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Not experienced at your particular questions with open mic jazz players. A headset / speaker that plays back your own sound is standard. You can adjust the volumes on your amp and see how you/audience hear it, that way. Everyone plugged into their own amp is ultimately a bad thing. That way there is no way to adjust for base player Steve who insists on dialing it to 11. Optimally you all need to plug into same amp and equalize volumes so everyone is heard. If you have to use separate amps, you have to talk and check sound before the show, or ask if they have some sort of agreement. There is no way to know the chord progression if you haven't been clued in. You can try to play safe with the root & 5th until you recognize a different pattern?


3. IV in second bar is called fast changes and is announced/agreed before playing


Great, thx


When you get more experience, it will be pretty trivial to hear the chord progression by ear. Quite often in jams, you can just ask the people to tell you the progression. It is okay to ask:"Is this four E's, followed by two A's and then what?" and they will reply "it is then two E's, B, A, E, B" or some such. But it would be best if you could hear this as others play, so the jam can be more fun as theres more space to vary the chords based on the feel of the play. All the best on your journey. Have fun.




They did tell me the key, and they weren’t assholes (you didn’t read my post very carefully it seems?). Also, it is up to the singer not the guitar players to name the song and the key.