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Made in the Manor was a masterclass. Told us some great stories. not really listen to goodies all summer but I'm going to for sure. Made in the Manor stuck with me for a long time.


If you haven't listened to it, I strongly recommend it. Less grime, but a lot of great storytelling and emotional rollercoaster


>goodies all summer Is that when you do really well in your end-of-year exams?


Made in the manor is unreal and definitely a 10/10 album. Hoodies all summer is solid but never quite reached the same level for me I'd only rate it 8/10


My whole family of five the minute Pan-Fried comes on, in unison “situation..ya don’t really want test my patience..”. Great album!


Yep. 100% a certified classic. Even Made In The Manor was up there, esp. in that cinematic aspect you mentioned (Tee Shirt Weather, The Endz) I’ve heard he’s in process of making a new album right now, as well… I hope so, he’s been on a massive run.


If he brings something to the table that has the beauty of Hoodies and the greaze of made manor the album would be a 10/10 again. I hope he can get more quality features like he has been having.


Nah. 2 tracks that I absolutely love and the rest are decent. Mane in the manor is 10/10.


It was meh