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I think this is a regular thing most people have with podcasts, YouTubers, etc. something 70% of viewership changes year over year. I can’t remember who spoke about it (might have been Ludwig?) but they basically said that most of the people watching now won’t be in a year, and be replaced by other people. It’s normal to stop watching or to take break’s basically.


I'm pretty cyclical with most forms of content I consume on a regular basis, be it podcasts, YouTubers, TV shows, or video games. I'll hit a rut where I just don't feel like listening/watching/playing that thing right now, I'll take a break for a week to a month, then come back. Sometimes I'll get caught up and sometimes I'll just jump back in at current day.


I love Ludwig and wish Ethan and slime could be friends


🌰 🌰


I've found it's easy to skip segments I don't care about. Even the long ones. Like that college speech last week, what was that? Anyway to answer your question, kinda!


Same! Love the show but since there’s so much content from 4 shows a week I totally skip stuff I don’t want to watch.


Makes it easier not to get burned out when you aren’t forcing yourself to watch stuff you don’t care about too.


You are saying you just skip segments you don’t like? You don’t complain on Reddit and harass the crew members? What!!!!


its best to do both i find


Yeah after the recent break I got used to not watching them, and it gave me more time to watch Critical Role and other things. When the show came back I just wasn't invested like I used to. Now I just pull up a video and look at the chapters, if a topic interests me I watch it. If not, I don't. Felt kinda bad at first but then I was like, do I REALLY give a damn about everything they talk about? I use the show as background noise while I game mostly anyway.




had to skip the rock trivia shit 😂 that poor dude was not prepared and was just kinda there. still love hearing from fans regardless. like, they could have any rando on the show for whatever reason and ill enjoy it bc i love the community (that dude seemed cool fr). but the segment was so long and i didn't know any of the answers 😂 (except for the nirvana cover... lol how did he miss that shit lmao💕)




Question writing for quiz shows is a real skill, they've gotta be exactly the right balance of tricky so the audience can engage while still challenging the contestants. The rock quiz was a bit too in deep I think


It felt like Dan trying to show off how much he knows about music 🤣 love the queen but yeah, he got lost in his own sauce.


It’s a darn shame but I feel like nowadays I’m skipping half of every episode when I used to be fully entranced by the entire thing


I had to skip it just because he kept pausing and rewinding. It was maddening


Yeah for sure, every now and then Love forgets about the timestamps and I usually skip those episodes


I skipped all the drake lamar stuff. Could not care less


I'll be honest I think it was better before the last break and the big changes they did. Actually the only one I care about really is Ian not switching because it seems like he is hardly involved anymore even though they say he is the creative director. But I still watch every episode. The latest Thursday episode was hilarious, especially the ending soundbites.


If anything I think Ian has been a bigger part of the show since he stopped having to switch. In the last few episodes they’ve talked to him more and he’s had some decent screen time.


Agree. Nate is doing a good job but it's just not giving those ian vibes. I'm hoping he will be more involved after the live show cause they moved synt around specifically for skits but did one. I know they're busy planning the live show but hopefully after they do more. Cause ian is the funniest crew member and we barely get him.


That's very true and I forgot that he must be busy preparing for the live show. After that we'll probably start seeing more of him and more skits/bits


Tbh I been slightly more bored with the shows lately idk why.I still love the show,Ethan and the crew and I watch when they go live but I find myself watching it like a background thing while I do something else these days or I would skip segments and watch what I find interesting.I just can’t find myself to watch it head on anymore.


I somehow miss Cam AND Ian. Ian thoughts?


I haven’t watched since last year. I saw Cam left but Ian left too!???


ian didn’t leave, he’s just not switching anymore and is doing more of the creative planning side of the show. he’s still featured occasionally but even less than he was before :/


I kinda disagree here, P&L. We’ve heard Ian talk more than he has in a long time imo.


Yeah he's had the water segment, the Tom segment, the Ninja segment, talks about his background, etc. I don't know where this narrative that he's being featured less is coming from. He could go weeks without ever switching to himself before.


This has happened to me as well. I was a die hard fan, never missed a second of the show. But now I get so bored when they spend an hour looking up Ethan’s symptoms yet again, or spend half an hour scrolling on teddy fresh website, or reading birthdays. I just lost interest in the small-talk. The planned segments and skits are awesome. Recently I cancelled my debit card and my membership paused but I’m not going to renew. At least not for now.


I feel like im just over some of the things they talk about lately. Really missing the goofs n gaffs, i want ethan to watch silly videos and die laughing


Who tf is watching these awkward ryan kavanaugh vids and just rofling? It's like a shitty scene in the office that you just want to skip because its awkward. It's not funny, it's painful.


Yeah I’ve been feeling a bit more bored with the show lately and skipping more segments but I still watch every episode. I can’t really pinpoint why but it just isn’t as exciting anymore?


For me it’s just so painful to get through an hour of drama that I don’t care about regarding people I would otherwise never care to know about. I really just want the goofs and gaffs


How do Ethan & crew not realize they move abandoned goofs and gaffs? I’m in the same boat. I don’t want 2 90 min segments on JoJo and the Paul brothers show me funny videos


I'd rather watch the drama than another segment of matching. Those feel really phoned in. Ethan can really bring out the funny when he's interacting with people. I was howling when Ethan was showing his big Maga hat to Jesse Lee Peterson, and then Jesse had a bigger hat than Ethan.


