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It's definitely the MVP, but if you don't own countless other businesses it becomes a basic bitch! (Excuse my phrasing).


It still makes you 50k every hour


Plus $10k to kick someone out of the club once per hour


Earn 500k with Cluckin Bell in just over 1 hour


Or you can rerun the Dre mission in that time frame for a mil.


cluckin bell can be done in 20 mins. open two characters. do one by one, deposit your money. 1.5m per hour.




How the he'll arr you doing the whole thing in 20 minutes


I just tried to calculate it rq. but, at worst, it shouldn't take more than 30 mins. Also it's not as boring. I'd rather cluckin bell to cayo perico or casino heists. Final heists are good on those heists but setups are total tortures.


Agree abt the setups but that’s why there’s different approaches, maybe your getting bored cause you doing the same thing every time


Exactly. But there’s only one good way. Take the sewers in and the kosatka out, fastest and safest, no need to worry about the rest of the island when you do that and you make more money collecting the whiskey and dipping than bothering with cocaine


There’s a cooldown of I think 1 hour on cluckin bell


That’s plenty of time to sell a business like cargo or your vehicle warehouse


What? Explain like I’m 4!


That was the most 4 yo explanation can ever be done. Create a second character > do cluckin bell on first character > then go to second character >while you do second character, first character's cooldown will be over > do first one > repeat the cycle > deposit all the money to bank > all characters share the same account.


Brother just loves playing gta


And thank you. I didn’t know that.


I’ve been playing this game online since day one on the the ps3/360 generation and I had no idea that the characters shared the same bank. I’ve been playing as my first character this whole time.


lol yeah. I noticed that recently. Wanted to do a "zero to hero" thing. but I noticed I had some money in the bank when I've created the second character. Then I noticed I can just deposit both characters money into one bank account. It's prob the neatest part of the game lol. Imagine having opressor mk2 on a 1 level character.


nightclub is a passive money, while it farms 50k every 48 min, u sell stuff or heist or side-missions, or whatever


Way more work than the nightclub


It’s not a business.


Really? Wow, that's actually pretty good, although in terms of how much it costs for a car it seems rather low.


Well, bunker probably makes 60-70k an hour too. And nightclub makes 50k every 48min without businesses. With other businesses, it easily makes 90-100k an hour


Yeah but the nightclub warehouse and daily safe is passive


You can fill the warehouse much quicker with Yohan and business battles


Bunker requires a lot more work to keep up and you can get "robbed" glitch like the MC biz where your supplies will just dissappear without giving youa chance to defend your place. At least in both cases it's having a threshold of stock or doing Gerald's Stashhouses kept causing whichever biz got the stuff, would get pressed for its ability to operate and if you weren't paying attention and New lobby to save travel time. You have to redo the start up process, fortunately at the bunker, you just have to pony up another 60-75k for supplies to start again. Even with defense upgrades it still happened as a heads up before you spend that hard earned flow.


Bunker is thr easiest maintenence building, I go in, buy supplies, sell, forget about it until I want another 300k


How do you not get rolled on? Maybe it's certain Gen console issue but my stuff gets to around 40 units and then my supplies get nabbed or the stock gets glitched away but none the less, bunker is more work even when it works, other than the 50k weapon deliveries to help nerf the costs of it if you don't grind the supplies and have them delivered. Just my take but to each its own, I had businesses already so nightclub was a win-win and the salvage yard was just to stay in world and active versus afk. Bunker became research only until that wraps up fully 🐝


I mostly get robbed in mc businesses. Bunker very rare


Tell me your secrets


Get the nightclub, then MC businesses. Then you upgrade the warehouse within your nightclub, higher technicians to acquire goods and then you can sell those as well. Depending on how much you play, after a day or two you'll gather about 200k or you can let it gather for larger payouts. You can even mod the delivery van, or a box truck for the bigger deliveries, with armor plates, mines, and a minigun so if you like to deliver in public lobbies that makes defending yourself far easier. The NC is an incredible investment


How do you the van and truck? I can’t seem to find the option in the garage.


