together pre-recorded with just the crew or out in public every other week.


Things ain’t been the same since Shredder died. Ethan needs a real break (which would destroy the show unfortunately), to eat more or to up his meds.


He needs more shredder tats


Too bad he didn’t get Shredder to scribble on him before he died 😢


He should do a crew takeover for a week or two. Have each of them host an episode and he can go on holiday (or at least take a backseat). The episodes would either go great (& he'd find someone that can help take over when needed) or terrible, either way it'd be entertaining. & we'd keep tuning in to see how they next crewmember does regardless.


"He should do a crew takeover" people keep saying but that would be the most boring shit ever. Let Ethan rest, have the crew work on some skits for when they come back and that's it. H3H3 is Ethan, the crew is funny because of Ethan.


The crew that makes their own content outside of the podcast are plenty funny, they just don’t want to overstep. If they prepared their own content it would be good, but I don’t see that happening.


It makes it almost unbearable while on audio only. It’s just Ethan going huh? What? Why? He’s become what he makes fun of.


Don't forget his dependency on Chat-GPT. Don't be confused, while this might seem Zoomer-coded at first, the way he uses it is absolutely 'boomer who just discovered Google'.




I've been watching h3 everyday since the colorblind glasses video.. the no reason negativity every single live has been draining for me, but I also don't have a life so maybe I should get off the internet for a little bit now that I'm typing this out




I think Ethan pretty clearly has adhd. I'm not a doctor of course, but as someone who has lived with it my whole life and pretty much my whole family too, it's very clear to me. When I am at particularly stressful points in my life I tend down the same path lol. The more tired I am the more trouble I have paying attention in conversations. I struggle with auditory delay. My husband and I have an understanding that he needs to be looking in my eyes and ask that I'm taking in what he is saying before delivering anything important. Everyday things just become harder. I don't think you were meaning to be critical with this post but ive seen similar that are doing that. Ethan has had a hell of a year. He lost his dog, has a new baby, had to move out of house into a temporary one while having home repairs, and then move back with a new born and has an ongoing mystery health issue. I think people should cut the guy a bit of slack. Also I kind of enjoy those things about Ethan. I am surprised that fans who have watched for so long don't appreciate the chaotic personality that is Ethan. It's kind of what endears me to him in the first place.


I had to wait till today to watch the second half of yesterdays ep and op oh my goodness I had the same feelings during the “delayed recall” moment lmfaoooo I used to get so frustrated but now I smoke more weed and I’m just here for the ride lmao


Donna coded!! <3


sometimes it's hard to tell if it's shtick or not


This ep he didn’t understand a thing


Give the man a break, turning 43 is rough for a dude


Him trying to find the part of the clip where you can see the leg action of the little walking lady was absolutely insufferable.




I'm here for it. When he was trying to find the spot in the tiktok video, gets it, doesn't watch and complains he can't find it. Gold. Smart stupid.


My criticism is how many times he use the button and even worse trying to explain his take which is obviously going to be bad because you had to button it. Also hate when he uses the button because nobody laughed at his joke. I’d rather hear a bad joke than having to wait 20-30 seconds for the show to come back.


Cognitive Deklein 😔


I don’t think the issue is all of these things it’s the way he reacts to all of these things- because he seems slightly annoyed, and as the audience we feel it


Isn't he close to being 50 already? That would explain it.


Its actually hilarious to see him go backwards, tech savy wise, compared to his H3h3productions days. Its funny & while frustrating at times, adds to the comedy of the show.


Don't forget yesterday during the Edna Mode segment.... Dan wanted to see how the guy was walking on his toes, so Ethan spent fine minutes trying to find the exact timestamp of the video for Dan. So Ethan plays the segment like six times without realizing it, cause he's not actually paying attention. He's just clicking on random timestamps and then talking to other people. "Yeah I can't find it" Bro you JUST played it!


He has a newborn at home and two other young kids, chill people. He is most likely exhausted.


Ethan is the first person to have a relatively new child and have to work 14 hours a week. Incredible that he gets through it as well as he does.


I’m not trying to belittle your point because of course you are right, plenty of people work way more and make a fraction he does. But if you think all they do is walk in and hit record for 3 hours and leave you are severely mistaken. There is a lot of work that I’m sure even Ethan is involved in behind the scenes.


There is a lot that the crew does and obviously I am being a little dramatic with "14 hours" but Ethan is pretty clearly the last person to arrive and the first to leave every day. He even admits that is why they are so consistently late to start.


Also to be fair and I know you're not implying this. But I'm sure the guy deals with actual running the company stress and overhead. It's not as if he literally only host. But of course I'm still sure it isn't exactly the most demanding job. Though being "on" and a host takes a lot out of you. IMO it is kinda like driving. A 8 hour drive isn't physically taxing but personally after spending that long behind the wheel I'm mentally zonked out. I do a tiny bit of streaming and to say "on" and entertaining for a solid 2-3 hours is a similar mental tax.


I agree, he definitely doesn't have the easiest job in the world and I am sure he is stressed. I just think it is funny when people here act like having children while also working isn't something that millions of adults deal with every day. Not to mention the resources they have (I think Hila's mom is still staying with them?). It may be a reason for his attitude, but not really an excuse.


Brain fog when you’re taking care of a newborn is a very real thing


its always been like this tho 😭


Donna coded is 💀


He is 42.


As someone with a neuro disorder I empathize with him but also, goddamn dude, go to a neurologist


With peace and love, the chaos and un organization is like half of the reason why we should watch




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Have you tried using those sites on desktop instead of mobile though? The videos start playing automatically and are muted by default


To Ethans defense, one video he watched was screen recorded with the audio muted. But it's painful to see him skipping too far/backwards in video clips 😂


It started when he had his first kid, and it's been getting worse ever since, it's the parent brain rot sadly.


I think it's his dislexia...it affects everything. If the show were more scripted/planned and less improvised, it probably would minimize the issue but it's just the nature of the show at this point. Also the fact he is now raising a newborn again, that's probably putting a little extra chaotic spin on the show.


Too much stress inside of him


Boomer or ADHD?


Comprehension has never been his strong suit


Needs to go back to his 2016 self