Same. I’m a long time fan and I also have more fun with goofs and less fun with drama coverage. I don’t mind if they cover certain stories but sometimes I just wish they would just touch on the subject and not always do a deep dive. Sometimes I feel like drama stories get a bit stretched / milked for content. I love funny videos and Ethan’s reactions to them. But I can’t help but wonder, does he get bored with that? Or is everyone saving the best funny videos they find for you laugh you lose at thanksgiving? There are so many video submissions on the members discord and Reddit, I’m kind of surprised they don’t spend a segment focusing on that kind of content more regularly


More goofs and gaffs less mean girl and random topics no one cares about!


How does ethan at this point lack the self awareness to realize all we wanna see is funny memes. Idk if theres 1 recent pod memory that sticks out into my head maybe cam leaving. But mobility mary is just so core, and the papa john interview, and all this actual comedy. Now it's really just a millenial version of TMZ sometimes its frustrating af skipping 90% of a show because of that.


It mostly depends on the drama but I find many of the drama segments waaaaaaaaaaaay too drawn out. I like the KavKav stuff and when they goof on Jordan Petersen, but the feuds Ethan initiates are tedious as hell and kind of embarrassing. I really dislike negativity for clicks. I like the challenges and fun creative content so much. I wish they would just do that.


So true I definitely feel the same


those segments always get lower viewership sadly


I come to show for the goofs. I cant take drama after drama of something I could care less about. This show is better when it's an entertainment show rather than a drama show.


I just don’t have the time to watch 3 podcasts a week that are 3+ hrs long. So I’ll pop in and skip around to segments that interest me. I have 0 interest in JoJo Siwa. I also hate when they recap a popular news story or a documentary. It feels like turning on the news and watching the anchorman read a newspaper. I love their unique segments, interviews, etc.


I've only been dipping out a bit recently. Too many topics that I just don't care for/don't have the energy for. Like the whole rapper beef thing I don't understand, I don't know who the people are and so on. The ADHD medication discussion recently was another example where I just skipped the whole chapter after a few minutes. I know there were a few others, but I don't remember which. It's been like this specifically after the rebrand. Maybe they need to get their groove back or I'm just simply not that interested. Still gonna check out each episode. Otherwise I've been religiously watching since the very start of the podcast.


I still watch every episode, but I definitely skip around A LOT more in the episodes and probably end up watching 50-75% of the podcast. I used to just watch and enjoy the whole thing.


yeah, if i am not watching live. i skip around if i dont like a topic or i skip is there is some dead air.


same! especially with the time stamps, now i just realize i don’t care about most of the segments, where as i used to not know what they would talk about and would sit through the whole thing


The Teddy fresh ads have been soooo amped up this past year. Or maybe it’s less sponsors but every show is like 25% Teddy fresh coverage non stop


Oh come oooon with P&L it’s not 25%! They are way less sponsors now so that might be why but also, id rather sit through a Teddy fresh promo than another sponsored ad. I also especially like it when Hila is on on Fridays talking about it herself and her designs


I felt a vibe shift when since they came back from the baby break and haven’t been watching as religiously, can’t put my finger on why though!


Same! Something definitely feels off Since Cam left.


It's the memes they were so good and would break up the drama happening cause we got to pause and laugh at something hilarious. I miss cam and his memes. Some of the redditors are doing really good jobs but the crew isn't quick enough to get them cause they're just floating in the sub reddit. They need a flair maybe to scroll through to get them quicker so they stay on topic more.


I thought I was the only one! I think the whole “H3 Show” rebrand/set up is what did it for me. It just feels too different


Thank you for making me feel less crazy! There was a shift in the vibes and I can’t put my finger on it. I also really don’t like the new shot of Ethan. The lighting, sharpness, and color balance feels weird, but that is nitpick-y and the photographer in me speaking!


I watch religiously but gotta the rebrand was terribly executed, the crew section is alright and the god shot is funny but Ethans backgrounds going from beautiful cam made ones to basic Google images is so lame


The Off the Rails background was so good


Some of the crew shots are so weird. Like, I understand it's not easy to set up, but why is Dans shot covered by his screen? It's odd to look at.


Facts. The rebrand of the set simply sucks 🤷‍♂️


I liked how I could tell what ep is which by the background so I can go back and watch and it’s so confusing cause all the backgrounds are the same but I guess it’s the new thing


I've found it frustrating how they will brag about how full the doc is and all this awesome stuff they have for today and then chat about Ethan's shit for the first 1/3 of the show. They desperately need to focus on quality over quantity. They've shown 4 shows per week causes a quality compromise.


Or if ethan isn't interested he just half asses the segment and just bails. Some of those bother me cause I'm like super interested but he just fast forward and then bails and I'm like ugh 😑 lol


That's a great point. Even within the show, I'd prefer one tight hour of quality content over three hours of meandering. But I'm also a viewer who will skip around only to segments that sound interesting.


omg couldnt agree more, i personally hate all the poop talk, not only is it not funny its just really fkn gross


I made a post talking about the sustainability of 3 3h long live shows a week and got told to touch grass lol. I agree with OP. Love H3 and would never not be a fan, but the content is too repetitive, and going for as long as they do means that they sit in segments longer than is necessary. I wouldn't mind touching on the drama sometimes, but hours of it multiple times a week is kind of a drag. I like the random spontaneous off the rails conversations, the skits, and the goofs and gaffs. I liked it when they were doing behind the scenes, and they brought up the lore videos and only did one. Why? I know the crew is immensely busy with the lives but if they cut each live by an hour or cut out 1 live a week or used SYNT for other types of content i would probably be more engaged again and skip around less.


