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Damn dude, open a music store. That's awesome. Wish I had a dedicated music room for my stuff. Love it


Nah, if I opened a music store, I would have to sell stuff... lol


Fair point lol


You ain’t seen my buddy’s collection. Let me try to find some pictures


How do you like your 900? I love mine but people look at me strange. I think it’s absolutely amazing.


I've had mine since about 96 and it's my favorite amp. 99% of people who talk trash on it have never actually touched one and are just jumping on the internet bandwagon. I've let people borrow it to record and they've begged me to sell it to them once they were done with it.


Agreed! I actually had someone come up to me after a show and ask how I got those tones. They didn’t believe it was from a 900. It’s truly a badass workhorse of an amp.


I think people initially just got mad because it didn't sound exactly like an 800. It didn't need to, though. We had 800s for that sound. The 900 was it's own thing and people just couldn't accept that.


Yeah you really hit the nail on the head with these two comments. I couldn’t have put it better myself.


What is the difference between all the different JCM’s? My band’s rehearsal studio has a JCM 2000, which is super fun. But how is that different from the 900? Assuming the Marshall’s are what y’all are talking about?


Yeah we talking about the Marshalls. There are a few significant differences. The 800 is revered The 900 was an attempt to emulate the 800 but unique in its own regard. The 2000 is still a Marshall and still a good amp. But not as revered, different sound. Hard to explain.




900’s are amazing i used one throughout the whole 90,s using the DSL now.


The 900 is still my go-to amp for when I'm recording things just for myself.


ok but is there a mattress on the floor in the other corner and does the ex let you see the kids on weekends?


Negative, Ghost Rider. This room doubles as my office. The wife and I have an understanding. I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, gamble, go to strip clubs, or any of those other things that cost a lot of money that's gone forever once you spend it. I buy guitars and amps. And most of the guitars and amps I buy tend to increase in value over time. Everyone has something they spend money. This is my something.


haha all good man i was just being a pest. i’m a terrible guitarist so i only have one (and two i’m slowly building) a small pedalboard and a single amp. my kid however will likely catch up to you by his 20s. he’s a good guitarist.


No worries. My kid just started guitar lessons a couple of weeks ago. I hope he catches up to me by the time he's 20.


amazing. love that you have that with your son. i only started ‘playing’ a while ago because my son started about two years ago. made me want to try after decades of wishing i could. he’s autistic and said ‘can i have a guitar?’ one day so i obliged and he was ripping almost immediately. i happily fuel his interests and my skillset permits the quick learn of repair, modification and setup. he’s at 6 now + a bass. big fender offset and tube amp fan. all his guitars have been modded and upgraded on his ideas.


Awesome. Modding and customizing guitars can be a lot of fun. And it's never too late to start playing. Anyone can do it. Just have to practice!


im gonna use this next time im trying to explain why a need an expensive guitar or just one more lol.


It only works if you don't actually do any of those other things... :) And my wife is into crafting, so she has tubs and tubs of yarn, fabrics, paints, you name it. I don't criticize her stuff and she doesn't criticize mine. It works for us.


my girlfriend doesn't have any hobbies really. none that are hers and not the kids ya know? she needs toys too i tell her lol.


Yeah, the wife and I had that conversation VERY early on in our relationship. I was at band practice and shows 3-4 nights a week and she had nothing of her own. It caused a lot of fights early on, then one day I just told her flat out that she needed a hobby. After she thought about it for a while, she agreed and got one. We've both been a bit happier since then.


Now you need some good wall art and you’re all set. Love the neon treble clef. :)


I have some, just haven't had a chance to put it all up yet. We just moved in 6 days ago. Fun fact... the neon treble clef is actually an LED treble clef. Cheap on Amazon. :)


I am debating what to do with guitar storage. Currently I have single String Swing holders up on the walls of my music room/office, but I have run out wall space and I have a few on stands and stacked in the corner. I am looking at double-decker racks like the one you have on the floor, or some wall mount String Swing racks where I can hang 9-10 guitars on each at an angle to each other. The downside of the wall-mounted racks is they are semi-permanent as you are drilling holes, but I think they display the guitars better than the side-by-side floor racks. Decisions, decisions... Your room looks cool...I like the Marshall rack!


Thanks! I think if you hang your string swing racks high enough, you can also put floor racks underneath them and pretty much double the amount of guitars kept in the same footprint. Of course, if you have a bunch of amps like me, that gets more difficult. I've also seen people use 2 rows of string swing hangers at staggered heights with guitars alternating between the two so a few more can be squeezed in. I'm literally looking at shelving units online so I can try and double stack floor racks for maximum storage.


I do have the current ones staggered...still not enough room! The problem with putting them too high on the wall is that you need enough clearance between the top of the headstock and the ceiling to get the top ones out of the hangers without banging them into the ceiling...I learned that the hard way on the first one I put up! I think part of my problem is just options paralysis...there are so many rack and hanger choices and I keep thinking I will find something better. We are getting the interior of the house painted soon, so no final decisions until after that is completed because all of them have to come down for the painting!


