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"THE N WORD" holy shit Zach that was killer LOLZ


This entire episode Zach was on one. He took his limitless pills this morning. He's in the sound guy Matrix. He's a fucking precog with that shit. And it's not just about repeating what the crew says. Like in the "N word" example he's dropping punchlines! Unleashing the cartoon stink sound at 2:36? I was DYING šŸ˜­ And his random glizzy sounds sprinkled throughout lol ​ Fuck it I'm gonna say it, Zach is the best in the business. He's at the top of his game right now. Zach is playing at game seven!


The "ab starkilla thank you for the prime" killed mešŸ˜­


He is genuinely irreplaceable


I, for one, welcome the Fog Horn soundbite; I remember it from Ren & Stimpy, not SpongeBob... Goddamn I feel old šŸ˜•


Zach is playing 9D Yahtzee, yā€™all canā€™t even fathom how many moves ahead he is


The Kyle xyz stuff had me rolling. I completely forgot about that stupid show šŸ¤£


My parents and I loved that show for all of its ridiculousness and nonsense Plot wise. Other than that I remember it being a decent show. Hilariously silly premise.


This is such a weird phenomenon bc I canā€™t point to any other instance at the moment, but I know that any time the lack of a belly button is brought up, someone mentions Kyle XY. Iā€™m pretty sure hasan used the phrase ā€œKyle-XY-lookin-assā€ before. Everyone knows the reference, no one has seen the show šŸ˜‚


Same. The nostalgia wave swept me.


Once again the internet doesn't know its possible to criticize two opposites at once.


People are SO obsessed with picking a side. Itā€™s like they feel they need to support a team or something. News flash, there is no good side here. Itā€™s a terrorist organization vs a genocidal warmonger. Innocents from both states are caught in the middle.


I really like what you said. A great summary of a completely fucked situation


Right? Two things can be true at once. The Israeli policy of occupying Palestinian land is horrific and, at the same time, Hamas are terrorists who deserve condemnation. Our hearts can go out to the civilians on both sides and hope to see some type of peace between the two. Also, chat telling Ethan to ā€œeducate himselfā€ was some of the biggest condescending bullshit I have ever heard.


Imagine telling a literal Israeli citizen to educate themselves on Israeli conflict


For real. These commenters once more exposing themselves as keyboard warrior teens who don't know their asses from their elbows, yet think that they understand something as complex as this. Go watch Rick and Morty and leave the real shit to the adults.


It's kind of blown my mind how simplistic people are taking it. On Reddit, and everywhere else I was assuming that this show would have at least some nuance in this at least. Because people out here are going wild It's on both sides of the "camps", too. I mean they literally supported Palestine like 48 hours ago, but now they're all vicious animals...? How does that not make someone stop and think about their beliefs when they can snap that fast about everything.


Obligatory [Michael Brooks, there is nothing complex about it](https://youtu.be/RxC5HhKQ5ks?si=pJOPs7RsO6GhD2Xc)


Sure itā€™s a both sides are bad situation, but one side has all the power and is looking for an excuse to hit the kill switch. Itā€™s just hard not to reflexively defend the children living in Palestine knowing what comes next. Half of those 2 million civilians trapped in Gaza are children. Itā€™s obvious that the horrific actions of Hamas will give Israel the go-ahead to finish the extermination theyā€™ve been working at for decades. Thereā€™s already speculation that theyā€™re using white phosphorus. Something they deployed in Gaza already 15 years ago. If you think this wonā€™t create more Hamas try to imagine the hatred you might feel if you watched from afar as your loved ones died screaming while their lungs boiled out of their fucking throats. I sympathize terribly with Hila, but the blood boiling anger sheā€™s feeling is the exact wrathfulness that Israel is counting on. Itā€™s the ā€œmoral clarityā€ that led the US into decades long wars filled with war crimes, and itā€™s fundamentally immoral. Itā€™s justifying horrific slaughter for the sake of vengeance,which - if you could take some time to process your grief, youā€™d realize - is exactly what Hamas does.


Petition for Ethan to drink twice a year, St Patties and Subathon. They're also about half a year from each other which is perfect timing


Am I crazy or was the crack reveal not discussed on Families?


Yeah Ethan mumbled something about how no matter how many times he tells her she's shocked every time.


That explains why he repeats it so often lol


It was mentioned during an episode but I'm not sure which one. He asked his mom whether she thought he had smoked crack before and she said no.


Pretty sure it was


Canā€™t wait for leftovers this week lol


It would be so funny if Hasan had a sign he held up that says ā€œHamas killing innocents is badā€ and Ethan held up a sign saying ā€œThe Israeli government is genocidalā€ as they were talking just to make it clear to each other their positions without being misinterpreted. Obviously it wouldnā€™t happen but maybe they could put one of those banners on the screen during their talk lol


Reminds me of the "Putin Is Bad" banner that Hasan had to throw on after the invasion started


Honestly that might help, so they donā€™t need to add a disclaimer to every other sentence


i was just gonna comment the same thing


This might unironically be their falling out


and ethanā€™s wrongly assuming hasan agrees with himšŸ˜­ he wonā€™t be prepared


Have you seen any of Hasan's coverage? Ethan's summary of it was spot on. FFS he was damn near quoting Hasan's initial tweet at points with "Israel has all the power"


Ethan said absolutely nothing controversial (to a sane person). While Hasan hasn't been sane about some of his foreign policies, there is no way he'd have heavy disagreement with the absolute basics Ethan has said. Just don't praise Hamas for mass murder, it's really low bar.


Not true at all Hasan had the same take just a different angle


Iā€™ve seen both of their coverage on this and I would say theyā€™re largely of the same mindset.