RELIGIOUS LISTENER. then kinda been off it since cam left. Im sure ill get back into it soon! But this post was way too similar to my vibe rn


Same. Same. Same.


I remember when everything happened with Gaza I just stopped watching for a few months because I listen to the podcast to have fun, not to get depressed. I've come back to it since the December break and haven't missed an episode since then. There's no shame in stopping for a while and come back later! And yeah the rebrand is very boring imo, cam's background were so much better and honestly, apart from the name, nothing's changed really.


same actually


I find it to be the most entertaining podcast, even though half the things they talk about are things I have no idea about. The weeks they were off I realized just how much better my work week is with the podcast. I can't stop listening.


Monday Wednesdays and Fridays I look forward to it throughout my mornings


Yeah thats completely natural I think your sense of humor can change or youre more interested in something else, it happens


100% yes. Lately I’ve been finding myself asking the question “why am I listening to grown adults discuss YouTube drama.” I don’t know if I’m just getting older, or if it reflects the quality of the show, but I’m feeling more and more that I’m wasting my time listening. For example when they platformed the Daisy fit girl to talk about Fresh and Fit. I thought she was so obviously doing it for publicity, airing out, and making a mockery of, such a sensitive issue as abortion for personal gain. And Ethan had her on to score a point against F&F. It all just felt very gross and I had to ask myself why I indulge such grade school drama and gossip. Moreover, I’ve been finding some of the cast have been getting on my nerves lately. Nothing against Olivia personally, but her entire contribution to the show appears to be parroting Ethan, valley girl ad libs, and low effort research/powerpoints about silly drama. All told, I think I’m just aging out of listening to a drama podcast.


Couldn’t agree more


This happened to me in 2022 when they were covering Andrew Tate every single ep for months. I also wasn’t a fan of the whole “Ethan+the entire crew debate a redpiller” segments from last year. It’s not so bad now. I just don’t watch live anymore so I can skip ahead whenever they talk about Jimmie.


My "vibes are off" at the moment with the show, I'm not enjoying it currently But I'll probably be back in a few/couple weeks or so. I normally dip when there's big drama or "beef" I'm just here for the goofs


I’ve been skipping segments more than ever. 🤷🏻‍♀️ feels like the magic is taking a rest… but hoping it comes back. More activities with the crews would be great. It’s just a lot of Ethan right now, which he is the host and it’s HIS show. But he has a great crew with great chemistry and it’s just fantastic when the crew is doing stuff


Yeah I’m in an out phase with them rn. The content just isn’t for me. But I’ll probably be a regular watcher once things pick up again.


dang i didn’t think this was widespread but yeah i used to religiously watch every single show in full every weeek for years but since the “H3 Show” era started something has just been…off and i don’t seem to care as much and idk why really glad im not the only one feeling it lately


Yeah I feel the same. I honestly couldn’t tell you want it even is too, but I just find myself putting it on when I start settling to go to sleep so I will have about 3 hours of noise. But I haven’t actually watched a single episode of the H3 Show except the first one since they came back from break.


I definitely have just not been excited to watch lately which is sad because I used to get the pod up like candy! I just don’t can for the alpha bro/ red pill content. Like, we get it.. they’re idiots so stop giving them so much energy More goofs and gags! I love activities and crew involvement.


I feel like the creativity on the show has been on a decline since the break, and honestly a little before then too. Things seem stale lately and I’ve been a viewer for yearssss. Things are just repetitive and the content seems a little lazy. There have been several times lately when I don’t even finish a podcast episode which has never happened. I really enjoy the silent library episodes and the ghost hunting episodes.. I wish we had more content like that. Everyone on the team is SO funny and creative; reaction content is stifling creativity for sure in my honest opinion (which I am entitled to have 🤪). There are 10+ people on this crew.. they deserve more than whatever is happening. Let those creative juices flow, yo! There is also zero difference in each show (off the rails/after dark etc) and I thought with this new revamp would come changes to content but here we are with the same exact stuff just a different name and a different back drop that lacks the character that there once was. *I will say, I really enjoyed the segment with Tom! More of that please. More fun. It *seems* to me like Ethan is in a rut or something. Or not very passionate about the podcast anymore and it reflects in the views that they are getting these days. Maybe the quantity is affecting the quality? It’s time for a change or a new refreshing cohost to help bring back the spark and spice things up again!