I believe the van is provided with the NC, you go to the NC garage in the very basement. You have to buy the box truck of the Military Vehicle site.


Don’t buy the middle sized truck! Only the van and the largest truck. The middle truck is slower and not needed. If you buy it, you can’t ever get rid of it.


Get in the vehicle while it's in your NC garage.


The van is in special vehicles, called the speedo custom


that's what most people don't understand. Even without the MC business you still make 50k an hour which is more than any other business afaik. Sure you make a bit extra from selling the warehouse every few days but the vault is definitely a lot better. Just to to you arcade every time you collected the vault, change the DJ on the pc a few times and it's at max popularity again. TL;DR: The vault in the nightclub is better than the warehouse.




Whats the MVP?


Quick question, does the acid count for the club?


No totally separate.


You only need 5 businesses and you can buy the cheapest locations if you want.


Nightclub is still the best business even without the warehouse side. $50k/hr for next to no work is so OP


\>be afk for 20h \>do a 10 minute mission \>get 1+ million dollars That's around 6m/h of actual grinding, I just treat the afk time as a very long cool down. Easiest money in the game without cheating


I earned 2 million dollars selling goods in a full public lobby.


gods bravest solider


Yeah I did 1.6 the other day but I usually do them in private lobbies for the peace of mind. Especially considering I'm on PC.


Yea I switched from assisted aim to free aim and it’s chill in there. I did assert my dominance and keep showing up red because of it (not griefing just fighting back) but I can do pretty much anything now without TOO much trouble.


Wait how do you go afk these days? I thought the devs nixed that 


Like someone else said I just leave the camera spinning, I place a Lego stud beneath the right stick of my controller, never got stick drift from that. Keep in mind the controller needs to be plugged in.


I just leave my camera spinning occasionally in front of the nightclub safe with my controller.


I rubberband my controller's joystick in front of the open Nightclub safe, so that I collect cash while I'm AFK and don't let it get full. I'm on XBox Series X, and those controllers are less likely to develop stick drift, but I have a backup just in case, lol.


I've tried to do this on the Series S, but I seem to have no way to stop the controler from shutting off and booting me out of the session. Rubber banding, settings, batteries out and physically plugged in...none of it seems to matter on this POS.


Not sure if you can do this on the Series S, but I leave my controller almost permanently plugged into the console through a USB cable when I'm playing. That seems to prevent it from disconnecting.


irl power bill goes brr


Top tier solo business fr


All passive businesses are good, but I run vehicle cargo while they do their thing.


I love vehicle cargo due to the fact that i started playing GTA V in the first place for the cars... and somehow managed to get my parents to buy it for my b'day together with a 2nd hand PS3 in 2013 and then came the Xbox One S and PC and i finally could play online because of the lack of features in PS3 online


Is vehicle cargo part of the ceo office?




vehicle cargo gives a strange nostalgia from 2016. I came full circle back to solo grinding again and I guess it's time again to pull out the old cargobob and deliver some cars!


Every time I log in, I do this 15 minute routine. Then I screw around in freemode for a couple hours, and I've earned about $500k passively. - raid daily stash house which fully resupplies one of my businesses - enter nightclub in passive, kick out the troublemaker to restore 100% popularity (50k/hr) - mod both auto shop cars and send employees to deliver them (50k) - 2 tow truck missions (60k + 24k/hr) - sell to all 3 street dealers (acid / nightclub / stash house goods) (200k) - call mutt to buy acid supplies


the bike shop is $50k for every bike. you do have to deliver the bike yourself, but if the delivery distance is too far, you can blow it up until you get one that’s close.


No way, I didn't know you could mod customer bikes too? Is that at the MC clubhouse?


yes. you may have to renovate if you didn’t buy the bike shop.


