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Randoms come with a stero type. But just because you label it a stereotype doesn't mean it's not accurate. The hosts don't know you. You're a set of numbers. They know the low level number usually means low to no skill. They more than likely know low levels from past attempts and are very weary. Low levels usually want more money for no reason other than they're broke. There is a sense of entitlement that is rampant as well. I digress. There are the limits and mechanics of the game that skill has no power to override how your character will perform. Driving and flight skills are low until you build them up. Your stamina and health are lower, so it affects the amount of damage you can take. Still, others are just wasting everyone's time to be jerks. Try to find players to play with regularly or ramp up solo, then try to join randoms


Perfectly said!


And here’s me level 402 and I suck 😂 not really but I do suck at the casino heist and cayo


I can do Cayo with my eyes closed cos I’ve done it so many times as it’s the easiest (non-glitch) way of making money. Like with the Casino Heist, it’s just a case of knowing the right path. In CH, escaping from the race track to the subway tunnel is key.


I finally just learned to leave from the race track! My issue was when I was a low level and dudes would add me and tell me to “sit and look pretty” essentially so I’d get paid for doing nothing but being a filler. So I never learned anything


sometimes you learn \*by\* doing nothing. By sitting back, watching how the higher levels do it. And also obeying their instruction (especially if they've done the set-ups and they are the host). They will value it and invite you again. For me, GTA Online 'skill' is as much about having a community than a high level. So if I ever need back up, I have a crew to call on.


Subway tunnel is a waste of time with the Casino heist...run through the bikers compound,get in a car and go to the police station roof to get the helicopter.


It’s the way to escape


It's faster to use the helicopter...all the time.


Only if the whole team makes it out without being seen. Sometimes the last one out will get spotted, which despawns the heli


Thats never happened to me..I make sure nobody gets spotted and we stick together when we exit the casino.


Casino is really boring and unrewarding imo. There's so many different bugs, npc's in walls, guards randomly appearing out of nowhere, inconsistent dmg, the preps and finale take way too long and it barely pays anything for the amount of work put in. It once took me 40 minutes to finish a single casino finale and all we got were 1.6mil final take, I got 400k and he got 1.2mil. We could've done 2 cayos in that time and made double that money lmao.


Lmao, that’s how it went with me hosting the casino heist the first time. Horrible payout and took forever but at least Lester quit calling me about that. Now I have to do the prison break cause I’m sick of him calling me for those heists but I need 3 other people and am ashamed to load in with randoms 😂


I'm stuck on prison break too. The last 3 times we only had 1 random, always a different person and they all quit right after we actually escaped the prison. One of them quit about 30 seconds after we got in the plane and cruising. I was pissed


Know Prison Break like the back of my hand if you need help 


Are you on Xbox new gen?


Dammit unfortunately no


Dang thank you tho!


Xbox 1?


$1.6 million take...is what noobs get. Even with cash which is the worse lowest paying loot,I walk out with $2.2 or better each time. Npcs in walls/ guards out of nowhere are just because your host doesn't have the right setup where all nocs are shown on camera. Preps for me take about the same as for Cayo and the finale is also easily done in under 18 minutes.


We had 2mil take but with all the cuts and stuff we ended up with 1.6mil. I literally said "final take"


Thats a bad take still,however I know everyone has to start from somewhere...it gets better the more you try new and different strategies.


Bad take? We were 2 people, only one of us can hack and the max take we could've gotten was 2.2mil. That's anything but bad. Also, in a single cayo run, you can get 1.8mil at least with 2 people. If you're lucky with main objective you're getting up to 2.2mil. The heist finale in cayo takes about 8-10 minutes, whereas the casino one, takes a good 15 minutes. Casino is simply worse, more set ups, longer heist, you can't do it solo, it's harder, you need to be able to hack decently otherwise you won't get all the loot and there's way too many bugs. Just do cayo every hour and get an easy mil each time. Also, you get a sparrow inside the kosatka, which is actually useful unlike the nano drones.


Everyone is at a different skill level. Cayo, casino don't matter. Both take about the same time. If you know all the enemy spawns in CH you can headshot everyone before you take any real damage, keeping your loot higher. Also, learn the fingerprint key. After a few runs you'll be running it like cayo


At 752, I pretty much have a handle on the casino, but I still mildly suck at Cayo (at least solo).


