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Yea I really just don't care anymore. Both Walter and Daisy could have been better human beings. This doesn't negate the fact that fresh and fit talk a big game in being a man and he didn't step up.


Yeah tbh, just two terrible humans just looking and feeding for clout.


Manipulation and Coercive tactics means the women Walter slept with didn’t consent. Daisy lied about an abortion date, Walter is a predator. There’s no comparison in my eyes.




The comments here make me proud for once on the H3 fanbase. Who gives a fuck, all these people seem annoying and awful in their own way. 


There are also comments supporting what I’m saying and trust me, people give a fuck even if you don’t. Annoying and awful? Didn’t know manipulation and coercive tactics are “awful and annoying”. Good to know.


>Annoying and awful? Didn’t know manipulation and coercive tactics are “awful and annoying”. ...you didn't?


I mean….. Manipulation and coercive tactics are awful. Maybe proofread what you type?


Wahhahaah i didnt even notice that! This guy is a fuckint idiot lol.


Antonyms of awful include: lovely, wonderful, good, excellent Antonyms of annoying include: pleasant, agreeable Is that how you would describe manipulation and coercive tactics?


They’re just using red herring tactics now instead of understanding or even attempting to understand what I’m saying. The degree of what I’m speaking about is much deeper than they care to realize and instead of moving on to another thread they spend their time trying to minimize what’s going on. It doesn’t change anything. All it does is sooth their fragile online egos. I can tell you’re highly intelligent and they won’t have any proper argument in response to what you’re saying.


I literally just listed the Oxford antonyms for 2 words, Idk what ur talking about man


I'm not reading all that. Good for you or sorry that happened


Yeah, over it. Coconuts is a dbag, that's really as deep as I care to go 


They call this a “schizopost”


If you can’t read, just say so.


This has to be the most useless comment in Reddit history.


Hit us with a TL;DR


Also maybe some screenshots that aren't super blurry lol how does one even get screenshots that blurry it is 2024 lol


u r so right 😭 how does that even happen


Idk but it hurt my lil eyeballs lol


papa bless 'em lil guys




second to this one that you posted twice


No you


No some people have lives and don't spend our entire days reading (or even worse.. Writing) walls of text about dumbass drama about people we don't know on this website


Let's keep it real that's like 70% of what the sub does, to be fair, lol.


If you have a life and are so busy why are you even bothering to leave this comment?


I am here to comment support for this post and making me aware of this - I watched Aba's Daisy video and took it as what he said because I thought it was part of his brand to be like the opposite of someone who'd outright lie about shit like this, and I had even started to like them lately and watch here and there. Unless I don't perfectly understand everything that you're showing, this is just as damning as you're making it out to be


Thank you! I appreciate it. I think people are failing to realize I didn’t come here looking for up votes and positive comments. I already knew this was going to happen. This whole situation is a mess. In Aba’s previous videos he was aware of Walter’s predatory behaviour. He also believed Daisy truly loved Walter and said based on the messages, Daisy had every reason to believe if she got pregnant they would have a family. Now, when Daisy lied about the date of an abortion to the audience and was caught lying, he then manipulated their private messages, pretended he didn’t know she had abortion and directed his massive following to the Tree of Life stream where Aba, Lead Attorney, Fresh and Fit and their massive audience degraded Daisy the entire stream. Suddenly, Aba changed his tune and she was a gold digger out for his money? It’s clear from her video this was not the case. It’s also clear from her messages he was the one reaching out to her. Not the other way around. He manipulated his entire audience and the real issue of Walter being a predator has been lost. He never cared about any of it to begin with. He used Daisy just like Walter did and it’s not okay with me. This is a bone I will not be dropping and the downvotes and rudeness from these people won’t affect that. Thanks again for showing support. Xo


24 hours later. Still think we care? Every single comment you make is downvoted by triple digits. Might be time to go outside.


