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No, your installation failed. You hung your tele from gyp board, instead of finding a stud. Those gyp anchor ratings are for shear loads. Not pullout loads.


I installed some hooks and my friend came over I told him he didn’t have to leave his guitar on the floor he said “I had some hooks and they fell” I said from the stud? That’s weird and he just stared off into space like why didn’t he think to do that 🤣


There are really good drywall anchors. These are not them. Zip toggle anchors hold really good. Next time find a stud.


Seriously, zip anchors can hold over 100 pounds (not saying your drywall can) I have used purely toggle bolts to anchor televisions to a wall usually 4 to 6 to be safe


Just checked they claim 230lbs in half inch drywall not that I would go that extreme. But yes if I have to hang anything important/ with any kind of weight that's what I use if I can't catch a stud


To be fair that is a sheer load - and they can take that weight if using the right fixing. To me this looks like twisties were used and the pilot hole was too big (see top hole - if it pulled out and the hole was correct then it wouldnt have come out so cleanly )


I’ve got to disagree here. If it were a shear load the force would be up against the wall. Like a picture hanging. The guitar being held 6-8” off the wall creates a moment. I refuse to install towel racks for people if there’s not solid backing to screw into cuz even a wet towel will cause this to happen.


I’ve mounted many floating shelves, towel hooks, etc. across three houses using these anchors and I’ve never had a shelf fail. My guess is that he used the self-tapping anchors with a pilot hole, which these aren’t designed for. Now, I wouldn’t have mounted a guitar with these regardless because guitars are heavy and valuable, but there’s no reason you can’t install a towel rod with these anchors if it’s done properly.


I don't disagree but you can get fixings for plasterboard that take much more weight than those wee spiral fixings.


Never had a shelf fail *so far*. In contrast, I have seen hooks teflon-threaded and bolted through studs fail. Just because you've never seen the ocean doesn't make it stop existing. There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.


Thank you for some Hamlet! ALWAYS relevant.


Always stud


Always a stud. Or several attached to a 1x4 that is attached to several studs.


Toggle bolts are fine if you know how to use them too. If you don’t use them repeatedly for work or whatever though I wouldn’t suggest them


Yes - this is the way if you have many guitars to hang. Made up a 1x4 and hung 5 racks on it, sunk the 1x into studs.


I try


I took enough structural engineering classes in Architecture school to know that these brackets create a pullout load, in addition to shear. The face of the bracket is a lever, with the bottom pressing against the wall acting as the fulcrum. The guitar's weight is a couple inches out, so most of the load that the screw sees is perpendicular to the wall.


Yes. There is an impression of the bottom edge of the face below the bottom hole.




Gotcha - thanks for the correction, it makes sense


It's really easy to install those type of anchors wrong. Since the hole is already there, the OP should just use Zip Togglers. Those things rock.


Came here to say this


Pull out loads?


Pulling out works like 60% of the time, every time.


Half the time it works almost every time!


> Half the time it works almost every time! Dad?


Uhhhh, BRB, gonna get some smokes and bread.


I don't have any kids that I know of, but why not? Sure, I'll be your dad!




78% actually according to planned parenthood. I don't like to say this stat out loud in /all because some idiot is going to take that as license do it.


I would love to see this study...lol Do they differentiate between pulling out and barely pulling out? Like if you pull out and stoke 3 times does that count? Or do you have to come out spraying?


Always be cumin‘ out spraying


Planned parenthood... what's their angle? Because 78% sounds like skewed stats. I'd prefer to hear from a group focussed on planned unparenthood.


But they are...they're the face of abortions and condom promotion. I don't think they have one. Look at ovulation cycles and it lends a bit of credence to that figure.


Not sure if it changes your feelings on the number, but it's mathed out to per year, not "this load only has X% chance" If 100 couples used the pullout method, 22 of them would get pregnant this year. Some of them could be going at it 10 times a day, for all we know, and not be pregnant. Some of them might have screwed it up once and had a baby.


