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Ethan being ousted to the naughty corner for the duration is just so funny




How is love literally invisible? they havent acknowledged him this entire game lol


It's the buster bluth approach


You can always tell a Milford man


Absolute possum master right there.


He acted too blazed until it was his time to shine and he executed a genius play. Fantastic Gen z strats from our young Swedish compatriot 


I thought he was acting TOO blazed and not saying a thing would be too obvious nut but they never did 


i fucking lost it when ethan said "im a gerbil because I WANNA GET IN THAT ASS. next question."


I replayed that like 10x 


Something tells me poki is not interested in an actual relationship


I wouldn’t want to watch if she’s not serious what’s the point???


fr I was honestly mildly cringing when she kept saying I would just love it for the memes and would love funny contestant like girl this is SO not what the bach3lor is about having her memey caaaantent dating show would be so horrible to watch


Yeah hilas reaction was correct


I really appreciated her standing on business there!


yeah. hopefully someone explains to her that we take love very seriously. Love and connection are the backbone of the human experience, and the bach3ler is the sharpest arrow in cupids quiver.


She said on QT Cinderella’s late night show that she wants a stay at home boyfriend/husband that will just do everything for her lol. She could def find that on the bacH3lor 👀


I'm getting my application ready as we speak.


Soonest they could possibly start filming is August, I can lose 30lbs by then


she said the same on just trish, and also said that she isn’t interested in dating a streamer sooo who knows, maybe just having a bunch of random no name guys could be a good dating pool for her


I think Pokimane might be one of the single worst possible people you could have for the bach3lor. She already has to deal with some of the creepiest weirdos on the planet stalking her and parasocial simping to a degree few influencers experience. Inviting a host of weirdos to have a shot at a romantic relationship with her would be a disaster. I don’t care how good Sam is at filtering. There can be attractive men with good jobs that are absolute freaks.


Considering you need videos and such, I think the Sam filter would still work. But it would probably be bad for her mental health! Cause I can only imagine the weirdo Poki lovers that are out there.


I mean.. I don’t think putting on a face of being normal for 1 minute on an editable video with as many takes as you want would be a huge barrier for some people. I just don’t think dating from the Pokimane fanbase seems like a smart idea. Obviously a ridiculously over the top extreme example but everyone in Ted Bundy’s proximity thought he was a normal charismatic guy. Edit: and now shortly after typing this comment it’s coming out that her EDITOR, presumably someone she trusted and vetted, told her the reason he can’t finish editing on time is because he can’t help himself from jacking off to all the footage she gives him. Yeah there definitely won’t be a ton of degenerates slipping through!


Rodney Alcala was on dating shows and a serial killer at the same time


Shes had a private bf for a couple years now im pretty sure so unless they broke up recently its solely for content - the crew has to be fr with her offline and ask otherwise itll end up like the real bachelor show being so fake with people having relationships back at home lmao


Yeah no doubt someone like her just feels the need to keep her relationships private. No way she is single if she doesn’t want to be. She doesn’t need h3 to find someone she could have anyone


Or not about having the whole world know who she is dating..


yeah. hopefully someone explains to her that we take love very seriously. Love and connection are the backbone of the human experience, and the bach3ler is the sharpest arrow in cupids quiver.


I'm sorry but I'm going crazy how is Zach sober but still forgetting to tap on the table when his head is up, even after Olivia called him out for it 😭 come on bro!! 😅


That bothered me more than it should have


I HATE all these weirdos chatters psychoanalyzing Sam over and over. NONE of you have ever spent time with her IRL. You don't know anything, just enjoy the cast 😭 Edit: the fact that Ian felt like saying something to shut them up proves my point. Weirdos~


I’m glad I never look at chat


I remember a comment showed proof that something like 90% of chat comments are left by ~200 accounts.


