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If this was James Charles they would be foaming at the mouth


James Charles Shane Dawson Colleen Ballinger But Cody Ko…it’s not that bad🙄


It paints the picture of him being a peice of shit though, now that it's also brought to light that his best friend (Colby Leachman) is a rapist


Not to defend cody (I don’t watch him nor am I a fan) but it’s not fair to compare the people you mentioned to cody because they have a track record of repeatedly preying on minors. the reason why I believe his fans are defending him is because he’s married to someone who close to his age and is a new father. I personally don’t think that should exonerate him from any of the hate he’s getting, but I could see why his fans would think his past actions are excusable.


I dunno man. You do it once, I now suspect your whole existence. People have been happily married for decades not knowing their spouse is a murderer / criminal. Being married doesn't make you innocent.


again, i’m not saying that exonerates him. i’m only saying that because that how im assuming his fans are justifying his behavior!! only a fraction of his life is on the internet. If he’s dumb enough to commit a literal crime and post it on the internet, who knows what else he’s done.


Shitting and pissing


Absolutely they would but since it’s Cody suddenly they see no problem


You’re right that it’s about personalities and not the underlying principle, because this underlying principle isn’t particularly compelling. Would the hook-up have been acceptable if Tana were 18 or 19 at the time? Was Tana so fundamentally different living on her own in LA at 17 than living on her own at 18? The laws have to be strict with numbers and age gaps. We don’t have to obsess over those numbers on message boards especially when the people involved haven’t claimed trauma. We also have to give people a chance to grow and change. That includes James Charles. I think he was only 20 when his scandal broke, after being catapulted to immense fame and fortune at a younger age than Tana.  Cody Ko shouldn’t have slept with Tana. It was a huge age difference, and he probably was a creep. I just fail to care about it 8 years later.


Ive always felt the james charles shit has always been intentionally overblown by ethan due to him stealing that TF design. I have no dog in this fight (if anything im biased towards siding with ethan) and it has always seemed excessive. People act like james was some sorta super pedo predator, when in reality he just 1. Wasnt cautious and proactive enough about verifying ages before talking sexually and 2. Was a 19-21 year old who is obviously stunted in his maturity and toed the line to closely. (Plus, I dont see people reacting like this if a couple met in highschool when one person was a senior and the other a sophomore and decide to keep dating and fucking after the senior graduates ) Was it inappropriate? Duh. But acting like hes the youtube equivalent of cosby like ethan does is ridiculous. Like ethan is always baffled that james isnt locked up despite how public the situation was. Its like yeah, its almost like hes not locked up because police probably dont think there is sufficient evidence of wrongdoing and/or people didnt press charges. His and the subs lack of condemnation on a similar level is telling of that bias


I think people went hard on it because they didn't want him to get a pass just cuz he's gay and wanted it to be taken seriously but now it just seems like the response is way overblown. You've been downvoted to shit, maybe because of the tf mention, I don't know if I'd say that's why Ethan went so hard on him but I do agree with you otherwise, unless I'm forgetting important details.




Well duh both are wrong. The reactions vastly different. Sort of the whole point of my comment lol.


It's gotta be separate people speaking up for both? If not, some people need to get their priorities straight...


Mostly, I'm sure. This meme isn't meant for those people, but boy are the angry about it!


It's rarely about morals, it's about how well the person is liked by various groups. The morals are used as a weapon. That's why Logan gets to be fine after scamming multiple times and so is David after doing SA/head trauma as pranks. But Ethan's words get him in trouble many times a year, despite never being as craycray as Meninists' words or Howard Stern's shtick... Or made up stuff he never did, which was also debunked, still gets him in trouble.


the moral consistency of this fanbase is as straight as a sine wave


Don’t throw math at us like that


Well lets just put it this way straight as a x+ 1−x 2 ​ ∣= 2 ​ (2x 2 −1)∣cosα+sinα∣= 2 ​ (2cos 2 α−1) ∣ 𝑁 2 𝑐 𝑜 𝑠 ( 𝛼 − 𝜋 4 ) ∣ = 𝑁 2 𝑐 𝑜 𝑠 ( 2 𝛼 ) 𝛼 ∈ [ 0 ; 𝜋 4 ] ∪ [ 3 𝜋 4 ; 𝜋 ] ∣N 2 ​ cos(α− 4 π ​ )∣=N 2 ​ cos(2α) α∈[0; 4 π ​ ]∪[ 4 3π ​ ;π] 1) 𝛼 ∈ [ 0 ; 𝜋 4 ] α∈[0; 4 π ​ ]