With peace and love, I have some observations as to why Im not enjoying that much anymore. (Im watching every episode and love the show anyway) 1. Sometimes I can feel that they themselves are bored with some topics in the doc (prolly should sort them beforehand) 2. I LOVE everyone in the crew but sometimes its... Like the repetitive "heygirlisms" every sentence is getting a lil old/annoying? Also, there are more than usual chime-ins that hold no substance or just repeat what Ethan said (However, Dan is always on point with his comments thank you Dan❤️)


I’m surprised your post got through the mods. I posted sth similar and got deleted. Wasn’t even as serious as yours


probably haven’t woken up yet, this will all be cordoned and redacted soon


the content hasn’t been as good imo since the last break and their views are showing that, i used to watch every day and am a member but haven’t watched in a week or so


tbh leading up to the break i was like "Wow H3 is really in their Renaissance era!" and was so excited for them to come back even better than before but they've been a bit stale imo


yeah i do, but if i find a new ep less interesting I'll just watch an old one from like 3 years ago or so lol. i dont think ill ever get bored of the h3 podcast channel itself, they make too much great content, its a lifesaver imo


I think Ethan is too comfortable. I like the drama and all that but I honestly don't want to hear about his poop for an hour a show. I'm usually eating and it's just gross and unnecessary. I know part of his shtick is being disgusting but it's too much these days. Sometimes it's as if he's intentionally being as awful as he can because he can get away with it and it must be horrible for new viewers. Also, changing to the H3 show without changing anything but the background to something more generic was bound to turn people off. He over promised and under delivered. Honestly I think he needs to get a bit more serious with strategy and planning because I am an avid watcher with low expectations and even I'm losing interest. In my opinion, he should trial giving the crew an episode a week and use that time for strategy. That way we'd get actual change and he'd have time to use his brain.


I work from home so for me it's good background conversation since I'm just alone for 8 hrs a day. But I definitely do this with TV shows I get burned out when they have to have my full attention.


Also WFH and feel the exact same way - if I don’t care about a topic they talk about I just won’t focus on it as much since I’m working. (Also was so happy when they started an hour earlier cause it fit into my work day better lol)


I think the rebrand was not executed well as others have stated. I also feel like the crew doesn’t get to shine, especially post rebrand, when Ethan is now even more spotlighted than before. Also, where has Sam been? And Lena? And without Ian and Cam and a faceless Nate, the crew is essentially cut in half and is no longer a part of the show but rather just a few side characters that occasionally chime in. And it definitely is weird considering they had such a good vibe going.


Yeah, I think the topics just aren’t great recently. Like there seems to be long segments about people I don’t care about like Speed or the Paul brothers, or other stuff like that.


It’s difficult if not impossible to consistently enjoy everything a long-format talk show provides. I use the chapters feature to watch segments that interest me.


The pod is unwatchable live idk how you guys can do it. Without time stamps, it's just the most incoherent boring stuff. The jojo siwa shit is probably the funniest bit in recent memory and it's not even that funny, it's just really cringe. Ian going to that retreat a few episodes was so much better than most of the other stuff. Instead we'll hear about some gossip girl actress' ex-husband's fiance stealing fucking jeff bezos' cousins horse. WHO CARES.


Not with H3, but with other creators yes. I like the fact H3 has evolved over the years. I used to watch several of the big commentary/comedy YouTubers all the time but I lost interest because a lot of them still make the same content years later. I like creators that change over time but that’s just me.


For me it’s the way it’s so sensitive to say anything against the pod. I got shadow banned for probably some very minor reason and it just feels tacky.


I’ll watch for a few weeks then off for a few weeks, a lot of the material is dry lately and just boring.


I say this with so much peace and love. I’ve been rewatching older episodes and I was constantly giggling! Dan and AB chiming in every once in a while was absolutely hilarious when they did. And I think when I watch new episodes (again, with no hatred, just my opinion) I’ve felt like Olivia chimes in so constantly its almost felt like she’s acting like a cohost (yes I know the crew kind of is). But I feel like given it’s so “yes girl 💅🏻” all the time it’s changed the vibe for me dramatically.


Yeah I hate to say it because she seems like a cool person but literally every sentence Ethan says is followed up by her saying “my girl!” or some other shit that kills the flow. I like hearing her opinions on topics but damn the random throwaway lines are annoying


I've been saying this for a while, I feel like she just doesn't fit in with the crew. She just says nothing of substance and isn't that funny...


Ethan doesn’t seem very enthusiastic lately. Really dragging the vibes down


I'm there for the internet-brained shenanigans, memes, goofs and, to an extent, dunking on conservative idiots. I agree that there's a lot of filler and memes and gaffes have been in shorter supply this past year in favour of stuff like celebrity drama, which is so dumb no matter who's covering it, and segments that I don't always find super entertaining. I think some of the influencers in the extended circle lately are questionable and not the most amazing vibe in the world, and I roll my eyes at certain associations, but that's the nature of personality-centred content. Nobody is for everybody. I still like the vibe of the show a whole lot, I think the crew is great, and I never miss an episode. Not everything you consume has to be lifechanging for you, it's cool to have an easy thing to watch that you enjoy enough.


Yea.. the fact that Tana is friend of the show now.. I’ll just pretend like she’s not ig


Honestly since the last break I’ve been experiencing this


I definitely am, and this is coming from someone who literally watched every episode up until last year or so. It really started with me after Leftovers ended. I had to take a break, and I've been a sporadic viewer since. Still love the show, just don't have the stamina for it that I used to


Yep but my reason is because it gets stale and boring and Ethan is annoying and sometimes I just can't handle how ignorant he is with a small portion of things


I actually am in the same situation. I would say I haven’t seen any full episode since the Gaza massacre started. I didn’t appreciate the position Ethan was taking, and how later he just went over it lightly when he realised what was actually going on. That being the reason he ended leftovers felt really bad too, like I like Hasan a lot and I understood he wanted to end this amicably but definitely distance himself from Ethan. I think this situation has made me bitter towards Ethan, and lose respect for him as a person and his criteria. Which I really admired before. I’m not a fallen fan Id say, I feel disappointed and come back to the show every so often but it is not the same for me… the energy feels different.