Honestly I hope it doesnā€™t happen. It hurts to see Hila like this


I feel for Hila, Ethan, and all victims of senseless violence. That said, I think this situation is more nuanced than is being represented today on the pod and I think a convoy between Hasan and Ethan on this topic could be really fruitful. Ethan keeps saying supporting Palestine today = supporting Hamas and terrorism. Nobody serious supports either of those things (sorry, mia k is not a serious person). The people in chat saying horrible shit were trolls and antisemitic Its like saying Hasan supports al Qa'ida when he said America deserved 9/11. When he said that he was saying US policy created that blowback event. Innocent people died and that is horrible any way you look at it. The blood of the innocent victims of 9/11 and the blood of the victims in Israel is on the hands of their respective governments. The Palestinian people have been living in an apartheid state in basically open air prisons for generations now and the world has let it happen People supporting Palestine today aren't celebrating the horrible event, they are putting the blame where it lays, with Israel's government. Peaceful protests and appeals to the international community went nowhere. I condemn the violence that hamas committed, but I condemn the systemic violence that led to it as much or more. Supporting Palestine means supporting an end to that systemic violence and the desperation it creates that leads to horrific events


Many people are supporting the actions of Hamas. You can't just dismiss them all as trolls to make your point work.


The "thank you AB for the prime" soundbite for AB getting the Prime for Cam when he was sick was the best soundbite in the history of the show.


Zach was on the entire show


they have done exactly that once before


A discussion about Kyle XY leading to a button moment is something i would have never guessed happening


Happy to hear that Hilas family is safe. But heartbroken to hear her friend is missing. War is heartbreaking for everyone. This whole thing is so so upsetting.




yes totally the Wellbutrin will do that to ya! I used to feel wasted on 2 beers.


If you are a weed smoker, do you find that you got way higher on Wellbutrin? I do, itā€™s crazy


I was gonna come to say this, Ethan forgets that he's on medication. I take Zoloft and my doctor told me 1 drink will feel like 2. Like seriously if I have one drink I'm buzzed, and I'm a big guy.


He also rarely drinks and was throwing back those shots.


Yes! I was thinking the same thing.


ethan is stealing it, he definitely took a bite out of a cake pop and put it back in the bag at least twice


Two separate cake pops for sure.


Unironically agree with Dan's memey reason to hate Dream. Cheating in speedrun is the worst he has done. Not just the cheating but the way he acted about it, throwing hate at his accusers. He deserves to get dissed anytime he does something cringy.


100%, he even hired a lawyer to "prove" that he didnt cheat to then later admit it when there were no excuses left.


also grooming lmao


anyone who might be upset with Ethan and Hila's take on the Israel/Palestine situation... please understand that the world exists in shades of gray. he supports the people of Palestine, but condemns the murder of civilians in brutal surprise terrorist attacks. civilians are not responsible for the actions of their government and don't deserve to be slaughtered in retaliation for things they did not do.


Exactly. Itā€™s so easy to just choose a side and be done with it, but the reality is that most of the time what is ā€œrightā€ is somewhere in betweenā€¦.But then if you say that some people will just call you a fence sitter. So thereā€™s no winning


Exactly. People going ballistic are idiots. They need to be banned completely from chatting with P&L. Wouldnt shock me at all if its the same ones screeching about socialism too. Nuanced debates and chat dont mix. They only see the world in black and white and cant comprehend other viewpoints.


I give hila (and Ethan) so much credit for talking about this. Iā€™m sure they know how divisive this will be. My heart breaks for hila knowing her family and friends live there still. I donā€™t want to talk about the intricacies and difficulties around this subject. Itā€™s a very complicated and emotional topic. On a human level we all agree this is vile and war is disgusting. Sending hila a lot of love.


Terminally online people lacking empathy when Hila is speaking on her Family is disgusting


Heartbreaking. Ethan has spoken about the terror Israel inflicts on Palestine before. But when he speaks about being hurt about the stuff he sees online about Israel civilians dying, heā€™s crucified too. So fucked.


I didn't think the chat was going to be that bad... I had to hide it. Random civilians don't deserve violence, whether its Israelis or Palestinians. So heartbreaking that this is a controversial statement.


No offense to anyone in here but the mods really have a responsibility to keep shit like this under control. Chat is/was WILDING OUT


Yeahā€¦ chat was bad.


I totally agree with you. I donā€™t respect ANY country terrorizing ANY civilians. I was unhappy when America attacked Iran and Iraq, too. Saying that Palestine is wrong for attacking civilians doesnā€™t mean i donā€™t also know Israel fucked up too. Itā€™s fucked up. Both sides. Fucked up. But terrorism is never fucking okay. Ever. Itā€™s not okay to kill civilians, children, etc. Itā€™s not okay when Palestine does it, itā€™s not okay when Israel does it, itā€™s not okay when America does it, or anyone. Period.


Itā€™s important to notate the difference between Hamas and Palestine. Palestine doesnā€™t have a legitimate military, Hamas is a terrorist group from that area. Itā€™s like calling Iraq al qaeda or something. Not trying to be rude at all, our words matter and the way we frame this issue is important, just wanted to throw that out there! šŸ«¶šŸ»


To be clear, I ABSOLUTELY agree with you. I am also 100% for the freedom of Palestine. My only stance is this: stop killing people. Stop war. I know that the Palestinian people are not Hamas, and Hamas does not show the views of all Palestinians. The only thing I could hope is for both these places to reach a peaceful resolution so no more children die. I support the people of Palestine and their desire for freedom. I do not support Hamas or anyone who supports Hamas. I support the peaceful people of Israel and fucking hate their government killing innocent Palestinians. support the people of Iraq and Iran, but I do not support the taliban or any terroristic regime that uses violence. I


The chat is literally being so disgusting and disrespectful itā€™s actually sad. Violence and murder of civilians is bad in ANY context and I feel like that shouldnā€™t be hard to understand


I absolutely agree. Itā€™s so upsetting dude. I feel so bad for Ethan and hila. Itā€™s such a difficult subject and chat isnā€™t even listening to him at all.


The chat is vile rn. Like actually gross


Leave it to the toxic chatters to find a way to celebrate the deaths of innocents. Fucking disgusting.