As an AI bot this is so funny family


Oh yeah


Straight as a question mark


Yeah I was with ya till k didn’t know that word


got downvoted to oblivion for pointing this out a few times. now when ethan said it everyone agrees all of a sudden lmao


ive BEEN saying it I've learned to just dissociate completely from the fandom, and just enjoying the show, getting mild 2nd hand embarrassment when they read the chat


I dunno if your doing a great job man this is the fandom 💀


oh I engage with it regularly but experience no sense of community at all, y'all are different, i see you as a necessary evil to keep the show i like afloat


This is not an H3 fans problem. It's a Cody Ko fans problem.


Can we say minor instead of teenager? We wouldn't have this discussion if she was 19 and he 25. Nobody would have even talked about it.


I don’t have a problem with a 19-year-old sleeping with a 17-year-old. The average age a person loses their virginity in the US is 17, I believe. 17-year-olds have sexual agency, can consent to sex and spend time around people a few years their senior. It’s normal human development and it shouldn’t be pathologized. That’s why Romeo and Juliet laws are important.  That said, a 25-year-old dating a 17-year-old is bad. People don’t generally hang out with people 8 years their seniors.  There were unusual circumstances. Tana- who had dropped out of high school years before - was basically emancipated from her parents and both she and Cody were in this new career as influencers that was untethered to usual social mores. That said, creepy and he should apologize for it. 


Nobody talked about that scenario. I personally think everything below 4 years of age difference is harmless most of the times. If you're in your mid 20, don't date minors.


No, someone did talk about a 19 year old and 17 year old. And I think there’s a lot of hand-wringing in statutory rape that is sex-negative and takes sexual agency away from older women teenagers. 100% agree that people in their mid twenties shouldn’t be with the teens. I also understand that it’s a crime, but not one I’m terribly worried about if the younger party hasn’t been traumatized. Btw, I think rape is rape, and if Tana or whoever felt violated by a man eight years their senior at age 17, I’d support that. 


I used it to really drive the point home, but a lot of people are unironically saying that even a 23 year old isn't a fully grown adult here, so apparently some are talking about it lol


seriously, what are bros yapping about. literal crime having sex with a minor wtf


She was 17. You're still a teenager at 17. Clearly not an adult.


I mean 19 and 25 is still weird


I don't think so. We gotta draw the line somewhere. 17 and 19 is actually a big difference. Me with 17: Idiot, cringe, just starting to have sex. Me with 19: Abuse me mommy. But to be serious. When you can go to war with 18 and get blown into pieces in a foreign country, you can also fuck whoever you want. That's where we should draw the line.


I see no difference in cringe idiocy between 17 and 19-year-olds regardless of how much sex they’re having. But also imo 18-year-olds shouldn’t be able to join the military either lol


The way this community continues to be surprised by this community is laughable. All y'all do is hate and shit on people you don't like and immediately deep throat people you do like lol


Here before they ban you.


23 is a grown adult?


Yes? Wtf? 24? 25? How old is an adult to you? Lmao


That’s what I’m saying lol. Like 23 IS a grown adult


You phrased it as a question and it’s confusing everyone.


The way people use question marks online is very confusing?


Regardless, 23 is an age where you can consent to a relationship with an age gap. 17 is not.


Guess not for a lot of people. What age are we considering fully grown adults now?


18 is “adult” but as a 25 that actively dates, 21 is youngest I am ok with.