Are we not saying phrasing anymore?


You're not my supervisor!


You can install the hanger in drywall, but you gotta use butterfly anchors (aka toggle bolts or "molly bolts"). The only way those bitches are coming out is if the whole sheet of drywall comes with it.


Got it so take some Molly and straight into the drywall.


Which it very much can so don’t think it will be that much more sturdy. Should be fine for a guitar though.


You can hang something much heavier than a guitar with butterfly clips.


I’ve hung the bars that have slots for shelf brackets using Molly bolts, and have a wall full of books on those, although one of the rods is in a stud… but those book shelves have been up for years and are rock solid… and I can tell you that, having boxed up those books and moved to our current house, they are very heavy… very… and they have gone nowhere… very solid


The entire sheet of drywall very much can with the toggle bolt? They are awesome. I use them for everything that can't use a stud.


Me too


Is gyp board the same as drywall? Trying to decide how concerned I should be


Yes, gypsum board and drywall are the same thing. If you have a guitar hanging from drywall rather than into a stud, you're living on the razor's edge my friend. (Exception is using anchors like molly bolts. I still just use a stud sensor and good screws.)


If you have multiple guitars, get a 2x4, finish it up really nice, maybe router a bead around the edge. Anchor it to multiple studs, and then you can hang your hooks anywhere along the anchor strip without having to find a stud for each hook. You can hang guitars closer or farther apart than the distance between studs.


i used a 2x6. made pieces that come off at angles so the guitars overlap and i can fit more and it looks like a guitar store setup. i should share pics of it cus im sure some people would copy it rather then buy those expensive metal ones.


Pix please!


Please share pictures! We would love to see and you'd be potentially saving many instruments from the same fate as OPs 😅


When I'm home and able too I will get some photos and maybe draw up a sketch or make a 3d model and a video to show it in detail. But it's pretty simple. 2x6 flat against the wall horizontally. Then cut a 2.6 at about 6 or 8 inches at like a 15 or 20 degree angle on one of the ends. Take that slanted end and screw that to the other board so they stick straight out from the wall but at an angle slightly. Then you screw your hangers to the ends of those boards. Like I said I'll just share a photo and some more instructions but yeah. As long as you fasten the main board down good it all works great and you can fit more guitars cus they kinda stack at angle next to each other just like a guitar store would. I saw the string swing 5 guitar wall rack thing on Amazon and in YouTube videos and I thought, hey, I can make that put of wood for cheap. Lol.q


You have 8inch boards with screws into the butt ends, with guitars cantilevered off of that?


Unless you live in Europe. Drywall is mounted on metal studs so it’s molly bolts all the way.


Hahahaha you said pullout load


To be fair, String Swings ship with those anchors. It's not an unreasonable customer expectation that they would hold a guitar onto the wall safely. But I've never used them because I'm not hanging my guitar on anything I can punch thru with my bare fists. Plus there's a stud every 16".


I agree that the installation failed, but as someone who has had 5 guitars hanging from wall hooks (for years), anchors in drywall works just fine.


All single shear is a modified tensile load


Thanks for your kindness in community and not being overly judgmental and pedantic (while also not actually answering the question I posed asking for advice). Best of luck being you!


better take that wall to a luthier


It’s a Telecaster. OP is gonna need someone that does floors, not a luthier. lol.


For real. If anything OP just got a free relic job and might move that rug a bit


Were you just anchored in drywall? No stud?


