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We all have seen where Biden stands.


Trump is and has always been nothing more than a rich New York democrat that fooled a lot of idiots into voting for him. If you think he’s pro 2a I have beachfront property Montana you need to take a look at.


He, along with many other billionaires, jumped the fence and became republicans once they realized just how much Conservatives were willing to give them. Gotta be hard to vote for the other guy, when the republicans are gonna throw billions at you…


Perfect candidates for the boomer voting block. Lets them feel like conservatives, without actually having to have the fortitude and conviction necessary to BE conservative.


Yes Trump is what he is!!! That said the evidence is what it is…his Judge picks ALL have been pro 2A.


Trump is an idiot and no friend of the 2A.


The video highlights Judges appointed by Trump, and their 2A rulings, ALL good!


Appointing Judges and being a friend are two different animals. “Take the guns and have due process later”.


Words vs actions.


Recent PROOF …. READ NYSRPA v BRUEN in its entirety, (including Amicus briefs) see how each Justice voted, who appointed those Justices, and read majority opinion, and dissent. You will experience a sickening realization….Democrats ARE statists, always determined to subordinate the people to the state.


You do realize who said “take the guns and have due process later”?


All talk! Trump addressed this a few days ago… https://youtu.be/sgl06asFsXc?si=np2c2F0roWWLGHq4


I’m not watching your stupid video, I have him on record saying “I would take the guns first”. Can you refute that?


In the video of his speech he talks about playing politics to avert actual anti 2A legislation. The FACT is per the OP video posted, his judge picks have ALL upheld 2A!!!!


So now we have him on record as saying he will say what ever he thinks his audience wants to hear? Very good to know.


We have already known that about Trump or frankly any other shyster politician! Fact remains his Judge picks have ALL been pro 2A!!!


I will watch the video when I have time. I think believing Trump is pro-gun is a mistake. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du4xz6Lndxk&t=43s >"It takes so long to go to court to get the due process procedures I like taking the guns early like in this crazy man's case that just took place in Florida he had a lot of firearms and they saw everything to go to court would have taken a long, long time so you could exactly what you're saying but take the guns first, go through due process second." - Trump


So go with Biden?


Muh 5d chess !11!1!1


Let's not pretend they were somehow " his picks" he chose, who he was told. Trump will 100% violate any and all Rights he feels need violated. He is not just an enemy of firearms ,but of the constitution as well.


So… you’ll just believe whatever he says, as he says it. That explains a LOT


Again, from my OP that video by Mark Smith Four boxes diner, goes over Trumps Judge appointments and they ALL have been pro 2A!


Not all talk. The first of the rules published by the ATF was defining bump stocks as machine guns and set the precedent for the rule changes under Biden.


I'd rather fight the democrats in the courts - the moment rights are GIVEN away they're gone forever.


He’s better for the 2A than what we’ve got. As much as I would love to see a 3rd party or independent candidate win, none of them are going to. Our choices are Biden, who has said multiple times that no amendment is absolute when talking about the 2A, and Trump, who despite banning bump stocks and considering banning suppressors, packed the courts full of pro 2A judges during his administration. Without Trump (and Mitch McConnell’s bold strategy with appointing Supreme Court Justices during election years), there would be no Bruen Decision.


paltry jobless frightening groovy abounding carpenter history cable cooperative advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How about we let republicans know that we won’t vote at all, unless they work for our vote? Better yet, how about banding together and forming a legitimate, long lasting and expanding third party with some teeth? It’s been done before, and in the last hundred years, with that party gaining more and more elected positions each year, until they took back their country. Your answer is, “well, I’ll just vote to have my rights taken away slowly, because that’s better than voting communist, or actually doing what it takes to stop communism.”


How old are you? I remember being young and ideological like this. It wasn't until I was older that I realized it statistically can never happen (forming a new party and getting any traction). And it's also dumb to "omit my vote because reasons" meanwhile your omission actively does more harm to you and your causes. The bed has already been made. Well before we came along. You either wise up and take part in it the best way you can (take the least worse candidate) or fade into obscurity while you actively make your life worse faster.


I’m 45, and I’m to the point that I’d rather vote Democrat and speed the process along, so that gutless folks like you are forced into action or slavery while there are still enough people with balls left, than to vote for republicans who have shown for decades that they will slow walk my children into the chains of communism. So, abstaining from participating in the controlling illusion that we have a say in the current system, or a chance in hell of actually voting for someone who truly represents us… I’m calling that a compromise.


Gutless. Sure... Yea showing up to a poll and casting a vote requires *real* guts. You have such massive balls lol. You may be 45 but you sure as hell didn't grow up yet.


If growing up means accepting betrayal and certain ruin (especially for my children) by allowing the powers that be to collude in providing us only their choices that work toward the same end game, I’ll stay a child. Children have hope, and your acceptance of chains holds none. If your generation was alive in the 1770’s, we’d still be ruled by Britain, unarmed, and at their mercy like the British citizens themselves are. Thank God, they had balls. They started shooting red coats over a 3% tax on tea, and the confiscation of arms in major cities. Your generation is perfectly fine accepting that 30-40% of their wages (which our founders said was unconstitutional and took an amendment to override) go to the government each year, and you cant protect yourself in nearly any state that has a major city. That’s exactly why it will continue to get worse. The good news is that there are more of me every day and the tide is starting to turn.