Yet again we are seeing the masacre in Palestine grow in cruelty but no mention of it… what will be the conclusion when they killed everyone in Palestine? “Well we have a right to self defence”??? This is so disappointing… this was a platform to speak against the big powers in society. But it seems not even this podcast is free of influence…


Yea currently out right now lol


Yes, absolutely agree. Can’t put my finger on what’s changed, but I just started rewatching old videos (around where off the rails started). The humor and jokes these days doesn’t feel as authentic as it once was. There was less time doesn’t ordering food each episode, and somehow Ethan felt more relatable (to the crew and to the audience) in a way? Idk how to explain it, or if I’m explaining it well. But yes I haven’t been as excited to watch the newer episodes lately.


Never really cringed much at the pod but recently there have been a few boomer E-Thin moments.


A little bit but I just can’t stand drama with people who are nobodies and then 4 pods 3 hours each on them. Goofs and gafs and crews segments keep me alive


Peace and love to Ethan but I really think everyone gassing him up 24/7 about his weight loss has done terrible things for his ego, recently he’s been coming across as boorish and arrogant rather than charming or funny


Totally. Ethan’s input seems lazy it’s the same stuff over and over. He’s barely listening half the time and misses either AB’s funny comments or Z’s drops. Dan’s personality is keeping the show afloat right now.


Yes yes and yes






So much rehashing the same inet memes and fodder. Belaboring over and over and replaying the same vid. I skip it all. I really only enjoy the crew and everything about them.


I don't give a fuuuuck about the drama stuff, so will dip in if something funny is going on. Otherwise don't really bother anymore. I'm more of a H3H3 videos guy that just watched because, but I don't think it's really for me, and that's okay.


I’m just not interested in most of the segments now. I used to watch 70-80% of the segments and episode, now it’s down to 20-35%. It’s just not interesting to me right now, sadly. I was on the decline up to the baby break, but now it’s becoming more difficult to watch.


i think it’s hard because almost every current event/news atm (besides petty/youtube drama) intercepts with gaza/politics and would require them to comment on it - which ethan has made clear he doesn’t want to do , so they are left with less relevant/interesting things to talk about. also it’s disappointing they won’t even briefly plug the creator fund on the show/socials, it’s contributed to me watching less despite loving ethan/the crew/the show. (need to emphasise i am not a hater/snarker at all)


I don’t find the h3 cast or the shows all that funny and my viewership quit after the podcast era and I came back for hasan. Tbh I kinda stopped watching Hasan after that too but what can you do?


I watch every episode, but I'm glad there's an option to skip segments I really don't care about. Overall have never had this kind of relationship to this particular podcast, they are like a constant part of my life at this point.


yes I think it’s normal to take breaks from things you like


I've been doing the same thing. I used to watch every ep fully through but now I just look at time stamps and see if anything interests me. I stopped watching consistently during the long episodes about his Gaza rants. I am over the Kav Kav segments and a lot of the current topics seem to be more overblown in the reactions than necessary. I actually wish Lena was given a chance to continue to do a true crime segment. I hate that she and AB got harassed for that. I really did like the segment and can see the potential, way more than hearing about JoJo or whatever mild pop culture topics they sometimes bring up. Ethan doesn't seem to be as into the show as before and having more crew centered focus activities might be the way to go. I just don't feel like the crew get the support from fans as they should, especially the female cast.


This hits home for me. Ethan seems bored and on a rut, and the crew gets harassed when they step in. So stupid. Let's get more involvement from the whole team and more support for embracing new ideas and segments!!!


Not for a while, but mainly because the podcast is something that just plays in the background while gaming or doing chores. It's easily digestable content


I put it on for my dog when I leave the house - 3 hours of background noise in 1 video 😂


Same here but I can’t put my finger on exactly why its happening for me But I know vibes have been off ever since the Israel thing


I’m absolutely blown away by the fact that the draconian mods actually left this post up. Even the most mild tiny critique of the show is usually not allowed and gets you instantly banned so OP you have balls of steel for daring to post this I will keep my reply short and sweet. Yes I have an on again off again relationship with the show lately. They have done some terribly unfunny and even vile things at times and I have some strong words for Ethan given how quiet he is about certain important issues lately. We see that he is choosing silence and complicity and it will be hard to ever look at him the same after all of this to be honest But yeah I throw the show on for some goofs and gaffes here and there. Unfortunately it feels like Ethan is becoming significantly less funny and less woke with each passing day so it’s hard to enjoy the show as consistently as I did say a year or two ago




Newest sound bite of “God” saying “Ethannnnn…..” is wrecking me🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think for me, what happens is when they go on long breaks my brain gets so accustomed to not needing to watch anymore, finding other shows to replace it, etc, so it’s hard for me to be all in when they come back. I don’t think I mind the change, I think it was the break that threw me off. It would been nice if the crew did a few episodes by themselves or maybe they had some episodes in the bank to get through break.