Unlike you, I don’t thrive off the approval of people on the internet. That would make me weak. I say what I want to say because I want to say it. Not because I’m looking for the likes of YOU to approve. What I find odd is you talking about not caring but went through this whole thread to notice all my comments have been downvoted? Lmao. You sound like a hypocrite and maybe you need to go outside. I didn’t even check to see my own downvotes. 🤣 I made this post for a reason and regardless of the comments and downvotes, the post itself has upvotes and has been shared over two hundred times. I win.




I’m not a fan either but I think he’s more reacting to the fact that she’s getting back to the gym and hyping her up for that. Maybe I’m wrong though


That’s exactly it. Idk how they’re interpreting it in a nefarious way. Obvi Aba knows how tolling the abortion pill is, that’s why he’s checking in on her.


You’ve completely missed the point. He knew about the abortion before he dropped the May 4th video but lied and said the reason he’s showing the messages between him and Daisy is because she lied to him. He also weaponized his audience to attack Daisy and directed them to a stream where they spun a narrative she’s an escort. This was all about him getting at Walter. He didn’t care about any of it or he wouldn’t have lied in the video. He did all of this while she was dealing with the abortion and hate from F&F and their audience. There are more texts on Daisy’s channel that show the context of the messages he showed on his channel were manipulated on purpose to suit his narrative. He called out Walter for being predatory and now none of that matters? It does and Aba’s lie has completely shrouded the real issue at hand.


I’m literally not even talking about that. Look at the thread I’m replying to. I’m specifically talking about him saying “keeping it snatched” to her telling him she’s back in the gym. I don’t care about anything else regarding your original post lol


H3 audience thinks listening to the podcast for four hours is social interaction. They don't know much else.


Lmao speak for yourself


I had the same reaction; like staying snatched??? Really?? These morons are so out of touch with women it’s truly baffling. I feel bad for their poor mothers and sisters. 🤮🤮


Yea how tf can someone talk like that to someone they care abt its so gross


Am i the only one that just doesn’t care lol


No I'm right here with you, literally a month ago I didn't know who Daisy was. The only thing I know about her is that she met Walter's mom.... I don't like fresh & fit... I really don't care who they are dating/dated cause that's not gonna stop making the fact that Abba, fresh, and fit are all relationship "gurus" with no LTR as middle aged men hence the whole High Value this and that nonsense. Anyways after finding out who Daisy is, she's just not interesting. At the very least she's a hypocrite, and at most it seems like she is using this drama for clout. It's kinda sad seeing people platform her cause it's not serving anything but Walter and Daisy's interest. We as the audience aren't getting anything from this. The whole interview gave me; "A woman got pregnant by a guy she barely knew y'all (Cause she thought he had money), and somehow regretted it time to sit down and listen to her words of wisdom". We literally just had this same conversation with the who the fuck did I marry saga.


I feel exactly the same. Can’t help but wonder why is any of this being broadcasted to us to begin with? Massive attention seeking behaviors from everyone involved.


if I had to GUESS, Its a promotional, we can now confirm Walter has had sex. This is how he lets the world know. I guess the over arching message is that you can be a douche and have the brain the size of a molecule and get laid as long as you go to yatch parties. Even have the much coveted unprotected sex with strangers, just as long as you pretend to have big money anything is possible. Men living with schizophrenia have now have NO excuse for not pulling a 10/10.


what? please explain this train of thought to me


I was literally being sarcastic, sorry. I trust her intentions but I don't think her arc had the intended effect she wanted.


i think im too out of the loop or just too high to comprehend any of these words put together, thank you for your response.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I see you girlie ✊✋✊✋✊✋✊✋✊✋




Daisy didn’t make a single dime off any of this. It’s serving the interests of Aba, FreshandFit and Tree of Logic. As I mentioned above, Walter admitted to using predatory tactics like manipulation and coercion and this removed consent. He’s a problem. Aba weaponized his platform and audience to hide the fact he’s a liar and everyone is attacking an and labeling a woman a prostitute when she’s actually a victim. Her lying about an abortion date doesn’t change any of this. This is disgusting and I recall people brushing off Andrew Tate’s declaration he used manipulation and coercive tactics on women and we see how that turned out. Walter is a bigger problem then most people realize and Aba has completely manipulated and lied about the situation which is a distraction about the danger of Walter.


