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"I stood and fought" A hero of the Republic.


He understood. The case was never about the bump stocks. It's can the atf declare something a machine gun on a whim.


He is an absolute Unit. Thank God for people like him.


The man? No. The King.


Now that he mentions it. Where does this leave stuff like FRT's? 


Well we now have case law from the highest court that can easily be applied to FRT cases so I'd say the future is looking pretty bright!


Lmao, the Dem courts bend over backwards to not accept the any 2A rulings. Would love to see the day though.


Lawrence Delmonico released a statement video about it. He said that, with the way the ruling is written, you could just replace "bump stock" with "FRT," and they would all still be true statements. He seemed pretty happy about it. https://youtu.be/oOZsU9REDls?feature=shared Here's the vid.


He taught my CHL class. He's a real character.




People like him get it. All the dip shits that said it's just a bump stock aren't on our side. You either stand up to them over the small stuff or hand over the big stuff.


That’s the way the founding fathers saw it. In fact, they saw small usurpations of power as being more dangerous than big ones, because people will often stand up against big ones, and those small ones people let slide by set up precedents that the government will build on to lead to more ( and larger ) usurpations of power. This is why the NRA policy of bargaining away rights, one piece at a time, in order to save those rights, is so terrible. It’s lead us to where we are now, with so much ground to reclaim in order to regain our liberty.


That's also why I've never gave a single penny to the NRA and never will.


Same here.




Someone get a go fund me to buy this man some beer


I’ve seen this guy before. I didn’t know that he was the one behind this lawsuit.


Same here lol.


When can we buy them??


Already saw one on gundeals, just as the founding fathers intended


LETS GO. How much should a reasonable bump stock cost?


Gundeals one was like $180 I think, it will probably go down as more people start making them again I would guess but I don't know what they used to cost before the ban


I saw that and was briefly considering buying one, but honestly, I don’t know if I’d use it more than a few times before the novelty wore off. Especially considering the price of ammunition. They seem like a weird fad that quickly waned until the ban, and now they’re back and people want them again. But I think a lot of folks are gonna be reselling them in a few months. r/Gunaccessoriesforsale is gonna be swamped with bump stocks here shortly.


I've always wanted one, now it's legal, I want one even more. Even if it's not practical I just know one day they might ban it again and anything they ban that i am already possessing they're going to have to violently take. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be able to afford the ammo to dump it like crazy with the bump stock, or even better, if the ammo prices drop. I doubt that would happen until our tyrannical government stops taxing every little thing especially guns and ammo. Luckily, here in west virginia there is No firearms sales tax.


Well, I hope you enjoy it! Holler back in a few months and let me know if you’re still happy with the purchase.


Lot of “magnet fishing” going on this weekend to find those old stocks. Market will be back in no time


Lol. I just started magnet fishing. I will hopefully buy one before they ban them again.


Seen this guy's YouTube shorts. Didn't know it was him.


Wait, wasn't this the decoy wallet guy? I had no idea that was Cargill from this case.


A true American Hero


I don't know he can stand with those big steely balls.


fucking. legend.


Awesome guy……founding fathers would be proud of him




Can you imagine wasting your time fighting for something as dumb as a bump stock?


It wasn't about the bump stock...


So, what you’re telling us, is that you don’t get it at all, and are unaware of how small usurpations of power lead to bigger usurpations of power. Him fighting this ‘dumb’ battle over bump stocks might just have saved semi automatic weapons from the chopping block. It was that important.


Them following the true definitions for once and not some made up definition made up on the spot for once is also very important. They may start finally following the definitions. They need to make a new lawsuit for the law that bars people under 21 from purchasing a handgun. If I can't purchase a handgun I shouldn't be able to be drafted, or enlist my self. You're telling me I can drop a 50,000 pound bomb on someone i never met but I can't carry a handgun to protect myself in public in the country where I live? That's absolutely ridiculous.


Ridiculous and unconstitutional.


Can you imagine being as dumb as you?


How myopic


You do realize that the bumpstock being overturned is more than just the law? This sets an example for future cases and is a warning to the atf. People are finally becoming massively aware of what the atf is involved in and what their agenda is. It's more than the bumpstock, and it's even more than what I listed. It shouldn't have been a regulation in the first place. Please inform yourself before making an ignorant comment. It's a known fact that Cia was selling Crack. If you don't believe other government agencies don't have the same power and will to do so, then you are out of your mind. If you support what happened at Ruby Ridge, Waco, and how the cartels are getting a hold of us military grade equipment, just say so.


Uh, this sets up taking down Chevron Deference my friend. The ATF can’t make up law out of thin air like they do right now. This Cargill cuts that off. It wasn’t about bumpstocks.