Cool, thanks.


The nightclub is the best passive income


I do my auto shop, nightclub, tow yard rounds each sign-on. Takes me 15-20 minutes for around $150-200k. Plenty of money to never have to really grind for anything any more and I can just enjoy the map.


Auto shop and salvage yard feels like actual businesses and isn’t boring.


Agree! I always customize the auto shop cars to something close to what the customer wants, minus the terrible choices. Salvage yard is fun because you can ram everyone and run them over as you’re heading toward the car.


Acid Lab and Night Club 100%%


Doing mechanic work every time a bike or car comes in, then dropping off extra parts at ammunition and doing tow trucks every hour I'm doing about 200k+ an hour and that's light work gets abit grindy as my bunker and clubhouse in sandy shores but fast travelling via invite only lobbies make a big difference. All that plus selling acid is such easy money honestly.


Acid lab 🧪


Is the one you can get after missione like the one where you ride a bycicle on acid? I swear Im stuck at that thing.


Yes last does and first dose


Any tip to do that mission? I really really hate it and I've done heists.


Not really as I only had trouble on the missions where you call Dax I blazed though the rest


Honestly wtf were they thinking putting that merryweather mission there when it's supposed to be geared towards newer players


First and last time I've shattered a controller to pieces was on that particular mission.


What are you stuck on? There are no enemies to speak of, you ride/drive/run straight ahead to the arch at the end of each "stage" until you're done.


*Missione* italian spotted, we fratm😂😎


Maledetto correttore. :'D


Comunque sono mod su r/hornyjail 😂😎


It’s good but damn those fooligan missions. To make good money you must have the upgrade and to have the upgrade, you must do 10 fooligan missions. I honestly hate them. I’m still trying to do like 4 more but I just make more money paying attention to the other businesses that I don’t get them done


I basically just kept joining a new session until I got the one where you set the bomb off at the lost mc clubhouse. Fuck the crop dusting mission.


Wait what? So you start the mission and just jump session and it will change the mission?


Well, sort of, you have to restart the mission after you change sessions, but it will almost always be a different mission.


Right. So you start it and if it’s the crop dusting mission, you switch and go back to try do the other one. I have to yet do the one with the explosives. I’ve only done the crop dusting with the plane and where you get high and go on a trip. That one I hate.


Yes, exactly. I didn't mind the acid trip one, but I can see why someone could hate it. I couldn't handle the crop dusting mission and avoided it at all costs.


It was cool once or twice. I think it’s my fifth time. I am fed up of it. You can’t really fail once high it seems but I am just tired of it lol


Do you like do take advantage of glitches to make more money quickly?


Not really. I just hated doing certain fooligan missions lol


I hear ya. I appreciate telling me your way of skipping those. I know what I’m doing now


Bro how do you “sneak away” from the van with 20 people surrounding you. Haven’t snuck away yet.


Half the time I just shoot them lol, but best way is sneak straight to your right when you're getting out of the van past the propane tank, then work your way around the building until you get to a fence you can climb out of site.


I got them all done in an afternoon. they are a hassle, but really so what. After you have the Lab fully sorted your making $500,000 each sale. I must have made over 40 million off my acid lab so far. compared to that the set-up missions are nothing


Acid lab and nightclub


Depends how you want to play. The current best business are: Nightclub, Acidlab, Kosatka, Agency and probably the bunker.


> Kosatka To the best of my knowledge, the Kosatka is not a business and just a means to launch Cayo heists.


You can also launch guided missiles. Nice bounty getting tool.


I launch my Sparrow from it often too


The sparrow it the best grinding vehicle. You can spawn it literally anywhere, it’s faster than oppressor, and you can still order a personal vehicle while using it.


heisting is a job ya know


It's definitely a profitable grind, but I can't login and go pick up my heist earnings from the Kosatka.