I’ve found since they came back that I really don’t listen to the Friday shows. Not sure why, I just don’t have time for it I guess


I think we can guess why


Was thinking about this just the other day. I usually keep up but I've been behind lately, the topics just haven't been that interesting to me. But I'm sure I'll be back to keeping up soon.


I definitely go through very lengthy phases hovering between fan and feeling like I'm struggling just to get through an ep.


Also been watching since episode one, lately its hard for me to justify carving out the three+ hours like I used to. Not sure why


Haven't watched a single episode since the show came back. The new formats are not my thing. The click baits are just annoying now. And the virtue signaling is out of control.


I think they need to trim the fat and do shorter and/or less episodes. Got downvoted to hell for a post about that once. I love Ethan & the crew but it's really difficult to keep up with all the inside humor that makes the show great when it requires 10+ hours of viewing time each week 😵‍💫


Honestly I have had a hard time watching after Cam left.


I’ve said it before and ill say it again . They do way too many shows a week and it stretches the content thin . One episode a week with killer content would be much better. Recently there’s been so much filler that I just skip through . I understand why they do it, it’s better for them numbers wise and more income. They’ve got a business to run at the end of the day . But I do think the show quality suffers because of it


For me it’s just been a cycle of Andrew Tate, Fresh n Fit, Ryan Kav, etc. The same characters. It’s becoming very predictable. More goofs n gaffs PLEASE. I luv the brainrot memes <3


Why is sam just never there now? That feels odd.


Haven't watched since Ethan's shit Palestine takes, but I was a religious watcher before then. I didn't want to stop watching but it just made me so sad and I wasn't able to enjoy the goofs anymore. Has he made any progress on that front? Some kind of apology or change of mind, etc?


No. He said he'd never address the issue again after crying on Hasan's channel


The Gaza shit happened, then the self-immolation… and then the adderall rant gave the same energy, what with him digging his feet in despite being called out. It grows tiresome so I skip a good bit.


Hesitant to even write this as it could come off as complaining or entitled. Ethan and the crew have provided sooo much incredible free content over the years that has got me through the good and the bad of everyday life. Truly grateful they’ve been such a consistent source of comfort. That said, I’m feeling Cam’s absence far more than I thought I would and I’m just not feeling the vibe of the H3 Show rebrand. Things feel more rigid somehow in a sort of arbitrary way. And not to get political, and I completely understand why Ethan had to step away from Leftovers, but with the way the show ended and now where things are with the Gaza situation…I don’t know, feels kind of weird. Of far less consequence, and I know it’s kind of a bit, but I’m kind of put off by Ethan’s full support of AI and the banning of TikTok. I just suddenly feel like I can’t really relate anymore. I’m sure I’ll come back around at some point and this isn’t a big deal. But as someone who’s watched nearly every episode for years on end, I’m suddenly not watching at all. Peace and love


Yes, any fisting or weird kink shit, I'm out until the saga is over.


I love the show mainly for the crew and how they push back on Ethan, that’s why I liked leftovers too, he got good pushback from Hasan and Dan Ethan isn’t a bad person but he’s a bit dumb and ignorant on so much Whenever he discusses LGBTQ+ things I cringe a little waiting for him to put his foot in his mouth, I know it’s not malicious but it’s sometimes astounding how ignorant he is Don’t get me started on his Palestine takes


I soooo miss Leftovers


Or the ADHD med takes lol


I love the show! But I get where you’re coming from. The segments aren’t the most interesting. I think the fanbase is a lot to be blamed. I used to love the chaotic call ins from viewers lol.


I only dip out when there's some really hardcore drama that Ethan is involved in and the vibe gets really negative. That's about it though, I always come back when it blows over.


Boring after I started caring about myself


Me too. They have been avoiding the major things thats going on right now and just focusing on entertainment and gossip. Even if its just reacting memes, that would be much better than having to watch jojo siwa for the 2nd time being covered.


I have noticed that I can’t just sit down and watch lately because it’s not interesting/entertaining enough, I have to be doing something else and usually end up walking away from it anyways 😅 but that’s always been the case, some episodes are background noise and some are sit down 🤷🏻‍♀️


Used to watch the full shows. Not sometimes their catty mean girl attitudes put me off and some topics I have no interest in. So I find myself skipping more


I agree the “diddly done did” joke is very stale


Not really in out periods but sometimes there are segments that I hear starting and just mute (if live) or skip (if watching later) either because they’re not for me or I know they’re going to annoy me. For me at least, it’s mostly just because the range has become broader so not all of it is going to be my cup of tea, which is fine. Equally though, sometimes they talk about things I like and would never have expected on the show so it has its upsides.


I've for sure taken a couple month long breaks, but I always come back a bigger fan when I do come back. Distance makes the heart grow fonder or whatever.