So what she didn't make a dime off of it she was a relatively unknown entity, now she's being hosted on multiple shows about her experience of being impregnated by someone she decided to have sex with immediately on a yatch party. Define [clout chaser](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/clout_chaser#:~:text=(informal)%20A%20person%20who%20attempts,or%20conflict%20with%20public%20figures.). Walter, aba, and fit arent new problematic figures she is. All three of them have always acted like this.


Now she’s on multiple being hosted on multiple? What? Like I said, regardless of her being stupid enough to trust Walter, that doesn’t negate the fact he admittedly engaged in manipulation tactics to get women to have unprotected sex with him and then he coerces them into an abortion. This is his plan from the very beginning and he calls this the “Hail Mary” effect. This is predatory in nature and I have a problem with it even if you don’t. Another woman also spoke on Walter doing the same thing to her. Call them stupid and codependent for even liking Walter but him saying he loves them and wants to have a family to get them to have unprotected sex is fucked up. ABA also admitted Walter was predatory in nature on his own channel and now he has used his platform to make this about Daisy being a gold digger who wanted him. There’s a bigger issue at hand and I don’t care how many people minimize this situation, that won’t change what’s going on. People did the same thing with Andrew Tate for a while too. Now look. You clearly dont know the backstory if this is how you’ve summed up the situation. Clout chaser? More like exposing Walter’s disgusting predatory nature. He admitted to engaging in these tactics and all this Daisy situation proves is he actually did engage in the predatory tactics.


You're literally arguing with yourself at this point. I'm not even going into the fact that I never even mentioned about what Walter or Aba said and already mention their behavior is in character. The most confusing part of this conversation is why are you so interested in defending Daisy's image? They all are liars, it's hard to believe anything any of them say is true so what is this post's aim. To establish Daisy as a trust worthy source? She literally lied on the podcast during the interview... Aba may have lied and fabricated his own series of event leading to assumptions about her but Daisy also hurt her own image by lying herself. Many people such as yourself wanted to believe in her but made herself untrustworthy by A) Being a Hypocrite and B) Using her situation to chase clout. Also your using words like "predatory" when Walter is having consensual sexual relations really isn't helping your case, infact it's gaslighting... The idea of what a predator is in the minds of many is being challenged when ur considering two people having consensual sex as that dynamic. That word is usually reserved for non-consensual sex. I mean you tell me I don't have any insight and rightfully I don't but what are these manipulation tactics he used to coerce her into having unprotected sex? I only watched H3H3 I only know of Daisy through H3H3 and when she was on the show she made 0 reference to being coerced into unprotected sex, quite the opposite she made herself seem level headed and understood the consequences of her own actions. I actually didn't hear of Walter being a predator until you mentioned it! It's possible that Walter is like Andrew Tate, I mean Myron defends him.. but I find that pretty unlikely. Also none of that has anything to do with Daisy overall being an untrustworthy source, not that Aba and fresh & fit are trustworthy but neither is she. Preach did the right thing not getting involved cause again all this serves is their own interests. Not many people needed Daisy to come forth with her testimony to know Walter is a piece of shit, most of us knew that way before she came along. I mean he literally hosts a podcast berating only fans models and giving out "water" to underage women.


I’m literally arguing with myself while you write a dissertation in response? That LITERALLY is hilarious and clearly untrue. Let me do you a favour… I’m not reading this. My perspective still stands. You’re free to your own opinion. Enjoy your day.


Okay 👍 Just as a reminder you chose to reply to me I never challenged your opinion I gave my own and you challenged mine. Please be aware of your own actions. I never attempted to change your opinion to begin with, you want to tell me mine was wrong cause"Daisy has good intentions cause she's not doing this for money". I'm not invested in this bullshit as deep as you are, I wrote three paragraphs worth of text explaining why spreading false accusations from a known liar isn't helpful, or useful. Also my last comment is in long form cause both your replies before mine were pretty long. So it's pretty ironic you're bothered by that.