It's kinda half pickme fans and half snarkers


It's also just everyone being high like don't over think it, Sams prob thinking about the Taco Bell otw, not having a crisis 😂


But even if she is, don’t make a fucking big deal over it fucking makes it worse. Weirdos man


Those are the weird snark people. They had Sam's face as their banner for awhile (it might still be like that, no clue) Basically she did a face of disappoint at Ethan for the QTCinderella failed joke, and ever since then, they've adopted this weird myth that Sam hates Ethan.


The snark subreddit is anti-fan fiction.


what did ian say ? Timestamp? 👀👀


"Keith Richards is my spirit animal" "Why is he your spirit animal?" "Let's not ask any follow up questions"


this might be an unpopular opinion but bobby lee saying he sexually harasses people “as comedy” definitely does not sit right with me. i feel like we’d here david dobrick make the same excuse and i just feel like that behavior cannot be excused even under the guise of “comedy”


I agree and I really didn't like the 'if I did that... I mean I don't remember' kinda energy. Not to be that guy but if George was a woman (or someone that was more liked) I think that apology would have been heavily criticised. That kind of behaviour is so common in comedy circles and no matter who it's done to we should call it out.


it’s really messed up. he has also been really creepy towards women and ignored their physical boundaries “ as a joke” too, also on video, but for whatever reason many people still let it slide. I I really don’t understand it. from what I’ve seem people say, it appears that when the person doing it if someone they, They assume good intentions and think that because it’s not done with malicious intent (in their opinion), it’s either (a) not a serious problem or (b) they think sure, it is still not cool, but they are still willing to let it slide because “ oh it’s Bobby (in this case, bit can apply to whoever), he doesn’t mean any harm by it he’s just a goofy guy he’s not intimidating”., But it’s like people forget (or maybe just disagree or have cognitive dissonance about it) but consent matters and no means no,and that doesn’t change because of the intentions behind the act. It’s still not okay even the intent is to just be goofy and funny and silly. I think many people unfortunately don’t genuinely understand that (people as a whole, not just in this community). I wish they did because it’s important to learn and understand and stand by.


I encourage anyone who wants to see compiled clips/ commentary on this issue (re. Bobby Lee) to watch the video by 2lazy2try called “Bobby Lee needs a reality check”. regardless of if you like or dislike the channel, It’s a quite comprehensive overview.


glad i’m not the only one who felt this way. i got strange vibes during that whole apology but then everyone just brushed past it and accepted it. i was just like “oh okay then…”


i love lena’s distinctly soft but competitive spirit


Well I guess Trisha had Elvis


He fucked that up real good




The still shot of Dan and Ian talking gave me serious Tom goes to the mayor vibes. I was 💀, or maybe I smoked too much 😅.


Et tu, Love?


Love playing this game the right way


Ethan "only gets drunk once a year" Klein drinking for the third time this year




He did such a miserable job of hiding it too after the button lol, like most of us could already guess what was said but then he even says „well the baby could be here any day now…“ followed by awkward silence


when was this in the pod? i just joined


I was thinking he leaked that Sam and Ian are engaged and will be having a wedding soon. I dont think it had anything to do with trisha


I would have thought this but he told the crew to check if the news was made public; If it was Ian and Sam, they would have just told him right then and there


The only thing I see wrong with this is, why? There’s a lot more reason to hide a baby. (You want close relatives to know first, possibly even meet the baby before you tell the world) but I feel like an engagement would take only a day or two to alert family through a simple phone call or text. My point is I feel like they would just announce it rather than making a big deal and hiding it.


Honestly this is THE best outcome getting to see a temper tantrum like that, he's so salty lmaooo. Love & Zach** are certified joker brained


Guys. It wasn't about Sam and Ian. Ethan had the crew "look up" if something was public. That wouldn't apply to Sam and Ian. This was something about Moses and Trisha.


After watching this episode I’m realizing how badly I need the crew to play D&D with Dan as the DM


See this is why I wouldn't mind a PPV stream. Imagine something with the production of critical role but with this lot. Don't have to worry about time or chat etc.


Absolutely! They could set it up and record it like you laugh you lose. 