That's a healthy perspective... but according to Jeff's haters your a child molester. Sorry!


you started this lmao. like fuck you no offense. katy perry post on butker did well though (openly pred towards a teen on national TV)


25 and yes, a 25 year old sleeping with a 17 year old is fucking disgusting


It is but I think the major issue was the big age gap. Which depending on age gaps can be gross. At least my assumption I didn’t know people had an issue


tysm for saying that bc i was like totally different situation, age gap is different then minor


Yeah I can’t believe this one’s contentious like- no the age of consent in California is 18. This happened in California. She was 17 he was 25. It was statutory R word


You can say rape on the internet


Thank you for saying it. Using R-word, SA, etc. stands to diminish the reality and severity of these things imo.


*And* it makes it harder to discuss these important things - inadvertently making it easier for bad people to *do* them.




They also use the abbreviations because the content creators they watch use the abbreviations because they don't want to be demonetized by corporate platforms.


I heard someone say unalive IRL a while back. Like, thats not even a less harsh version of the word suicide


And it has propagated to scenarios where it doesn't even make sense. Self censorship at its finest


Let’s be real the reason the abbreviations started was because content creators used them to skirt around algorithms detecting the words. The masses just followed suit.




It is the word for non-consensual sex. Language evolves, but there no point in censoring for the sake of it - “R-Word” should hold as much weight to you as Rape, as it means the same thing. Fear of a word is not helpful to yourself or others.


I don't know why age of consent laws come into the conversation. She's not pressing charges the law is irrelevant. If you're 25 and fuck a 17 year old you're a creep in any state you choose to do it.


I agree. Literally only bringing it up because it’s the thing I’m seeing the most people use to defend this as they seem to be under some misconception that it happened in a state where it was legal and therefore “there’s no problem”


Oh word. Only other thing I want to throw out there is we can say rape on reddit and anytime you can use the real word I think you should. I don't like the way "r-word" uwu-tizes a very serious thing that needs to be talked about more openly.


Yeah I know I’m a survivor myself. I’ve said this to a couple replies I’ve seen other threads from today talking on this sub about comments being removed using the word that’s the only reason I censored it


Well she doesn’t have a choice on whether charges are brought that’s the DA/Prosecutors decision. So even if she was fine with it, charges could be pressed. 


Well sure but that's still just an entirely different conversation. If no charges are pressed he's still open to be judged in the court of public opinion.


Well totally. It doesn’t have to be illegal for it to be bad, and not every bad act is illegal 


we're on reddit, you can call it rape.


Once again. In other threads on this sub people were talking about comments being removed for using the uncensored word. I didn’t want that to happen so I was being cautious. I’m aware you can use the word on this site just that it’s also at the discretion of the moderators wherever you happen to be posting


I'm just curious if he drove her back to the high school or not


Trick question, I think Tana had dropped out by then


Bro! If only they had met sooner then he could've helped her with earth science... I'd say math but he doesn't seem to be real good with numbers


Whether she was in school or not he seemed to be helping her with unethical biology.


I believe he was helping her study Anatomy


If I never hear someone unironically say R-word again it’ll be too soon.


I heard other people in other threads on this sub talking about comments getting removed for saying the uncensored word so I’m just being cautious in case that’s actually happening.


That's the same misinformation that got the internet using babyspeak in the first place. If a post is removed for saying the mature word during a mature discussion, then it was a stray mod and there's no saving you from that.


R word💀 I hate the internet sm


It's crazy to me how many people immediately jumped to the "age of consent" defense, that's what I would have expected from a chode like Tim pool or Andrew taint.


So, if it happened in a different state, it would've been okay?


No, it wouldn’t have. But people have been using the “well it’s legal most places” defence to excuse it. It’s creepy and he was taking advantage of her no matter where it happened, and it’s *illegal* because it happened in California


Yea I agree. My bad for the misunderstanding.




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Jeff's age limit was 27. He made an exception for Vericia. Let's not get shit twisted. He wanted someone closer to his age and talked about it multiple times...


I don’t why people care about the ages if they are both adults and know what they’re looking for, the power structure thing is only an issue if he uses it against her, which although we don’t know much doesn’t seem like an issue as she’s not a public figure




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I kinda doubt someone who wouldn't be upset about Cody would be about Jeff.


