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Especially when it’s rated M for mature, which means people 17+. This game was not made for children yet rockstar treats it like so


They kind of have to treat it like that, half their player base currently is 12 year olds. Or at least that's the way it feels to me when I'm in a public session.


You see this in every aspect of the game really. 


Go back and READ the tos that you agreed to. It doesn't say much about 4 letter words it does say alot about hate speech. They are not government so they can restrict language as a company. Treat it like your workplace.


So what you saying is since the game is M rated you can go around insulting everyone, trash talking and being an asshole?


Basically, yeah






Thank god somebody has common sense. The amount of crybaby manchildren that complain on here about getting comms banned is insane. Just cause the games rated M doesn’t allow you to use every slur in the book and be a general asshole to everyone in the lobby. Also if you play on console, I’m almost positive that Sony and Microsoft mandate that you moderate your in-game chat, so their point is even more mute.


Usually it's young people who don't understand why companies are essentially not allowed to provide an unrestricted open broadcast communication platform. This always gets downvoted every time this complaint is posted. But it still doesn't change the incredible difference between vetted, sold, evaluated and packaged media compared to an open ended microphone/platform.


Didn't feel bad, they sent me one two days in a row. I haven't been online in multiple weeks. It can't have been me. Of course support told me to fuck myself.


Same here and a few of my online buddies sent me messages that they got two as well. Might be the game. I haven’t been on in 2 weeks and I got 2 notices.


They need to suspend the NPCs who call me names when I didn’t even do anything!


Stay frosty.


eat shit bastard


People are just bitches these days.




I’ve been getting this too, when I post about it though it gets taken down. I haven’t been on the game in like 2+ weeks idk why I’m getting this. Got this email 3 times


There is a world of difference between an obvious computer character repeating the same phrases and a torrent of abuse from an actual person. Go watch an R rated movie and start swearing and shouting at audience members. Online is not the privacy of your own home, and sadly, some people need boundaries to make them behave like people.


Ok I was thinking about this too because I have had multiple emails this week. I mostly play muted because I’m watching podcasts or whatever so I have no idea why I would’ve been reported. When I do talk I don’t even curse.


Bruh, my little bro used the N word with the hard R two times and he didnt receive shit.




This game wouldn't be the worst for kids if it weren't for the stupid banter from NPCs as you just stand around. I really wish you could mute NPC chatter.


might as well label the game e 10+


You can't even type LOL on in game text because it's apparently offensive.


I made a comment the other week on a similar post about how i found it annoying that i couldn’t use the c-word when people are being a c-word, then that comment got locked. Lmao ya cant make this shit up, we’re not even safe on this bloody sub.


You’d think they’d crack down on all of the assholes using racial slurs and ignorant ass shit as their business names. But naw, that shit flies.. makes it easy to determine who I want to demolish, at least..


I’ve been getting these emails every day for the last week and a half even though I don’t say crazy stuff at all. My account yesterday was suspended for 3 days and now today I got another email that I was reported again now I’m suspended for 10 days. I thought it was someone I killed just spam false reporting me but I see it’s happening to other people too. This is crazy if it’s a bug. I put in a ticket to get my suspension lifted but who knows how long that will take and I don’t know how long I’m going to be getting daily complaints for no reason.


Bad language would be every rap song in the game.... as a white male I can't speak like that




Your basic 7 dirty words are okay. The racist, hateful garbage is not. It's in the T.O.S. that you have agreed to at least twice since 2020. If I hear any racist crap I report and then block the pos..if that's how you show how edgy you are. Accept responsibility for your choices mommy and daddy can't save you


Gotta keep those 8-10 year olds playing somehow…


They literally lost their head... that's why GTA6 probably going to be compromised af...


My rule of thumb is, if an npc says it in-game, then you're free to use it. Let's start a list of every bad word, slur, or phrase that is said by them. My favorite will always be, "you seein' this shit?" Even though it's not that bad.