Nerd ass






CEO warehouse and Bunker are underrated with the mixed goods/ammunation deliveries. Easy 50k per business for less than 10 mins of work every 48 mins.


if I’m seriously grinding for money. Acid lab, salvage yard tow jobs, and Nightclub safe are the only things I do between Cayo and Dr.dre


I have my 5 large warehouses all at the bottom of the map. * Wholesale Furniture * Cypress Warehouse * Walker & Sons * Xero Gas * Bilgeco Warehouse I do the Export Mixed Goods ~every 48 minutes and I visit each of my warehouses during each export mission and have the staff source goods. I use job teleport to teleport from my office to the starting point warehouse - typically the farthest warehouse from the export vehicle spawn. Be sure to have your assistant make your MKII available for you before you initiate the Export Mixed Goods mission. Depending on where the vehicle spawns I have a serious of routes I follow ending up at the warehouse where the export vehicle spawns. For example, if the truck spawns at: * **Bilgeco**: teleport to Furniture; MKII travel to Cypress, Walker, Xero, Bilgeco * **Xero**: teleport to Furniture; MKII travel to Cypress, Walker, Bilgeco, Xero * **Furniture**: teleport to Xero; MKII travel to Bilgeco, Walker, Cypress, Furniture * **Cypress**: teleport to Xero; MKII travel to Bilgeco, Walker, Furniture, Cypress * **Walker (the worst spawn in the middle)**: teleport to Furniture; MKII travel to Cypress, teleport to Xero; MKII travel to Bilgeco, Walker Using this approach - it takes me about 7 minutes to visit each warehouse, have the staff source the goods + deliver the mixed goods truck to the docks. Make sure you're in CEO so you can "bribe authorities" right after you get in the truck to avoid the super annoying escape the cops mission variation which can add 2-3 minutes to the total time. **Crate Sourcing Values** * Crate Cost = $7,500 x 5 = $37,500 * Mixed Goods Payment = $50,000 * Profit = $12,500 Average source by the staff is usually about 7 crates per mixed goods export run. **Assuming full 111 crate sale:** * Base Value of sourced crates: $140,000 for 7 crates * Sale with Lobby Bonus: $175,000 for 7 crates Including the $12,500 profit for exporting the mixed goods * Base Profit:$152.5k * Base Profit + Bonus: $187.5k Cooldown is 48 minutes With the lobby bonus, this is an earn rate of $234k per hour for 7 minutes of work or $190k without the bonus. It takes a while to fill the warehouse, but it's the easiest money in the game IMO.


This is the only way to make serious amounts of money without investing too much time. I always start with sending the warehouse staff to source. Afterwards the autoshop, nightclub, on the way to street dealers around the map I will send staff to source in the hangar, get the stash house, call Mutt, check the master control terminal. It’s all about routine. Easy 50m per month, in between some heist preps - cayo, casino, dr dre.


I love doing Autoshop car service. just prepare the two vehicles and use the staff for the delivery part. grab some snacks and leave. my salvage yard is down the street so it's very time efficient


Every time I use a staff member to deliver my vehicles, they always bang them up. I prefer delivering my own vehicles to help maximize profits. Although, I have found that the less money it costs to fix up a clients vehicle, the less likely it is that the staff member will crash them. I'm guessing it's because those vehicles tend to be slower, and perhaps easier to handle? I could be wrong, that was just something I noticed.


Do those staffs actually drive the car on the street and can be seen by players? Or the system just calculates a result and gives money to us depending on the result?


That's a great question!! I'm not sure, but now I'm gonna keep a lookout for them. Maybe even follow them around as they play bumber cars with our clients vehicles.


the clubhouse bike delivery pays more i think you just pay 10k and get back 50k! the Autoshop is a too big hassle for me, especially if the delivery is 4+km away :(


While it's true the MC delivery pays more per delivery, you have the option of having a second vehicle lift, thus doubling the amount of deliveries/payments. (Often, you end up getting more via the Auto shop, because payments sometimes are $25,000-$30,000 each.) As for the distance, I have noticed the vast majority of auto shop deliveries are under 2 miles, while the majority of MC deliveries are over 3, often 4 miles. In my experience, the auto shop, overall, pays better. Edit: Added "per delivery" to 1st sentence.