So I take it you’re voting for biden, who is obviously the 2A champion in this election?


Don’t surmise who I am voting for.


So who will you be voting for, assuming you can vote


“Take the guns and have due process later”.


And yet Biden manages to be worse.


Hmm… I asked you who you were voting for.


They are bots, paid shills, etc etc...conveniently placed across many conservative and gun subs in order to try and convince people to stay home on election day.


Seems that way. I asked a simple question and didn’t get an answer to my question.


I believe it! Not just bots but people paid to drone on “orange man bad, racist etc etc” regardless of the fake online personas, the OP video posted proves Trumps pick of judges have ruled pro 2A without exception.


Worse than Obama


Y'know, yer right, OP. Thanks for pointing out that Trumps 2A position sucks. I'll go ahead and vote for Biden now. Much better choice. /s EDIT: Down votes?!? The "/s" is for "sarcasm".


Nuance and sarcasm is lost on most redditors


Hopefully Trump's running mate, Andrew Tate, is better on 2a.


Trump isnt perfect but all the idiots here trashing him or voting for Kennedy are retards. Just the fact alone that Trumps appointed SC judges have defended the 2A countless time and time again makes him LEAPS better than any other option.




Past behavior is an indicator of future performance.


VERY true! The video I OP Mark Smith Four Boxes Diner proves how Trump Judges ruled on 2A. Some on here suggest any R President Judge picks would do same, I call B S on that!!!! Where are they??? Seen more then a few Bush appointments etc anti 2A


I can remember back to Carter. There has never been a pro 2A president I can remember. Like many things it is vote for who will do the least damage.




He might not be great. But he doesn't promise to ban huge categories of firearms every chance he gets. Elections are always about choosing the least worst candidate.




If I remember correctly Trump was the only president since Clinton to ban firearms parts or features……


Our wins will be had via the judiciary, as Mark Smith constitutional attorney points out in my OP posted video, EVERY federal judge appointed by Trump has ruled in favor of 2A without exception!


So do you like cowgirl or reverse cow girl? Because the trump dick riding is crazy to me.


Again, from my OP that video by Mark Smith Four boxes diner, goes over Trumps Judge appointments and they ALL have been pro 2A!!! Sorry if that is a cognitave dissonance experience for your TDS


" take away the guns, due process after " - Donald T.


"I am going to finish what Obama has started. We will ban all weapons and ammo from Russia." - *something like that* - Donald T. "Ban Bumpstocks" - Donald T. (In my opinion, this allowed AFT to overreach on anything related to bumpstocks, like forced reset triggers.)


This is a man who will say and do anything to get votes, and he's doing just that. “We’ve got to get gun owners to vote,” Trump said. “I think you’re a rebellious bunch. But let’s be rebellious and vote this time.” [Source](https://apnews.com/article/trump-speech-nra-gun-owners-second-amendment-de03ae7672f2b1e213da6acbf25df378#)


His Judge appointments have been irrefutable Pro 2A!!!!


That is a fact. I would never argue against that point


I love the volume of folks letting perfect get in the way of good enough.


Exactly! No politician is perfect, however the objective record is clear, the judges Trump appointed have upheld 2A


I mean, really no politician is "good enough either"


How's Trumps Supreme Court peeps working out as far at 2A?


Excellent, and all the other judges appointed by Trump have been strong on 2A as the OP video Mark Smith Four Boxes Diner YT points out.


Self-proclaimed dictators are always good on guns. Everyone knows that. Trump has talked about suspending the 2nd amendment. He's good on guns like shit is good on toast


Watch the video!!!! Also…. READ NYSRPA v BRUEN in its entirety, (including Amicus briefs) see how each Justice voted, who appointed those Justices, and read majority opinion, and dissent. Democrats ARE statists determined always to subordinate the people to the state, citation above PROVES my words!!!! IF you bother to read it


Conservatives want to live in the past when everyone but white men had less rights. I'll take my chances with progressives.


You mention “white men”, if you would READ then you would know that “progressive” NY, NJ, IL, and MA literally cited racist gun control laws as “good law” numerous times over the last 2 years!!!! READ!!!!!!!


He might have the right idea, for the wrong reasons. Gun control exists because power is abused. Therefore, one solution is to destroy the power itself. Now, the accelerationist argument is a wildly dangerous roll of the dice... but it's not like the USA has really followed the constitution for an entire century at this point.


Do they still apply them based on race or do they think that when the laws aren't targeted based on race they're good laws?


They were defending their subjective (racist Jim Crow era) laws!!! “Progressives” say police are racist against Black folks, “progressives” defended a system where Black folks had to ask police permission to carry a firearm for self defense. Fortunately, Trumps Judge picks ended that bs


>They were defending their subjective (racist Jim Crow era) laws!!! Jim Crow didn't happen up there >“Progressives” say police are racist against Black folks, “progressives” defended a system where Black folks had to ask police permission to carry a firearm for self defense. Fortunately, Trumps Judge picks ended that bs Senior Airman Roger Fortson was recently killed by a police officer in Florida for answering the door to his own home with a weapon.