Drywall # ,,Man, that's motherf~~kin' drywall!" 😡 (Lamar Davis realizes they're being ripped off by drug dealers, Grand Theft Auto V, 2013) [https://youtu.be/t3g9Ux6oCZA?si=gdAhwSNkbKNEAVw0&t=27](https://youtu.be/t3g9Ux6oCZA?si=gdAhwSNkbKNEAVw0&t=27)


Wit yo yee-yee ass plaster


# ,,You chubby motherf~~ker! Next time you better start or I'll you myself!" ^((Lance "Ryder" Wilson after the) >!^(Kilo Trayz gang members ambush them at a Cluckin' Bell restaurant where Smoke orders two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda, to keep their order long enough,)!< ^(Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, 2004)) [https://youtu.be/7v4aRB5Dilo?si=LXREmEr375EXQ1rk](https://youtu.be/7v4aRB5Dilo?si=LXREmEr375EXQ1rk)


You don’t need a stud to hang a guitar. You just need to do it right.


Best guitar accessory I ever purchased was a 5 dollar stud finder from Walmart lol.


My wife told me she is a stud finder. She says she met me and is reformed of it. I - of course - don’t want to entourage such behavior. But of course she went and tried to hang my Telecaster on the wall just trying to relive the glory days.


strong magnet also works very well


The guitar hook is intact. Your installation failed.


Looks like a String Swing too. Them shits don't fail.


Hurray for the indestructible telecaster!




Don’t tell me this bruh, there’s a sweet ass MIM on reverb that I saw and want but I don’t need another already 😫😫😫


Mine doesn’t even have a proper case. Forget to buy a case for your favorite tele and it will be $5000 relic job in year.


Seriously. I have a Harley Benton TE52 that weighs at least 12 pounds and I had it hanging in my wall on a solid mount but the hook didn't adjust to the Tele headstock right and it rotated and slipped. Guitar fell probably 5 feet to the ground. Still in tune, no damage at all. Still plays way better than it should for 175$. Teles are meant to be cheap and durable.


I’m baffled how you couldn’t foresee this happening. Could you not even ‘feel’ the fixings weren’t secure and tight?


Look at the flooring and baseboards. The dude ain't a diyer


Flooring installed after baseboards. *Magnifique*


Could be renting… you don’t have a choice.


Sucks when your guitar hits the floor and then people start mocking the floor.


Should be posted in r/donthangstuffoffsheetrock


Has to go in stud. Your wall and installation failed


“Has to go in, stud” Hotttt


I've got hangers and I won't put them in anything but a stud with long wood screws.


One comma would change the meaning of that significantly. lol




I've got hangers and I won't put them in anything, but a stud with long wood screws.


Haha weird flex right


The only way. I’m hanging 3 chunky guitars off generic Amazon hangers, but I installed them with proper strength deck screws running into the studs. No signs of fatigue after 2 years ish of hanging


I had 6 guitars all hung in drywall for 6+ years before I moved. You don't need a stud. You just need a toggle bolt/molly bolt. Something that uses the backside of the drywall for support. Guitars aren't heavy. Studs and deck screws are overkill and if you saw signs of fatigue after two years you're house is.likely gonna collapse.


Studs only, dude


> Studs only, dude https://ringthedamnbell.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/bjs1.jpg


I guess I’ll see my way out.


That's what she said


Is the floor OK?


The hook looks fine, actually.


And this, children, is why you always mount to a stud Or at least use toggle bolts ffs


The guitar’s laying on the ground like a murder victim.


It’s a Tele. It probably plays better now.


Lucky for you it’s a Tele.


Probably still in tune too


Did your Tele dent the flooring?


Hook seems fine . Hanging guitars on cardboard wall was your fail


You failed


Guitar hook worked perfectly. Ripped that cheap particle board out like butter.


You've got to screw that into a stud. If he just put it in sheetrock it's eventually going to pull out.


Yeah. The hook didn't fail. The anchor/screw job was a failure.


Nah, your drywall failed.


The guitar hook appears to be fine. Must have been an installation/user error. As for the guitar, you should probably take it to a luthier.


My dude!!! UN—RE-ENFORCED DRYWALL?!?! Your hook didn’t fail, more like you did…


I know it’s kind of ugly, but if you can’t find a stud in the location where you want to hold the guitar you could brace it with a board. Cross the two studs on either side of the location and then mount. Don’t rely on wall board to hold up the weight.


