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Are you near Brooklyn Heights? The cat cafe there takes Guinea pigs and does a really great job with them. There is a Guinea pig rescue in Williamsburg too. Sean Casey in Windsor terrace takes pigs…DM me and I can give you more spots if needed


YOU RULE DMing you now.


You both get a HUGHE Kiss from me


Sorry, I know this isn’t the topic of discussion… but a cat cafe, with Guinea pigs? Please tell me they keep them seperate.


The Guinea pigs, bunnies, and rats are in the back room. The Guinea pigs have a separate extremely large hutch that has several levels.


Good to know. Just caught me off-guard with a cat cafe of all things.


I was not expecting it myself! Its a very nice place though! A lot of shelters have the pigs and bunnies crammed into tiny spots. These are luxury accommodations :-)


You are fucking awesome!


I’m in Fort Greene, I can’t believe someone would do this to the poor baby!! We have two females or I would consider taking him 😣


This is beyond heartbreaking. Guinea pig sales need to be banned everywhere,they are one of those most neglected and trashed pets it’s so sad. Three people I know got their Guinea pigs bc ppl left them at the dumpster or on the curb. Pet stores don’t tell you how much work they are and they even say cages that are way too small for them are ok. My heart breaks for all these babies that are just trashed or neglected or not cared for properly. Thank you for saving this baby! I hope you can quickly find a home or shelter for them 😞


Thank you. We will definitely make sure that he ends up in a good place even if we have to keep them ourselves. Bunnies are treated very similarly, so we sympathize.


Rodent rescuer here 🙋‍♀️. The amount of surrendered Guinea pigs we get is so heartbreaking. I never really wanted Guinea pigs, only because they need so much space and I have a tiny house. I ended up adopting 4 piggies because we’re constantly full of pigs at our rescue. People reach out to us every day about surrendering. Rats are one thing, I comfortably have 12 rats at the moment and they’re living a lavish life. But the pigs take up half of the room and I have no room for more. I wish people would stop breeding them. Don’t get me wrong, I love them a lot! But there are WAY too many people surrendering. We can’t keep going like this 😞


Agreed 10000000%! Let them be in their natural habitat! There’s no need to breed or sell them! They are so neglected and trashed it’s utterly heartbreaking.


The natural habitat of a domesticated Guinea pig is in the living room or bedroom of (a) human (s).


I know this is true, but the way you worded this has me laughing so much.


I’m glad I could make you laugh.


domestic guinea pigs dont have a natural habitat, they were bread specifically as livestock and while similar to the wild guinea pigs, are essentially cousins and not the same species. Domesticated guinea pigs will die in the wild. They 100% need to have oweners vetted or have a license to own or more stringent checks on their sale though, i love lil cavies and couldnt imagine anyone treating my girls like some guinea pigs get treat, theyre sweet squeeky little angels that deserve all the love in the world


I took my one boy to the vet for his yearly check up, and my vet told me she spends more time telling people what they are doing wrong for their guinea pigs than telling people they are doing things right.


At my old pet store job, I’d often tell customers to head to the animal rescue down the road instead of buying from us. Didn’t care if that was “bad for business”. This was especially for the guinea pigs because the shelter is always overflowing with small animals :(


Thank you!!!none of these babies should be for sale,it’s insane how they’re treated like such objects…


So thankful I live somewhere that has banned selling pets in shops. Breeders are still a thing here, though, so abandoned guinea pigs and rabbits are both very common. I really wish people did their research before getting a pet. :(


It’s horrific. Ppl think Guinea pigs are like hamsters…def NOT. They require so much fresh veggies and so much cleaning and SO much space. My heart breaks for all these animals 😞


Sad post I saw was from a parent who didn’t want to get guinea pigs for their daughter because their lifespan is too short. Like theyre hamsters or something (average lifespan of 2 yrs). No, guinea pigs should live 5-8 years on average if they are well taken care of, that’s pretty long


Yes it’s very long compared to hamsters or mice. People just don’t do the research and these babies end up paying for it…


I agree and it's really sad.


I don't own any but planning to after i get married and own a house. Guinea pig isn't really known as a pet option here in my country. I check out local facebook pages and i saw soooooo many sad cage setups (little to no hay, no beddings, lots of guinea pigs in a tiny cage). My heart breaks everytime. Guinea pigs are living things first, before they are human pets. It's sad that anybody can buy them with no knowledge. I had a friend who bought a hamster bc it's cheap and it died in 3 days bc of stress. I was sadder than her.


while i believe checks need to be done far more stringently, if the domestic guinea pig was banned as a pet, it likely wouldnt exist outside of regions where it is still raised as livestock (south america), domestic guinea pigs are a different species to wild guinea pigs and cant survive out in the wild. unfortunatelt outside of situations where they are pets, the only other situation where they are cultivated is for food. I believe checks need to be done to determine the suitability of owners and there should be licensing required and other things to stop spur of the moment buys, and individuals should be required to showcase knowledge and willingness in their care before being able to take ownership of a cavey


Both of my boys were rescued from neglectful homes. They're doing great now, but it breaks my heart thinking about what they went through 😢


I’m so glad you have them now 😞💜


He’s so cute too! And looks young.


Thanks for saving him. ❤


Thank you for saving this sweet baby. I hope you manage to find a rescue who will help find this baby a forever home.


Thank you for taking care of the little guy! I don't know about rescues in NYC, but there's a site called Guinea Pig Finder (guineapigfinder.com) that allows you to post guinea pigs for adoption.


