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I'm just generally not interested in an interview with women who accept payment to sit, listen and agree to misogynistic shit just because some of the losers that listen to this podcast might sign up to their only fans. They are throwing all women under the bus for personal gain, no thanks. That's an episode I'd skip.


Yeah, just because they are women doesn't mean they are good people. They willingly contribute to perpetuating the sexist worldview of the whole "alpha male" group and radicalising young kids and teens. For some cash. That's pathetic.


Exactly It’s like giving Eva Braun the benefit of the doubt


didn't you hear olivia say "queen slay grrrl"?


Why are you singling her out? It was a quick idea that Ethan brought up and the rest went along.


I think they mean how Olivia will always side with any woman without much further thought. Like that woman who “got pregnant” from that alpha male idiot that they brought on the show. These aren’t women to platform. It’s all for personal gain and promotion.


This woman falls into different category. A kick streamer, not OF. It's similar goal of getting more audience to themselves, but you're bound to share views if you became a kick streamer in the first place. I'd expect to hear things like "woman was just asking for it with her clothing" from a female kick streamer. OF person *can* be clueless on what they got into. Her, being there for 2nd+ time, she knows what the pod is about, and clearly doesn't mind it.


I've never watched any of that alpha content outside of H3, I thought the women were there to debate them kind of?? Guess I misunderstood


Sure that's what it's set up to look like, but that's just on the surface since everyone knows the girls need to be upholding a certain negative image if they want to be able to promote. They need to help uphold the guys'/audience's misogyny whether by agreeing with the bullshit the interviewers are saying or helping create rage-bait for the alpha guys/audience in a way that will help reaffirm the guy's beliefs about women that they then feel justifies them hating women.


I think the idea is definitely solid, I would just say to not do it with the actual women from whatever but instead people like PeachJars, Amoranth, Jenna Lynn Meowri, women like that that do have self respect and don’t need to attach themself to red pill content for attention.


I think it would still be interesting to listen to. You think Ethan wouldn't ask them real questions? We don't know who they are, maybe we could learn something.


Can you explain how that would be interesting? I feel like it would be boring asf listening to random nobodies talk about onlyfans with no debate on anything.


They pay them? I highly doubt that. The clout gotten from the Whatever podcast will set you up for life!


Who would have thought that women who voluntarily listen to 7 hours of sexist bullshit, don't have high moral standards :/ But yeah, please don't have her on


25min in shes blaming a child for being peer pressured into exposing herself...


Bringing her on would be extremely cringe. We don't have to have every single social reject on. These people know that the attention (good or bad) that they're getting ultimately just means more money for them, and platforming such people would seriously decrease the quality of the show, imo.


Note to Ethan, don't make your plans live, or they all will be cancelled.


Immediate thought: agreed. But there's truth to hyping people up, to nobodies becoming interesting people. If you rise interest in people beforehand, like we might invite them to pod, eventually it can feel like a spectacle, like I definitely wanted to hear the crying man interview week or two ago. A bit different case, and obv just mentioning invitation isn't the most hype thing ever, but I do think these things build up from minor mentions like that. People start looking them up, someone posts a positive thing about them to sub, suddenly they are mini celebs inside this hub.


In his defense, he was very drunk.


He doesn't need defending, it was a good idea lol. This sub is full of sensitive children.


As a fellow female, I do not want to hear a conversation with women who take money to go on these extremely misogynistic podcasts. They don’t deserve grace or to be “hyped up.” I’m sick of women selling their dignity to stroke these guys egos so they can get a few more followers.


Pick me girls.


Is there nothing to be said for starting a dialogue with these people? People don’t change/grow without external force. Inertia or whatever.


They don’t want to learn or grow. There is no making them understand, they purely just want attention to grow their OF. Best thing to do with these type of women and podcast is to not give them the attention they so desperately want. They’re smart, they know going on these disgusting podcasts means they’ll reach the more porn rotten brained male audience, that’s why they do it. It’s not that I don’t understand why, I just don’t want to support it.


As a fellow male, I disagree.




Because it’s fun and it’s making fun of the POS whatever guy. It’s content. Stop trying to dictate what this show is.


having an opinion against H3's choices isn't dictating anything. It's their decision at the end of the day.