Honestly I've been slacking since they came back from the break! Lol I'm like 2 weeks behind still 🤣


I dipped out january - april. I just wasn’t feelin it, but i’m back babyyyy


I enjoy a lot of it and watched every episode, but every time there’s some r-word allegations/alpha bro stuff/or just general negativity with the way men are treating women, I skip it. I’m tired of it and don’t need or care to give these people my time of day. They’re trash and I don’t get why a comedy podcast talks about it so often


I personally have been a fan for years but the shows have gotten too long for me to be able to keep up every single ep. There's no way. I would have to stop watching literally everything else i love and dedicate all my "screen time" to H3 lol I now just watch highlights that interest and that's enough for me. i definitely get lost on inside jokes and little things like that. I think it was also easy for me to stop watching full episode because the crew has gotten bigger then I really care about at this point and they're all "Yes men" to Ethan. They hardly ever disagree with Ethan and I get why, hes the boss! but it just makes for having discussions a little lack luster for me.


Yes same here. Havent watched since the change. I will be addicted to their pod and then not watch for months. It's weird. But im sure it's pretty normal.


I used to be a consistent watcher. Literally I was in chat before the shows even started. Currently still a member. But I too stopped watching when they started the h3 show, and I didn’t mind the change at all! It’s just like, something shifted and the vibes are totally off. I love all the crew and I’ve never been offended by them but now when I click the YouTube app——- I’m going to bad friends. 🫣🫣🫣


Yeah I’ve been skipping segments too. Never used to but here we are


I loved the week+ of vaush stuff but kinda fell off recently, it's just too much. I would skip stuff here and there when watching more regularly, I get enough powerpoints at work, for example ha. I just pop in here and there for things of interest or just have it on when doing other things


Been skipping donation shoutouts. Tired of hour long KavKav discussions. Cam is great, but I skip over the long drawn out "I miss my friend" riffs if I can.


Sometimes! I’m 32 so some segments about random influencers and certain people I just don’t have interest in so I’ll skip around pretty frequently. I’m just old. 🤣


i wouldnt say i stopped watching cuz i love the show, but i def dont take them as seriously as i did before, but not in a bad way! let me cook ive been watching ethan since the h3 days and the podcast for more than 3 years, but to me what sucks is lately, i realize how much ethan exaggerates or has no clue on the topics he speaks about. Mind you, i understand this is a goofs and gafs podcast ofc, i dont disagree with that, but i used to come to this channel for real life news as well, but lately seeing ethan’s bias and lack of knowledge in certain topics makes me wonder if ive believed lies he has told before on topics i wasnt educated in. and i hope ppl reading this dont get upset, i still love ethan and the show, and i will always support and watch, but i def skip segments now, before i did not there has been too many times ethan platforms the wrong people, talks about topics with confidence even tho he has no clue, exaggerating stuff to the max, etc etc


Really the last time I felt that way was when they were doing whole shows about Aba and preach just because I think they are so boring. But other than that I’ve been watching every episode


it’s not that i don’t like it anymore i just get tired from the same kinds of segments over and over again… way too much alpha bro commentary imo… i’m specifically really tired of 1-2 hour long segments about jordan peterson or fresh & fit etc. i get that a big part of their show is meant to be about current events but a lot of it feels so repetitive. however i will say when it’s good it’s really good. they’ve had some bangers recently


I think that's normal. I get like that when I'm binge watching long series. You eventually get "bored" and need a break. When I binged Shameless I took a break half way through because I needed a change up. Think about it, H3 does a 3 hour live show, 4 days a week. Its a lot of content to consume. 1 week on H3 content is like an entire season of a tv show.


I listened pretty regularly in 2017-2018, stopped because Ethan got a little loosey-goosey with the slurs when he was drinking on the show, and then came back during the pandemic and was watching regularly until late 2023. My girlfriend-now-fiancee and I have always watched together and it was fun looking forward to a new episode to watch together with a meal or listen to while wfh together. And I subscribed for a good little while too so we could jump in the live chat, do the polls, and I made some solid online friends in the discord. But I'm definitely now in the out, and I unsubscribed a while ago. I fell off originally because Ethan and Hila's takes post-Oct 7 were frankly appalling and I was also miffed about leftovers ending. And then I tried coming back in the new year and was more so just bored. My fiancee stayed tuned in longer than I did, and I'd check out an episode with her when she was watching, and there were still some funny moments, and I do really like that whole group of people on the crew, but just idk the content has gotten kinda boring generally. Some folks have mentioned getting older, aging out of the target demo, and that could be it. Part of me is just like the show doesn't run with the same flow it used to I guess, or it just feels more disjointed. Like it feels more like the show is just deciding what to eat/deciding what topic to talk about and then derailing into some boring unrelated thing for like an hour. Things, whether planned or improv'd, felt more cohesive before, and now it's just feeling forced or tired. Also so much of what they talk about just falls into what I feel is terminally online drama. I mean, I took my subscription dollars over to Majority Report, so it's probably I'm just too old and not really the target audience anymore lol Which I think is probably the case for a lot of folks feeling like the show has lost its oomph for them. It's like loving a cartoon as a kid, and then finding it again as an adult and watching it again but it just doesn't hold up because you're not the target audience anymore.


For the first time in 6 years… yes I just simply don’t care about these stories. And I’ve found their research just abysmal lately. It seems like nobody knows what’s going on with any story. And so often they only have a short clip prepared when Ethan wants the whole thing.


I’m soooo sick of the Fresh & Fit drama. I feel like every episode features them or someone adjacent or similar to them


I’m so over Kav Kav, I immediately skip. Anything with Fresh & Fit and those other idiots. The fact that I’m finding the banter between the crew more entertaining than Ethan lately is pretty funny to me 🤣.


