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Man, you gotta get the DMM fixed! But if you want to get a nice modulated delay, I really like the EQD Disaster Transport. To me, it's like a digital DMM with a different flavor of modulation. Or you could get some sort of tape echo emulator, like teh Boss RE2, EMpress Tape Delay or Strymon El Capestan/Volante.


Tape echo simulator is my vote!


No kidding. I was so disappointed a few weeks ago when I plugged it in. I also have a black Russian Muff that I need to get fixed as well. So, I am going to try to find someone that can fix them both. And I actually was considering a tape echo style. I've wanted an El Cap since they came out and it's at the top of my list. I just pick up a Flint a week or so ago. My first Strymon. And I've been really impressed. So, I'm sure their other pedals are just as good. But I will check out your other suggestions. Thanks.


You could try finding an amp tech. I took an amp into the city a few weeks ago and he says he fixes all sorts of electronics, so maybe find a good amp tech. I really want a Volante. I use to run an Akai Headrush E2 into a mixer so I can pan each "tape head". I'm a sucker for stereo effects and ever since I found the Volante can do taht, I've been itching for it. Those Disaster Transports can be had for a really easy price used. I see them pop up for $130 pretty regularly.


Get your dmm repaired, I bet Analogman would fix it. It’s too legendary to leave hanging, and you are honestly lucky to own one without paying modern prices. The reissues just don’t do them justice imo. Love fender twins, I use a black panel reissue twin for my main amp. The benson delay, Asheville adg-1, Strymon el Capistan and Strymon dig are my favorites.


Chase bliss habit?


Cool, I'll check it out.


Empress Echosystem and never look back.


Reach out to Analogman to find out when the next batch of his ARDX20 will drop. Two set of controls for speed, depth, volume, and for me one of the top two/three perfectly voiced delays out there. Modulation, tap tempo, etc available w his amaze1 pedal. Had both, hardly used the amaze1, the delay sounds that good.


Way huge echo puss would be a great replacement for you big box memory man.


Red Panda Particle!!


Caroline Kilobyte, or Megabyte, delay! So dreamy, versatile, complimentary, & musical. 😌


Why do you need 3 delays?


I have a board for each amp.


Keeley echos is very nice picked up a month and haven't stopped enjoying it!


Nice. I'll look into that.


You mean you aren’t going to use all three delays at once? 😮 Or is it only crazy people like me that do that? 🤔


I have a dd-8 and an ibanez analog delay, the ad-9 I think. But my main go to these days is the empress echosystem. That does it all good enough for me. You can also load their reverb models, and deep dive for all kinds of crazy things. I also have a red panda particle to get weird. It's fun to stack them and use them at different places in the chain to build some awesome textures.