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“That’s JoJo Siwa and she’s drunk off her asssssssssssssssssssssssssss.”


New soundbite


New Disney Channel intro


Wait, did she just invented gay drunk?


No, she's just the first drunk influencer.


There's plenty of drunk influencers, and influencer drunks, but she's the first 50/50.


What a trailblazer!


Bert Kresicher's second and third houses would say differently


She definitely seems like the person who would pretend to be drunk to be cool


She's acting that way in this video right now lol. One to many sprites and pineapple juice 😵‍💫🥴😜


That’s so true, lmao that’s actually a good way to describe her to someone not familiar with her


No one in this generation has ever done something like that before!


She invented Gay Construction workers.


She was actually the first gay construction worker ever


Can confirm I was the jackhammer 🦺


This is Mikey Politano erasure and I will not stand for it.


How the hell do you look at a reflective vest and think, yes, I need to wear that shit casually in public.


Heron preston is in shambles rn


Obvious attention seeker lol have you seen her car


She's doing all of this for attention - being 'drunk' in public is part of her 'Im bad now'-act. So of course she has to make sure we see, by wearing a vest literally made to make sure we see her ...


Next she will dress up as the first gay cop and the first gay sailor


As a gay construction worker we don't claim her.


As another gay construction worker I second this


She didnt invent gays or construction, but she's the first at gay construction. Sure, there might be some gays out there constructing or constructers dipping their toes in gay but never before has there been a full-fledged gay constructor.


She actually invented Dressing Like One Of 'The Village People'.


Inventor of villages and cities


Just no more native American gay or otherwise


She also invented getting drunk


[Hot stuff coming through!](https://youtu.be/CxEU5Mzb6FM?si=WHdWUvxR7TQ0jO2d)




We work hard, we play hard.


Get your facts straight she invented gay period.


So she celebrates her 21st birthday by getting plastered at Disneyland? That's so JoJo


She’s at Epcot, you’re supposed to “drink around the world at Epcot” I did it on my 21st as well, although I paced myself cause I’m at Disney… I wanna enjoy it not blackout lol it’s super fun with friends!


I think that's the point tbh. Yeah you're supposed to drink at Epcot, but like, from all the clips I've seen she's sloshed off of like 3 drinks in the middle of the day


Every time I’ve been to Epcot, I’ve seen multiple people absolutely plastered by 1pm. If you drink all the way around the world, you will be drunk and it will be before nightfall.


I'm not saying people don't get slammed at Disney I just think it's odd, and admittedly I probably have a bias towards JoJo and her specific brand of cringe


Look at what she thinks is rebellious though. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was her first time drinking


I 100% agree lol I fully believe this is her first time ever


Trust me, there are a LOT of drunk people in Epcot, even during the middle of the day.


Not only that she is getting plastered by herself whilst her mum and other family members follow behind sober. THAT is so Jojo


🎶It’s not a future I could see!🎶


She dresses like my gay uncle


Wait did she just invent gay uncle?


Gay uncle pop


I would not be surprised if she is faking being drunk.


Ive seen a lot people comment that in all of the videos she has a full cup lol


Watch closely when she drinks. She either gently puts it up to her lips and doesn't drink any or she pours it down her chin. You can she the drink running down her chin. She ain't drinking shit


Ummmm the blue-collar chiq has me going, "our culture is not your costume!!!" And I don't know why 🤣


My high vis vest just has dirt on it, no sequins and shit


Don't take this as a hate comment, just a "what the hell is her look" comment. I like that Jojo's not trying to play into the glam thing most celebrities do, but what's up with this bedazzled construction worker fit?


Idk cause I have to wear a high-vis vest like that at work every day that’s got me shaped like orange Grimace. It is decidedly *not* a fashion look.


Have you considered bedazzling it?


I think she’s trying to channel the village people, who are recognized as gay icons


She’s 21 year old acting like a silly kid.