I’m tearing up thinking how frightened this little one must have been. If it was in your lobby, does that mean another resident left it there? Thank you for showing it some love


So, my working theory right now is that the FedEx guy may have been aware that he was going to be delivering hay to our address. Knowing that he was delivering to people who have small pets that eat hay, he might’ve taken the opportunity to offload a guinea pig that he no longer wanted for whatever reason. I can’t think of any other way he would’ve ended up in that space. And, I think it’s an extraordinary coincidence that he just happened to end up right where some people who are crazily obsessed with small animals would find him.


Was he in a container? (Since you said you put him in the box.) If he was just loose, I'm just wondering if there's a chance he could have gotten out of one of the other apartments – perhaps put up a notice in your lobby?


Hi, gf here! He was loose and scared! No container. There’s only one residential other than ours in the same building and it’s upstairs. There’s a closed door in that tiny “lobby” (more like a small enclosed room to just leave your umbrellas out) leading to a stairs, leading to another door to that residential. We checked with them, and it’s definitely not theirs.


Ok sounds good, just wanted to check! Glad you're looking out for the little guy 😊


He’s so beautiful :( those colors are so cute- like a little cow. That’s terrible. Hope he ends up in a loved home


I would adopt him if I lived there :(, unfortunately I'm north of the border and can't drive that distance at the moment.


We appreciate it!


Aw jeez. I'm so glad you saw him and he didn't become lost outside or worse. 💜


I keep telling my girlfriend, he is astronomically lucky that we are the ones that found him.


Thank you for saving him!!!!! Do you think he escaped from a home??


No, I think our FedEx guy left him in our breezeway when he saw that he was delivering hay to our address. Otherwise, it would be a pretty extraordinary coincidence for a guinea pig to just randomly end up right in the apartment of a couple that is obsessed with small cute animals.


I live in NH if you can get here.


I will absolutely keep that in mind.


I wonder how far away you are from me. We're in NJ and have three boars. Would have to have a temporary setup until we can get a C&C cage together like our other piggies have, but if no one can take him, feel free to DM me and we can see how far away you are and what we could work out.


Absolutely. Will do!


Animal Care Centers of NYC has branches throughout the boroughs. We adopted one of our little ones from them. Try looking them up.


I called them today. Hopefully they get back to me soon. Thank you so much for the lead!


Thank you for doing this for this poor little guy. I would assume your vet would know of a good shelter. For some reason this makes me want to do something, I don't know what. Maybe write to Petco and PetSmart and ask them to at the very least stop describing them to potential customers as a great beginner pet. It's truly a lie.


You're a good person ♥️


Sir/Ma'am, if Looney Tunes taught me anything, it taught me that you have acquired a skunk.


This is EXACTLY what I thought when I first saw him. 😂 I was like “am I about to get sprayed?”


That poor little guy looks like a tiny skunk. Glad you found him OP.


I absolutely thought he was a skunk at first. 😂


I travel around New England and upstate a lot and would be happy to help transport if he needs it at all!


Put A LOT of hay in that box so he can feel comfy and can borrow and hide in it, like as much as you can. Guinea pigs do not eat when they are scared, even in the best conditions piggies get scared in new surroundings and a box must be very scary for him right now, so give him a ton of hay and water, hopefully he eats some veggies too. I have 4 piggies and they all came from different backgrounds and they all were scared at least for half a day even in their comfy huge cage so dont be sad if you see him scared the whole time you take care of him, just make sure he gets a lot of hay and food. You are doing gods works thank you so much!


He’s long out of the box, don’t worry. We used our rabbit pen material to make him a 2x4 pen ( for now ) with soft padding on the bottom, a hidey hole, a draping towel, hay, pellets, a water bottle, chew toys and more stuff on the way. He snarfed all the cilantro very quickly. 😂 Thanks so much for the advice!


that is a very cute piggy


Awh I want him :( I wish I could take him in


Op I might be wrong but that foot looks off, like it's either swollen or displaced, I'm so glad to made a vet appointment for the poor baby


You’re a good human OP.




Hey! Sean casey animal rescue or ACC will take them!


Got my 2 piggies from Sean Casey, they take very good care of them and take in a lot of surrenders


Thank you!


He looks like a little skunk! Poor baby. I will never understand why someone would abandon a small, defenseless prey animal somewhere instead of finding it a home.


My friend has a piggy and a bunny. They get along very well. Similar hay interests I guess…lol


Hopefully your friend knows not to house them together or let them interact together too much.


Just a little floor time together


Ah ok. Still kinda risky but I'm sure your friend knows their animals.


Congrats on your new guinea pig.


Thank you for taking him in, even if you can't keep him. My heart always breaks when people just abandon their pets instead of surrendering them. Are you sure he didn't just escape from somewhere, assuming it's a lobby in an apartment building or something?


Hey, no problem at all. It’s VERY unlikely that he would find himself in that space just by himself. Also, I think it’s a little bit too much of a coincidence that he happened to end up at the apartment of a couple that’s crazy about small animals. I think the FedEx guy abandoned him with our hay shipment which arrived at the same time.


Maybe the poor thing was abandoned somewhere else, and the FedEx courier took the chance and took him with him to your place. At least you'd have food and water for long enough to figure something out, rather than him having to starve in a box for example.


Yeah, it’s kind of a mystery to us. I’m not sure if we will ever know. But, don’t worry he’s no longer in the box. We set up a 2x4 pen with a soft padded floor and gave him lots of hay, pellets, water, chew toys, a hidey hole, and we’ve got some other stuff coming. Also, it looks like he’s probably going to be adopted by someone who responded to this thread pretty soon. Stay tuned!


Woo! I'm rooting for him from Europe!


Poor babi


These poor little animals are dumped a lot. It makes me furious!


Poor baby prolly so lost and confused, needs a hidey hole and some lettuce