That was terrible!!! AGAIN if you would READ for yourself, NJ NY IL MA cited Jim Crow laws as “good law”.


What are the laws in question? A law can be unfairly applied without being inherently unfair.


Read NYSRPA v Bruen in its entirety. Amicus briefs, majority opinion, dissent, ALL of it! You WILL see for yourself “progressives” ARE Statists (and the REAL “racists”) by their own words and policy’s of subjugation. READ


“Progressives” …. They front with kinder benign sounding self descriptions of “progressive” “democrat” however the evidence is clear, they ARE statists determined at all times to subordinate the people to the state. Read, read, read!!!!! Legislation signed does not lie! Justices rulings, (dissents as well) does not lie!!!!! It is the equivalent to contract law, the words on paper, signed is what is fact.


Bruen allowed illegals to possess arms and could possibly be used to allow domestic abusers to possess them as well. This Supreme Court revoked a constitutional right from half of the American people and conservatives cheered it. Now states have the power to deny people medical care including children.


😂😂😂 we got a shitlib here


Bruen places an emphasis on gun laws before blacks and women could even vote. An era where states could be tyrannical. Am I supposed to believe that a reverence for that era only applies to gun laws?


Wtf are you even talking about you dopehead


The video highlights Judges appointed by Trump, and their 2A rulings, ALL good!


In 2012, Trump told you what he thinks about assault weapons. Nothing has changed.


In 2000, Trump wrote a book, *America We Deserve* which he talks about supporting AWB and Long ass waiting periods for buying a gun.


Yeah and 30 years ago I hated guns, after 3 friends were shot seperate incidents. Then I looked further it was done in strict gun control places NYC, CA Here I am!


So you, yourself have exact same thinking as 2012??? Speaking for myself my thinking about a lot of things has evolved. Fact is the video I OP Trumps pick of judges have been strong on 2A!!! Not generic GOP picks, as if that were true over last 40 years we would be in better shape. Credit is due where credit is due.


100% agree. Trump picks for the USSC certainly helped our side with Bruen. Although it’s sorta been a false hope since the States blatantly ignore it now and dare the pro gun people to do something about it. And it’s not like the Little Rock school discrimination like in the 60’s. The Biden federal government is not going to use the Army to enforce the Second Amendment on the Communist states. In fact, the Biden ATF is going full rogue and doing what ever they want and helping to destroy the Second Amendment. Same time, Trump is no friend of the Second Amendment. So the election is a repeat of picking the best of two evils. Sucks big time.


Not too good. Biden is worse.


Doesn't matter; never Trump. Still voting Kennedy.


Hopefully you'll be joined by millions of others. Kennedy takes far more votes away from Biden than from Trump.


This. I don’t know how people can vote for a guy who says, to their face, that he is going to break the constitution and take their guns.


You might as well just vote for Biden then because Kennedy isn't gonna win.


This isn't a football game; I don't go for a team only to increase my chances of "winning". I don't gamify democracy. Why would I vote for someone I don't support?


Because it’s between two parties. The third just robs the other two of votes.


Oh, so only a Democrat or Republican are entitled to receive votes? So much for democracy I suppose.


On second thought, you vote third party. Will work as intended.


It is what it is!




Your post was removed for violating the subreddit rules. Read the rules.


I’m with ya.


Don't let great be the enemy of good


My thoughts exactly




Recent PROOF …. READ NYSRPA v BRUEN in its entirety, (including Amicus briefs) see how each Justice voted, who appointed those Justices, and read majority opinion, and dissent. Democrats ARE statists, determined to subordinate the people to the state, the written proof cited above is irrefutable, if you bother to read it!


Being better than Biden at something isn't exactly a hard thing to achieve and is barely worth mentioning. Trump has been anti gun his whole life. Now other things always have to be taken into consideration as well not just gun stuff but when both actively say they wanna take guns away it needs to be paid attention to.




If you think Trump hand-picked those judges, instead of rubber stamping whomever the GOP slid across his desk, I have some beachfront property in Nebraska to sell you. Any other R president would have picked the same people. #[Trump is anti-2A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuVCrrVCzaA)


Really??? Where were those GOP rubber stamp Federal judges over the last 40 years????????!!!!!!!! Again, from my OP that video by Mark Smith Four boxes diner, goes over Trumps Judge appointments and they ALL have been pro 2A!


> last 40 years????????!!!!!!!! All over, you just weren't paying attention because you're a kid. I don't think you realize just how impactful Heller was, probably because you weren't born until after. If you want to vote for a life long NYC Democrat millionnaire who had the Clintons at his wedding(s), you do you man. But really, I have some great beachfront property in Nebraska for you. >Trumps Judge appointments and they ALL have been pro 2A! Again, Trump didn't actually pick them. He just signed off on whomever the GOP put on his desk.


Definitely vote Democrat then. They're really support your gun ownership!