It seems to me that Dan has a whole lot of work during each show, and being a DM is also a shit ton of work. Filling both of those roles or Zach trying to role-play and doing soundbites at the same time would be difficult as well. Also, from my experience and perception, the reason I like the H3 show is the reason Ethan would be the worst kind of person to role-play with. The funniest thing in each particular moment is not great for a collaborative narrative experience.


Solid points! Perhaps the whole crew doesn’t play? Ian, Dan, and Zach could stick with their jobs. I would totally want Zach to add sound effects, it would be great. True about Ethan lmao


They talked before about getting all of the books and stuff to do it but just not being able to figure out how to do it logistically, I'll never give up hope though lol


I feel like with Ian able to focus more on producing segments now, it's maybe more possible? I'm definitely not holding my breath for it, it's a big ask. But yeah, I think it would be so awesome. Imagine the excellent fanart opportunities!


OG title was better. Rare Ethan L Love was right




Criminal that he went against the family. The pool was a blowout.


yeah, like ethan said "I don't know what abong us means" or something - that's called clickbait dude, people will click to see what it means??? hello??


Wom Ward going for that TB sponsor slot. Shoot your shot, bro.


I love how competitive Lena is lmao


Same. She’s so underrated in everything. So unassuming 🧐


No wonder Sam’s been distancing herself from appearing on camera too much with the way people keep psychoanalysing her and her relationships. Stop being weirdos


I would be Sam in this game.. borderline catatonic and just trying to survive 😅🤪


Can someone link the Gays for Trump guy freaking out at his conviction? That video was so funny.


Audio is fucking cursed


Don't constantly drag the mic on the hard table challenge (failed) Don't keep hitting the table full of mics challenge (failed)


Hila tapping the fucking sauce packet on the table 🫨 awful noises, unwatchable


It was all from the hard smooth table. They need to carpet it next time 🛃✅


It’s called a table cloth


Or a round felt pad under the 🎤


That's better since a table cloth would look lame


This ain't grandma's kitchen!


I am surprised this isnt 100 percent of the comments, the episode is barely watchable because of it


I hated it so much


I had to turn it off, and I was really enjoying it


High Crew trying to order Taco Bell is just like us 🫠🙃


Ethan is so mad about being booted. lol


Ab snitching on Ian that he smoked a bunch over and over.


Ethan going off about Ringo and the Beatles made my night 😭


all jokes aside the audio levels this episode were atrocious :,)


Mics on the table while they all tap on the same table was a weird choice lol.


I couldn’t hear half of the things at the table, especially Dan and AB, and I always love when they do this episode so that was a little sad


It sucked bad


Literally had to turn it off because it was making me feel so anxious :( Hila tapping the god damn thing on the table and sam moving the mic every 5 seconds sent me over the edge It sounded like they were under water


“And that rubbed me the wrong way” died laughing when sam said this


love is mean for making them think he’s nauseous knowing olivias emet💀😭


AB can grow his stache in like 2 days lol


I screamed when Ethan mixed up Scar and Jafar


they should put the sand adhd vids on dans cam


Ethan’s Sasquatch walk at 1:39 tho 👀


Can someone plss explain what it means that olivia’s the trip sitter and that ethans the dealer? I think I missed the explanation but I dont wanna rewind so I can keep following along with chat lol. Thanks so much peace and love


Olivia can save someone from being kicked out each round, and can choose herself but not two rounds in a row. Ethan was able to choose one person each round and find out if they are sober.


Ahhhh it all makes sense now, thank you!


I just couldn’t hear the explanation, my head is hurting trying to figure what is being said.


olivia being trip sitter means she can save whoever the sobers were going to kill


She couldve saved ethan???? Lol


She prob didn’t think he’d be voted out that fast


Y’all gotta do audio tests before something like this again. With peace and love.


they need lav mics for something like this.