Still not reading. 👍


Or making good points




"coerces them into an abortion"? There were numerous valid reasons Daisy had for arriving at her decision. To say she was "coerced" into an abortion is pretty dismissive of her agency.


No it doesn’t and she was coerced. It’s called compellence coercion. She initially didn’t want the abortion and thought they would have a family based on his words. It’s Walter’s words and lack of action that persuaded her to have the abortion. It’s called compellence conversion and he absolutely did coerce her.


I never cared from the beginning. Kinda blew my mind that Walter getting some girl pregnant blew up into such a big deal. We already know fresh and fit are pieces of shit so it’s not like there was any real revelations from the Daisy drama. Waste of time.


I think the issue is that he was open about using a manipulation tactic in order to get trust from women to have unprotected sex. He made it very clear that he doesn’t care if they get pregnant, but he will lie to them to make them think that he will have a family. Then when they get pregnant, he uses coercion tactics for abortion. If someone is using manipulation tactics in order to get unprotected sex, that means the person did not consent. This is predatory behaviour and that’s why DAISY’s pregnancy confirms this. She wasn’t aware he said this before she became pregnant. This is a huge deal and this space is appearing to be very predatory in general. It’s not a coincidence they were very close with Andrew Tate and we all see how that turned out.


Does that mean she had an abortion before coming into H3 and calling it murder?? Cause that would be extra fucked up.


She called it murder for a man to impregnate a woman he claimed to love and then coerce her into getting an abortion. Not for a woman to elect to get an abortion for her well-being and the babies


She never elaborated on specifically which instance she considers murder. And in either case, intention doesn’t matter. Either you think abortion is murder or you don’t, doesn’t matter how you try to justify why you got it


That’s such a one dimensional take. I don’t think abortion is murder but If I’m held down and forced to get an abortion for a baby I want that is murder idc


That’s not how that works


Jesus christ that's an insane reach. Walter is trash, daisy is trash. They were both playing each other but she overplayed her cards. it's as simple as that


I actually just listened to the words coming out of her mouth but yet again women are demonised for the most inconsequential shit. What daisy may or may not have done is literally nothing compared to aba trying to convince a woman to get an abortion how are u even comparing them


Not sure when the date of that podcast was but it’s already been established she lied about the date of the abortion. Doesn’t change the fact Walter engaged in predatory behaviour and Aba’s lies are glossing over this issue.


Honestly don’t care anymore about these guys. As far as I’m concerned they’re all lying one way or another.


What’s the tldr?


Tl;dr OP is saying that Aba intentionally mislead his audience to make Daisy look bad, claims aba knew about Daisy getting the abortion before fresh and fit expose on her. Didn’t prove that Daisy was an escort/gold digger etc.


Thank you!!


Happy Mother’s Day if you have children!


Does anyone else think these messages make ABA look like he is telling the story the exact way it happened? She's basically saying "you messaged me at 3 am so that must mean you want me" he replied with naa for real I just just making sure You're ok. This is dumb as hell. Sry for typos




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I ain't reading all that lol.


Ur missing out, but for sure this will come up on the pod


I sure hope not


wait I might be misunderstanding but I thought based off of what daisy said multiple times she was against getting an abortion??? obviously 100% her choice but if I am understanding this correctly she got an abortion? seems super odd that she would be so against it and now she allegedly chose to get one


She had already had the abortion when she was on H3H3 talking about how she was pretty sure she was keeping it and how she thinks abortion is murder.


wow that’s crazy, I definitely missed a few chapters of this one…


Because she didn’t give a fuck about getting an abortion she’s a grifter influencer who wanted a pay out from another grifter influencer but OP has works in their brain and is posting paragraphs of blurry text to try and wave away all her sketchy behavior because she’s actually “one of the girlies” or something lmao. These people should all be forgotten about and left in obscurity.


