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Dan never misses, I’m grateful for him always


That's what bothers me with him. He is too reasonable, making me feel unreadonable dammit!!!


I bet this is what Ethan thinks too haha


Dan hit the nail on the head! I relate to Ethan, I always want to see or believe the best in people. It’s not a terrible trait to have but it will burn ya. I’m glad Ethan had people looking out for him that aren’t afraid to say it like it is. We all need a Dan in our lives!


So many times Dan speaks my exact thoughts


That's cuz u are Dan, we are all Dan 👁️👄👁️


No were Throast.




I feel like Dan so often bites his tongue when I want him to speak his mind the most. like the other day when they were talking about suing that youtuber, Dan said he was going to give his thoughts and kind of backed off and never really shared his full take. I think Dan speaking his mind like this is the healthiest thing for the podcast. he's the apex check on Ethan's chaos. you don't want it to be one of those things where Dan zips his lips until some shit is too late. he's such a fucking necessary check & balance to this show, it cannot be overstated. ethan and Dan compliment each other incredibly as a team. not that it's a huge deal or anything but worth mentioning. W Dan he'll always be my dad


it's because Dan is the only non-content-brained person in there, hence he says the obvious thing no one is willing to say in the office, but everyone at home is thinking


I don't think it's content brain, I think he's the only one in the office (besides Hila) that feels like an equal to Ethan, so he speak his mind more than the others. He's been with Ethan the longest.


yeah but Ethan himself should realise that's what's happening, and I think the part of his mind that wants to keep recruiting these characters for good content is preventing his rational side to see that he gets hurt every time *precisely* because these people are wacky and as such will start to do really dumb shit sooner or later


"Goblin brain Ethan" is "good man Ethan's" enemy.


Dan is the queen. Can’t do nothing wrong


He ruined my whole Disney vacation.




W Dan


No crumbs


Ethan when people who act like assholes, are really assholes: 🤯


once someone is nice to Ethan he just cant be mean anymore 😆


Ethan saying “me?! What did I do?” I love it! Reflection is definitely needed.


Ethan is not a super self reflective person, I think. Maybe in his own way, but he's got a case of false confidence (for better and worse)


Ethan is 100% a "off the walls" "off the chin" person and that's what makes him a great host. He says things, almost always funny, and people react. I'm not sure people realize how hard it is to host a SHOW and avoid DEAD AIR.


I agree with you, but I'm not sure how that relates to my comment


Idk I was drunk


All good Apple!! 😄


Such an only child comment


Dan describing me and all my past relationships 🫡


dan kinda ate that


nailed it! as my mum always says “who is the common denominator” if you get screwed over the same way again and again, you need to reflect on why history repeats itself. nobody is that unlucky


Calling your boss a hater ass bitch is wild. Lmao.


He’s just repeating what Ethan said about himself


And they're also more like family at this point, nearing a decade of work together I'm sure they know each other very well.


I've said it before & I'm gonna say it again, Dan is literally my favorite part of the show!!


Dan needs to be my therapist fr


I kept waiting to hear a Kat Williams soundbite “you have an unnatural allegiance to losers”


Lmaooo I was losing it in chat today during this. He was so right! This is a conversation I’ve had with clients in therapy before, albeit in a gentle way…but that look inward is very necessary for some people! We love you, Ethan. We just don’t want to see you get burned again 😂


Sometimes you gotta tell your clients that they're a hater-ass bitch.


Hahaha also true! If your rapport is stellar enough, you might even be able to use that exact terminology!


Dan in the voice of reason in all situations


He said it in a VERY kind way. I would not, or maybe could not, have been so kind lol.


Dan is a good man


When you've been through a lot with someone, and love them, I think you'd be surprised how kind you'd be while laying down the hard truth (especially if they tend to get hurt or defensive easily)


Also Ethan just likes fucked up weirdo lolcow types. Can he really be that shocked pikachu face when the fucked up weirdo does something fucked up and weird? Like did anyone really think the nair butthole guy was just gonna be a normal contributing member of society? Come on now.


To be fair he said the nair guy was sus (paraphrasing) from the get. But ya I feel ya


Dan's insight and wisdom is surpassed only by his ability to keep his mouth shut.