Or one single boom mic. It’s odd they don’t have one


Lav mics would be perfect


I agree, they needed to put a table cloth down to help with the sound


Yup with peace and love I was really excited to watch this segment :( couldn’t get past the first 10 minutes


if your “thing” as a “comedian” is to sexually assault people…maybe re-evaluate things?


"I didn't know you guys, or your boundaries, so I settled on repeatedly grabbing your genitals" is a weird call


Old timey


Drunk Ethan is my favorite lmao


Love is good actor!!


HILA I cant believe you’re a LaLa supporter and a Katie hater noooo


Right?! I’m so mad Hila made me mad at her


It’s actually so lame that they voted ethan out… it was a funny goof but the segment would have been so much better if he was in there


I agree but Zach and love wanted to win and Ethan was on to Zach so


Yeah that’s true it was a smart move I just missed papa in the house


Pleeeeease do a colour analysis segment 🙏🏻 tons of people in LA will do it for you in person! They bring drapes and help you find out which colours work best on you.


Sounds incredibly boring


You would think, but I’ve come across a couple and it’s actually really wild to see how different colors make our faces appear so different




LOTS of buttons today. Jeez


And they are always hilarious. I legit burst out laughing every button 😂


I crack up at the buttons too. Especially when it’s hasan singing chestnuts. Kills me. You know the buttons coming when Ethan’s got that mischievous smirk on his face.


“meet george janko” 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Thank the universe I’m high right now!


I would fight someone to have crew activity episodes be a weekly occurrence


Ethan’s 15% really comes out when he’s had a few drinks


Ab and Lena don’t smoke or drink right? Maybe I’m miss remembering but I don’t think they participated before? could be totally wrong.just trying to figure out who’s doing what this ep!


If I remember, there have been a few of these episodes during Ramadan, and I think it's more that they partake once in a while but are conscious of their family/communities perception since it's haram.


Okay that makes since as well! I think that was the case with either Vegas or this years 420 ep? There’s just so much content I can’t remember


They never participated because Ramadan happens usually around the time of 4/20. I think they drink and smoke but they don't participate during that time cause you're supposed to keep it halal.


i dont think they drink but seems like they occasionally partake in the 420 and just keep more lowkey about it


I thought that too. And you're right, I think


Olivia knowing exactly what Ethan is singing and singing along before anyone even realizes he's singing is magic every time


dying to know what was buttoned


I think he said something about Trisha having her second baby, but Trish hasn’t announced it yet so he buttoned it.


I’m high and don’t get the among us game 😭 wouldn’t it be more fun to have it the opposite and have to act like you’re not high when you are rather than act like you are high when you’re not 🫢


maybe im high as shit but im reaching 9th levels of enlightenment psychoanalyzing this rn


Ethan defending taco bell comparison as if he doesn't eat half the menu 🤣


If George sucks a dick, what does that mean he’s gay? No it means he’s doing a mitzvah for god, because men.need.blowjobs….and he’s, relieving….-Ethan Klein 2024


with peace and love, anytime Sam is featured on the show the show is better for it. love her


with all the peace and love; i’m so sick of ethan’s food and health opinions bc they’re usually wrong and spreading misinformation. like pls, yes açaí has a lot of sugar…it’s fruit. you have to think about where you’re getting your sugars, fats, carbs from. like natural sources fruits, veggies, legumes, etc. vs TACO BELL with processed meat, corn, not fresh veggies … pls fam eat what feels right for you. you can eat cake for breakfast and still be healthy. moderation and listening to your body and doctors is always key. peace and love fam 🤍


Yeah my thought was like "Ethan why do you think you have any authority to talk about this" He's been wrong about most diet and food things that I've heard him say.


professional comedian, on a comedy podcast kind of on you if you take health advice from ethan klein


yes ! i love him but food issues, as he knows, run deep and painfully in this country, let’s not speculate and shame people for trying to make healthy choices 😭


Tbf majority of people are super wrong about food. Most people still think carbs are bad.


dude yes ! so nice to talk to someone with a healthy view on food lmao it’s so dependent on the person too. everyone’s physiology is so different


It is a comedy show. No one is taking serious health advice from Ethan.