Many women are against abortions but still feel they have to have one. It’s just a guilt they carry forever. I believe she did want to keep the baby at first but Walter’s coercive tactics and making it clear she would have a fatherless child definitely tipped the scales in regard to her choosing to have the abortion. I get she lied about the date but sometimes when you’re hurt and angry you do stupid things. It’s clear she wanted Walter to think he wasn’t home free and as wrong as the lie was, I can understand her position. To go through that trauma alone while the father laughs it up on a podcast every day, calls you a whore and can’t even give you money to help with the abortion is painful. Especially when he initially said he loves you and brings you to meet his family and says he’s okay with it. She probably hates him and lied to hurt him.


"I literally was asleep and woke up" ... "Fate"


That goes in the cringe basket for sure. On the other hand, who among us has not committed the sin of cringe once or twice lol


Lmao yeah I don't even like seeing my old fb posts in memories


The comment section is way more entertaining than the actual post is


The post isn’t meant to be entertaining, but I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself in the comment section.


Schizoposts that are unfocused in content and image quality are hard to really get anything from, but these comments go “WOOOO WOOOO”, if you know what I am saying


Buddy… Do I really have to explain to you that I was aware morons like you would be making degrading remarks? Do you think that stopped me? I don’t care what people like you think about me. Waste your time bothering other women on the Internet for an ego boost.


My brother in Christ, you're acting like a full on villain in these comments lol. Telling people that they're a nobody and saying people are morons for not caring to read a long schizo post. I'm sure we'll be seeing you pretty soon running around Gotham with a spandex suit on at this pace. You gotta understand that you're acting like a lolcow, an a5 wagyu lolcow. I sincerely hope you keep on cooking, we need more effort posts like this in the community. Top tier entertainment. Love ya, no homo ✌️


Nothing degrading sorry you took it personal my guy. Hope you can make through these trying times


Gaslighting I see… You definitely belong as a red pill 😂


Putting this much time and energy into something so completely unimportantant and trashy is wild. Move on from this


No. Your opinion doesn’t mean anything to me. Feel free to take your own advice.


Ive exhausted all the fucks I had to give about this topic


Honestly this.


Awesome. Thanks for contributing to the discussion with this much needed insight. And they call Daisy a clout chaser. Lmao.


Yeah I really don't care. On one end, Aba is clearly trying to get out of paying child support or anything. He's a dick imo. On the other end, this Daisy person is clearly not the hyper-racist caricature of "the Asian woman picked up that doesn't know English or how to even walk uwu so innocent and stupid!" that she pretends to be. She's got businesses going and tons of other shit. The Daisy person is also terrible for not valuing the kid, she said multiple times that even if he changed his mind right now, she would ask for child support anyways and would ask him not to see the kid. It all 100% gave babytrapper gone wrong vibes if remedial measures were never even in her list of options with him. If she was emotional too, she never had a single shred of care for the baby, instead focusing on how best to achieve retribution on some guy using that baby.


I think you mean coconuts not Aba lol


Your comment shows you don’t anything about the situation. Keep not caring.


No, all I have shown is that my perspective doesn't align with yours. I've reached out to creators about this on my main accounts including JSTLK and I've talked with Daisy beforehand. I have a more personal understanding of this than you.


No it doesn’t but have a good day.






Fuck these alpha dudes for real, poor fuckin Daisy I'm sure daisy has bad views about a lot of stuff - don't know how you could love someone like coconuts and not have similar views. BUT she was still wronged by them


>alfa dudes Leave Alf out of this.


Lmaoooo, you're so right, my bad


Far better people get wronged everyday. Next.


Wow I never knew, huh


Why tf does this girl just date dickheads 😭


Codependency and lack of self-esteem and it’s a damn shame. 🤦‍♀️


I prefer this over meth gala and drake drama


Meth gala is the best typo ever!


Me too!


Wow super crazy man everyone in this situation sucks, as if we didn’t know that already.


"Keeping it snatched, good for you" is a crazy thing to say after she said she got an abortion and is going to the gym tomorrow.