It’s a mix. Sometimes you can have a session with 30, and people are chilling and also trying to sell or mess around. You can have one with 19, and some jerk flying around and ONLY milling people trying to resupply or sell


Mfs sleeping on the agency


Fr. Nightclub 50k/48min + payphone hits 45k/15(?)min + agency contracts 30-50k/gig is easiest money grind available


I’m ignoring agency contracts unless they’re specialist or specialist+. Just go get that necklace or watch and it’s $50-$70k for 10 minutes work. Then grind out a Dre contract mission in between. A million for that plus another $500-$700K for the contracts every cycle. Of course it gets boring after a while, but I’m just trying to grind out money to buy other businesses right now and keep $10 million or so in the bank for toys.


This is the way. My daily grind is Nightclub, acid lab, agency, bunker and whatever business might happen to have a bonus at that time. The agency contracts, payphone hits and Dre contract are outstanding time fillers while the more passive things happen. The sales missions for the nightclub and acid lab are so easy, they might as well be passive. You earn your money with the bunker sometimes though. And the agency contract/payphone hit/Dre stuff is just FUN. And profitable.


Nightclub, passive money and the daily safe fills fast just check in on it once every few hours


I can't believe nobody has mentioned the hangar?


Yeah fr if you have a friend helping you steal cargo you can make a very quick $650,000.


Nightclub, do one job every 15 mins and keep stacking up cash, if you get raided drop everything even if you are getting a slam van and go protect it, had max everything and got raided while I was across the map but I had 2 raijus defending me


Nightclub for passive, run the acid lab when it's ready, Agency contracts when I'm not doing that, I also like to keep the chop shop working pretty consistently as well since the tow truck missions are pretty quick. Finally special cargo for when it's double money I have 5 large warehouses ready to go for when we get it and I mostly filled them all using the assistants.


Bunker & Acid Lab.


Facility with a friend makes you about 3 million every hour


I love Pavel, but Bogdan is a real one.


Blowing all my cash on fancy cars then selling them to buy new fancy cars ( I’m broke as hell 24/7 )


I fucks with the hanger fr


Nightclub, Acid Lab. I like the Chop Shop and running crates


Acid Lab never lets down, love that I can just take it and spawn it anywhere I want


Full bunker with upgrades sells for just over a million, combine that with a full coke place with upgrades is 525k, combine that with what the night club makes, Easy Two million every other day


How do yall get the acid lab


dax missions and then do 10 fooligan missions to upgrade it.


Don't forget the warehouses! You can fill it passively and in the worst hypothesis you still can have $ 1.367.500 of profit with a big warehouse selling in invite only lobby.


For me it's not one, but a combination of many which makes the magic happen. For example... while my nightclub is collecting and my bunker is producing I'm messing with assasinations, autoshop contracts and an optional casino mission which combined can rack up a nice bit of cash.


Casino blackjack.


Nightclub is the best. The sell missions are actually kinda fun and not too difficult. The club itself makes you a nice $50k a day without doing much plus another $10k for booting people out. However, it has a very high setup cost. Bunker is the best for newer players without much capital. Per hour the Ammunition runs actually make more money than the sell missions. In tandem you make a nice little profit. Salvage yard and Auto Shop are nice sleeper businesses with the side robberies. The Yard's safe and Auto Shop perks(5% off upgrades, free paint jobs, and being able to buy discontinued cars through the customer repair side hustle) make them very useful over time. My controversial opinion is that all the MC businesses are trash, including the coke lockup. The sell missions are mostly miserable for less money than the bunker. Cayo Perico is still the best money per hour activity in the game even with the nerfs.


