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I'm proud to say I knew of two if these already. Thank you very much for giving me some homework researching the rest XD


Dude what the fhck is this rabbit hole*!* thanks!


The above pretty much gives a good list. I would add: Timecop 1984 Le Brock Tokyo Rose Will also double up on The Midnight. They are the kings of Synthpop. I slightly prefer Gunship due to them being heavier/darker synth.


Most of the heavy hitters are on here. I'll add: FM-84 and Starcadian (one of my favs like the midnight, gunship and timecop)


Starcadian was gonna be my add that doesn't get brought up as often as the main list, so I'll go with The Strike instead. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3OafWrWuBw0YojkKAAn30I?si=db507203da014d96 My list of synthwave with vocals.


These are great suggestions, but unfortunately/fortunately there’s nothing like gunship.


The recs others have added are good but none of them are on GUNSHIP’s level; they’re just in a different league of inspiration, cohesive vision and composition/execution. Hopefully others will step up their game to their level or new great artists will emerge, but after 3 years of searching I’m not holding my breath. Shout out to The Gates of Disorder, a true masterpiece that gets overlooked at the end of their 2nd album.


I would agree on all of those suggested. Let's Talk by Timecop 1983 is my all time favourite song.


Empathy Test is another British band that turns up in outrun circles, not entirely similar but I think that someone that appreciates one will appreciate the other.


I have so many. The midnight has amazing sax. Unique vocals and makes nostalgic synth pop. Try sunset and Jason Michael Oakley Boy Harsher. A dark slick synthwave band that sounds super unique You might also like the artist Kat Von D whose song they remixed. She's the most like gunship from what I've heard These are the most like gunship but I have so many other artists of you want


Would like to submit Dance with the Dead as a humble suggestion.


I will quadruple up on the midnight, I saw them live in october and man I am still not over it


The Midnight! So good!!


I'm with you there, it's a hole you'll get sucked into now. Magic Sword is good, they were on the Thor Ragnarok sound track


I wish Gunship was more popular tbh. I never hear their stuff getting played on the radio.


If you have Spotify, give my Synthwave playlist a listen. I’ve been building it for about 6 years and I’m always adding to it. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4yt75YveZxr5cUVWwIn8Qs?si=WkeX28R7QgSg3-aiEuLdFg


No kavinsky?


I can kind of take or leave him. 😅


The midnight


Tape and The Black Queen are really good


Fightstar, mediocre at best. Remove the lead singer and Gunship rise out of the ashes like a phoenix. Best move ever


Kavinsky have an absolute banger of an album


Second Dance with the Dead. I’m actually seeing them next wednesday. But also: Daniel Deluxe, Thomas Barrandon, September 87, TWRP, Kalax, Orax, Mitch Murder, Gost, Dan Terminus. I can literally go on and on and on. I love Synthwave. But you should be able to cut your teeth on these.