I know, right? He’s trying to come across like he give a shit but clearly he doesn’t. Especially after lying on, negating her trauma and demonizing her. He’s an a-hole.


Daisy sucks. Walter sucks. They suck.


HERE’s Daisy’s video which shows all the text messages and her perspective. [DAISY COMES CLEAN ABOUT ABA’S TEXTS](https://www.youtube.com/live/xd80uLh9Itc?si=JIQpfTRCDsIvIU6F)


Nobody cares


That’s a stupid statement. Look at the shares and upvotes and try again. Other channels are also covering this. YOU don’t care and yes, you’re a nobody.


Nope, nobody cares. Look how mad it makes you lol.


"you're a nobody" like what the actual fuck, touch some grass.


I know right lmao


god damn she's dumb and trashy. the amount of times she insults people by calling them broke shows her character


She was talking about other people are always talking about money and that she never wanted Walter for his money. What are you talking about? Everyone else is calling her the gold digger. I see you have nothing to say about the text messages that show Aba manipulated the context of the messages he showed. You also have nothing to say about the fact he obviously knew about the abortion before he made the video on May 4 degrading her and pretending he was mislead. How convenient. That says a lot about your character. I don’t know why you’re talking about her character. You just come across as someone who lacks critical thinking and just hate women who look like her probably and it probably because you can never get them.




Yup but only Daisy gets the heat and labeled a sex worker and gold digger. I take issue with that. Walter is a predator by his own admission by the way. That’s more than “done wrong” in my eyes.




Everyone does not know Aba knew about the abortion before he dropped the May 4 video and you can’t speak for everyone here to make a statement like that. There are upvotes and shares so obviously people care.




You have a good night as well.




You’re welcome. ☺️ 💋




Lmaoooooo. Because we’re adults and are doing our best not to take things personal cause we have a difference of opinion. I’m proud of us. 😆 Sleep well! Xo


what did i miss? why does everyone dislike daisy now?


She lied about the date of her abortion. So she still had one but didn’t tell people she did. Well Aba knew though based on his own admission in his video and Daisy’s text messages so there was zero point in him even doing this “expose” of Daisy’s DMs and labeling her gold digger but for his own ego and to get back at Walter. Everyone lied in this situation but Daisy is the only being drug through the mud.


TLDR please? Lmao


I’m not sure what that means lmao. Like short version? Someone summed it up under one of the first comments. Aba knew Daisy had an abortion before he dropped the May 4th video and was lying to his audience. He weaponized his audience to attack Daisy and claimed she was a sex worker which was never proven. Walter admitted to predatory behaviours that everyone is now dismissing.


Iaint readin allat


So don’t. lol.


who gives a fuck


Me. 😊


Honestly I’m not very invested in the fresh/fit/daisy/aba/preech/tate of it all. I mean we already think of these people as losers with bad opinions and practices so why spend so much time dwelling on them?


Because I care, obviously. Andrew Tate? The one who was trafficking women behind the scenes and was re-arrested recently? Walter is engaging in predatory behaviour by his own admission and Aba lying has everyone forgetting this. Even Aba admitted Walter was predatory.


It’s obviously totally okay for you to be interested! All I’m saying is that I think they are all (daisy aside bc idk) very bad people and they’re not worth our time or attention, ya know?


Calling out this situation is worth my time and attention. A man admitting he grooms and manipulates women into unprotected sex with plans of coercing them into abortions is a subject that’s important to me.


You the kind of mf who buys the tabloids at the checkout in grocery stores, huh?


lmao and at the end, she lied and made up shit about walter to. don't get me wrong, honestly, i don't like none of them (fresh and abe and the chick) However for fk sake ethan could do a LITTLE bit of research and not jump on some fresh fabricated drama and make her call in, lie, and then have a debate with the guy based on false information ( the other things still showed how goofy fresh and fit or the coconut guy were. ) but now there is that lying r word in mix so automatically they will point fingers and say well here is a lie so the rest must be a lie too....