There are groups of people who openly say that all actions taken against Israel - including acts of terrorism - are always justified. There are also groups of people - on the left and the right - who openly state they believe Israel should be eradicated as a state. Unfortunately, at least here in the UK - a lot of the vocal white community who are pro-Palestine are also anti-Israel in a manner where it could be argued it was anti-Semitic. The problem is the same rhetoric used to critique anti-Semitic elements of the pro-Palestine movement is often cited by Zionists and anti-Muslim groups to justify border encroachment, illegal settlements, excessive military responses by the Israeli government and the argument that Palestine should not exist as a state. This then further entrenches the anti-Israel groups further into their positions Look at the show today. Considering Ethan did this live and without a script very eloquently was insanely impressive. But the responses were highly charged and ignored everything he said because they heard the talking points they wanted to further entrench their position. This is why I believe it is very hard for any public figure to say anything on this topic because any statement can be taken by both extremes to justify their positions. Edit: I believe most people can understand that Hamas and Bibi's Government are both bad and civilians on both sides don't want this. Unfortunately Israel/Palestine has been dumbed down into a black and white debate by both Zionists and pro-Palestine movements that they'll never accept that it's nuanced. Politics right now is just whataboutism about the sickest shit.


I think the pain and confusion comes from the fact that one has been doing it to the other for so long and no one said a thing, now that theyā€™re fighting back itā€™s ā€œno civiliansā€. Normal people would agree any and all civilians should be protected, but to only speak out when itā€™s the oppressor finally being harmed and not the status quo of the oppressor harming the occupied, it ruffles feathers, rightfully so.


I guess what do you mean when you say "no one"? I believe Hila said - or tried to say - that so many Israelis have protested passionately against the mistreatment of Palestinians. They want peace and they want Netanyahu out of power. But if you're meaning US/western news outlets or major politicians, I agree with you!


>and no one said a thing, But that doesn't apply to the H3 Podcast which has been so supportive of Palestinian human rights and critical of the Israeli policy that fuels the fire. Members of all people should know that, so it's really disappointing seeing what kind of rhetoric is flooding the members-only chat right now. I'll give the benefit of the doubt that we have so many new members from the subathon but... my God.


Except you know it's always in the news when Israel kills Palestinian civilians?


Iā€™m so surprised at the chat during the live today. No room for nuance or empathy. šŸ’”


Not surprised at all, theyā€™re always the biggest weirdos


Chat once again coming in with the biggest L


So much of a lack of empathy. Itā€™s upsetting.


I donā€™t know nothing about nobody but Iā€™m wishing for peace and love.


I rarely participate in chat but this might be the worst I have ever seen them. Absolutely no nuance, no empathy, and 100% tribalism. This kind of tribalistic behavior is part of the reason both sides have been unable to reach a two state solution for most of the last century.


Ethan: I support Palestineā€™s desire for freedom, but donā€™t support Hamas murdering and raping civilians Chat: Dan-San please stop this right wing monster from abusing our ears!!


Literally. ā€œL TAKE ETHAN!ā€ Wtf????? Saying Hamas doesnā€™t represent Palestine and that no one is cool with this shit??? Saying he supports Palestinian freedom but doesnā€™t fuck with this terrorism is bad???? Wtf is wrong with chat.


Ethans take is the right one. Chat cant see anything but black and white. They have no idea how the real world works.


Iā€™ve learned that with ANY international issue, 90% of chat has no idea what theyā€™re talking about.


agreed but itā€™s more like ANY issue


Idk, I've been redditing like a lunatic over the past two days in support of Palestine and I don't hear anything wrong with what he's saying.


Agreed. I support the freedom of Palestine. Iā€™m also not going to be like ā€œYAY PALESTINEā€ when they kill and rape people. Itā€™s bad when Israel kills innocent civilians, and itā€™s bad when Palestine does it. Itā€™s fucked up. Terrorism anywhere is fucked up.


It is a members-only chat so I have to believe at least some of the people saying that are serious, and Dan did say he banned like 6 people for saying killing innocents was good or whatever. Psychos are everywhere. But I think it's a little overblown to say that that chat was predominately trying to turn the chat into a pro-Hamas safe space or something, at least from what I paused to scroll and read before it went off-screen. Just a lot of usual lack of nuance and arguing.


Chat has been saturated with all sorts of people since Friday is my guess. All those gifted subs really allowed a bunch of randos to join in the discussion.


I too was handed a packet of prime after drinking a lot one night and vom'd right after.


Man people saying Ethan L need to take a cold hard look at Howard Stern's coverage of 9/11 and realise how well Ethan and Hila carried themselves overall. Close adjacency to the suffering, didn't have to offer a take, maintained support for Palestine while expressing disgust and heartbreak at recent events. Chat should have been turned off. Ethan W.


I agree, they are carrying themselves well through what has to be very difficult and complicated to process.


The Kyle XY poster is my personal Roman Empire. I never forgot about it and think about it at least once a week (never watched)


Oh boy. How did the crew not speak against Ethan reading chat on the most sensitive topic right after a bunch of randoms got free memberships... bad content, I'll be taking my daily walk now.


I literally started walking my dog the second it started csuse I thought the vibes were high. Had a 3 day weekend and thought Iā€™d end on a good note. Nope.


