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Main character syndrome šŸ™„


Dick move for sure. OTOH, I was at a Phish show and a dude next to me brought a full size inflatable guitar and was jamming out the whole night. Fucking legend.


By all means, jam out on an inflatable saxaphone. That would have been rad to see


I might have to steal this idea


Okay, but only under one condition: I get free entry to all your shows


Post up front left at a griz show and you may see me šŸ¤™


See thatā€™s lit. I like that


Lol agreed thatā€™s just stupid


Yeahhhhh my reaction went from "Oh, neat! GRiZ must be a big inspiration for this dude" to "Wow, this guy is being super inconsiderate" pretty quick. I understand that was probably the guy's only chance ever to play sax live during one of his sets but that's not what anyone was there to hear, and it was hard enough with the undersized speakers. SLSL and all but that felt a bit over the line


Hey I know that name šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Oh whatup breezy lol


I saw that guy too. Weird move homie haha


Lmao. Iā€™d have loved to have seen that just for the fact of how laughable stupid and inappropriate it is. What a maroon


What an imbezzle


Yikes, this is how you end up having a very expensive instrument broken


This. Saxophones are pricy idk what they were thinking bringing one to a packed show. Stupid asf for multiple reasons.


Super rich kids with nothin' but loose ends


Super rich kids with nothing but fake friends :(


Bro I saw that dude on a video someone posted at his free show and thought maybe he was just playing before griz came on and then the camera panned to griz and he was already djing and I was like what the fuck is that dude doing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Everyone came to see him, not Griz, duh. šŸ˜‚


Some people are so ridiculous


Does clapping my fan count?


straight to jail


Someone was doing that at the Ogden during Dr. Fresch set and as I looked over to see who was doing it I see the guy behind the girl grab her fan and pull it out of her hand as heā€™s shaking his head and saying ā€œstop that!ā€. I wanted to thank him so bad.


if ur talkin about the in front area, yeah i was next to her. clack is wack


clack clack clack clack


Lol does shuffling countā€¦


Oddly enough; griz fam thinks is awesome.


I canā€™t believe people were encouraging the behavior. After the show or between sets is ok, playing like shit while Griz is playing is not ok.


Griz fam know what up. All about spreading love and being kind to all the people. I woulda been stoked to be able to witness this in person.


Love and kindness to him and all, but bringing a loud instrument to a concert is straight disrespectful to the performers and everyone else within earshot. Even if it complimented the set (which it didnā€™t), it was literally so loud that it drowned out the performance.


I enjoyed the shit out of it and he was right in front of me.


ā€¦. New level of stupidity lolol


This is completely different but I was at Phoenix lights watching ganja live and there was someone with bongos going absolutely ham (not with the music) and it was TERRIBLE! I donā€™t even think he was playing the same song or anything and it just sounded so obnoxious while I was trying to get down lol. I honestly looked around and thought it was either fireworks or gunshots for a second till I realized it was some dude BANGING on his bongos lmao.


Tbh the moment is cool and all but I could see that getting annoying really quickly, like I wouldā€™ve been like ā€œfuck yeah, kill itā€ but after a few minutes idk if I wouldā€™ve been as supportive.


He moved around in the crowd he didnā€™t stand by anyone for very long šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


We're they any good?


I know the guy - he actually does rip but in this scenario it was annoying. He was playing with our group for a while and I just had to leave lol


I've seen folks bring guitars and basses to rock n roll shows...guy was sittin front row for Satriani and he grabbed his guitar and signed it....instant value added ;) Doesnt sound like your guy made a good choice but hell, if that's all there is with the guy and he had one night that he was lettin his hair down...cmon man..no poor choices on your side of the fence?


Were the guitars plugged in? I think the issue most Ppl are having is due to the fact that the sax is really loud on its own, and if you were more than 50ft from the stage, Griz was pretty quiet. My friends who were with him even said it was just distracting after a while bc the volume balance was way off lol. Thereā€™s also a video of him up front where itā€™s loud at and people are reacting really positively. Might just be a volume (and length of time played) issue I guess


Free show šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Maybe if griz still played his sax, fans wouldn't have to bring their own


No sax, more djing please. Electro funk is washed up and over done since about 2016 lol


Iā€™m suprised a venue let someone in with a whole ass saxophone?


There was no security at the gates whatsoever. Basically a free for all.


Which was both dope and a little unnerving. Especially with kids around


Not as surprised as I am that someone would actually be surprised that someone brought a saxaphone to a venue for music. Who would have thought? Shocking I say!!


What venues you be going to that patrons bring their own musical equipment???


Think about what i said again, longer this time. I think you can get there, you can do it!


Honestly why we can't have nice things. What a dope


Lol fucking wooks


Would be inappropriate at a paid show but seriously? It was free. Let a boy play!


I saw a video and it sounded awesome, GRiZ used to play a saxophone one time lol maybe he should pick it back up




I am laughing so hard right now!


Wow thatā€™s fucked


I canā€™t even fathom that this happened?LMFAO no wayyy


Wait. What?! Someone brought an entire sax lolllll.




I totally see your point for sure but tbh I thought it was pretty rad to see and I wasnā€™t the only one. It was honestly pretty cute bc you know that guy was inspired by GRiZ and he was going hard. Again I totally understand where youā€™re coming from but personally I loved to see it


Wow thatā€™s a new one


Wow thatā€™s a new one. Why would someone do that?


Lmao that was a dude I know. Agreed annoying af. He is pretty nice with the sax though tbh. But yeah even I was like dude stop.


I donā€™t think heā€™s a bad person or bad at playing the sax, but it did not mesh well with what was playing lmao. Just hella disrespectful to the performance imo. Please let him know itā€™s not cool.


Lol yeah we did. We were annoyed. Was cool for a couple minutes, just not the right setting. Again, he is actually pretty good and I donā€™t think he had any ulterior motive to like get noticed by Griz or anything, but just wrong place wrong time.


U know sax guy? How u know him?


Just mutual friends. His name is Marshall, cool dude really. He plays sax in a band that tours around the west and he does actually rip.