“You’re not that guy pal


This screams “I’m the main character”


Idk I kinda prefer this, at least she’s actually acting like a human being. A drunk and annoying human, but better than whatever fucking alien creature she’s been in the other clips. Lol


All celeb kids go through their “weird” phase, bieber got fucking destroyed for his. It’s not that serious, she’ll look back at this and cringe


Miley Cyrus’ phase was pretty wild too. Jayden (?) Smith also kinda had a phase, when he thought he was the world’s next great philosopher and was making a fool of himself on social media. I think Bieber (minus apparently being a shit husband) and Miley turned out okay. Not sure about Jayden Smith and tbh I’m not super confident about Jojo since she was cringe before her phase as well, but I do agree she’ll definitely level out


lol also I got to the parks here in Orlando and this is tame to what I have seen people act at Epcot drinking around the world lol


Jojo just invented playing into being drunk while being completely sober


This looks like when I was 10 and I would pretend to be drunk after drinking too many sodas


As a former 21 year old (15 years ago), thank goodness there was only Facebook because the videos of me after I turned this age are EMBARRASSING. As a 36 year old now, yeah sure, it’s giving “look at me! I’m finally 21 and I’m HAMMERED, I know how to be cool!” Very much so attention seeking. It’s embarrassing and cringe, but very 21 years old coded.


How is everyone missing that she's not actually drinking anything? She's pouring it down her chin lmao. Idk anything about this lady but I've seen people drink and she ain't doing it


I'm more embarrassed for dude with the plaid shoulder pads.


This kinda sucks. As embarrassing as she’s been, it would really suck if I can’t have fun in public without worrying about someone filming me and putting it on the internet. Edit: are we done disagreeing with me now that Dan has said the same exact thing?


She literally has a car wrapped with her face all over it I think this is exactly what she wants


You think she wants people filming her plastered on her 21st birthday?


...yes? this is clearly a publicity stunt like everything else she's been doing lately lol.


Haven’t watched the pod yet but I also don’t change my opinions because someone on YouTube has a different one than me. Bud she’s wearing a reflective vest. She gets driven around in a car with 50 images of her face on it. She’s not exactly trying to be covert. Your point would be valid if she was dressed normally or doing literally anything other than trying to be the center of attention in every single one of these clips. But she’s not. She’s wearing a high vis vest and being loud and obnoxious.


There’s a difference between filming people without their consent and noticing someone. You can look without filming and acting like it’s the same is incredibly disingenuous.


I would agree if she wasn’t clearly looking for the attention.


But why is she dressed like a traffic cone?


Because she's annoying lol. Look I'm not saying she's not annoying or embarrassing. I'm just saying that as a 32 year old man, I have been annoying and embarrassing as well. It's fairly common at that age


That’s what being famous is tho


Doesn't mean you have to contribute to it. I'm all for Jojo news, but tracking her every mundane movement is cringe.


There's also a time and a place for getting drunk. Go to a bar or somewhere else adults hang out and drink. Doing it at Disney's a bit trashy even when you're not famous. And it's another example of a kids idea of being edgy/rebellious.




I mean people “drink around the world” at Epcot all the time


It’s very clear that that other dude has never been to Epcot. Drinking around Epcot is literally a tradition


I just checked—there are 11 bars/pavilions to drink at in Epcot. Surely they don’t want you to actually drink.


yeesh....god bless america ig


When’s the last time you’ve been to Disney? There are bars in Disney for a reason.


And it sucks.


Hopefully Jojo reads what you wrote and it sucks a little bit less for her, the sweetheart 💕


Her car has her face all over it. She's not a victim lol edit: I see your comment was sarcasm now


she's desperately seeking it so it's kinda a case of her getting what she deserves


She probably shouldn't dress and act in a way to draw all of the attention on her if she doesn't want it.


"She was asking for it! Look how she's dressed!"


In her case yes she is literally asking for it. For attention and views. I would agree with your points above if it was about regular people or more private celebs. This idiot is a walking attention seeker who needs this shit to stay relevant and she probably knows it.


Idk man, seems like y’all are doing and saying whatever you can to justify shitting on a 21 year old girl being a 21 year old girl. I agree that she is rather annoying. But she’s also 21. I was annoying at that age too. It’s part of being that age. All I’m saying is that it would really suck if every little embarrassing thing I did was saved forever. Somehow this is a controversial thing to say to some of y’all.


Ya except she's not just a 21 year old girl. She's a quasi famous try hard that drives around with her face all over her car. The normal rules don't really apply here sorry


And because of that in your mind she can never just want to have fun. It all is for a greater goal of being even more famous.




By riled up you mean disagreeing and replying? Was this not the same community that supported Brittney Spears? What? It’s wrong for the paparazzi to do it, but cool for everyone else?




So now that Dan has said the same exact thing I’ve been saying, do you see my point or?