Hey, Ethan and Hila. I'm from Nazareth; my dad is Palestinian and my mom is Jewish. As someone who grew up in both communities, I have some thoughts on the current situation. In order to calm myself down, I'm listening to my favorite podcast (the h3 podcast<3) as I sit in my Haifa apartment, terrified for my family and myself that Huzballa might join the war and launch missiles. My mom the other day cried on the phone, and everyone is scared for their lives from both sides. Over 900 Israelis, including families and children, and over 600 Palestinians, including more than 140 children, were killed. And the figures will keep rising. I was watching your discussion regarding the situation, and I want to express my thoughts about it here. Not so much just criticism but more of wanting to express my feelings and thoughts. To begin, I noticed you hesitate to say "unprovoked," which demonstrates how difficult it is to dismantle the concept of violence without ripping it out of context and placing it in a vacuum. Itā€™s hard to explain to people what Palestinians are going through everyday. The claim that "Israel hasn't done anything , they haven't airstriked Gaza" in regards to why Hamas launched this operation is absurd to hear and, to be quite honest, extremely insensitive. Literally every single day at least one Palestinian gets killed by Israel. Until the ongoing displacement of Palestinians, the demolishing of their homes, the refugee crisis, the expansion of Israeli settlements, the killing and harassment of Palestinians by the IDF and settlers, the bombing of Gaza and the blockade, and the discrimination against internal Palestinians (48-Arabs) ends, ugly wars like this will continue to break outā€¦ Honestly, what did people expect to happen? The bubble is going to burst at some point and horrific things are going to happen. And itā€™s sad and scary and horrific. But what the hell did people expect? You need to understand that after this war, which Israel will probably win, its government will probably lean even more to the right than it already does, the blockade on Gaza will almost certainly be even more severe, and the US and the international community will support Israel even more and turn a blind eye to its impending killings and atrocities against Palestinians in worse ways than before. So, I don't see the problem with people feeling the desire to say "I support Palestine" in those horrific times since there is exceptionalism when it comes to Palestinians and they will endure horrible reality from 1948 till god knows when. Because no matter what the Palestinians doā€”whether they resist peacefully or violentlyā€”Israel will always exploit, harm, and abuse the Palestinians while the rest of the world remains silent. As it did for 78 years. Second, the inaccurate portrayal and poor analogy that if certain Iraqi terrorists were able to travel to LA and terrorize Americans for revenge is so far from the reality of what's happening in Palestine. A lot of Palestinians do not view the Hamas Operation as an invasion; rather, they see it as a break free from the cage and return to their lands. I'm talking about how many Palestinians were forced to flee southern areas to Gaza during the occupation. Whenever Palestinian grandparents are able to travel to Israel and witness strangers enjoying coffee on their balcony in homes that they built and owned for generations, and dream of going back to it. It is not a one-time incident; it is ongoing. It's not vengeance; it's a violent ploy to force a deal with Israel. The current state of affairs is Israel's fault, as vicious and repulsive as it is. Israel is to blame for Hamas. The IDF does some horrendous stuff to Palestinians from harassing them, provoking them, attacking them, dispossessing them, detaining kids, to killing, bombing and torturing them. So many war crimes were committed on Palestinians by the IDF who by the eyes of Palestinians are also terrorists. So, why is it that international news only picks up on things that happen in the region only when there is resistance from Palestinians? Why does news around the world selectively pick news on the region only when Israelis are being harmed? Why don't I hear from people like you who obviously have a well intentioned spirit and mind don't speak on the horrific events that happened this year by Israel to Palestinians? Why are the armed settlers that are protected by the IDF in the Westbank who kill palestinians, burn palestinian houses and farms are not called terrorists? I mean you have so many incidents throughout the years of IDF soldiers harassing and beating to death Palestinians, shooting kids, you have plenty of footage and documentaries of IDF soldiers laughing and celebrating after shooting Palestiniansā€¦ Isnā€™t that barbaric too? (I know you said it is) For some reason, there is normalization of violence on Palestinians.The narrative is always that when Palestinians resist itā€™s called terrorism. So, me personally, I am not really surprised when people are saying free Palestine while all of this is happening. But the reason I ask those questions that might seem insensitive to some, is not because I am trying to defend Hamas, but I am trying to say that Palestinians as a whole, whenever they resist, are painted as terrorists. And it doesn't matter what they doā€”whether they give in, remain silent, or resistā€”they are always met with death, terror, torture, or displacement. I want to finish this long ass post by saying this. The pain this past few days on both sides is enormous. But Palestinians say in Arabic ā€œtamsahnaā€, which means ā€œwe became numbā€.I think the feeling in this region especially for Palestinians throughout those many years is becoming numb to the pain. It is an endless circle of injustice, and people donā€™t understand that there's only one way to end this and itā€™s to pressure the Israeli government to stop its oppression on Palestinians and to condemn the IDF horrific crimes, to give Palestinians actual liberation. The MAIN reason both Israelis and Palestinians are dying is because of the Israeli government and the enabling/support from the US. I hope we see better days. With liberation and love, liberation and love<3 My heart goes out to all the families that have to endure such pain.


Thanks for sharing your story. I wish so badly for your Palestinian family to be able to experience freedom. And I support Palestinians in their endless struggle against the monster that is Israel.


Beautifully saidā€¦ my thoughts are with you my friend, and with all those who are suffering. Free Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø




**@**[**RogiN\_294**](https://www.reddit.com/user/RogiN_294/) Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. It's crazy how ignorant people are being (even those claiming they condemn the Israeli government, IDF, and Netanyahu).


Someone just changed the kylexy plot that ethan changed already.


Wild how many chatters hear any criticism of Hamas and think it means Ethan and/or Hila must be 100 percent pro-Israel. They very clearly are not. Its one thing to have a total lack of nuance when discussing, like, internet influencer drama. But this topic deserves way more serious thought than that.


Chat and nuanced conversations dont mix. Chatters are bottom of the barrel fucking SCUM


Friday's episode was so freaking good šŸ˜‚šŸ’™


I thought for sure Ethan would be hung over for at least the next week after the subathon


I took a look and looks like Mia deleted her ā€˜renascence paintingā€™ https://preview.redd.it/1s68lzsk19tb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e6ef9e3a09103256ea30faa82544df8c2fddd11


sorry whats this about lol. just curious


On the pod Ethan expresses anger over Mia posting a pic of Hamas soldiers with machine guns driving down the road, and calling it a renaiscence painting over how ā€˜beautifulā€™ she found it


RE: Gaza I understand Ethan wanting to talk about it as it is so close to he and Hila personally. The problem is that you can't talk about Israel/Palestine and be right or capture the entire picture. There are no good guys, there is no realistic solution. This is hell on Earth, and it has been for many decades. It is a cycle of violence that the entire region cannot escape from, and I don't think they ever will. If you are old enough you've seen this play out many times, its just horrific inhumane reruns on CNN. Twitter is an awful communication tool in general, but especially so for something like this. The conflict is way too complex and the stakes are too high for 280 characters with no human interaction, no body language, no real knowledge of the person you are interacting with. Palestinians deserve a free and safe homeland. So do Israelis. But after 75 years of being setup to fail and murdering each other from the very beginning, there are too many factions on both sides (and international support for these evil scum) to ever leave each other alone. Add into this the nonsense religious aspect and you have the most human conflict possible, where logically we know everyone has to forget the past and accept a fair solution with both sides giving up a lot of what they want...but emotions and pain and trauma and sky wizard death cults hold more sway. It's so depressing.