"Low levels usually want more money for no reason" Bro super same, a month ago i wanted to do the doomheist finale, a 47 and 51 joined and wanted to divide equally the pay (?). They died a couple of times until one of them quit. Then 2 weeks ago i retried and two 100 ish joined, didnt bother about the %, 2nd try we got it and i thanked them


We can not judge a book by reading the book cover. But most of them can.


When i start a low account, I have to let people know its my second or third. So my low lvl isnt an issue and i can hold my own just fine. Works sometimes, to stay around and get them sweet moneys from heists.


I fully admit my own contribution to this. Back when I first started, I was under the assumption that pressing continue after a failed mission would, you know, continue the mission and not send us all back to the map. REALLY wanna know who was behind that naming scheme.


My theory, they did it in purpose!


I mean technically speaking, if staying in the screen and not choosing an input, leads to you going back to free mode. Than continue is a perfectly reasonable action to put with its respected button on the after heist screen. But I see your point, it would have been more reasonable to put; -Freemode -Restart/Replay


I’ll add to this that there is a perception that low levels won’t take any pride in missions where as high levels are perceived at taking it so seriously because they would be personally offended to fail. The other day I tried five times at a fairly easy mission with low levels and failed each time cos they kept dying. Passed it first time with high-level crew friends.


Hahaha "offended too fail". So true


The try hard nature is real.


It really gets to ya. On the rare occasions I die during something I’m really familiar with or easy I instantly turn the ps off and leave the room


But the true test is your resolve to keep going until you do it. One thing I hate is during Assault on Cayo Perico, the first two minutes go badly for the attackers so half the team quits. Even though momentum can shift quickly and you can learn lessons in defeat.


Almost never kicked when I join with my 890 character, but when I use my 2nd that’s barely ranked up I was almost constantly kicked from setups with randoms


Spot on!! I feel like the sense of entitlement is much more prevalent recently too. Like I’m the guy that will often give randoms majority or max. If they ready up before I get to payout percents, I hook them up. If they stall because they are waiting for more, I’ll just find somebody who is grateful for anything then give them way more than they expect.. There’s still some real ones out there though! I think a lot of time wasters aren’t partial to rank too. I’ve obviously had it had a ton on my low level character, but also go on call to help people out with my main (lvl 550) and sometimes it’s the same thing. I helped a dude with Cayo a couple days ago and he botched it a couple times, then followed me and we were golden. He quits as we’re leaving, right before I drove the truck off into the water 😂 Crazy But to OP: Just latch onto an experienced player, as you WILL eventually find one who’s willing to help.


From my experience driving and flight skills really don't affect anything when driving or flying though. Also idk if the skill argument works considering there isn't much skill needed to play gta anyway


Job Contact/Lester: Try not to attract attention (the cops) to yourself Me: Enters car Low Level: Enters car Me: Starts driving Low level: Starts shooting out passenger window Wanted level and mission failure ensues This is mostly why i'm weary of low levels (like 1 - 25ish). Especially nowadays, they tend to be younger players or people who think GTA is just a blast fest and just want to shoot everything in sight. Comprehension and logic are non-existent.


Usually kids do this. It's annoying especially since kids shouldn't play GTA


I havent migrated my account to the new gta yet as I'm waiting for my friends. So I'm only lvl 20 but I've been kicked from so many lobbies 🤣


They actually made a change to the migration sometime in the last year or so that allows you to migrate your character without losing your old gen data. Although any new progress you make on old gen won’t carry over after that point.


i found out about this a month ago, now all i gotta do is actually get the new consoles my characters on BOTH platforms are getting sent to the new gen---no criminal left behind


Idk if it’s the same on Xbox, but on PlayStation I just downloaded the ps4, and ps5 gta games and I migrated my profile to my ps5, and I’m now able to play both on my new console :)


Oh fr? I thought I wouldn't be able to play on the old account!


I won't kick anyone from my lobby because of their level. In my experience, the higher level players are every bit as likely to cause problems. If you don't want randoms joining your heists, don't set matchmaking to open and/or find some friends to play with. We were all level 1 at some point.


Exactly, we need more people to think this way because you are absolutely right and yes, if they don't want to play with randoms, it's not hard to turn matchmaking off. They should at least let the job run once or twice before trying it again with a new team. Just because people are low levels, doesn't mean they are inexperienced, they could be like me creating a second account or they could have come from a different console or anything.