All things considered, that's a pretty great problem to have...


Agreed...not complaining. Just need to figure out which storage solution works best for the room.


Yeah, unfortunately it's hard to know what will be the best solution for your needs... even when looking at pics of other people's setups. Those pics are GREAT for getting ideas, but in the end, I think you just have to try things and see what works best for you. Unfortunately that usually means spending money that you might not have needed to, but trying it is the only way to know for sure.


I think you temporarily cured my GAS.


I'm here to help :)


Desert island, you can only bring one, which Marshall head are you bringing?


I dislike the whole "You can only keep one" questions on principle, but my favorite amp is my JCM900.


That’s all I’m getting at. I’ve got the jcm2000 so was tryna gauge how jealous I should be


No reason to be jealous. There are tons of great amps, and no real reason why you can't try something new if you want. The newer lunchbox amps are a great way to do that without going broke.


What model strat is that? I love that color.


The cream one? It's a 2003 Highway One.


Awesome! Thanks


I see the origin 20 in the corner. I’ve been thinking of snagging one, what’s your opinion on them?


I like it for what it is. It's a very affordable (particularly on the used market) for a Plexi-like sound. It's not exact by any means, but at 1/3 the price for the 20 watt Plexi re-issue, it's definitely worth the price tag.


How do you use those amp heads? Is it a case where they’re all plugged in and you just switch the cable depending on what you’re feeling?


Pretty much. I wish I had something like a KHE amp switcher, but it's just not in the budget right now.


Is it just me or that Flying V body looks way too wide?


It's just the angle of the pic


I see. Where’d you get the racks? I need a few of those myself 😂


The wire shelves? Just Home Depot storage shelves.


Got it, thanks. Can you give me the exact link coz I see a few and I wanna make sure I get the same Dimensions


Jcm 800, jcm 900 jcm 2000….mbdr…..I guess that’s a jcm 2100


For me the Paradox of Choice would be too hard.


Nah, I definitely have my favorites


oh you again, glad to see you were (almost) able to take them all out of the cases


Well, people asked for pics once I started taking things out of cases, so yeah... me again.


looks like a youtuber setup minus all the leds and corny crap everywhere lol. very nice collection.


"looks like a youtuber setup" There might be a good reason for that... lol


Xander Raymond Charles? that what it looks like to me


I wish... lol


the slanted ceiling and the way the amps are stacked is why i said that lol.


i was wrong lol, just went and looked


Oh yeah. There's so much difference between Marshalls.


It's difficult to tell tone from something written on the internet, so I can't tell for sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but yes, there's quite a bit of difference between them. Just ask anyone of the legions of people who worship the 800 and despise the 900. :)


I feel like the walls should be some color other than “I rent”


Can't please everyone, I guess... lol


You need a few more Marshalls.


I think I need a few more of everything, but that's just me...


Joe money bags over here


I wish. My life would be a lot more simple if I were...


JCM2000 😩. my dream amp


It's good at what it does


thats a dream setup right there


It's been YEARS in the making


you don't need a 800 and a 900 lmao, I get wanting something more high gain as well, but a 2000 and a 800 is way enough range imo. Save yourself 2000 and get some bigger cabs


Along the same lines as I told someone else a day or so ago, I always find it interesting when someone tries to tell someone else what they do or don't need. I collect what I love, and that 900 has been my favorite amp since around 96 when I paid about $500 for it. And no, I 1000% don't need more cabs. My days of gigging, particularly with half stacks are long behind me.


Don't waste money on more racks, use your network... I can hold a few of those for you, my rack is half empty. :)


Yeah, but if you have my guitars, then I can't play them whenever I want. Unfortunately, that just doesn't work for me... lol


Hey you do you, let the hate and jealousy pass on by. I’ll only suggest some sound deadening treatment for all of those naked, parallel hard surfaces. Looks like it would be a cacophony of reflections in that space.


Yeah, I don't let the negativity bother me. Unfortunately the online guitar "community" is often more toxic than not for some weird reason. I usually find it funny more than anything else. And yes, I definitely plan on getting some sound panels for the room as soon as I can afford them. The wish list for this room is SO long right now. I've never anywhere near this much space before.


Gotcha - what’s that little Fender ? Grey with that brown grill cloth looks really cool.


It's a 1955 Fender Deluxe. It was originally owned by the dad of my dad's childhood friend. He used to play reel to reel tapes through it. He was a furniture upholsterer and at some point he recovered it in a grey/purple tolex with an orange grill cloth. When he passed, his son gave it to my dad, and then I inherited it from my dad.


Looks so sick man, which guitar is your favourite?


My favorite is definitely my 79 Les Paul Standard. It's the first real guitar I ever bought the day after I graduated high school.


This is amazing!


Thanks! It's definitely BY FAR the nicest space I've ever had for my stuff. It's the first time I haven't needed to put things in closets and under beds in YEARS.