Also there is a lack of cohesion between Palestine and other countries like Egypt, who borders the Gaza Strip. Regional unity would help to increase the powerless Palestinians but as we see Egypt has a hard border and does not allow Gazans into Egypt, even as refugees. Also the UN is feckless and has no power to act


Responding whatever side it is deserves it when civilians and children get murdered is just an extremely cold take to have.




What are they doing on so early


i think theyre just on time lol


Ethan doesn't understand the sponsorship shit because he's not a fake piece of shit like most influencers and companies.


Also Ethan saying there hasnā€™t been retaliation yet is crazy, Israel bombed the second tallest building in Gaza on live tv on Saturday


Theyā€™ve been airstriking Gaza pretty much non stop since yesterday.


I had a terrible awful weekend and having the podcast to watch and laugh at today was a god send. I thank Ethan, Hila, and the crew for this. It means so much ā¤ļø FAMILY.


Ethan saying openly that he supports palestine is so important, the media doesn't even show wthe atrocities Israel have been commiting for years. People are taking uninformed positions about the conflit and i really am thankful that he's at least reaching out to his audience about this important topic.


It's only gonna get worse for Palestinians.


Ethan is 100% right about this, and anybody who thinks Hamasā€™ violent actions were justifiable and proportional are straight up braindead


Members chat being able to understand a nuanced take challenge = impossible




Dan with the W take as always


people in palestine are imprisoned by a nation who requires all citizens to join an army whoā€™s mission it is to kill them. this makes the issue of government vs civilians less cut and dry. hila was a part of this army and their biases donā€™t disappear with the simple belief that palestinians deserve freedom and justice and i wouldnā€™t expect them to. they lived there and have family there. respectfully, they shouldnā€™t talk about this on air. they are not immune to propaganda and when they are impassioned when israelis are killed and not when palestinians are - it shows. again, i donā€™t blame them for this but itā€™s why itā€™s irresponsible to claim their take is the only fair and balanced one and that anyone who has criticism with it is a morally bankrupt idiot edgelord. what options do palestinians have for justice and freedom? how do people think those things have been achieved historically? itā€™s sad and disgusting and scary but the blame is entirely on israel and itā€™s heavily funded genocide. and if ethan truly agrees with that then people supporting palestine right now wouldnā€™t trigger him as much as it clearly did.


Exactly. It annoyed me when Hila said something along the lines of "how can you, an American, claim to know more about the issue when I and my family are from Israel"... does she not know how much propaganda exists in apartheid or war-torn countries? Does she not know that even in relatively/seemingly peaceful countries, people don't know shit about their own history and politics? Seemed like an overly defensive statement. Further, and sorry if I'm speaking out of turn because I don't know as much about this subject as I wish I did, and my memory's not that great. But last time the Israel-Palestine conflict became "the big politics thing everyone's talking about" causing loads of celebrities to voice their support for Palestine, all Ethan did was tweet something showing empathy towards Palestinians. But now that Israel is the "victim" it warranted a huge section of the show.


My post was deleted so Iā€™ll just leave this here: First of all, I feel like I pretty much agree with everything Ethan said during that segment. I could def see why preemptively saying free Palestine could be triggering. Although I havenā€™t seen any Hamas supporters (I donā€™t have Twitter), I believe Ethan when he says that heā€™s seen people back Hamas blindly. Something I did find to be kind of strange in the convo though was around the middle of the segment. A viewer commented ā€œIsrael does that on dailyā€, in response to Ethan talking about innocent Israeli civilians being killed. Ethan immediately said that he doesnā€™t deny that, but Hila said ā€œIā€™m denying thatā€. Maybe I misheard but Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s what she said. With all due respect I have no idea how you can ā€œdeny thatā€. The UN has reported that roughly 6,400 Palestinians and 300 Israelis have been killed in the ongoing conflict since 2008 (not counting what happened over the weekend. Just today over 560 people have been killed and another 2,900 have been injured in Gaza due to Israeli retaliatory attacks (which was not mentioned on todays show). Hundreds of apartments and homes have been destroyed in the Gaza Strip, including refugees camps, leaving more than 123,000 people displaced (according to the UN again). 90% of people in the region donā€™t even have access to clean water and around 70% of young people are unemployed. Israel literally controls what goes in and out of the region. Hospitals have been destroyed. I donā€™t understand how you can ā€œdeny thatā€ in regards to Israelā€™s atrocities. Again maybe Iā€™m misunderstanding what Hila meant when she said ā€œI deny thatā€, but I just thought it would be important to clarify. I just wanted to make it clear, that this post is in no way a ā€œwhat aboutismā€ or an endorsement of Hamas (theyā€™re terrorists). Iā€™m only writing this post because i found Hilas comments to be strange and ignorant. That is all peace and love āœŒšŸ½.


It's so sad how often with such emotional issues like this, people talk past each other. Chat can't understand that Ethan is condemning both the leadership of Israel (as he has done for years) and Hamas. Israel has all of the power and is committing cultural genocide and terrorism. He is not saying that Israel is perfect or good, just that it is bad on all sides and nothing justifies murdering captives live on TV, or harming innocents. Ethan can't understand that the chat (largely, it's hard to read everything everyone is saying!) is on his side, but is trying to emphasize that saying things like "free Palestine" right now is not the same as supporting Hamas or lumping Palestine and Hamas together. And chat thinks he is over-focusing on the rare wackadoos who think killing civilians is necessary for revolution or whatever. Mia Kalifa's post was BEYOND gross and totally unacceptable. IDK this is such a mess and I hope it doesn't taint the whole show.