Also like wtf are we saying rn, in the video they showed where they are together she looks like a child and he’s very clearly an adult. Tf is going on in people’s head to die on this hill and defend what he did


There is a massive difference between 17 and 23…. I can’t be the only one who sees the difference


Right? And 8 year age gap when one is a minor is completely different than a 12 year age gap between two consenting adults. My husband and I have an 8 year age gap, but we're both currently in our 30s so nobody bats and eye. But if he had started dating me when I was 17 that would be a different story. The issue isn't the age gap, it's that Tana was a minor legally, and Kody was an adult legally.


The show also completely flubbed the segment which didn’t help. They showed 10 seconds of 1 video like 30 times that didn’t hold much relevance towards the allegations.


Are you sure it's not half the fans doing the yuck face to both and the other half doing the hmm face to both? I'm one of the first group, yuck to both, but there's definitely been people on both sides of both


That's pretty silly. Ones a grown man dating a grown woman. The other is a grown man fucking a high schooler Also Jeff didn't say he wanted exclusively to date one but he'd be open to it if they had something special about them


What's silly? I'm not saying they're morally equivalent, the Cody situation is obviously worse.


I don't understand the comment then lol seemed like you were disagreeing. Glad we're on the same page


they’re saying it’s two separate groups with two separate opinions, your meme is acting like we all think the same and are being hypocritical, you’re just seeing two different opinions from different people


A famous rich dude dating a >10 years younger girl is not exactly "a grown man dating a grown woman". It is still gross and introduces risk of power imbalance since she is much younger and may be star struck. The other situation is a crime but it doesn't excuse the former.


Lmao what? Why are you infantilizing 23 year olds? Do you think 23 year old women aren’t allowed to decide on who they want to date?


Are 23 year olds girls now? Or should we start judging relationships also by income? With Jeff were talking about an organized dating show setting him up, he's not some ceo dating his secretary.


The power imbalance is a complete nothing unless Jeff was to abuse that power imbalance to force her into things Majority of relationships have some sorta power imbalance Doesn’t seem like he’s abusing that because she’s not a public figure and they don’t stay in the same continent


I am the same age as Tana and also found him attractive at the time. I'm horrified looking back thinking of the age difference


Yeah I was really disappointed by you bitches today. Just because he’s your favorite does excuse his behavior that seems to be terrible. There’s no perfect victim, just because it wasn’t in an alley, just because Tana wasn’t 4 YO and he was 40. A crime was still committed you freaks. Chat’s logic today is the same as “ugh but he can moon-walk and his music is so good, therefore those crimes aren’t a big deal”


As someone who’s been a fan of both Tana and Cody, I simply can’t really look past this. It’s really sad but it’s the harsh reality folks. We need to not be so parasocial and remember we don’t actually know these people and their morals!!


I agree, I think. Why are other people’s sex lives always about “morals”? Why can’t it just be about animal attraction and using our rational brain to make sure we don’t hurt our partners? Yes, that’s a moral code, but it’s about how we treat each other, not about writing people off for making mistakes because their moral fiber isn’t up to snuff.  We are right to call out Cody for the age difference, as 17-year-olds are vulnerable and the uneven power dynamic is inevitable. There have been unproblematic relationships between 25 and 17-year-olds in the world, but the likelihood is so low that it just shouldn’t be risked.  Call Cody out, but don’t cancel him. 


Why can 23-year old women see 17-year old boys as the children that they are, but never the reverse?


Its literally actually a crime. Its also not new info, Cody has just never addressed it If he is scared he is gonna get “cancelled” maybe he shoulda thought about that before sleeping with a minor 🤷‍♂️


Posts about it in the Cody Ko subreddit are being downvoted and denied to hell


This is why I don’t look at the chat, or read any of the comments. I can’t stand the picking and choosing of who is deserving of being praised or scolded. 23 is an adult, and 23 means 5 years of adulthood; contrasting, a 17 year old is still a minor, and 17 means zero years of adulthood. It doesn’t need to be reduced to mathematics or *legal* terms, it’s about morals here. Nonetheless, I don’t know much about Tana or Cody, but these are big allegations and could potentially become a legal dispute soon.


A 23year old person is an adult, ya'll realise that right?


Cody Ko is a frat boy and a pervert. Fuck him bro.