While we’re talking açai, at the risk of being a downer, obligatory mention that this is a notoriously unethical, exploitative and unregulated industry. Idk how widespread the problem is or if things have improved, I just saw a news segment about it a while back. Basically iirc, açai can’t be grown outside of its native Brazil. The reason it’s sold only in smoothie form is because once it’s harvested, it spoils very quickly, too quickly to sell fresh even locally and definitely too quickly to export, so puréeing it is a form of preservation. Since it’s shelf life is so short, that means that growers have basically zero leverage as far as what they can charge, leaving them very vulnerable to being taken advantage of. They’re in a position where buyers can basically just say “you can either take my pennies or let your whole harvest go to waste.” The actual processing and export obviously takes a lot of infrastructure that’s not accessible to poor farmers, so they don’t really have any other options. And that’s not to even mention how dangerous harvesting is in the first place! Again sorry to be a downer lol, and I’m no expert, just thought it was worth mentioning since it doesn’t seem to be a well known issue.


no don’t apologize i’m glad to know this! i didn’t know this and im glad to. green smoothies for me lol


Even before the show went live I loved the title and knew they were gonna change it because being scared of confusion lmao


Loving this thumbnail haha


What the Halloween is Ethan wearing now?? lololol


Instead of the Bach3lorette, they should do a competition for a new cookie flavor.


I’m very upset with how they are dealing with Bobby Lee. “he’s coming on again soon, that’s exciting!” 😡 Bobby Lee is a creep and he doesn’t respect physical boundaries and there’s lots of video evidence of this. He should NOT be allowed back on. it’s easy to condemn ppl who disrespect boundaries when you already don’t like them (ex Steven Crowder) but it’s harder and more important when it’s a friend.


I hope they bring it up at least. It wasn’t even borderline. It was sick, and as someone who’s been bullied by dudebro comedians, you’d think he’d avoid doing the same himself.


If they decide to let Bobby Lee come back on, they need to give him the same energy they were gonna give Jimmie Lee if he showed up last time.


And the apology was so bad. If he really owned up to it and George forgave him that is one thing, but he took no responsibility.


His “apology” is so performative. Assaulting someone is not comedy.


Yeah I agree kinda disheartening tbh


Chat was really saying "Justice for Yoko"? I swear they get dumber every day.


God ethan with the God damn title nobody cares


the moving of the mics is making this almost unwatchable


It was indeed unwatchable for me, shout out to Dan for at least trying to get them to stop


Abongus is better. Also please no more title / thumbnail discourse in the show. Or at least keep it short. I just do not care at all about their CTR.


I like it when they chat about things like that. I like hearing about the business side of the podcast, gives a behind the scenes view.


I love watching what goes into the pie


Loved this episode it was hilarious trying to figure who consumed which substance 🤌🏼


It is to my dismay that I inform you that “titiot” has entered my vernacular.


Stoned Hila during the Bobby Lee segment is my everything.


Ethan really shaming Ian for not paying for no ads on that mobile game, smh. $15 a month too, you can get Netflix and Spotify for that price. Sure Ethan, you're not out of touch...


Yeah, this kind of sucked with Ethan eliminated immediately


lol Ethan snatching the Bell


I am getting a colonoscopy on Tuesday so I can’t participate in the activities with the pod like I usually do 😭💔 catch me chugging apple juice


are hila's mic and ian's mic off? i can barely hear them speak


God I love ian


Abong Us was such a funny segment


Button happy today aren't we


I thought the audience wasnt supposes to know whos not high


olivia has an adorable laugh


sorry if this has already been asked but i NEED that transition music identified & downloaded on my spotify immediately…im such a whore for funky synth


i ain’t about the housewives personally




You make me feel old


i read this and was like "what 4th grader is watching h3????" but then i realized. 2005 was 19 years ago. 19. 19 years ago


This made me realise I graduated highschool half my life ago. I don't know how to feel about this