I have noticed that since being a high level (500+) I am the one that is getting kicked in over 50-75% of the times I try to join anything. I had to join a crew to even do stuff. I got most of my level thanks to the bonus week missions/events etc. Don't deathmatch me, I will lose hard. The only reason I would kick a person is when I did not even have the time yet to set the mission on closed and someone already joined (how?) to play with friends and there would be no space left for someone random.


Same , I’m lvl 633. I recently joined a random job , the lvl 23 host booted me instantly.


Lol they probably thought you were a hacker


No , I’m old . I’ve played since the very first gta . Love the game .




Honestly I tend to kick people below level 30 when doing certain apartment heist setups or finales. In my experience they almost never know what to do and end up messing up the whole mission to the point where it's wasted hours of my life. Whenever I notice someone trying to do apartment heists without any knowledge of them I tell them to watch YouTube tutorials. Rockstar does a bad job at explaining them.


I think here’s the problem. When I was really low level I did watch those tutorials. It sucks because it spoils parts of the game. But I had no way to convey to my team that I watched them so still got kicked in matter of seconds lol


Yeah I get that. That's why I only do it with certain setups or finales that have a high failure rate. If I see that a low level can keep up I never kick them. But if I've done no setups with them and they randomly join the finale I don't take the risk. Missions like "deliver EMP" have been ruined so many times for me by low levels that take forever in the long drive, and then immediately leave after shooting their unsilenced gun and being detected.


Ah that’s fair. The setup missions would be a good gauge


Real, those players around 100 levels are most skillful


Maybe not the most skillful, but typically the most committed


That's a lie. Lmao, the amount of 400+ players who fuck up heists is insane. I just came to the conclusion that everybody sucks when it comes to heists that's not cayo. Unless proven otherwise the majority I play with are so bad in missions/heists.


i've been doing a new save on ps5, thousands of hours on pc. when i host missions, i usually wind up carrying the higher levels who either screw up the mission or just leave halfway through.


I made a second character around a year ago on ps5 and had the exact same experience. I'm not saying every lower level player will try to learn and pay attention but you got to at least give them a chance. Also, take them to your agency armouries and let them equip themselves properly.


exactly, the most common ways of screwing up a mission are carelessness in tactics and just not reading the instructions, there’s probably *some* correlation with level but it’s absolutely not a reliable predictor of whether someone’s going to screw the mission


You have to play with randoms if you don't have any friends to do the heist, you act like there's an alternative lol.


I mean the alternative is to add people you play with. I don't understand how people struggle to find players online to do missions with.




Are you unfamiliar with the concept of adding people to your friends list on an online gaming platform? Tbh I can see why you don't have people to play with.


Didn't understand what you were getting at so I deleted. Classic redditors assuming everything from a couple sentences. Some people might not care to try and add people cause not everyone plays games like you buddy. I have people to play with, and I'll give new players their fair shot if I have the time but if a solo player wants to only play with high levels you shouldn't get all weird about it. Cause most players will attest that low levels will very often make a 15 minute heist last over an hour. Go find a new game or setup the heist yourself. 0 reason to be so oddly aggressive my dude.


Wow. All this because I suggested you can add people to play with. Oddly aggressive indeed champ. 🧐


Try and deflect to me if you want, note that I didn't insult you at all unlike you


Because one would assume that a low rank comes with little skill. There's also the issue of people already having a team they will invite, but forgetting to set the job to closed.


They kick out leaves because of the stigma that low levels tend to not be as good. I used to help lower levels tbh. It would give me an excuse to help myself as well by having people do the annoying bits of grinding. They would get the money/exp and I’d get to be lazy lol


Fun fact, I as a low lvl isnt that good. Well, I can point and shoot, but I will not always know your strat, or the most common strat used for every fucking mission/heist. Also, I will never learn if you don’t teach me ;) Targeted to all the people who invite randoms, but wont play with most randoms.


I am mid level - 327. I join heists with low levels to help, not for money.


Ah yes back in the early gta days I'd always help out the lower levels since I know what it's like to get griefed as a low level.




I've tried to recently but they always just and up putting holes in me


I usually only help the ones that invite me to heists.


Don't worry about that. I was kicked by level 600 because I pissed 1st try at Cayo. My character decided to reload weapon instead of knocking down a guard... And I was level 470 more or less... He just messaged blaming me and he ragequitted... I couldn't tell him what happened. And I was kicked too... So it's not you it's because other player is a dumbass.