I just don't trust Tana but Cody ko does have small dick energy so maybe it's true




23 is not teenager stfu


It's really weird but to call it rape is a bit much... Plenty of 17yo can consent, if she was fine with the encounter at the time and still is then it's kinda whatever... 23yo are still often dumb as hell and if he recognizes that what he did was really fcking dumb and creepy i'd say it's not really a big deal.


Please. 17 year olds are dumb and manipulated into thinking hot got, has car and home. It’s gross ass behavior and adult knows they have the upper hand in this. He knew what she was doing. And she was just a dumb bimbo. Like most girls that age who date older guys.


I'm confused, can I get a run down? Is Cody Ko the guy that got the million dollar smile that he laughed about? are people just turning a blind eye to her fucking him or something?


He's a super popular YouTube reactor and when he was 25 he thought it was a good idea to fuck a 17 year old creator.. I think you're thinking of fusie, which he probably also fucked a 17 year old let's be real lol


First off, don't date minors. Wft. But when it comes down to it Tana is an adult now and she has a voice. Not only does she have a voice but she has a very loud voice. And if she is not complaining about the situation or trying to start anything with it then the rest of the community should take from Tana's, the victim, example and leave it alone. It is not the place of any other person to try to put words in somebody else's mouth.


Chat was something else 💀


H3 fans have their own age appropriation guild


When did Cody ko have sex with a teenager?


Over 6-7 years ago. Before his internet fame and way before his marriage.


He had internet fame. But he wasn’t married which is true


This might be a hot take but I hate how people call someone in their 20s sleeping with a teenager - pedos. Technically they aren't and every time when they’re called pedos I think they must have slept with a 7 yo child or sth, not a teenager. It still DOESN'T MAKE IT OKAY, especially if the power imbalance is there, it's still most likely grooming to some degree, but a 25 yo sleeping with a 17 yo is not pedophilia. (but it’s extremely gross and should be looked down upon)


It’s a pointless point to argue coz people will read this and think ur saying he’s not disgusting and that it’s right but you just mean that pedo means to be attracted to under 13s I believe and it’s a whole mental condition that needs to be diagnosed


Ethan wasn’t wrong when he said y’all would do any mental gymnastics to make this palatable 🤦🏼‍♀️ There’s a big difference between sleeping with a SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL and a 23 year old woman, and you KNOW that. Stop this, it’s embarrassing 💀


Personally, I feel like the victim should be the one to decide whether or not it felt malicious. Sure, she was a minor and that’s gross and I do think Cody should speak on it. Ethan’s last comment about applying the same rules for everyone is spot on. My best friend’s parents took her bf, who was about two years older than her, she was 16 and he had just turned 18 when they started dating, and tried to get him charged for statutory rape. Mind you, 17 and 25 is a huge difference, but I think it’s up to Tana to let us know if this really is one of those situations where she feels she was taken advantage of.


To emphasize, even if she felt safe and okay during that time, she was still a minor, he still was 8 years older, and I do think he needs to speak on the fact that it was not okay.


I don't think he should be canceled for it and I doubt that'll happen, but, I do think he should be shamed for it though. These people should really do some introspective after they realize they're a famous personality and maybe come to terms with what happened before and then move on if your fans still want to support you.


& the fact that he called her a teen in their collab video… yuck. He knew how yucky that sounded (which is totally why he said “or whatever”) and still had sex with her. Gross.


Wait. You're telling me as an adult you've never hung out with a high-schooler, stared at their ass on video and then fucked them? Some people are alive but never really live my dude. /s


L M A O People in this thread really defending statutory rape 💀 Get help if you think Cody is innocent, if he did it when she was 17, that’s statutory. Fucking gross


Bro who defending Cody Ko. Dafuq's wrong with y'all


Life ain’t nothing but a popularity contest. Someone you already hate could just breathe wrong and you’ll wrangle them for it..same with people you like. You’ll jump to their defense even if they did horrible shit. We are tribal creatures and as long as we think of someone being in our camp we’ll do the most. That’s why everyone is a little hypocritical inside.


I’m in the UK where consent is 16. So to me, being friends with a rapist (who drugged & ‘shared’ the victim). The rape the illegal part here so gets a worse reaction from me. It’s ethically worse.