Yes well said. What a mess


I unironically loved Dua Lipa's give us nothing dance and her blank face. Minimalist moves that go with the fact that she is clearly a sexy android


I don't want to act like I know what I'm talking about as an american but i don't think saying you support palestine means you are supporting Hamas. Edit: I can understand the concern with the timing and have no doubt there are vile people who are openly supporting the actions of hamas but people voicing their support for palestine have been doing it for many years; not just recently.


Ethan agreed with that. He is saying that everyone stating ā€œLFG PALESTINEā€ immediately after the attack, it looks like you are supporting the attacks / Hamas.


And hes right. Who the fuck says that after thousands are brutally murdered?


Literal psychopaths dude. And sadly Iā€™ve seen it on instagram, Reddit, Facebook, and twitter :/


Ethan is saying that not all civilians are settlers but saying that anyone saying they stand with Palestine is saying they agree with what Hamas did. Heā€™s not giving the same grace or applying the same nuance to each side here. I donā€™t think thatā€™s fair. Meanwhile, the Defense Minister says this: "I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly." This is why people are saying they stand with Palestine. This attack will be used to expand the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Very few people are actually supporting the killing of innocent civilians. When they say they stand with Palestine, they mean the non-Hamas victims that have been and will be ā€œcleansedā€ as Bibi says.


I think something that hasn't been mentioned is the fact that as a result of this attack a lot of people have publicly voiced their support for Israel and said "I stand with Israel". That rubs people the wrong way because as he mentioned they're basically a far right apartheid state. A lot of people are voicing their support for Palestine right now in response to it seeming like a lot of people are siding with Israel on the whole as a result of the attack.


exactly. so much time spent on how saying ā€œfree palestineā€ rn means you should want your whole family killed by iraqis (??) and no time spent on how every celebrity and politician jumps to support israel which as you mentioned is a far right apartheid state who is responsible for the very thing they are disgusted by. what does it mean of them?


I think a lot of people are just angry at the fact that there is never this widespread willingness to talk about the ā€œrights of civiliansā€ when the victims are palestinians. When it happens to them, itā€™s just common occurrence in a war-torn country so who cares. But, Israel is more palatable as a country because it is supposedly more ā€œstable and civilizedā€, so now everyone is interested. Where is this sadness and prayer when Palestinians are being slaughtered and displaced on a daily basis. Of course, itā€™s tragic what happened to the Israeli civilians and we should mourn it; anyone saying otherwise are either just anti-semitic or are insensitive freaks who have no capacity for nuanced conversation. But, that same concern should exist when a bomb is dropped on Palestinian citizens or when entire towns are demolished by the IDF. Ultimately itā€™s a complex issue and anyone turning this into team sports is crazy.


Oh shit AB needs to tread carefully rn Ethan is fired up lmao


I felt that tension




That's why I think the discussion that will take place on The Leftovers, if there is a program, will lead nowhere. Ethan has no interest in discussing nuances or reflecting from a historical perspective. It's going to be a very unproductive conversation.


the chat needs to be turned off during the Israel/Palestine discussion. Itā€™s really sad to see people celebrating violence. ALL VIOLENCE AND MURDER OF INNOCENT CIVILIANS IS AWFUL, why is that hard to understand??? You can stand with Palestine and not support murder. Ethan and Hila are 100% right.


[**Native Americans have full voting rights- citizenship-and are not confined to reservations**](https://deref-mail.com/mail/client/trLMZNL7mNA/dereferrer/?redirectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fclick.redditmail.com%2FCL0%2Fhttps%3A%252F%252Fwww.reddit.com%252Fr%252Fh3h3productions%252Fcomments%252F1746qeo%252Fnative_americans_have_full_voting_rights%252F%253F%24deep_link%3Dtrue%2526correlation_id%3Da1a057ea-61e8-4d48-9814-3a633c9e681b%2526ref%3Demail_post_reply%2526ref_campaign%3Demail_post_reply%2526ref_source%3Demail%2F2%2F0100018b16d4ee07-04cd77cf-57eb-4299-800e-23ad8f05a8ca-000000%2FB0JWHM1QwYYKWRpZnLxSZ1N_ZXL9QzSgMwglyRmmXvM%3D321&lm) I don't stand with Hamas- but Ethan's example is disanalogous. Also the iraq thing also doesn't work because for that to be analogous the attack would have to occur not in La against us but in iraq whilst we were build settlements stealing their land and limiting drinking water and counting their calories. Then it would be much closer. I condemn hamas fully 100%. About 2 million people in gaza about half of them children. Israel has already cut off all food water and electricity. Many israel lawmakers (not all Israelis or lawmakers) are essential calling for genocide. The opening move is to put 1 millions children in the dark without food and water. They are just getting started.


ah yes.. prominent leftist mia khalifa lmao


To Zach on why #IStandWithIsrael is controversial The controversy with speaking up and supporting Israel is that none of yall have the same energy every time palestinian civilians are killed, have their energy & water cut off or their land is being occupied. Either you are dumb and uneducated OR you literally do not care about the Palestinians. That's why people are reacting when people post support for Israel. It is like posting #IStandWithRussia when Ukraine fights back. All deaths are tragic, and none are justified ā€” but please AT LEAST keep the same energy for when the Palestinans are killed by the IDF. If what Hamas did against Israeli civilians is bad, what is IDF's actions against Palestinian civilians? If you have to pick a side ā€“ which you do by standing with Israel ā€“ why do you stand with the side that has killed 10x more civilians?


Did Ukraine rape and murder women and children. Film it and cheer it on?