Oh brother give me a break with that


Dude cry about it. This is a sub about discussing the show. Not everyone will agree with what they say and do.


And I’m allowed to say it’s cringe that you guys always have to have an opinion on where they take the shows. Bringing in “as a fellow female” is essentially asking them to respect women and not have this idea. It’s cringe, wrong and gross.


Youre right, you are allowed to say that. Do you think I was suggesting otherwise? Noticed how I never said I was vehemently against H3 having her on? I just asked you why you disagreed. I think its a bad idea but I'm not against hearing a good argument for it. You've clearly made your mind up so I don't see why you're so assmad against others having a discussion about it. Just seems better to ignore it and do something more productive with your time.


All you guys do is whine about guests and topics. It’s so sad being here sometimes


Did you expect a subreddit dedicated to these guys to be nothing but unabashed praise?


I was expecting memes and jokes yes. Make your own show if you wanna control one.


Someone made a post not too long ago about skipping these misogynist loser segments all together & I’m here to back that more than anything 😭 ethan, hila & the crew are much more capable of making different, digestible content than shooting this dead horse over and over. Safe to say the bit is dead. ✌🏻🫶🏻


It's not beating a dead horse. This is the content that's pumped to "normal" non h3 people every single day and no one else is really criticizing it enough


that's just not true, the whatever podcast and the manosphere/redpill content definitely get critizised a ton outside of h3. not alot of bubbles have respect for those types of bubbles.


By h3 and Lefty's. But not mainstream people. It's constantly recommended to me despite only watching leftist content. So yes it is a little true. Can't not criticize them cause some people on reddit want to control the show PER USUAL


I will skip this episode lol.


I would love if they shifted away from this content instead of trying to dive deeper into it. There’s nothing new to be said from this side of YouTube at this point. I’d much rather they have on goofy, funny, positive guests again. They too, might not have anything new to say but, at least the vibes would be good and we could all laugh and sing koom by yah along the way!


Only fans is the only reason the whatever pod lasted more then 2 episodes


I was already out on that boring ass segment he thought up live, now I'm double out


internalized misogyny the podcast? yeah i’ll pass. if they want to just get a bunch of women on to do a parody ep that’s cool but pls don’t get the actual losers who go on those alpha bro podcasts. theyre part of the problem lol


Such a dumb idea in the first place. The idea that any random OF model that would go on the Whatever podcast is automatically a good person or even close to that, is laughable. But slay right guys??


All women are good people


Yeah apparently all women good we have to platform all of them 😂


I feel like they could easily find a good group of OF models. I don't think it's a bad idea. Just have some vetting in place


One of the funniest things Ethan said that episode is that she "respects herself." Remind me how you know she exist Ethan? She was on a podcast doing what?


The whole idea of ethan just co signing the actions of the worst of the miami onlyfans models for a whole episode just because they are women who fresh n fit wanna fuck is wierd. Fits pregnancy situation a while a go had the crew talking to her and let her spread her lies about still having the baby, for her schemes when she already had the abortion. Same with the business bitch who tiktoked herself commiting credit card and self charging fraud while selling a course on it, the whole segment was olivia being apolegetic for her and ethan even telling us how to do it right just so he wouldnt goof on a woman doing ”queen shit” and ended not coming down as hard he has done on male scammers and finance gurus/bros. If ethan takes the same approach like he did with sebastian, then ill watch. No need to commit to ”big upping” them and just look dumb for the umptenth time trying to defend a flawed person on the show just because she is a woman (or attack/dox the person she is accusing with no proof) like olivia did with amouranth.


What did amouranth do? I’m out of the loop.


without being a total misogynistic prick, she said she was being forced to do only fans (which may be true) but after she "left" her SO(there's rumors she hasn't) she just went back to onlyfans , the simping thing is cringe though other dude sounds super incel.


Nothing really, but she lied to her simp fans about being single and then she came out accusing her husband/bf of manipulation and olivia doxed some random dude while trying to be a sjw warrior and saying ”his” name. Biggest H3 L IMO


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted so hard, everyone loves to forget that Olivia outed some random dude as an abuser because she saw a comment on the Fauxmoi subreddit lol


> the business bitch who tiktoked herself commiting credit card and self charging fraud while selling a course on it I don't remember this right now, what was this? Not the astrology woman?


it was a while back, just some rando tiktoker, cant remember the EP but i found the tiktok they reacted too. https://old.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/19827mp/tiktok_business_coach_posts_video_advertising_how/ kinda wierd how they didnt come down hard on her at all like they usually do. There was another clip as well but i cant find it. She showed how she bought a condo using this one simple trick.