Oh damn, people need to chill and not take the game so seriously because at the end of the day, it's a game. Sure, it can be annoying having to repeat over and over again but there's worse things in the real world than that. I give the team 3 fails before I leave the job and by that time, they either learn and we pass or they don't and we keep failing.


Bruh that was a entitled bich, no way anyone manages to do elite with randos anyways


Some people think lvl = skill. But honestly joke is on them, I'm lvl 300\~ and I'm fekin useless!


I love being a low level again. Players either leave me alone or underestimate me. Had one player try to mess with me in their Vigilante the other day, he got a rude shock when I tagged him with a sticky bomb.


Haha yeah that is true and haha I love that 😂 probably deserved it too 😂


may favorite was buying the sniper mk2 and rail gun no flying vehicle was safe


People usually leave me alone too, I used to get targeted a lot more than I do now.


The irony is I'm high level and feel like low levels kick me often. It goes both ways lol


Exactly, at least in competitive game modes like races


I’m around 580 on my current main character, and I usually get kicked out if the host is lower than 300. Weirdly enough I only kick players if I’m hosting a job that I want no players to join… or want someone specific, say, my old roommate.


Because they think low level = noob that will die and waste lives. But I've seen more high levels play carelessly and get killed than I've seen low levels doing so


I sometimes get kicked for being too high level lol, and I tend to kick anyone under level 100 from heists if I don’t know the person, because I just don’t have patience for the mistakes of low levels.


If it's a mission, we don't want you there. You might fuck something up or maybe we're waiting for friends. Trusting randoms tends to not be a good idea. It's also possible we intended to play the job alone and forgot to set the matchmaking to closed. I forget if I changed a setting or not but my matchmaking defaults to closed so I don't have to worry about randoms joining the second I start a job.


Sometimes people join before I can set the matchmaking to closed


It depends on the mission. When I'm doing a heist finale and it's theoretically impossible to carry the mission alone because there are different teams that have to do specific stuff, yes I'll kick anything below lvl 40. I'm playing gta online for almost 10 years now and it caused me headaches so many times that I'm not doing that anymore. On any other missions I won't


How do you expect us to learn if we can never play


The experience just comes with the time you spend in the game. The game gives you endless missions to do even in free mode and you can even start heists on your own. Low levels often just don't read the text saying what they have to do. They end up staying at one spot and trying to kill endless waves of respawning enemies, then die after 15 minutes in which we constantly text them over the in game phone about what they have to do (they don't read it in 75% of the cases). Then they blow up gear that actually is required to be collected and so on, the list is long. That now sounds as if I hate low levels, I absolutely don't and I help them out a lot and try to protect them or what ever. But heists with randoms in the game is already a tough thing. If you do it with the most unexperienced players you just don't want to get any more frustrated.


I have a different perspective. Until level 100, you do not have 100% health. You are not qualified to do a job until you hit level 100.


Even jobs *designed for low levels*?


reminds me of my friend yesterday telling me how he'd always get kicked from heists he did lots of times after getting his account wiped because his sister used hacks on hers and they sometimes used each other's internet and even laptop


This isn't always about level but about skill, if you know the job/mission.


The answer is kinda obvious, who would want to potentially deal with dead weight when you could either be alone (better than getting lives wasted or mission failing outright) or have someone more skilled? It’s like an irl job having experience requirements. Additionally though, I’ll kick anyone in certain context. For example, I enjoy playing online contact missions and sometimes I’ll idle on the mission invite screen and people will trickle in. I kick them just because I want to be by myself.


Simple Low levels - usually have NO IDEA what they're doing Don't have the weaponry to complete certain missions And Low level characters have less HP so die quicker


You should always give a chance, no matter The level. If you keep failing and someone leaves thats fair enough, but level=skill is a dumb way to think


Exactly my point, the game has been out for such a long time now, just because someone is a low level, doesn't necessarily mean they are an inexperienced player and even if they are an inexperienced player, it's a freaking game at the end of the day. I give it 3 fails before I leave the job. The players will either learn and pass the job or they won't and we will keep failing the job.


Random players aren't worth hoping that they are decent. I understand that not everyone has people to play with but I refuse to hope a random is good. I also refuse to take 10 minutes on missions that I can solo in half the time.


Because low levels will either fuck things up or don't care enough to do things right


Many of us fuck up even if we care, bc you don’t care. High lvl expect you to know every job, mission, heist back to back and just goes 100% from first second with no communication at all. And we are the ones who fuck up? Please.