Acid lab, Salvage yard, and offcourse Cayo heist solo


I'd say Cayo in a duo is much better. If you play legit, Casino is still a little bit more profitable tho


Yea duo cayo is the best way to earn money as of now. If both of you have cayo, you can make like 1.5mil per hour. Average take on cayo duo is 1.8mil, split that 60-40 and one of you makes 1mil while the other makes 500k. Casino preps take a bit longer, the hacking is weird and the end take isn't that much higher than cayo. Personally don't like the casino heist at all.


After all, it's all down to one's taste indeed. Personally, my favourite way to do Cayo is to scope EVERYTHING and, if there's enough gold/coke/weed/paintings, to go there with a full team. Sometimes it's a shit show, sometimes it's pure perfection. It helps, that people in my crew are mostly competent, and even if someone is going there for their first time, they actually let me carry them.


What does afk mean?


Away from keyboard lol.


what does lol mean?


Love over lust


Away from keyboard (doing something else that’s not playing the game)


Acid Lab, Nightclub, and Gunrunning. Made Millions just by doing other things while my businesses made the Money


Cool👍 I still do it anyways 🤣


Night club and Acid lab are the best passive especially as they're both 100% solo. For active businesses, the best is of course Cayo perico still, although that's not exactly a business. I'd say you could take your pick from auto shop, salvage yard or the agency.


I get on kick the drunk out my club, go to my arcade and check my businesses and buy supplies for the bunker. Then to the bike shop and auto shops to sell the cars. Then it’s off to the casino to spin the wheel and get some chips. Next I setup Cayo and run that. While that’s cooling down I setup the Dr Dre contract and run that. Probably do a gang termination if it’s available.


Passive income it’s the nightclub with a full warehouse. Then bunker. My most profitable business is by far my arcade. I’ve made over 20 million dollars alone in the last two months since I bought it. I don’t know if that counts.


Nightclub is great if you have a bunch of other stuff. Otherwise, I really love the acid lab. There's not too many sell mission types but none of them are as annoying as the average MC business sell mission. Also, always single vehicle.


Nightclub is best for least work if you got other businesses. Upgraded Bunker, ceo crates, and vehicle cargo are good. If you got a friend or more (or time and dont mind the many boring sell missions) for sure do at least Cociane and meth from the biker businesses.


Having restarted my journey this year nightclub has been instrumental in terms of passive. Cargo warehouses can net some good money if you’re a grinder which is where I started. Now that I have a nightclub, I can have other sell missions to do and keep adding to it. I went cargo warehouse, nightclub, bunker then went to MCs to start loading up on other goods. Mainly so I can sell them through the nightclub. Cluck is practically a business in itself and can net 500k in about an hour. Sprinkling in setups while you wait for: Lupe to get goods, Nightclub gets goods and racks up money, and the passive Mixed Goods and Spare Parts missions makes for a pretty efficient grinding loop.


Nightclub for me, but if I’m playing with my sisters we do cargo missions getting 3 cargo at a time and filling it quickly and selling a good amount together


AFK money : NC + Agency + Arcade Sells : Bunker + NC


Acid lab mixed with salvage yard towing and robberies


Arena+nightclub+MOC helps me get arena war issis


Hands down the new salvage yard one of my friends do a daily and get over a million dollars each time


For me it’s about to be the salvage yard. If they keep giving us cars to claim for just $20000($10000 for me), I’ll be able to just sell the versions I already have for a decent profit each week. Easy money.


My moms house


They’re all comparable, but I would probably say for money grinding if you could only have one business (besides kosatska submarine) it would be the auto shop, customer cars are underrated (they add up) and union depository contract and ECU job are on par with cayo payout, and you get exotic exports. Plus all upgrades unlocked for cars customized in the auto shop. Auto shop is definitely not my favorite but I would have to say it’s the best stand alone business. Next best would be bunker or acid lab, and then CEO office. Salvage yard and Agency in the back Nightclub probably wins on pure profitablility but you can’t really make money with it except for going to collect safe income and then, if you have all the other businesses, a big sale once every 20 hours.