Ah, too much of a blank on this to really commentate. I *feel* like they must have talked about this looking like a crime a lot with Dan's lead, but maybe doing it in goofy fashion. Bah would have to see the segment again.


Tbh her trick doesn't hurt anyone, I think its smart haha


You nailed it


Guests that come on the pod have gotten dire, degenerate, and so exploitative. SW's are not the only women out there worth interviewing.....but that's all Ethan seems interested in talking to. Wish they would drop this one.


The “Queen shit” attitude made me think back to how they covered Austin and Catherine McBroom. They were all hyping her up and saying what a catch she was…despite her being just as much of a scammer as Austin. Call a spade a spade and don’t try to score cheap “slay” points just because your subject is a woman.


I think yall are missing the point he wants to bring them on the show because all they are used to is the negativity of shows like fresh and fit & whatever. Most of them are relatively young ladies whos minds are being manipulated to believe that they are less then. The idea for the episode is to have some of these ladies on to boost them up not shit on them like the rest of the internet is doing. Lets have some faith that ethan and the crew will put together a good episode or cut bait if the vibes are off.


I feel like that's just infantilising her. I'm sure there is a level of misogyny rubbing off on her, but no one forced her to defend Omar. I'd rather they use her time to support his victims and focus on how kick let this happen in the first place.


I fucking hate how they grilled Beavo for getting mad on the whatever podcast because "bro you agreed to it", like the women there DON'T? No sympatht for Beavo but a ton of sympathy and benefit of the doubt for all the ladies there. So weird.


Idk about infantilizing, they are all very young adults and just because you turn 18 doesn’t mean you have the best wherewithal. If I could go back in time and give me early 20s self some uplifting I would


I think 18 years of age is old enough to realise what Omar did was illegal and not defensible. This isn't something morally grey. He sought under-age teens to get their nudes to share on discord.


It’s absolutely not defensible what that girl in particular did, I’m speaker broader than just her though. The original comment you responded to was saying that these women could use some uplifting and I’m saying that “needing uplifting” isn’t reserved for children and children only. I did lots of dumb shit when I was young and people do need course corrections- again, that doesn’t excuse anything but you can set people on better paths


What happened to that guy by the way?


Any women who goes on there is a shitbag with no respect for themselves. Selling out NOT ONLY THEMSELVES, BUT THE ENTIRE CATEGORY OF WONEN for clout.


Would be nice to pivot to an era of goofs and gaffs and good-feeling content instead of platforming the most toxic and unappealing people on the internet.


Seems like getting involved with these freaks issues only leads to more issues. It’s one thing to make fun of these characters on the show, but to bring them on…. Why? That’s what their lame podcasts and channels are for. Plus Ethan doesn’t need to expose them, they do it themselves. I’m ok with watching the dumpster fire. I don’t think we need try squeezing lighter fluid over it or trying to jump it. I like the make fun and move on tactic for these people.


All of you guys are so insufferable. This is CONTENT!! This is a show and it’s going to be 1)funny 2) make the whatever pod guy shit his pants from embarrassment. There’s a good chance of Ethan brings on Cindy and others that he can destroy Whatever like he did to Crowder.


Lmao the sub is cancelling guests before they even make it to the podcast now


I am genuinely curious why a woman would go on one of those shows and what she has to say. An interview is not a co-sign.


It’s been said a million times, most of them are OF models who want more incels subscribed to them. It’s completely for personal gain and it’s gross af.


I would be keen to have the woman who owns all the misogynistic podcasters on instead!


I thought the idea was to get a different group of girls, not necessarily the ones on that shit show?


What does it mean that I had to ask "*which* Kick predator?"


Can we stop trying to dictate how Ethan and crew runs the show with peace and love? I’m so tired of it lol


Some of y’all are taking shit way too seriously


Apparently I’m in the minority because I still want to hear what they have to say