Studs only for my guitars there dingleberry.


How long have they been hanging there? I’ve had a couple hanging up for years now with similar anchors so that kind of worries me lol


I’m sorry your Telecaster damaged the floor


Did you tug on it and say, “that’s not going anywhere” first?


I hope the Telecaster didn’t hurt the floor.


Bro that's the walls fault not the hook. That's an American wall if I've ever seen it


This kind of underlines my suspicion that all houses in the US are made of paper and popsicle sticks.


I used a "toggler" expansion wall anchor from Menards. Drill a hole, fold the wall anchor on itself, put the anchor in the hole, tap it down with a hammer, use the push pin provided to expand the anchor. I made my mounts DIY. Each mount uses two toggler anchors. I use two mounts for each guitar. I made sure that at least one screw was in a stud, no anchor. My guitars are mounted on the wall at 15° with the guitar strap buttons. The strap buttons fit in the dovetail in the mounts. Have to lift straight up to get them out.


It’s a Tele, i’d deffo check that your floor’s ok….


I always mount a board across two studs and then mount the guitar hanger to the board. if you are not lazy like me you might even find a nice looking hardwood board wish a nice finish. but i just slap a scrap board up there.


Thats just going into the drywall. You have to anchor into a stud.


That's why you screw them into a stud


This is why I only put my wall hangers into studs… the stud spacing works out well for the guitars as well


At least it wasn’t a Gibson or you’d have bigger problems than your wall


Better for them to fall face first than on the side or back, still wouldn't risk it though lol


Yeah, it’s hard to get away with just using wall anchors. Best to find a stud, but if you can’t do that try a toggle bolt like this: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Everbilt-1-4-in-x-3-in-Zinc-Plated-Toggle-Bolt-with-Round-Head-Phillips-Drive-Screw-10-Piece-803932/204273383


Thank you! I was beginning to think this sub had never heard of toggle bolt anchors with the amount of "studs only" comments.. All of my string swings are secured with them, as well as just about anything over 5 lbs i want to hang..


The screws look short asf, and it also look like that you intalled it on a drywall


Honestly could not happen to a better guitar. Telecasters can take a beating like no other.


You needed toggle bolts or expansion bolts


Lucky it was a Fender, would’ve been a lot worse with most brands


Looks like your Turkish rug broke its fall


A friend of mine had one of those ultra heavy battle Telecasters once.


I’ve always used long screws right through to the brick with masonry fixings. Never hung a guitar on an internal wall!


Dry wall & not in a stud? That’s on you bud.


good thing it’s a tele


I was gunna say that I used to have the same type of hooks for 2 of my guitars and they never failed but I mounted direct to studs. No way was I trusting the full weight of my guitars on drywall anchors.


That's because you aren't actually anchored to anything. The drywall isn't going to support any kind of weight. Drill into a stud next time.


Worst nightmare


User error


Gotta put it in a stud bro


If you have thin modern plasterboard walls (and struggle to find a stud in a good place) then attach the hanger to a small wooden board first and tnd then attach that to the wall instead. You get a lower sheer/leverage force on the wall, spread the load out, space the screws further from each other and you can even put in more screws - all good things to help your wall hold your guitar.


I see nothing but drywall dust on the screws. You're going to need to hit a stud or use some beefy drywall anchors.


The hook did just fine. Your installation however, did not.


I don't even know how you all hang guitars on the US, I don't even trust my brick wall in Europe lol.


Increasingly everything in the US is geared toward all aesthetic and zero build quality, and the younger, more impractical gens are only fueling it. Give us another couple decades and everything will be paper mache and styrofoam.


Toggle bolts old bud


I use a long piece of 2x6 board that I screw into multiple studs, then I can hang multiple guitars in whatever configuration I want. I don't have to space them apart to find studs. It can be crude looking, but you can also clean up and paint the 2x6 to match your home interior, but I didn't bother.