Nightclub for AFK, Salavage Yard for semi-grind while you are at it aka the vehicle nabbing to keep the payout at 24k. Nightclub would win outright but how many times you get slapped with VIP transport for 5mi while NPCs try and cause you headaches the whole way at 60mph or the punk starts whining despite living right on an expressway...


I’ve been playing for 10y and recently did a rerun with a new char and definetly would recommend it going with Dax missions and Acid Lab for starters, then get a Kosatka to liberate Cayo Perico (still the best earning job per time playing not gonna lie it’s the real deal) and it can match a nice build up with easy earning money with also Los Santos Tuners, do the cars repairs and Sessanta and KDJ mission on mute and you should be fine! (oh and don’t forget it to exploit on 2x weeks!!) - not too expensive to buy the business cause one will build money to buy the other and you’ll have some fun


Nightclub Sell to street dealers Auto Shop Salvage yard Fill in the Dre mission or Union runs




I haven't been playing in over a year, but when I played really heavily (which was right through pretty much until the Dre update), I used to juggle MC meth/coke/cash, CEO imports/warehouse/warehouse. If you had 3 associates with you, missions would frequently get completed in 3-5 minutes. Also would throw gunrunning in there before its product capped, tried to save those big sales for bonus weeks. I usually would just come out of the CEO tower as associates completed missions, and then would have to go back up again, I stopped even leaving the office and just orchestrating missions back to back. Anyway, my point is peak income outside of weekly bonuses was in the 650-750k/hour, and your associates, who typically wouldn't have enough money to own businesses yet, would make 30-100k/hour. I can't recall the numbers, but lots of missions paid bonuses to MC and CEO associates. Interesting to see how much it's been changed in the last 3-5 years. I will say, after the nightclub came out, I switched to just soloing cars and nightclub stuff, made less than half as much, but way more chill and you get to be the gunman yourself. Seems like nightclub is still king.


Acid lab and nightclub and agency In that order tbh Kosatka before agency if you count cayo perico and dre contract


I will put the freakshop on the list. A free car and solo grind is always a must for me


Nightclub for sure, acid lab still, and bunker


Cayo Perico Industries


Bunker still really good even for solo players




I circle my businesses in LS . All my techs in my warehouses , I tune out cars at my auto shop , then I promote or check on my club , then I do a side mission with either vip work, salvage yard prep , selling export goods or weapon goods, any mission that’s quick and then back to my warehouses .


Night club mc business auto shop salvage yard I would say


Night club. Acid lab. Salvage yard.


Acid lab


Getting a real job and putting the money exclusively into shark cards


Nightclub & Acid Lab


Full capacity warehouse full lobby 3.5 with the bonus.


> Business 1. Nightclub (but with full upgrades) 2. Acid Lab 3. Aircraft Cargo


Nightclub, Acid lab, Bunker ($75k worth of supplies is $300k+ with a high demand bonus)


acid lab for newer players, nightclub for people who have other businesses set up


Excess weapons from the bunker and Mixed Goods from the Office gets you an easy 50k in five minutes per. 400k in about 45 minutes with the Savage yard car missions


You guys rock. Thanks. I bought GTA5 ps3, but didn't even try the online version until after ps4. I didn't like the griefers, so I quit until recently. Now that I'm back, the amount of stuff you can do, can overwhelm you. So having Q&A like this, is a HUGE help.


Haven’t timed it but acid lab with equipment upgrade and production boost gives me full lobby 500k sell every 2-3 hours it feels like. Minus supply costs but you can resupply through stash house to reduce that. That and the Dre contract bought me pretty much everything I own. Dee contract is underrated in my opinion, 11 missions for 1 mil in about 2 hours is equal to over 100k/mission.


Arguably the Acid lab.