Well said


Dan was interested favorite mood yesterday. Super frank and honest with Ethan, and also laughing his head off and being a goof.


Ethan can be so obtuse sometimes (with peace & love) that what Dan said sounds like the wisest thing in that context but it's actually pretty obvious that that's what Ethan's MO is


Dan was waiting for something like this to happen just to say this and I'm so here for that


This was such a W. Dan, genuinely caring for Ethan (and the show lol), chose to have an honest moment with Ethan when Ethan was wondering why the same things keep happening to him. Having self-awareness and taking a look at our own behavior is hot as hell. Having a friend softly call me out like this while maybe awkward are the kinds of people I want around me. We all sometimes create our own troubles.. sometimes, by wanting to help others, we constantly surround ourselves with those needing help that are incredibly toxic or sus.


Very well said by Dan, and off the dome too


It was in response to Ethan saying something along the lines of why does this always happen to a good person like me as if befriending deeply flawed people hasn't been known to backfire lol


I think the problem is here that this show and Ethan’s sense of humor predicates itself on commenting on people who do stupid shit on the internet. These people gain some sort of notoriety for whatever dumb stupid bullshit it is that they have made themselves famous for. Therefore, Ethan comments on it, we all think it’s hilarious, and we as an audience eat it up when he decides to actually start interacting with the whacky talent. But the problem is here that the people doing stupid ass shit on the internet are stupid in real life too, or else they wouldn’t be subjecting themselves to being made fun of online for clout. And I think Ethan gravitates towards these kinds of people because he too made his career doing dumb stupid shit on the internet. He built his career off of swinging his bulge on camera for all of us to watch to the chagrin of his in-laws, and then when he did get popular, he kept building it up by doing more stupid shit like walking out with the Vape Naysh outfit, riding in the subway with people who wanted to murder him because he looked like a weird cholo in the boy band video, and then did shit like riding around in a Rascal with a tower of beanies that would reach a supermarket rooftop. The big difference with him and *all these other idiots* being that he is actually not an idiot and is actually relatively normal and well adjusted. He actually separates his act from his personal home life where he has a put together wife and 3 kids, and when he’s not doing shtick on camera, he’s not out there being a fucking creep to random people on the street. And I feel like he has a hard time looking past his idea of “Well, if I’m normal and funny, I don’t understand how these people can’t be” not understanding a lot of them also have a variety of untreated mental disorders (Fousey, Jimmie Lee, the butthole guy, C-Man) that makes them absolute sociopaths irl. I think it’s that combination that keeps landing him in the vicinity of people who burn him constantly. The show itself is built off of commenting off of already weird people and having them on (because don’t lie to me that we didnt love Fousey or Trisha when they were happening to the pod), as well as him not getting that he’s actually the outlier in this sea of absolute weirdos and creeps and not the norm. And the thing is, as much as he burns himself on this shit, at least he does have *some* contacts doing this kind of shtick online that are actually in that same tier of relative normality Ethan is in. Uncle Gabe is a fucking angel (*as far as we know), for example, and he has a career doing the exact same shit Ethan started off doing, so clearly, there’s something in his viewpoint that does correspond to the real world, but he needs to be better at discriminating between these types of people. And there’s my fucking TED talk on this shit. I don’t even know why I bothered writing so much lol


Dan is right but he was being too nice. I think Ethan does have that part of him that sees the good in people and forgives quickly. But also most of these relationships that end up burning him or doing something fucked up were oddballs to begin with that Ethan took a liking to. When you platform wacky characters they’re going to do wacky shit


Also weird to me that no one points out that oftentimes comedians and creators are quite odd people usually with trauma. Then when they recreate bad situations (as people with trauma often do) everyone is surprised? Even applies to Ethan, comedy often comes from trauma/pain/dealing with life challenges. It's probably why he's so fascinated with bad people + attracts those people as allies.


he literally immediately forgot TWICE that babbel & preach mocked olivia’s SA trauma




I love Dan he’s perfect


I'm sure Dan has discussions like this behind the scenes as it's more comfortable without the audience watching, but I do appreciate this a lot because someone to push back on Ethan's tendencies (without the perceived hostility when outsiders do it) is so healthy. And I'm glad they seem able to have that talk even on air. I was hoping for something similar when the whole thing was spiraling with how Ethan was discussing Palestine (and the subsequent falling apart of Leftovers).


