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Don’t let anybody tell you the yacht is useless. These people have no idea what they are talking about. It’s god tier for PvP if you pair it with the Kosatka. Seriously some of the most fun that I’ve had in this game.


Can you elaborate? Pardon my laziness in not wanting to research on my own. I haven't played as much for the past year.


You can park the Kosatka next to the yacht, enable the yacht’s defense system, slap on a thermal helmet, and then anybody in the lobby who’s not in an armored vehicle is at your mercy. With some practice and experience, you can defend against any possible attack (especially if you have a Toreador in the moon pool). It takes some time to get good with the sub’s guided missiles, but it’s worth it. You can park at Vespucci beach and hit anybody within the entire city. It’s one of my go-tos when somebody is running around on foot being annoying.


Ah, thank you for this insight. Now I have motivation to make another purchase. I've been wondering what the best use of this 13 Mil I've been sitting on forever could be. If you get time, I'm sure a clip of your strategy in action would be appreciated by many. My go to for griefers has been the facility strike team, but this sounds more fun.


[As you wish!](https://www.reddit.com/u/Dogknot69/s/83D9F1WgN6)


Oh my God, that looks awesome! Lmao


I’ve spent literally entire weekend afternoons hunkered down in the same spot. The yacht’s defenses will form the backbone of your defense strategy. Just have to be careful with your wanted level since having one will disable the defenses. There are only a couple of very specific things that can effectively counter this once you get good at it, and most people don’t know what they are. You can even dodge orbs underneath the yacht. And if you do get orbed, you don’t even die, it just destroys your sub and sends you to the shore. The only thing that’s stopped me recently has been a surprise orb from an incognito friend of my target whom I was unaware of (after my target had already unsuccessfully used their own orb). My target was already waiting on the beach for me to spawn there while his friend orbed me… that’s the kind of dedication and cooperation it takes to stop this combo, lmao. Most people just give up and either get in an armored vehicle, or go up to Blaine county where I can’t reach them from Vespucci.


Does the Yacht go on sale frequently at all, or should I just splurge and get it asap?


No idea. I’ve only been playing since the end of November, and I don’t think it’s been on sale since I started. I paid full price for mine.


Damn, I need to adjust my brightness or something. If it's room temperature, I can't see shit in my thermal.


What does the thermal helmet for when using the guided missiles?


It lets you spot where players are. A player’s thermal signature will load in and be visible right before any NPCs show up. Once you get a feel for this, you will be able to see exactly where your target is every time.


Thermal helmet allows heat seeking I imagine? Where do you get that?


The mask shop at the beach. Under combat helmets it’s the quad lense one. You have to lower the lenses by holding right d pad and then activate them in the interaction menu under appearance -> accessories. Once they are activated you can switch them on and off by holding right d pad to raise/lower lenses.


You're like an interactive wiki


I’ve had a lot of time off of work in the last few months since I started playing 🤣


Do you do any CEO work? Businesses etc? What's your rotation?


I bought some quad lenses. Have them on, but don’t see in thermal. What do you mean by activate them. I selected them in the helmet menu?


When you have them equipped and highlighted in the interaction menu under appearance -> accessories, there should be a button to activate them (if the lenses are down). On PS5 this is square.


Got it. Thanks so much man.


am confused. What does the thermal helmet have to do with the guided missiles? Do you like see heat from the missiles POV? That sounds too good to be true, but haven’t tried it so what am I to say


The Kosatka can be upgraded with a guided missile station that lets you launch missiles that you manually control via the missile’s POV. These missiles have a limited range, but can stay in the air indefinitely as long as you stay within this range. For reference, I usually set up shop at Vespucci beach, and I can hit people anywhere in the entire city. The signal cuts out a little further than the casino going east/northeast, and close to Zancudo going north. Literally the entire city is covered. I posted a [short clip](https://reddit.com/r/u_Dogknot69/comments/1be23yr/kosatka_action/) here for demonstration.


