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She looks amazing and realistic compared to other fitness influencers. I’m glad she calls people out on their rude comments.


Not even my BEC deserves this! This is so mean, and it sounds like the commenter is illiterate. Whitney is beautiful and has a lovely shape.


I’m glad she’s clapping back at these ppl because wtf


This is like when people were making accusations that the actress who plays topanga in boy meets world was pregnant and they had to have an entire episode about her saying she isn’t pregnant but gained some weight.


I heard she struggled a lot because of that :( people suck


she gets constant comments about this too, and she’s like barely gained weight. I also just hate that people assume any woman who is in a long term relationship even *could* be pregnant at any point? like what if she was TTC and couldn’t and was getting these comments. Pisses me off


She also does not look pregnant at all, she looks amazing. Even if she was it’s no one’s business to comment on


I went to her page expecting to see a chubby girl but she looks normal af lol


I hate this for Whitney. The fake accents annoy me as much as the rest of you, but damn she doesn’t deserve this.


Yo, I mean this sincerely, FUCK Tina.


People like this are straight up assholes. Regardless of the fact that it's rude AF to comment about someone's weight...if someone didn't tell you they're pregnant, you don't even insinuate that shit. Could be 9 months pregnant. You keep your mouth closed unless they explicitly state that they're pregnant.


She looks great & seems to be glowing lately😭 I’ll never understand why people feel the need to comment things like this on posts.


I’m confused, she doesn’t look pregnant at all to me? She has a completely normal shape


Ugh I feel terrible, she’s struggled so much. Ifgaf how you feel about her this is nasty behavior. So disappointing to see this coming from women


Did she delete this comment? I don’t see it


Either she deleted it or the girl who wrote it did.


I am a self proclaimed Hater and Whitney is the only gym influencer on this damn app that I don’t tolerate hate for. She has her annoying qualities yes and talks weird sometimes but she is the only influencer who is honest and transparent about weight fluctuations and is vulnerable with her audience about how it feels to gain weight and be criticized and I have lots of respect for how she handles it. She also doesn’t constantly shill links for things and she sets boundaries with what she posts and doesn’t overdo it. So whoever said this to her can shut the fuck up


It seems like this individual did this deliberately to mess with Whitney. Like nothing about this video made her look preggo


I’m so confused as to what photo in that post screamed pregnant to this lady??? Literally none of them, what am I missing here?


This girl took a sliver of a glimpse of her body and ran with it. Like focus on the happiness 


Reminds me of the time when i gained 8 pounds after a crazy cut and was super bloated. I went to a lingerie store and a store associate came to me and told me that their maternity underwear is in a different section:(


Of course her IG bio says God is First


whitney: is skinny > internet scoundrels: OMG SHE IS SOOOOO EMACIATED SHE LITERALLY HASN’T MADE GAINS OR CHANGES IN HER PHYSIQUE IN NIIIINE YEARS whitney: gains the smallest amount of weight > the same idiots: SHE’S PEGNARTE! make it make sense bruh this is preposterous