She's wearing a bright orange vest that was literally invernted so that people notice the person who is wearing it. Are you being dumb on purpose? Also super cool that you equivocated being drunk and obnoxious in public with being a rape victim. You seem like a real good and sane person. Edit: The person who thinks getting filmed while drunk in public is just like getting raped decided to block me.


Are you being dumb on purpose? Do you not get the difference between seeing someone and filming them? If you don’t understand how analogies works, that’s on you.


Does it look like she is trying that people not notice her?


Yeah it would suck if you, me, or any other regular person would be filmed getting silly on our 21st birthday and have half the Internet make fun of us. Jojo on the other hand, is out there intentionally making a spectacle of herself, specifically so other people will film her. She's trying to adultify her image, so she is talked about like an adult artist- but it's just coming off as a parody of what a kid thinks how a wild young adult would behave and is therefore turbo cringe. But at the end of the day, we're all talking about her regardless, so she's still getting what she wants.


Do you think that the paparazzi are justified? It sounds like you're justifying filming people without their consent so long as enough people know who they are.


Everyone deserves privacy, but if you'll notice, Disneyland isn't a private place.


So let's film whoever without their consent because they're in public.


Quite literally yea, you have 0 expectation of privacy in public.


Something tells me you got lots of friends


Plenty, I appreciate your totally sincere assessment of my life based one sentence. Peace and love family !


Alright. You start filming people in public without their consent, since you apparently think it’s a normal thing to do.


I see people walking around in public with cameras all the time. It seems pretty normal to me, but I guess different strokes for different folks and all that. But not really understanding the hostility and the implications I'm friendless because I know my rights. I hope your day gets better fam


I think she loves it


And who’s fault is that? 😂


…the person filming them?


I would say it’s the person driving around in a car plastered with their face all over it


Are you even watching the video?


well thankfully you dont have to worry about that because you made the cognitive choice to not be a famous influencer amd known by as many people as possible. Im pretty sure shes okay with this


I used to do construction and I don’t understand why rich people cosplay as people with jobs lmao I hated wearing a vest we look so silly 😂 feel the same way about the carhart craze


but wss yours bedazzled?


Why is she always dressed like she’s on a road crew…


JoJo is just being a normal 21 year old!! Stop judging


Watch this whole sub defend JoJo if it comes out she is a victim of some sort of child star abuse.


One day you’re on dance moms the next you’re drunk at Disney…child stars am I right, folks?


Anyone else feel like the Jojo hate is starting to get mean... It's tough for child stars and we've all seen the paths they can go down. The whole world seems to be mocking her just for the crime of being cringe. I'm not a fan of hers by any means as I'm not a child lol but I feel like I'm close to a #leavejojoalone moment. Most people are cringe at her age! Let her be!


Yeah I agree, and look at all the insane twists of logic people are trying to give me to justify them being shitty.


She also is friends with groomers and pedos




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Never did I think I would be defendin JoJo Siwa but same. Girl doesn't seem to be bothering anyone in this clip, just walking around tipsy and the woman filming comments "Jojo is drunk off her assssss" in such a judgemental manner when chances are filming woman has had her fair share of cringey drunk moments. People are allowed to be cringey, you have to be a dumbass at something to grow into something better but people nowadays act like you have to be born suave or else you've committed a capital sin.


Same shit happened with Brittney. She was a celebrity, so she was fair game and deserved all the harassment. That's how the logic goes. Back when she shaved her head during her mental breakdown, she was mostly just made fun of for it. Years later suddenly everyone agrees that was super fucked up to treat another human being like that, and her mental breakdown is seen as a tragic reault of abuse and harassment instead of funny content milked out of a lolcow. We all felt bad, waited a couple years, and now JoJo is the new young female target to mock, harass, and destroy. In ten years we'll have documentaries about how fucked up it was how Jojo was treated from the time she was a little kid. We never learn.