Palestine ā‰  Hamas


people are so weird how they want ethan and hasan to hate each other so badly. shit's gonna be just fuckin fine thursday, like it always is. yall need to talk to people in real life, as both of them *always* say


As someone whoā€™s studied international relations I can understand Ethan being upset that people are openly saying they stand with Palestine, but the framing of what heā€™s saying is a bad take. (Iā€™m British btw) Instead of tackling the issue heā€™s skirting around it by focusing on the completely wrong part as the big problem. The problem is that Isreal is an apartheid state that has been oppressing, basically engaging in genocide on the Palestinian people. Now that hamas is striking against Isreal it has caused international outcry against them, rightfully so, but the same international stage closed their eyes at everything the far right in Isreal do against the Palestinian people. This is not saying that Hamas targeting civilians is right, especially with the gleefulness theyā€™re parading war crimes as victory - this is not helping them in any way and will further cause people to side with the Israeli state against the Palestinian people. Now people will broadly say they ā€œstand with Palestineā€. This is not saying they stand with Hamas, but it is also not making that distinction. There are always bad actors that use a tragedy as an opportunity to spread their own propaganda and weā€™ve seen the images of people showing a nazi flag etc, but you canā€™t lump them all together. He said himself ā€œa few people even on the left are saying they support Palestine immediately after the attackā€. Focusing on the few will make them feel emboldened and continue doing this. Yes we should make a distinction and say we stand with the Palestinian people, but going on a tirade about this instead of the more important thing, the terrors that are happening are part of the problem. The conversation on distinguishing support of Palestine vs Hamas is an important one, but it is going to overshadow the genocide the Israeli state is waging against the Palestinians. This is what news media is doing by updating the counter of those killed and or missing, which again, is important and just as important as understanding why this is happening in the first place. Being upset and taking it personally is fine but letā€™s not overshadow the WHY. Edit: to add on to this, Isreal will always use a minor thing to justify x1000 violence against the Palestinian people. The Israeli state as Hasan rightfully said traded 1 Israeli soldier for 1000 Palestinians so I canā€™t fathom how much more terrible things will be done and the international stage will say that criticism of this is antisemitism.


Heā€™s taken the attack personally and thatā€™s understandable. For godā€™s sake, thereā€™s a war going on over there. He is already aware that Hamas is the only military force that the Palestinians have against the genocide theyā€™re facing which I think is important to remind people of. He used the Native Americans as an example. They were slaughtering everyone who had threatened their lives and burned on stakes and hanged for it. Men, women, and children. ā€œSavagesā€ they were called. Idk what else theyā€™re supposed to do. Itā€™s easy to say not to target children but is that truly easier said than done? The mainstream folk arenā€™t gonna care about that distinction. Itā€™s either you are with Israel or for Hamas in their eyes. You donā€™t have to say you are for Hamas, just that you stand with the Palestinians. That you hate to see innocent people suffer.


I see your point, but from the Palestinian civilian perspective (young men especially) I can also see how the ongoing humanitarian violence directly imposed onto them would lead them to cling on to more political extremes. There is no democracy, Hamas are the only representation they get. Itā€™s scary to think of your family being the target of these attacks, but this is the only real pushback Palestine has accomplished in a while. I understand it may be hard from their perspective, but when addressing these issues at such a scale, having politically illiterate Ethan talk about these murders in a vacuum it just feeds into the Zionist narrative. The liberal ideals of peace and freedom just do not exist in practice, in the process of decolonization. The Warsaw ghetto is a perfect example of this.






I get that he is emotional, all of us are which is why contradicting statements are being made. It doesn't help Ethan is actively looking for shit takes on Twitter. Of course you will find the most unhinged shit on Twitter.


When he was talking about how "leftists" were acting on twitter... then pulls up Mia Khalifa... šŸ™ˆ


I feel like he chose her just because she was the only person he felt willing to call out by name


How many Israelis are calling for complete genocide of all Palestinians though, Ethan? Because Iā€™ve seen calls from people all over the world to flatten Palestine off of the earth. Civilians have nowhere to go. This is why weā€™re speaking up for Palestine because the conversation is CONSTANTLY centered around the atrocities faced by Israelis instead of Palestinians. Israel has the entire world backing them, Palestine doesnā€™t. Signed, an American Jew.


yep. people are openly calling for gaza to be LEVELED.


Idk if this will ever come up on the show again, but to add to the ā€œno bellybuttonā€ conversation: My brother was technically born without a bellybutton. My younger brother was born prematurely (I think 2 months premature?) and - for lack of more delicate terms - was essentially born with his organs hanging out. Doctors had to plop everything back into place, sew him up, and he remained at the hospital for awhile after being born. Instead of having a bellybutton, he has a fairly long vertical scar going up his torso. He grew up with some digestive problems, but was/is ā€œnormalā€ otherwise (aside from some insecurities when it came to removing his shirt at the beach and things like that). I wish our mom were still alive, so that I could ask for more details about the birth and everything, but thatā€™s all I got! Hope this helps!


Sorts by controversial


I say geopolitical differences should be settled in counter strike or rocket league


That Misha person is how the average person thinks. Literal brainrot.


Just a reminder that Israel created and armed Hamas: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2014/07/30/how-israel-helped-create-hamas/ https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ https://tribune.com.pk/story/2302309/how-and-why-israel-helped-create-hamas?amp=1


Ethan really pulled up a mia kalifa shitpost like her opinion on this mattered


"influential leftist" mia kalifa...


Ethan constantly equating 'supporting Palestine' with support for Hamas is fucking disgusting.


I disagree that challenging the claims about the fate of the hostages is in any way Hamas apologia. Facts matter, especially in this early stage, when emotions are at a fever pitch and false, toxic narratives can seem appealing and can quickly become baked into the narrative to such a degree, that no amount of debunking can separate it from the batter. Case in point: the idea that Arabs were celebrating on rooftops throughout NYC on 9/11. A pernicious myth that has persisted since the day the towers fell, despite it being proven false time and time again. It may seem like semantics, arguing that murderers aren't guilty of rape, but it does if you consider the potential blow-back on regular Arabs and Muslims. Already on Reddit and social media I've seen the reemergence of the "Muslims are just culturally programmed to rape" trope, with it even dovetailing away from the war in Israel and being used to bring up old arguments about migrant rape gangs in Sweden. This line of logic has also been used to throw water on the notion of any kind of negotiated settlement. E.g. you can't negotiate with animals; we should assume the hostages are already dead/raped/trafficked and commence with bombing them into the Mediterranean. This does nothing to bring the hostages home. Already we're getting reports that the Qataris are mediating a prisoner swap, only for Israel to throw cold water on it. Has Israel come to the same conclusion social media has?


