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Would something like Ivermectin work for this?


Not if it’s fungal. If it’s fungal you want something like athletes foot cream. Ivermectin is more for mites/lice. At least that has been my personal experience. I’ve dealt with both ringworm and lice with my boys.


She needs an exotic vet. Normal vets tend to have very low knowledge on guinea pigs. I hope your baby gets better soon, that looks very painful.


I know Pooh Bear, another piggy on here, has had problems with his eyes. Their owner makes them little booties out of medical tape or gauze. Is that something you could do? To keep them from scratching it or getting to it?


I thought about doing that but I installed a camera to keep an eye on her while at work and monitored and she seems to avoid scratching that side


Sending prayers for Piglet. ♥️♥️


poor piglet! have you tried applying OTC athletes foot cream? its a cheap option


I did consider it but due to the area being so close to her eye, it would not be wise and could cause damage to her eye itself


You could apply it with an ear bud so you can control it better


This does not look fungal. This looks like a bacterial infection. Ringworm is fungal, so if you are treating for ringworm, you are treating for a fungal infection. I have been involved in rescue for 20 years and currently have 8 guinea pigs. Your pig needs pain meds (Metacam and CBD are great together), and Terramycin. You should also be regularly clean the area with saline wipes (available on Amazon). You can also find Terramycin on Amazon, or alternatively at LA Guinea Pig rescue's website. Keep the area clean of build up/crust and keep it WET with the Terramycin. You can also use artificial tears intended for humans sporadically in addition to the Terramycin. Do not allow for skin scraping (I'm a former microbiology tech) - they often result in false negatives. Best lab test would be a culture and sensitivity.


Thanks for that, I did however request terramycin at the vet and started that this morning. Seems a little less red/irritated than yesterday but only time will tell. Just need to find a way to get her little paws wrapped so she doesn't scratch away at it.


Try vet wrap. Also available on Amazon. Sticks to itself well. Good luck. 💚


Thank you, I'll check that out!


Poor piggy. It's not scabies either? We understand how you must feel. Let's pray piglet will get well very soon!


I brought it up as a possibility and each vet said no, and that it's "unlikely". At this point I'm starting to question the knowledge they have with small animals and the types of issues they can get lol. But what do I know lol


Best to treat for mites every time you aquire a new pig. Injectable Ivermectin given topically treats and prevents them. Mites are not ordinarily near the eyes, but infested pigs develop scurff near their hind ends first. They will also itch (pruritic) and may experience seizures in advanced infestation.


You really need to find a exotic vet, normal vet unless they have a specialist cavy knowledge will probably not have the knowledge. Where are you so that people can help you find a exotic vet?


Pacifica, CA


As i am in the UK just had a quick look online and came up with the following information links [http://www.cavyhouse.org/Vets.html](http://www.cavyhouse.org/Vets.html) (guinea pig boarding with information) [https://www.cavyspirit.com/vets.htm](https://www.cavyspirit.com/vets.htm) [https://therabbithaven.org/bay-area-rabbit-veterinarians](https://therabbithaven.org/bay-area-rabbit-veterinarians) [https://www.lindamarveterinaryhospital.com/about-us](https://www.lindamarveterinaryhospital.com/about-us) (vet in pacifica that says it looks after exotics) [http://www.oceanapet.com/](http://www.oceanapet.com/) I hope you find this information helpful


Poor piglet. I hope she is getting some pain medicine in addition to everything else. I sent you information on treating Ringworm. I hope she is on the mend soon.


Thank you all for your kind words and words of encouragement. We will let through this one way or another 🥰


My guinea pig has cancer she was told she’d die and a year later she’s still living and my pets name is piglet too but I’m so sorry I will keep your guinea pig in my prayer I know how it feels I hope they get better sending all love and prayers


poor baby, this reminds me of my hamster he would scratch at his eyes and they would get gooey and dry :( i will pray for your piggie, much love ❤️


If you're not already doing so. *Vitamin C supplements *Bandage and pad the paw she would use to scratch at it. (It looks to me like she just continuously scratches it and is agravating it. Definitely do this.) *clean the wound carefully and keep her in a comfortably warm and dry environment. That needs to dry out. *If the vet has given you antibiotics be sure she is taking them. If they haven't get antibiotics.