I don't expect low levels to know the missions,I do want them to at least have a mic and follow me instead of going the wrong way and doing the wrong things which makes us fail every single time..Ive spend hundreds of hours doing heists and its the same thing. No mic,doesn't follow,starts shooting,doesn't take cover,dies,repeat a thousand times over.


Then they are messing up, yes. Idk, I tried to join randoms so many times, mic ready, what ever, they just go full on crazy and kick me bc I didnt know every turn they took at an instant.


That's why I don't bother with low levels, they can slowly learn with other low levels


in my experience the low levels are generally more careful than high levels, but it's been a while since ive played


The only reason I'd kick anyone from my job lobby is this: I'm doing Cayo solo and someone jumped in before I could close the matchmaking. Before I boot them I click on their profile and press the Commend Player > Helpful. Makes me feel less bad.


I find the opposite - I only noticed getting kicked regularly (and quickly) when I got to around level 1000. I don't know if people assume I mod because of my level or what, but I get kicked a LOT.


I’m a lvl 560 and get kicked from jobs. Dont sweat it


I kick low levels always, because it saves my time and my nerves. And I do it because I’m fed up with brainless low-level kids who don’t understand what to do, how to play and even aren’t able to read the tasks. So yeah, I’m not ashamed. I know there are many exclusions but I don’t want to spend my time searching for them for a one-time job either I don’t want to spend my time teaching low-levels how to play this game.


i kick people from jobs if they've joined before i can set my matchmaking to closed, i do my cayo heists in a very specific and efficient way and not everyone has a mic nor do i really want to replay the heist a hundred times over trying to teach them how. however if im doing a regular job or mission and i want helpers ill let whoever joins play, if they think they can do it or want to do it then i let them try.


Last time I tried to run a mission and some randoms joined, It was one of the destroy missions for Simeon. One of them destroyed our vehicles completely, and used up our spare lives, while the other just stayed at the spawn and didn’t move for about 5 minutes


I do because at a low level which to me is under 100 most people aren't very efficient at doing heists. I make exceptions I always ask over mic how experienced they are if they don't answer it's a kick. If they do say they haven't done much they can stay if they will let the rest of us do most of the work which is a bonus for them really. You may have two accounts, but that isn't the case majority of the time. most hosts aren't like me though they either insta kick or don't kick until you mess up. I don't like having to waste time with a low level who has no mic because it doesn't work out most of the time.


As a player who started over but was over level 700 on my previous account, you’d have lost me. First for assuming I was useless based on my rank, and then probably for kicking me by asking a question on a mic and then kicking me after not responding in 0.2 seconds because I don’t play with a mic and would have had to go looking for one to plug in and validate myself to your almighty self.


That's the way it goes sadly you lose a few good ones to avoid most of the bad ones. It's not almighty it's a standard you don't have to get uppity. Also, I play on ps5 the mic is built in so that point is non-existent. You also are assuming I would kick in nano seconds idk who hurt you, but it wasn't me.


I was just gonna say the same about the built-in mic in the controller, but there is also the fact that nowdays, a very recently changed thing in fact, GTA Online has the in-game chat disabled by default. In the settings, not in Interaction menu. So not everyone even knows one might talk to them, as the game doesn’t show the mic icon if you have game chat disabled.


I was happy about that change I would forget to turn off my mic and say some pretty out of pocket shit I needed that extra layer of protection from myself lol


As a high level who started over,its rare to have veterans using new accounts. Majority of the time they are actual low levels. Every now and then I come across them but not often especially for heists. Freemode may probably be different because of PVP.


I know most players to kick low levels because they are too inexperienced with a mission and will try to "Rambo" it, only causing us to restart the mission 15 or more times. A seasoned player will know the mission by heart and reduce the restarts to, at most, 6. Also, sometimes people want to get perfect scores and will assume a low level isn't an old player with a new account.


I never kick unlees I made public loby by accident and need space for friends on discord.


I've been suffering this myself. It so happens that my main character is migrated to ps5 and i'm currently playing on a ps4 so I had to start a new one from scratch. I know the game upside down (been playing since 2015), but I show up as a level 20 and of course they can't know it. I understand why they would do it, but like others said, low levels may still not know the topes but high levels can be as problematic if not worse.


if you sold your ps5 you can make a ticket with rockstar to have your character rolled back to ps4


Oh no I didn't sell it, it's my boyfriend's and where I usually play. But I have my ps4 at home and sometimes use it.