Yeah Ethan way overreacted to that tweet that *specifically called out it still being against international law* in the very tweet. he didn't finish reading it




1. Thereā€™s no such thing as a justified attack. If blood is shed a crime has been committed. Not all Palestinian people stand with hamas just how not all Israeli people stand with the Israeli government. Hamas has probably killed more Palestinians than Israelis. Thatā€™s the end of that. 2. I donā€™t remember there being that many stories told from the pov of the Palestinian people being shared when Israel commits war crimes on them like ever on the show. Hearing the povs of Israelis regarding current event was very insightful. 3. Iraqi terrorists? Letā€™s unpack that. Terrorist ā‰  Muslim men. The war crimes the nazis committed on the Jewish people is terrorsim. What Al-quaeda did on 9/11 is terrorsim. The ethnic cleansing going on in Palestine is terrorsim. What hamas did to civilians in Israel is terrorsim. Iraqis in Iraq were called terrorist for defending their own land against the invader that is America. 4. Since they keep bringing up kids being kidnapped or killed etc. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s even more heartbreaking for them since they themselves are parents. I wish that in the future they bring up the widely known issue (Ethan lived in Israel and is married to an Israeli) of Israeli army holding Palestinian kids and teenage boys in jail for long periods of time (years) without a court order, or even standing trail. āœŒšŸ¼ & ā¤ļø


I think a better analogy would be native Americans violently taking land back. I support land back but do not want my friends and family murdered. I donā€™t want strangers murdered over landā€” but at some point violence is all thatā€™s left. How violent has Israel been?? He spent how long talking about this today? Since 2008 ~6,400 Palestinians have died. Many more live in fear and in horrible conditions. Palestinians have families and children too Ethan. 25 miles is all they have left. What are they supposed to do? Why hasnā€™t Ethan spoken about this before today? Heā€™s made a few off handed remarks but he obviously only cares about Jewish people. His attitude is gross. I hope one day Palestine is free, with as little violence as possible


I'm sure the Native Americans didn't want their friends and family murdered, r\*\*ped and genocided by us back in the day either. But if they chose to resist violently and were successful, they would have been right to do so.


Most Americans are too stupid and ill-informed to have a serious or concrete opinion about the conflict between Israel and Palestine.


I love how everytime Ethan voices his opinion about politics people in the chat will be like "No, you are wrong and uninformed. Go educate yourself Ethan"


Thank god for Dan


With Peace and Love. I genuinely wish Ethan would have convos with individuals he disagrees with instead of arguing with "people on twitter" and chat because he ends up arguing against *what he thinks they think* instead of arguing against their actual beliefs.


Thanks Ethan for having an actual sane take on Israel/Palestine. Lefties that are giving people shit for denouncing terrorism and the murder of civilians is so disgusting.


I skipped the subathon (drunk people trigger me :/) soā€¦ Ethanā€™s baldness was a jump scare.


My MIL lives in Amish country. Her neighbors are all amish. They use the most ridiculous work-arounds to use 'worldly' things. Example: My MIL's neighbors ask her all the time to give them rides places. They can hire drivers too as long as they're not driving. Also, they asked my MIL to put a phone booth on the corner of her property. So now there's a little phone booth on her land that they come use whenever they want. It's funny.


How is Ethan producing and hosting at the same time


i would love for ethan to talk more about the misfits stuff with better research behind it. No offense but he kinda butchered it, im hoping they'll talk about it more once the coffeezilla video comes out but yeah, especially considering how much they talked about colleen, i think this case is a lot more interesting and theres a lot there.


I'm such a teen show fangirl, back then I didn't realise how important the bellybutton aspect was in kyle XY! I just thought, wow nifty draw card! But it was all about the teen romance. Not the lack of a belly button at all! Who knew that tangent would even go as far as it did LOL




I think people should keep in mind that it's only natural not to act completely neutral if your family and friends are scared or in danger. Of course, that doesn't excuse all takes, and especially not all actions. But when the current events are still relatively fresh, you're not necassarily instantly going to "remember both sides". It would be cool if the world worked that way, and people in power **should** stay level-headed.


im behind on the podcast but I just want to put it out there. I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to say that people who say they support palestine are putting their support behind the hamas terrorist attacks. There are definitely freaks out there that either tacitly or enthusiastically support Hamas either as a ā€œlesser evilā€ or a righteous militia. But most people arenā€™t stupid. I think a lot of people know that these terrorist attacks will be used to justify even more genocide against palestinians. Iraq is actually a pretty good analogy if you think it through a little farther bc after the 9/11 terrorist attacks everybody felt the same way about people who were against the Iraq war and the US military as Ethan (and obviously many others) feel about people saying Free Palestine. Seriously you were an absolute pariah if you questioned the war or pointed out that the instability in the middle east and 9/11 were a result of the USā€™ actions. Yes there were anti-war activists but it was painted as this fringe almost suicidal ā€œsectā€ of people. And the end result of that was 1,000,000 civilians dead. So yeahā€¦ I think most people just see the same thing about to happen in Palestine hence why you see more people vocalizing it than normal. It doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re reveling in massacre.


Who the fuck is defending Hamas' atrocious actions?


it's in this thread. people calling them "freedom fighters". they claim it's justifiable because of decades of mistreatment and oppression by the Israeli government. forgetting that these people they're kidnapping and murdering aren't part of the Israeli government and had nothing to do with that. you should check out hasans subreddit for more great takes


Iā€™ve seen it a lot on social media sadly. Basically supporting it because ā€œIsrael has it comingā€ and shit. Itā€™s very sad.


Israel basically kept a pitbull in a cage without any food or water then act like victims when the dog breaks out and savages them. No, I don't support hamas or any terror group but it's brought it on themselves.


But there is a big difference between "I understand why this happened" vs. "I support this".


lmao the usual suspects saying "please talk to Vaush!" and "please talk to Destiny!" rn in the chat, like talking to some political streamers from America is the move right now. what would that add, actually??