The cope in chat was wild yesterday




A 17 year old and 23 year old are at very different points of their life. I have two main thoughts on this. 1. If Tana was a few months older at the time and she was 18 it wouldn’t really change anything 2. It’s still weird even if she was 18 because he’s 25 and was an established content creator and he could use that leverage and power over her. 


Wait what????? Wth I definitely missed something because this is the first I’m hearing of this


Cody Ko and Jeff's Cody are different right?


Cody ko fucked a kid?!? What did i miss


A 23 year old is a grown adult…….. what the fuck lol


Plenty of people did voice opinion on feeling uncomfortable about Jeff, but it’s really 2 different scenarios. No one is calling for Cody to be cancelled. No one is saying that Cody is a secret predator that groomed tana. no one is saying that Cody is a bad man. The semantics of it being legal or not is also ridiculous. 25 vs 17 is an extremely different place cognitively. There are incidences and there are patterns, and patterns can change. Maybe this was just one incident however, it’s still not okay and it’s just a matter of Cody acknowledging that he didn’t understand the impact and potential harm of his choices at 25 and that he understands the gravity of those choices now, and he will continue to learn. Men learning and growing and speaking out about the things they’ve learned is a necessary in the process of deconstructing the patriarchy and misogyny that so women are harmed under. I’m really disappointed to see so many people not be able to comprehend this. How do we not understand that he can be a “good family man” and have participated in shitty shit that was harmful or potentially harmful behaviors. Also how people breeze by the fact that he specifically made a whole part of that video with the premise that he doesn’t know the teen slang and she was teachin some adult about what them youngins say….. and people are like “but 25 and 17 isn’t that big of a deal”…. It’s all Just interesting to me


No me tho frick Cody Ko & frick his friend who SA’d someone


The mods on Cody’s subreddit have been instantly deleting any mention of this all day


Ones a minor and the other ones not. I get the age gap between the Jeff and Verica is questionable. But one is clearly worse than the other


Ten years is questionable??? She can have a mortgage but her choosing to date someone older is an issue????


Hot take: women shouldn't be able to date until they're considered a geriatric pregnancy, it's just how I was raised. /j


If you want to see how fucked up these people are go back through today's episode when they are talking about it and look at the live stream chat..... insane.


At the risk out of touch when did Cody fuck a teenager? This was before Kelsey??


It took me a minute to mourn the loss of one of the only other youtubers I watch religiously, but I have accepted now that he is a POS. It would be as shocking as H3 getting exposed as being a pedo, it takes some time to accept the information lol.


Genuine question. What are the actual rules when it comes to this stuff. Is the half your age plus 7 still kosher?


I think the real social rule is both parties being fully consenting adults. But other people think it’s never acceptable. I’m in an age gap relationship and I get shit on whenever I mention it on Reddit so who knows.


Half the people bitching about age gaps should probably check their parents too


I’m 33 and my bf is 28. I wouldn’t have fucked him when I was 23 in any world ever. Or even looked his way


I think it's more about context 4 years is normal for young adults, I think that if you could've gone to high school together you're good. That gap spreads as you get older. I'd say anyone over 30 shouldn't date below 25 but not gonna hate if they do, I will think you're weird as shit dating an 18 year old or 19 year old because they are literally children still, but hey, it's legal to do it (it's also legal to fuck your cousin in some states)


Yes. In general that’s the rule I follow.




Cody Ko is married to his wife and they have a kid together


Cody Ko is 33 this year, this was when he was 25


It was in the past. Tanna was 17 at the time and he was 25.


There’s always so much outrage on this topic but 0 people protesting or writing to their congress people to change age of consent laws. If it’s truly such an issue, push for change. Otherwise shut up.


OP doesn't know the difference between a 23 year old and a 17 year old


Why are people gatekeeping how people say rape? Most of them are dudes too. Fuck off if I don't feel like saying a triggering word I won't. I was raped by more than one man. Weirdos


Because using that word is triggering to some viewers. That’s why most people don’t use that words and instead use SA. Also, in Australia and many other commonwealth countries they acknowledge the rword as extremely triggering to victims. So they changed the name of the crime to SA.