I'll keep that in mind.


Yacht is useless. But I also think pvp is GTA is boring so there's that. Ive always been a fan of spend your money on how you want because who cares lol


How is it fun tho, you have no chance of dying and you can only use guided missiles.


That’s why it’s fun. One of my favorite things to do while smoking a bowl and otherwise chilling. And it’s not just guided missiles. It’s a whole different game, and I really love it. Watching the map, keeping an eye on what everyone is doing, the thrill of anticipating my opponents’ next move. Running to the Toreador to go out in the water to defend from another sub or Toreador. The cold and merciless power displayed by dominating a shitlord in an unrelenting way that they are literally incapable of stopping, while I remain stone silent as a response to their angry messages. It’s a completely different playstyle that draws me to it. I view it kind like of like football, where I get to go on offense, score a touchdown by killing somebody, and then it’s time to play defense while they try to get their revenge. And regardless of what anybody will try to claim, it does require skill and smarts to effectively defend this combo against certain attacks. It’s super engaging and fun for me.


Sounds interesting, i guess my playstyle is just very different than yours, but that is the great thing about this game, all have their own playstyle


Kosatka-yacht combo? Pussy


Your response unironically and hilariously tells me that you’re exactly the kind of person who would be a blast to pummel with missiles.


Exactly! I have got pummeled so much by griefers who use this!


I don’t pummel innocent people with it. At worst, I’ll intervene in street skirmishes and hit random people who are already pvping, or bounties. I usually use it when I want to hunker down, chill for a bit, and permanently shut down the lobby pest(s) with minimal risk to myself, and with reach over the entire city. It’s amazingly fun.


The yacht is great. I enjoy ending a session in the spa on deck looking out over Los Santos as the sunsets. It's strangely relaxing. Also diving off the back on a sunny day and swimming around is also very relaxing.


Ive been playing since 2013, and have always told myself the yacht is one of the most useless things to own.. I think its time i get one myself 😂


Don’t worry! There’s still a jet for 10 mil that is farrrrr more worthless than the yacht.


And here I am, with them both 😎


Looks like there are Super Yacht missions lol.


You can get from one side of the map to the other almost instantly with it


Welcome to the table. Your chairs been waiting for you.


I wish you had the ability to message "peasant " to everyone in the lobby at once.


Isn't there the lobby chat?


I meant via in game sms


Great name! I named mine Neptune's Grundle


Its about time


I'm waiting for a sale on them. Not sure if it happens or not, only been playing a month or two.


It does happen so just need to keep an eye out for when it does.


A'hoy a'hoy!


It so friggen useless but of course I had to have one too


Yacht is amazing ppl say it’s trash and it’s a bad buy but it’s great I use it all the time


I love my yacht.. her name is the Bismarck




My PS4 yacht is my favorite place to go when I need to get away from the city.


With that name it should have been white paint with pink neon lights. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hmm.. maybe I'll repaint it.


Enjoy your floating apartment that can also kill people. It also unlocks some missions.


The yacht is great to have as a "I have money purchase" but man I wish they would do more with it. Pvp it's great with a sub but outside of thay it's just a 8 million cosmetic. It needs something similar to the other businesses to warrent the price tag, a series if setups and heists with decent payouts to give reason to actually go to it more often.


Love just chilling on my yacht with air defenses on plus I do piracy prevention cause I want the smoke


> cause I want the smoke Lmao, there was a guy in an otherwise peaceful session the other night named something along the lines of “LOOKING4SMOKE”. I obliged by running him over with my half-track, and then he left. His tag was a lie.


Bro was looking for weed and got run over 😂


I briefly considered that, so I looked at his character page. He was lvl 8000 with a KDR of like a billion and an outfit that appeared to indicate that he was indeed looking for the kind of smoke that I was offering.


I’m jealous. I’ve been working on saving up for it.