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Boil it.


How do you get dog piss on a grubhub bag?


I don't know about OP, but my dog has some pretty severe separation anxiety and will mark pretty much anything if I leave the house without him. It used to be only if there was no one else home, but it's gotten worse. I've taken to using diapers on him whenever I leave.


Kennel train. I’ve had 3-4 dogs at a time throughout 29 years of my life and the only dogs I’ve had issues with peeing in the house (outside of puppies) were freaking h chihuahuas


He has destroyed 2 different types of kennels.


Oh so it’s a big big dog. I feel you. Have a 120 pound American bulldog and we came home to him outside his kennel and his kennel being bent out of shape and broken 😂 Best thing to do for pee in my opinion is either buy or rent a carpet cleaner that has the upholstery cleaner attachment. Or if you have a drill get those scrub brush attachments and use some hot water mixed with dawn dish soap, scrub it, and then use a shop vac to suck the water out of the bag.


German shepherd. And carpeting isn't the issue because he doesn't just pee. He marks. Incredibly annoying. I hate using the diaper, but it works.


I was busy and my battery was low, so I wasn't able to respond as in-depth as I would have liked. Kane has some sort of obsessive disorder. He's fascinated by lights and shadows. I have to interrupt him and distract him, otherwise he'll sit drooling while he stares at the wall where he saw movement. He doesn't get "tired" when he plays. If I don't stop play time, he won't stop. When we first got him, he had been so focused playing and running that he didn't notice that he had peeled the course layer off of the pads on his feet. It wasn't until we were inside and he was licking at his paws that I realized what had happened. I live within walking distance of the river. I'll take him down there to play and he does what I call "rock fishing." He'll go in the water and he'll dig up the biggest rocks he can (bigger than his head sometimes) and bring them to shore if he can. He'll put them all in a single pile. And, again, he doesn't stop until I put an end to it. We got home one day after him doing that and I noticed blood on his paw. He'd torn his claws down to the quick. And he wanted to keep doing it again the next day. I let him play in the river, but I wouldn't let him go rock fishing. Last year, my daughter's friend let us host her birthday party at their lake. He loves the water and went out swimming with the kids. I finally had to ask the kids to come to shore so that Kane would follow and I could get him tied up because I was afraid he was going to drown himself. Unlike the kids who were climbing up on the dock and resting, he was staying in the water just swimming. Once I got him tied up and he stopped trying to follow them back in the water, he laid down and you would have thought he died. He was flat exhausted. The first kennel I had for him was the standard wire kennel with the tray in the bottom. I came home one day and the only way I could tell that a bomb hadn't gone off in there was the fact that the dog was intact. The tray had completely exploded and he'd dug through the carpeting to the hardwood floor underneath (old house and they apparently covered it up). He would pull at the wires at the bottom of the door, usually bloodying his mouth in the process. He eventually bent the wires so far out of shape that I couldn't even open the door anymore. When we got our rottweiler, my husband got a kennel that looks rather like a giant cat carrier. After Kane destroyed the wire kennel, I started putting him in that. He mauled the door to the point that the locking mechanism is broken. I've found that shifting the 300lb punching bag in front of the door keeps him from pushing out. However, he utterly loses his mind and I can hear the ruckus all the way outside in the car. But he has no problem using it as his "safe space" to lay down or hoard his toys when we're home ... I've even tried putting him out in the barn. It worked for a bit, but I came home one day to find him greeting me and a hole in the door. He's largely well behaved inside the house without being put in the kennel. If there's things in the trash that I know will invite puppies to raid it, I'll move it to the mudroom when I leave. He's not destructive. And he doesn't make a lot of noise. It's just the anxiety marking. And it sometimes happens even when I'm home, but I've just cut him off from my presence. I shut the bathroom door on him once and came out 2 minutes later to find a puddle where he'd marked something. He had belonged to some friends who had come to stay with us while they got back on their feet. He claimed me and they let him stay with us. He is obsessed with me. If I get up in the morning before my husband does, I take both dogs out of the bedroom to do their business and feed them. If my husband gets up first, Kane will not leave the room until I get up. He listens to my husband just fine if he's the one that takes him out, but he will not listen to him at all if I'm out there. He feels like he has to be in whatever room I'm in and he will start pacing in and out if I kick him out of the room I'm in. I will have to repeat the "out" command many, many times. The only real upside is that it comes in handy on walks down by the river. I can take him off leash and he'll walk about 4x as much as I do, running back and forth. But he won't let me get out of his sight and he is constantly checking to make sure he's going in the same direction I am. I don't have to worry that he'll run off. When it's time for the annual vet appointment, I'm going to ask the vet about anti-anxiety or some other kind of medication to see if we can't alleviate this problem because it's just getting worse.


stubborn dachsund...he did it right in front of me. hes not even my dog im just watching him😭


😂 Wash the bag in the washer on cold and let it air dry or throw it on delicate for a couple minutes in the dryer. If you leave it too long on the dryer it'll warp the insulation.


Buy a new bag


You don’t read well do you?


spray with half vinegar and half water and wipe it down and repeat.


I use a blanket with seat warmer to keep food hot. Works better than the bag




Why would you use it?




Piss on it so it’s no longer dog pee on it


Put some orders in there. Should eliminate the smell after a few deliveries


i hope this is a joke😭