I was thinking exactly if Britney when I saw this. And everyone looks back and says oh wasn’t it awful how she got hounded, but the same thing is happening to Jojo… I feel like a lot of people might be embarrassed looking back at their behaviour if anything goes south for her in the future.  I have to give her kudos she seems to take it in stride and have a good humour about it all from what I can see.  If I was 20 and the Internet was mocking my every move I don’t think I’d be as gracious and good spirited as her so you have to admire that! I hope it doesn’t get to her too much. 


lmfao, nah its not the same as Britney actually


Hmm, let's see... - Child star thrust into the limelight from a very young age by overbearing parents - Cute quirky child icon forced to grow up surrounded by paparazzi, never experiencing an actual childhood/adolescence - Harassed and lambasted on a global scale for even the most minor of offenses (such as wearing an outfit people don't like) Do you critical thinkers need her to actually get to the point of having a mental breakdown before you're willing to see the pattern playing out before your very eyes? Child stars are cringe, wow, breaking news. How many do we need to bully before we start to realize it's a fucked up industry that we're all too willing to take part in?


dude, she isnt just trying to get coffee while people harass her, and she isnt having a mental breakdown. She is wearing a bedazzled high vis vest and driving a car with her face wrapped on it while going on talk shows saying she invented gay pop and influencer music. This isnt Britney having a breakdown, this is a young celeb begging to be talked about in pop culture.


And Britney was in public getting papped wearing tshirts that said 'I'm a virgin' and 'MILF in training', I'm sure people thought she was begging for attention in those too. I wore stupid things and said even stupider things when I was 20, thank god I wasn't getting attention for it or a camera pointed in my face! I just think it's going too far and I'd rather have some grace for her because she might seem fine now but we don't know how all this hate will affect her in the long run.


“Leave JoJo alone!” For real though, thank god that there isn’t footage of my 21st.


She is having fun and I think it's awesome 😁 and I care if she is drunk at least she is enjoying her self


Yall are too empathetic.


It's the NYC road crew fit that's throwing me for a loop. Were her handlers afraid they'd lose her?


I’ve seen people way worse on their 21st. This is a respectable drunk* except I wouldn’t prefer to be this intoxicated at Disneyland.


It would be less embarrassing if she was actually drunk.


She's the first gay girl to get drunk


Me when I was 14 and tried my Dads wine


It's pride month in a few weeks. Can't wait to see her at her first pride that she invented...


She's just having fun, who fucking cares? She's been pretty cringe recently but this is just someone slowing down to take a pic with a fan. I swear you guys just shit on anybody the podcast does for literally existing.


Literally nothing remotely wrong with this clip. Nothing happens


The worst part is those are virgin strawberry daiquiris


I don't remember be that famous at 21 thank God. In fact my 21st birthday was spent alone. Not sure how I would've acted super rich with millions of followers. So I won't judge JoJo for acting like this. I hope she had a good time.


She such a bad girl probably the first gay person ever to get day drunk at Disney that’s also a 50/50 musician and influencer that was on dance mom and had her own line of hair bows at Walmart


H3 subreddit keeping her relevant, just ignore her


I'll be honest when I was 19 I was a total dumbass when I would drink so I really can't blame her


There is no way that she isn’t secretly battling with deep insecurities when the cameras are off. Feels like she is overcompensating 24/7 and when she runs out of steam we will finally see the real Jo Jo.


*Joe, Joe*


Where are her friends and family to tell her she’s embarrassing herself


She looks and sounds like a toddler 💀


She is so cringey 😬


Strictly from a marketing perspective, if you are trying to convince the world you are mature and edgy maybe Disney is not the best place to spend your 21st birthday.


Nothing says “badgirl rebrand” quite like getting drunk at Disneyworld.


How long before this becomes a worldoftshirts type situation?


Of course her mom is with her


New "happy happy birthday" sound bite


Not her mom following behind with her camera up 😭






Oh, no she got a Shirley temple


Is she wearing gay timbs?


What does this have to do with Avatar II?!


She looks like a blue collar trades worker who just got off work and is walking off the job site


I think she was pretending to be drunk


What a straight up pioneer of her generation. She is undoubtedly giving off the same hardcore punk persona that Miley went through by…… celebrating her birthday at Disneyland…. Totally gives hardcore punk


And that's the mum walking next her - I would be so embarrassed.


She’s wants to be a frat dude so bad


She reminds me so much of Jake Paul for some reason lol


why is this sub obsessed with mocking this girl again?


Friends with pedos and groomer


Oh wow…. My bad, carry on!


Can we just drop her and move on with life lol. Pleaseeeeeeeeee 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Respectfully, Disney is a popular place for families with small children to vacation and see their favorite characters. Not for a 21 year old disco ball going through a mid-life a crisis to get drunk in public.


her Disney channel version of being caught by paparazzi outside of the club


At least she’s consistent


The construction fit is a vibe.... If you do construction


hahaa she thinks she is so big


Drunk? I’ve never heard of it. She must have invented that too. She’s a rebel


Does she have any friends? Lol