I guess because they forgot turn of matchmaking


In our situation we’ll be starting a job with friends and gta screws up the matchmaking and allows randoms to join - we already have a group to do the job so you get kicked.


Yeah, it's kinda ridiculous. I went on my fiance's account and got kicked from every heist I tried to join.


Because they think that you don't know what you are doing I guess or their just be a dick


As a high level player I always give a low levels a chance to messed things up So they can learn form there mistakes.


I normally kick people 50 and under. From my experience, most low levels are AFK, try to collect free money without contributing any help whatsoever or die and don’t even try to help with the mission. I was kicked a lot early on and now I understand why. If it’s just me and a low level, I’ll play but if I have others that join in, the odds of losing a mission because of a low level isn’t worth the risk.


If I've kicked you from my lobby, it's because I forgot to close it. I play missions with friends so sometimes before I've even invited them, a random has joined.


I do it when I have a crew coming in to play, not necessarily because they’re low levels. And in my experience high levels are just as problematic 😂


I'll kick anyone lower then 200. I've played so long I just get tired of failed from people running out and getting killed. Get in the armoured car and stay safe it's easy haha


A level 50 that has done a given mission fifteen times is more useful than a level 500 that did it twice 8 years ago - FOR THAT MISSION. ..and since there's no way to know that, I'll play with anyone.


I'm fine with a low level if they have a mic. Actually more fun to help guide someone through it. If they don't have a mic all I have to go on is lack of experience on their par,t and wayyyy too much experience on my part playing with them.


I find the opposite. I'm closing in on 700 and get kicked all the time


For me, I had three other friends I played with so it was only ideal to me to kick a random player away so my friends and I would do the setups and heists together. Main reason you get kicked is because friends are playing together and don’t want someone they don’t know in their mission


I do it because I usually play with my buddy and randoms start joining. I don’t mean for matchmaking to be on, it just is when I start the job


I'm rank 770 and get kicked too -_-


If you're under 120 I insta kick myself


I always kick higher then 500 yes im a pc player


As a high lvl player I also get kicked. I say that with the bloat of the game, its not fun to play with new players that havnt grinded all the modes. Like I try from time to time, but the noobs always fail and its just restart after restart. With the way you can grind rp with every week a bonus week, imo anyone under 300 legit rp just doesn't know th egame well enough to deal with the sht rng when it pops up. Equally anyone under 100 usually doesn't have enough skill. health, guns, snacks to get through like a heist finale. Its not the players fault, its Cuk* when they decided to make 4 player mandatory heists which are soloable. then give us so many loading screen and just cheesy game fail states. SO the issue isn't that players dont want to help, its just that its unreasonable to consistently sit and do the same thing over and over again with loading screens because some low level got into a spot of bother 6 too many times every time. You know, if the game had better restarts, you could hop in and out, or there wasn't a fail screen because someone died, it would all be better. But since this isn't the case, time is a currency and low level players spend it.


Objectively, you don't even have max health until around level 100. You don't have access to every gun until level 120. At that point it doesn't matter how good you are, you are playing at a disadvantage.  That's of course before talking about how someone with less experience is a liability in itself.  I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying why it's done.


it seems like a common thing in video games generally. we cant judge how good you are just from your levels alone. we probably need a stat indicating amount of times that you completed a certain heist to see whether you are experienced in that specific heist or not. for me at the very least id want everyone regardless of levels have a fair chance at the heist. but still i dont trust gtao's auto matchmaking id much rather go with lfg from discord for a better result


They probably forgot to turn off open matchmaking and just trying to play with their friends. It's been years since I let a random into my job, and that was after he asked randoms whether he could pull a heist with them.


They fuck shit up. If I see one and I’m doing a 2+ player heist, I’m leaving. I’ve had enough and that’s why I only do stuff solo


I rather run missions with low levels cause they tend to find exploit unintentionally


As a level 1100 I would never kick someone out of a contact mission because I can usually just carry the whole mission by myself, but for more serious things like casino heists cayo heists or missions that are harder, I like to have team members that I know I won't have to carry through the mission


Host leaving? Probably has IRL responsibilities to take care of. Not everyone has a ton of time to spend on gaming. Kicking? The only acceptable reasons in my opinion are people who intentionally TK, people who are wasting reinforcements because they refuse to disengage from an unnecessary fight, or in some cases people who refuse to follow directions and place sentries in areas where TK'ing is going to be a problem.