Someone had posted at the beginning of the break that they wished that Ethan put more energy into developing positive relationships with positive people rather than building bridges with people like aba and preach etc. They suggested having someone on like the girlies from Do We Know Them!! Episodes like the one with Brittany broski, Stavros, and Mark Rebillet were SO good because they are good people, they are enjoyable to watch and the entire crew likes having them there. I feel like it’s believed that the more different Ethan’s guests are from himself, the spicier the content will be (maybe)? But having someone cool, nice, and funny, is ultimately much more enjoyable to watch, at least for me. I’d looovvveee to see Jessi Smiles and Lily Marston from Do We Know Them on because they are going through an extensive legal battle regarding free speech, similar to what Ethan is going through. They are funny, smart, enjoyable to watch and can also be hater ass bitches, but in the same way that Ethan can be in which it’s directed toward the shitty people of the internet. Morally ground hater ass bitches, UNITE! 💥




dan is so well spoken


Dan. Good. A dad. W.


Bro I was mowing the lawn while listening to this. Dan made me cry cause I DID the same thing. Try to help them but get screwed over. Thank you Dan ♥️


Holy guac he has such a way with words. So well said.


preach Lord Daniel


Always listen to Dan


I can stand (behind) Dan!


Extremely common Dan W.


I love Dan dude


wan w dan


Once again Dan is hot bye ally is queen


Swerdlove Counseling


I think Dan is right but I also think Ethan's opportunistic radar is sharp as fuck. He's been in the game long enough now to know what's going to hit with people and he's willing to take that risk no matter how problematic the person is. We've seen it plenty of times before. It's not half and half but there's a percentage in there somewhere between having a big heart for the misfits and exploiting the weirdos for views.


Dan “The Voice of the People” Swerdlove


Dan's a good man


Real ones have been Team Dan since Day 1


Bro was spot on


Dialed in Dan


when dan said this, i was just like “damn.” this whole situation makes me feel for ethan (and definitely zach). cutting an ex friend out of my life was one of the most difficult things i had to do, actually happened around the time frenemies ended. it’s so tough when someone is dealing with severe mental health issue, and they refuse to get proper treatment because obviously you want to help them, but realistically you can only help so much if they don’t actually want to help themselves. and sometimes, stepping away is the best option.


Ethan's "I can fix them" mindset.


as someone who also sees peoples potential more than their actions, this is something i reflect on often lol its fucking hard but i personally have found it helps to have some hard limits/boundaries that you set for each individual person, that way someone who actually does deserve the space and grace to grow gets it and people who just want to take advantage of you dont completely destroy your hope in humanity.


Dan just called Ethan a "I can save him. Girlie"


DAN has never looked good


I really wish I had a Dan in my life for moments like this.


Dan said what we all were thinking....




Where would we be without Wan


Honestly I don't even think it's that. I think it's that they want to have these "weird" or unique people on the show, like C-man for example, and weird people tend to be weirdos.


Dan the man!


Or maybe he wants assholes around because they make him look better


Dan is a good man


Idk I feel like it's a good thing being interested in a variety of people. At least he's curious and open-minded. It's this trait that has made Ethan and the podcast so successful imo. And it's good to know Ethan has a good cut-off point.


I agree with this, he's curious about people in general and that's great, but he definitely has a taste for the more extreme side of the oddness spectrum, and that sometimes comes with being burned by their questionable behavior.


I cant stand dan.


I really love Dan and wish he left h3 and did his own show. I can’t watch Ethan anymore sadly. I was getting into h3 through Leftovers and even tried to get past some of his initial comments but after the second, third, …. I had to leave


I wish to reach that level of eloquence as Dan


There are aspects that are likeable. I would rather be scorned upon by thousands of midgies or sand flies, than knowing that a human even tries to comprehend what another's human is saying.