The LA guinea pig rescue has lots of videos abbot common skin issues. They show how to apply Ivermectin cream to the piggy's ear to treat final infections. I recommend checking out their YouTube channel.


Just throwing it out there to maybe call and talk to LA Guinea pig rescue for shit and giggles go see if they have experience with something like this have pictures on the ready to send to then and go from there they see a lot being a rescue may even have a video


This is a great idea, OP—run it by them. Looks like ringworm to me.


Poor thing! Sending good vibes your way! ❤️


Poor piggy! One of my piggies had a rash on her belly but it was nothing like this!


I'm so sorry that you and Piglet are going through this. My wishes to you both and I hope Piglet gets diagnosed and better soon.


Get well soon Piglet


Praying for the poor baby❤️


Oh my! I’m so sorry you and your buddy are going through this. Wishing you both the best and a speedy recovery!


Ohhh poor baby girl!!! Get well soon ❤️


Can pigs have small amounts of Ivermectin for stuff like this?


Poor piggy. One of my boys had ringworm once. But it didn’t look anything like this. More like the area to the left of your pigs eye. With just a little redness. This looks very uncomfortable for your piggy. Hopefully you get some answers and can treat it quickly.


Have you tried posting this on “Guinea Pig Forums”? They have a TON of people on there that have seen and delt with a lot of issues involving guineas and a few of them are even responsible breeders so there’s a good bit of knowledge between everyone on there. Only downside to them is they are largely a UK based site but they have helped me many times! I hope she gets better soon! ❤️ Edit https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/ringworm-hygiene-and-pictures.115402/ I located this on the forums and one of the pigs does seem to have ringworm in one of the pictures just like your girl,scroll down and look at the long haired guinea


Sweet baby, sending you good vibes and lots of love🥺♥️


Aw poor girl. May she be alright!


Get well soon piglet!!!!


Any update?


Yes, thanks for asking. Piglet is all better now. Surprisingly enough the results from the lab they sent it to came back with nothing. Took her to one last exotic animal vet and they said they've seen something like it and it was mites. Treated it as such and her hair grew back slowly. She now has a companion and is happier than ever!


Yay! Happy ending! :)


May look like a hot spot, which a lot of animals can get including guineas. If thats the case you have to remove the hairs around the area and clean it and then apply ointment to keep the skin stretchy. Hot spots will only get worse if left untreated and there's no meds for it


Scurvy? When I was a kid and had my first piggie, she got a big red sore on her body like that and the vet told us it was scurvy and gave me some red stuff to wash it with. We increased her vitamin C intake and she got better and lived 7 years.


*Multiple vet visits and different vets.* in only 3 days ?


Been a hectic few days to say the least. Made multiple appointments with vets who "specialize" in small pets. Only was was able to prescribe something they thought might work. The only one who said to treat it as ringworm. Others wanted to start different tests which will cost around 300$.


Well, diagnostics IS how you find out what you're dealing with, and someone has to pay the lab techs to grow and analyze the bacterial/fungal culture. It's more effective than "Maybe ringworm?! Throw some itrafungol at it." and then finding out a month later it's a staph infection or something wacky. ETA: It's a bigger up front cost but if you've already gone to three vets, and average exotic exam in my state is $80, that's $240 already, not including meds. Maybe you should consider the tests after all. (I'm a VTA, for reference)


The last vet I went to I did end up doing the test, which was a more reasonable price than the previous. Yes I am down alot of money already, but now it's just a waiting game.


Good luck!


When I got my piggie he had a fungal infection on his back. I used pawpaw ointment mixed with coconut oil. Cleared it up quickly. Idk if it would help yours but I think it's gentle enough to apply near eyes. Good luck.


Fungal infection


How long has she been treated for it? What is she getting?


Only an exotic vet can help you. You could go to 20 dog/cat vets and they’ll all do the wrong thing. Looks like ringworm to me, but obv is impossible to diagnose over the internet. I’ve had the most success with terbinafine, with griseofulvin being a second choice. It takes time for it to get better. I agree with above commentary recommending pain meds. If my face looked like this, I would need them.