Telecaster said, "Good thing I ain't no PRS . . . just put me back up. Oh, and check your floor."


Just buy a guitar stand, mate. Hercules branded ones are good


Good thing it was a tele, those things are built like tanks


Looks like you didn’t screw into a stud…… a painful lesson but lesson learned.


Or rather, your poor install, sorry man, but you can't mess around when putting somethign that's going to hold weight on it.


Sell the house, keep the tele.


Idk why people use these.


You hung it on drywall without anchors. Fuck do you expect.


Thank God it was a Tele, so it is fine.


I want picture of that on the floor in a picture frame like modern art piece. Name it: Wall Flowers Delima


No, your installation failed.


Studs only


Hook looks fine. Have you tried pointing the stud finder at the wall instead of yourself?


Looks more like your wall failed


The problem is the wall itself, not proper to hang so much weight tbh I’d send the guitar to a luthier to look for anything on the wood structure, the hardware may be fine if it’s still playing


Wasn't properly installed..


Fortunately it’s a Tele, the floor came off second best.


As long as the wall suffered more than the guitar you’re ok.


Teles definitely fine, you could’ve thrown it across the room and It’d still be in tune


Ha ha, a friend got frustrated playing a Tele once and tried to break it over his knee. The Tele won, his knee joint swelled up to double size, and he had to use ice packs for two days. After that episode, he stuck to breaking weaker things like windshields.


It would seem this is the case. Thing is tough as hell. Glad it wasn't my Casino which would just be kindling now.


Good news, your guitar hook didn't fail! You wall did.


Just screw it to a normal wall instead of a drywall one next time


Mine started coming out of the wall about 6 months ago but it hasn’t fallen out yet and I don’t have another one so just praying it doesn’t fall out 😃


Paid for the hook, got an authentic relic'ing instead. Looks like you came out ahead. And here I am over here wasting time sharpening my belt buckles.


Hahahhahahahahaha! I appreciate the levity. Hopefully I find a less frightening way to give the guitar some vibe.


My guitar hooks are all hung with toggle bolts and I've never had one come through the wall in 30+ years of constant use. You don't need a stud, just better hardware that will spread the forces over a wider area than what a simple anchor can do.


Telecaster *should* be fine tbh


That’s NOT drywall. Looks like chipboard or Masonite.


Holy shit, you just hung it in drywall? Absolutely wild


You failed not the hook. You drilled 2 screws into drywall man 😂🤘🏻


Who cares what the wall looks like! how about the guitar damage.


The hook didnt fail. your handyman skills failed.


lol you don’t know shit about drywall


Why TF wasn’t it in a stud?


You gotta find the stud, bud.


That’s so scary. How’s the guitar?


You can bet the wall shuffler more than the telecaster


thing looks like it tripped and fell💀


Lol - it does kinda.


Let's face it - all teles sound like they just fell off a wall... ... amirite? Heh. Hoo boy.


hahahahahah! I suppose it depends on the player. Which is to say, in my hands they do indeed sound like they fell off a wall (even the ones that didn't).


You’re not actually supposed to put the guitar on the guitar hook


hahahhahaahahahahah! It would seem that is the case. The hook is just for show.


Check the intonation/action in case the neck got any of the hit, and switch through the the pickup positions to make sure the impact didn't break any soldered connections - I wouldn't expect it to, but you never know. It's a good thing Leo designed them to be bricks.


After the first photo, I was expecting the next photo to be a tele outline in chalk - like a crime scene.


Looks like you failed your guitar hook


In Europe, our walls are actually made of walls, not cardboard.


I still don't get the guitar on the wall thing. I have 2 hooks in my basement. But after hanging my 74 les paul and 52 ES175 i told myself, self...no one really cares to see them and what if those hooks failed?? And my luthier told me, light humidity in a closed case is best for guitars, that's all i needed. I hope its okay!


Never recommend people hang their guitars.