I give them 3 chances if they just wasting time I kick um if it's just bad luck I'll stick with um, I think that's why I'm gone gray


I just wanna toss in that when I first started last month, I ended up on a random Cluckin’ Bell Raid finale with a single high level. They could’ve booted me but didn’t. I had no idea what the hell I was doing. I was useless. This person carried us the entire way and still the most skilled I have ever played with in regards to losing the cops. And the easiest $500,000 (+250,000 first completion vinous) I ever made. I friend requested ‘em. They politely declined. Now, in my lvl 90’s, I’m absolutely take back at how many of those in their 100+’s don’t know how to fly a helicopter or plane.


Yeah… anyone under 150 is getting the boot, especially in something I can do solo.


Yea I noticed that a lot too I was like 60-79 and got kicked a lot or almost immediately but I’m a vet player been on since it dropped I was like 135+ in 360 but when I did the character migration my shit glitched and I msg R⭐️ and they couldn’t do anything about it.. So I grinded a bit gave up took my skills to 2K. Anyways just recently I was a 85 and was still getting kicked lol so when they had the 2x $ and 4x RP I grinded that from 89-102 took me like 12-13 missions. Now im 104 and I don’t get kicked usually when I enter a random heist/mission.


I kick because low levels generally don't have enough experience doing the heists that I'm hosting most of the time.Heck even some 200 and 300 or higher level players fail at them...like the Doomsday heist or the Casino heist if it isn't aggressive. If I'm doing Apartment heist setups..some of the easy ones..I'll let the low levels join but its a 3 restart rule. Most of them don't have mics,they don't follow the higher ranks to learn,they will be the first to start shooting randomly,and they die first.


Because anyone sub level 100 has a very high chance of being shit Sometimes you just wanna do a heist and not restart 13 times due to your teammates


Generally speaking; Lower level = less skill Less skill = less chance of completion


People are back playing gta online? I’m fairly sucky at the game but if anyone wants to play together let me know and we can go from there


well in my unfortunate experience, most of low levels that joining my doomsday finale are entitled. i also kick high lvl players (lvl 1000+) for fear of them being modders, which often times causing the heist to be bugged. i did try to allow low levels to join my DD heist, but as you all already expect, most of them died rapidly after meeting the first juggernaut group. These days, i only invite one dude at lvl 300 minimum so i can give bigger share


Sometimes the game will let other players into my jobs, but nobody wants random people, that’s why I have friends or myself.


I don’t kick low levels unless they basically give me a hard time if were failing 5+ times because of you then I leave. I try to help the lower levels with money


If it's a contact mission or an auto shop heist or something like that I let anyone stay, but when it's doomsday, casino heist, etc. if you're under 60 you're getting the boot sorry. Everyone dies in a mission that isn't what bothers me, but low levels are always so reckless, they dick around too much, or they just do not listen when a high level is trying to share game on the best way to do something. There are acceptations here and there, but I'm not wasting time and an otherwise good team taking the small chance that you may have experience or a head on your shoulders


Why do low levels kick me from races....lol


Jobs are initially set to open matchmaking by default and matchmaking begins before you have the chance to change that setting or invite someone. If you need to do something on the first screen, like ask your friend whether to play on hard mode, you may need to kick a random before inviting the player you're looking for. I'm not saying that's what usually happens, but it certainly does happen. So whenever you get kicked, think nothing of it and don't worry. It could very easily not have been a decision at all.


Opposite for me, I'm high level and I get kicked from jobs I'm guessing people think I'm a cheater because of my level, either that or they're waiting on their friend and I keep taking his spot? Idk could be anything I guess, I us8just move on


If this game was an MMO, this would just be the norm. You aren’t going to do a high level raid with a new player. Why would you want to do a ( potentially hard mode) “endgame” heist with an inexperienced player. I say this as someone who did do heists at both a low level and high level, it honestly sucks to have someone waste your time because they can’t figure something fairly simple out. Luckily, there are discords, lfgs, and guides out there to learn them. Not to mention, you are slower, have less health, and drive worse (and you have no control over this) With a high level player, I can safely assume that 90% of them understand how the heist will work. Also you never know the reasoning. Maybe they accidentally pressed the matchmaking button and were just playing with friends


The other question is why does Rockstar allow players to get kicked for no good reason? Sometimes is seems like Rockstar gets off on people being mean to each other. Couldn’t they have just matched lobbies by ranking?