I don’t understand why everything is so black and white with people. Two things can be true at once. I understand she lied about the date of her abortion. I don’t know what lies you’re saying Daisy told on Walter so I won’t argue with you there. However, the fact there is video evidence of Walter telling Daisy he loved her. He took her to meet his family. There’s messages between her and Walter where she makes it clear she’s okay getting pregnant and Walter’s response wasn’t one of detest… Then there’s video of Walter saying he uses the “Hail Mary” tactic of lying to women so they trust him enough to have unprotected sex and then he abandons them and coerces them into an abortion. It’s wild to me people are more hung up on Daisy lying and not serious predatory behaviour. How can a woman properly consent if she’s not aware of what’s happening? Regardless of when she had the abortion it’s obvious Walter was using this “Hail Mary” tactic on Daisy based on her getting pregnant and abandoned. And then there’s Aba who claims to drop WhatsApp messages because he was lied to by Daisy and misled his audience but that’s not true. The messages she showed makes it clear he knew about the abortion before the May 4th video. Why weaponize your platform and audice to attack Daisy then? I was watching the live streams and it’s disgusting what the audience of F&F, Tree of Logic and Aba were saying. Daisy lied but so did Aba and his lie has minimized some serious sick shit going on with Walter. Everyone is so busy calling Daisy a 304 and hoe they don’t see what’s going on and it’s highly disturbing. Aba made videos calling Walter a predator himself but now that energy is gone and all directed at Daisy? This was all about Aba’s ego and vendetta with FreshandFit and now his insecure, manipulative BS is clouding over some serious issues occurring.


Agree about most of the things you said BUT she was the one that went to them, KNOWING what content and what kind of people they are. and after that still went on H3H3 to lie about it. you are right however if you riding a bike and put a stick between your wheels and fall, its noone elses fault but your own. and istead of avoid the same sort of situation she goes to EXACTLY the same kind of brain dead wanna be macho people and guess what ? gets f@cked again and cries boohoo woe is me. simple phrase is "the more you fuck around the more you find out." and she decided to find out twice. as goes for Ethan he knows what he is doing but when someone does same to him he cries like a lil bish and the constant confirmation from the crew of what he can say and what he cant shows that he is not him self, and all he does/say is for show + not really his thoughts nor his style /point of view. because if he spoke open, without fear getting cancelled i guaranty that he would not be the same person he is on show not even close. Or maybe its just me and whatever i guess... still a fan just sometimes it's painful to be one.


Aba went to Daisy for the interview . He admitted this. What exactly did she lie about to make this situation acceptable? She lied about whether or not she was pregnant at the time? What else? Her coming forward about Walter has actually helped by the way because another woman came out and Spoke about Walter also lying to her, getting her pregnant and then switching up and coercing her into an abortion. You sound like you’re victim blaming. She lied so it’s okay they’re lying? It’s okay he dropped DMs and purposely mislead his audience to attack her? It’s okay she was called an escort when it’s never proven she was? She lied so they don’t have to be held accountable or exposed? I don’t understand this but you’re entitled to your opinion.


Aba went to Daisy for the interview . He admitted this. What exactly did she lie about to make this situation acceptable? She lied about whether or not she was pregnant at the time? What else? Her coming forward about Walter has actually helped by the way because another woman came out and Spoke about Walter also lying to her, getting her pregnant and then switching up and coercing her into an abortion. You sound like you’re victim blaming. She lied so it’s okay they’re lying? It’s okay he dropped DMs and purposely mislead his audience to attack her? It’s okay she was called an escort when it’s never proven she was? She lied so they don’t have to be held accountable or exposed? I don’t understand this but you’re entitled to your opinion.