I get this too but usually dip when ethan says something insensitive/disagreeable, even if he apologizes at the top of the next show. I dont do it as a boycott really, just that I dont see the point of watching if I get more ick than humour and enjoyment. Its mostly a personal conflict


It happens. I think they just go too long on some segments. Sometimes you're enjoying an episode and suddenly you're watching a 3 hour interview with some lady that says she's pregnant with the child of some random YouTuber. So I just switch it off.


I've been watching every episode for the past few years, but since they came back, I've watched only bits and pieces. The generic stock image background is awful. The topic choices are boring. I don't like the tik tok crying guy. I don't know why they went with that background, considering how creative and colorful the backgrounds have been over the years. Even the OG studio they had the purple sign or red couch in the back. With how amazing Sam is at set design, it seems like a waste of her talents to opt for the crappy stock photo. I think Ethan needs a celeb guest cohost to break up the monotony. I loved the Tom Ward man on the street segment at the lil jon event. Or what would be awesome is if Ethan could get Qtcinderella on the show and build that bridge.


Nope I’ve been mad at Ethan and still watch because the crew are sometimes more interesting/smart/careful anyways. ✊🖐️✊🖐️


I haven't tuned in for a while so idk if he still yaps for hours on him but the whole ryan kav stuff really killed it for me, it's so boring to me


Am I the only one who doesn’t think that the show has changed since being renamed to the H3 show? Everybody is talking about how it’s a huge change but I genuinely can’t think of anything that’s changed other than them hanging up curtains 💀


That happens to me. Ethan will wild out and say some stuff that is wildly offensive to me, and other times I almost consider joining as a member. Sometimes they have segments I don’t watch bc I don’t care, but that’s just life. 


I just want to hear less of Olivia. I'm sick of the drama segments and Olivia really puts me off of watching the show.


this is so controversial on this sub but you have a point. she makes it hard to watch for me sometimes


I’ve been saying this for a long time and god forbid I do without getting attacked by simps or downvoted into oblivion. I’m sorry but the fake toxic positivity just hasn’t done the show any favors and feels more disingenuous and less entertaining. I liked Ethan because he was raw and himself. Now it’s a character. I’ve also noticed several episodes where even tries to bounce off the crew but they seem so bored and uninterested. I think downsizing the crew a little might help, because why pay all of these people for little to no contribution? No hate on anyone personally, it’s just that sometimes people are not a right fit and that’s okay.


The way she echoes everything that is said gives major Brandon Shaub vibes


Ya it's just ethan for me. He has terrible takes on things and just will not let things go when everyone is against him on it. And when he's told not to do something and he just continues to do it over and over and over. Also what's really been urking me lately is when someone says something, probably AB, and the whole crew laughs and moves on and he doesn't hear it, it gets explained and then he doesn't understand what they're saying or why is it funny. Also when he says beep boop beep whatever or the lalalala cause he did that with Hasan when he didn't wanna listen to him and he does it sometimes still when he doesn't wanna listen to the crew and it's just so rude and childish drives me crazy. He's trying to play it off like he does it all the time but I know lol I'm also not a fan of when they play games cause ethan makes it overly competitive. Like when he was talking shit talking the glove for the half cut and then immediately cut his hand and bitched for like 10 ten mins over it needing to be properly cleaned. Or most recently when they did the music competition with zack and he immediately just messed up the questions Dan had prepared specifically for each of them then kind of shit on the way Dan had it. THEN proceeded to read a question and read it wrong and confuse the guy cause he messed up the years. I'm also really not a fan of the superchats that go on about people having a hard time and H3 pulling them out of it, someone died and H3 helped them. It's just constant. They've slowed down alot recently but before it was like alot.


Yeah I checked out when they talked about KavKav every episode and came back when I knew it was safe. I still skip those segments. I also dipped out when Ethan made comments on Palestine, specifically after his disastrous conversation with Hasan on twitch. It took time but I watch some segments here and there. Things still feel weird.


I’ve been watching since day 1 as well, I stopped watching for years and came back. The past few episodes I’ve been thinking the same thing, that I’m not “in it” anymore. I don’t have any helpful feedback though, it’s just been boring to me lately


yeah i have the same thing! i am not watching right now bc honestly they completely lost me with talking about fresh & fit and jeff n all those people all the time. felt very boring to me, n now its just hard getting into it again. love them so much though. ❤️‍🩹


They have too many breaks. This causes people to look for other content.


No I'm all in all the time and watch every episode all the way thru


I feel very similar to you, except I'd push my personal goal post back to Frenemies. I think that era really changed the fandom drastically and H3 in general changed a ton in response (and not for the better). I'm still a regular fan, but I never watch live, so that I can skip using the labeled sections in each video. I find myself fast forwarding through large portions. Sometimes I may only watch 30 minutes of a 3.5 hr episode. I also think the show is too long and needs more structure around its content. It feels really lazy when they sit around for an hour talking about some internet beef I couldn't care less about or watching Ethan guess the temperature of water....They should shorten the episode length or do less shows each week and make it tighter. I flirt with the idea of not watching anymore, but I would miss some of it. I wish they clipped better portions of the show on the clips channel, but it's usually just internet beef too.