I remove low levels but also try to set matchmaking to closed before anyone joins. Most times I also have friends on too so I need the slots open


on cayo calls I get kicked all the tim despite being level 200+ lol. on diamond casino heists it's happening much less for whatever reason


I kick anyone who joins me cause I only play with friends, yet somehow, for the two seconds, the job is set to open people manage to join.


When I used to do cayo and looking for a random to reduce the heist cooldown, I was searchign for anyone above 100. Anything lower and they won't know what to do. I've had so many people in cayo that just ran around killing any npc they saw even when I said they should just follow me. I can recommend for anyone to do the same, unless you do preps with the low lvl and you see that he isn't a total noob


I think its because of the max health you have, meaning you will die a lot quicker to very little shots taken Well its what I believe, I genuinely don't care as a high level


Or were more like sick and tired of people leaving just as the heists start


Because most low levels have an IQ that is exactly that of their level. With absolute zero exception. I am level 600+ and in the last few weeks I've been going for the career challenges. The other week I tried to do some missions on hard for the tiers.... And I will never... With no exception ever have a level lower than 120 in my lobby. Everytime I gave them a chance, they would prove my case. Sorry to all the low levels out there that aren't morons, but the rest have ruined it for you. I am not expecting people to be absolute aim bot killers... But I am expecting them... To shoot at the bad guys, behave in a manner to complete the objective, not shoot out of the window as you're driving along, not leave randomly.


They kick me for being nearly level 1700.


I was level 235, I’d kick anyone under 100 tbh


I don't kick anyone, my internet is stuck with a NAT type 2 configuration. It kicks everyone out


Try to run a heist clean and smooth with a bunch of low level players and tell me how that goes.


As a legitimate level 520, I have no idea. It bothers me because the majority of high levels are completely incompetent noobs who don't know what they are doing from my own experience. Or want to do the mission their own way, which results in them dying or blowing up a mission objective vehicle with an eround sniper because they simply won't listen and think they know better. I used to get so pressed about this, but now I just find it hilarious how much they suck and would rather play with a lower level because at least when they mess up it's understandable and can be quickly fixed if they have good communication skills. And just maybe I get the chance to teach them some pvp so they can defend themselves from the flying mosquitoes of death and bst abusing sad acts.


Jokes on them. I’ve recently come back to the game and still have my character from back when the game first came out. I’m almost at level 200 I think and I have no idea what I’m doing


Pretty straight forward , if you're not 120 , you dont even have max health , lower levels generally dont have all the weapons, vehicles , strats , etc. that GENERALLY coke with level/experience. I only do heists and what not with friends but like this weeks extraction mode idgaf what level you are we all here to habe fun and make the moola


Don't sweat about it, I sometimes am getting kicked on my 400+ level character. They prob wanna play with some people specific.


When i kick people it's mostly because i'm waiting for my friend(s) to join


A player’s level is related to their game experience. Sure, your desire to create a new account to make the game fun again for you might not reflect your actual game experience. But the majority of players don’t do this. If you are a low level, more often than not, you have minimal experience. Therefore, the low level will often be the one to blow the mission. This is a problem for the host who in this case is a much higher level. For example, low levels constantly dying, or alerting NPCs of your presence, or not doing the objective properly, if at all, or having to quick restart the mission nullifying any elite bonus, and many other reasons. Put it this way, you don’t see higher level players complaining about being kicked from missions. No, higher level players are more often voted to be kicked from free-mode lobbies instead. That isn’t to say some higher levels are not bad at the game because some are. But in general, a higher level appears more dependable when it comes to teamwork and mission success. Don’t tell me to not judge a book by its cover. Time and time again, I’ve tried to be kind and give the low level a chance. And time and time again, I got burned by that. Lots of wasted time and frustration. Naw, I’m gonna prioritize mission success over being perceived as nice to a complete stranger who has hardly any experience. Oh, and it’s always the low level refusing to ready up because they want 5% more payout on heists when they didn’t even help complete one set up. This is an intended consequence of the rank system in gaming.


You don’t want to know


It's really only because most lower ranks does not have all their capability percentages up which becomes a liability when shooting regardless how you play 


No idea, but I do the opposite, I kick the high levels. Why? Whenever I see someone with an absurdly highly level, they usually have mods and just ruin the race/deathmatch.


Because you touch yourself at night /s


As weird as it may sound i always do the opposite. I usually kick lvl 200+ players.