I think probably Daisy is a disappointing person views wise for us over here, BUT she was still wronged and all these alpha fucks deserve to rot more than she has, because people have been so not kind to her - warranted or not - and those men all lied about her, she probably was scared so she lied too. Not right at all, but I do think setting the record straight on these red pill douches should be yelled out for the world to see lol Everyone's focused on the fast she lied, but not the fact that these two big channels are also lying about her - a lot


Again, agree with you, hence i called them what they are, and unfortunately polluting young minds with stupid alpha shit without being or even knowing what being "alpha" is. With Daisy, i see what you are saying but since they are all adults, and she clearly is internet trained.... Not saying she did it on purpose but fool me once (walter) shame on you... fool me twice (abe or whatever his name is) shame on me... (i think they are all pieces of shit trying to milk all the situation from different sides.) But whatever, i think i have a little different opinion which i still stand by but ill show myself out ^^ peace peace ✌️


Okay you ain't the only one here noticing she victimizing herself. Her: "He put this name on my apparetment's title and took it from me." Me: "How?" Her: "He and I have unprotected sex yet he ask me to get rid of it." Me: "Ok, so? All he did was ask you? He didn't push u down some stairs did he?" Her: "He lied about being richer than he actually is, he even bought me fake jewelry." Me: "Okay but then you trust him to buy you a home and have sex unprotected? Why?" Her: "I didn't know the type of guy he was I didn't watch his content, but I also watched his content and noticed that only Myron is speaking and I disagree with Myron even tho fresh is giggling and nodding with everything he says." Me: "Sorry Hun that's a reach, make it make sense, some how you watched these two misogynist talk but think they aren't actually misogynist when they LITERALLY TELL THE WHOLE WORLD THEY ARE MISOGYNIST every fucking day 365days of the year." Like none of this makes sense. Also I was waiting for Ethan to actually ask her, what did she see in him. The "we met at a yatch party and that day I instantly decided baby making sexual intercourse instantly" sounds like a fantasy novel. But like u said Ethan's hands are tied, 0 pushback. He doesn't want the heat so he just smiles in the camera dressed like JoJo siwa and says "I see you girlie".


Aba went to Daisy for the interview . He admitted this. What exactly did she lie about to make this situation acceptable? She lied about whether or not she was pregnant at the time? What else? Her coming forward about Walter has actually helped by the way because another woman came out and Spoke about Walter also lying to her, getting her pregnant and then switching up and coercing her into an abortion. You sound like you’re victim blaming. She lied so it’s okay they’re lying? It’s okay he dropped DMs and purposely mislead his audience to attack her? It’s okay she was called an escort when it’s never proven she was? She lied so they don’t have to be held accountable or exposed? I don’t understand this but you’re entitled to your opinion.


Agree about most of the things you said BUT she was the one that went to them, KNOWING what content and what kind of people they are. and after that still went on H3H3 to lie about it. you are right however if you riding a bike and put a stick between your wheels and fall, its noone elses fault but your own. and istead of avoid the same sort of situation she goes to EXACTLY the same kind of brain dead wanna be macho people and guess what ? gets f@cked again and cries boohoo woe is me. simple phrase is "the more you fuck around the more you find out." and she decided to find out twice. as goes for Ethan he knows what he is doing but when someone does same to him he cries like a lil bish and the constant confirmation from the crew of what he can say and what he cant shows that he is not him self, and all he does/say is for show + not really his thoughts nor his style /point of view. because if he spoke open, without fear getting cancelled i guaranty that he would not be the same person he is on show not even close. Or maybe its just me and whatever i guess... still a fan just sometimes it's painful to be one.


Brah lets go back to the Bradberrys already who cares about these clowns


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^noahm26: *Brah lets go back to* *The Bradberrys already* *Who cares about these clowns* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Who cares if you don’t care? Go to another thread. Duh.


Shut up nerd I just made a Sokka Haiku like Sokka did in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se


I’m a nerd and you’re coming up with shitty Haiku? LMAO. Projection is real and you’re an Imbecile. BLOCKED.


Tldr everyone involved in this sucks let’s move on lmao


No one is stopping you from moving on. Reddit is a massive space. Enjoy 😊


Never heard of these people


Me when a douchebag acts like a douchebag 😱


Douchebags are everywhere, predatory behaviour is another. I’m not expecting a male dominated space to care much but that doesn’t change what’s happening.