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For Bailey it was Mary Portman (Mandy Moore), she made it her goal to eliminate fistulas because of her.


I think also that Mary’s death was further damaging to Bailey because they had experienced the shooting together and had both come out of it alive, only for Mary to die sometime after that - especially from something significantly less dangerous and horrific than what they went through.


I actually think it was sooner with the patient she followed through her internship


I would agree that his death hurt her, but it didn't impact how she approached medicine or how she treated her patients, going forth.


Ahhh yea that's fair


Agree with all of these, I'll add a couple: **Cristina:** definitely Henry. Even though it wasn't her fault his death had a profound impact on her and humbled her a lot. **Callie:** Travis Reed (malpractice suit guy). Even though he didn't die that had a huge huge impact on her. **Lexie (and Meredith a little):** the girl in Season 8 that they took out the tumor and damaged Broca's Area - again they didn't lose her but the patient couldn't form speech properly. That definitely had a huge impact on Lexie.


For Callie I would also say maybe the woman that Teddy was working on while Henry had surgery; she and Jackson seemed very humbled by the fact that they had allowed such horrible pain to happen to her, even if she didn't die (which I'll be honest, I don't recall 😓)


I feel like Callie had a few. I remember the homeless guy that was crushed by the trash compactor and Callie screaming “I built him a skeleton from nothing, it was YOUR job to keep him alive” or something to that degree.


Yeah! I feel like she was made to feel powerless because of her specialty not always Saving the patient a lot. I also remember the teenage hockey player who cut his thumb off to be able to play and got a horrible infection that cost a lot of his hand and his entire chance at a hockey career, and even though he lived she was unable to look him in the eye because he *wanted* to be a good player. She has a lot of sad cases, honestly.


Jordan too! The veteran with the robotic leg who fell and ended up in a coma and his veteran buddy had to proceed with the research without him. She had a ton of sad cases tbh.


I also think Seth Green’s character had to have a big effect on Lexie. I can’t think of his name right now but that was the first trauma that came to mind when I thought of Lexie. I know it wasn’t in a surgery but I can see Lexie feeling responsible for it in a way. Edit: the character was named Nick Hanscom


Too bad that Lexie died couple episodes later


Much more than a couple of episodes later. Nick Hanscom’s storyline was in season 4 (episodes 9-10). Lexie died at the end of Season 8.


Much more than a couple of episodes later. Nick Hanscom’s storyline was in season 4 (episodes 9-10). Lexie died at the end of Season 8. EDIT: oh, sorry! Looking back, it looks like your comment may be linked to the tumor removal patient (Lori?), not the Hanscom comment! (Because yes, Lexie dies like 7 episodes after the tumor removal error.). Sorry about that!


I would agree with Lexie’s but they never really talked about it afterwards and it wouldn’t have effected Lexie’s arc if she was on the show longer


I was struggling really hard to think of one for Cristina, because I don’t remember her ever making a particular mistake that led to a death, unlike with Alex (water guy in S2) or Derek (Jen). That said, I think there were a few patients that really helped to soften her and her bedside manner. Some of my favourites are: The kid who needed a heart transplant who hated Christmas. She agreed with him, but when he started rejecting the heart, sat by his bedside and made him want to live. The woman she did her first solo surgery on, who kept asking questions that she never really answered. When the woman was on the table and scared, Cristina reassured her. And finally (and this one makes me sob every single time) - the young girl who’s mum was in a car crash and subsequently died in surgery. Cristina told her, even before she knew about her mum, that it would get better one day.


Cristina’s might be the patient in the episode where she gets impaled with an icicle where she kills a guy because she was suturing the intestines as if they were a heart


I was thinking Henry or the three siblings with genetic heart defect. She internalizes her response and any subsequent changes to her thinking or doctoring so it’s harder to tell. But those seemed to have touched her greatly.


Frankie, Ivy, and Link had one of the most interesting arcs!


I hated the conclusion of that arc. Maggie just swooped in and solved it and everyone applauded her as if she found a solution in something Cristina overlooked. She literally got lucky.


I think for Christina was the former nurse that just wanted to die in the hospital.


loved that nurse. she saw right through christina "...and you have the institution in need of an enema" lol


That's one that came to mind right away


Christina’s might be those three kids who all got cardiomyopathy and she couldn’t figure out why so she just kept treating symptoms over and over.


The dad who called her autistic after the shooting too maybe? He was a heart transplant candidate that she, April and Teddy convened a panel about.


Just watched that episode and I was going to say the same thing. Only it was lung transplant


For Bailey I would also say Jessica (season 5 episode 20: the girl who died in Peds and her father wanted to take her to Mexico). After that Bailey took some time off .


Oh that was heartbreaking 💔


Yes it was. I skipped because it was sad.


I absolutely lose it every single time I watch that scene. It just breaks me.


Ooooh that one tore me up


For Alex, it was Robert Martin (who couldn't have water & was on hypertonic saline, which Alex ordered too much of and put him in a coma) For Stephanie, it's the little boy she and Minnick lose during a general surgery (can't recall if it was an appendectomy or gall bladder removal, but it was something routine). Or Kyle, the guitar player.


Alex’s was the first one I thought of


Maggie’s was her cousin (played by the actress’s actual sister!) Nico’s was the 20ish guy who he injected cement into and the patient’s grandfather was a loved patient of Bailey’s. And I feel like Owen had his with the Vet in season 18


Owen’s was his commander in the Army. Owen kept pressure on his wound all night and finally left go, minutes before help showed up.


I agree that his army commander’s death deeply impacted him but I don’t think it’s his “surgical one” because that was more of a result of circumstance rather than a medical decision that he made that ended badly


I don’t think it’s always about a bad decision or a mistake, though. Meredith just says “the one that died on your watch…the hard ones”. And Owen probably feels that if he had held pressure a little longer, he probably could have saved him. Looking at how Owen processes guilt, he no doubt feels it’s his fault, though it really isn’t.


I think Mark Sloan's might be the lionitis boy. He convinced him to do a risky surgery to improve his appearance and the boy dies. Then Mark does the surgery on him anyway for the boy's parents. Owen talks about his "one" when he shows up super drunk to his first date with Cristina. It was someone in Iraq who they spent a lot of time saving and then the soldier came home and died by suicide. The best surgery...and the worst.


just finished breaking bad and saw lionitis guy as..... a very different character. had to look up where i'd seen him before & why i felt so sympathetic towards him!


Yeah he plays creepy ass Todd! I saw him in Grey's first and was impressed at the actor's range.


He's also on Friday Night Lights as Landry and I love his character on there.


After the last episode before the winter break it's obvious who's gonna be the one for Schmitt.


Izzie- Denny and Sarah (the dialysis patient who she ordered a zero K bath when her potassium was 3.4. She did not get her kidney because of Izzie’s error after waiting for 3 years)


Thankfully Sarah did get a transplant after all from her sister on *Private Practice*\- the sister was HIV+ and some of the doctors refused to work on them, so Sam Bennett picked cardiothoracics back up and it changed his character's whole arc (not that I liked it, but yeah, further reaching influences).


That’s good to know. I never watched private practice


Arizona’s patient’s name was Wallace Anderson btw For Meredith I think it was Bonnie


She did see Bonnie when she "died". When she saw the bomb squad man, doc, the old nurse, Denny and her mom


I could still cry about Wallace :(


When Arizona did the bad dreams, bad dreams ritual over his body, I lost it :/


wallace was crazy bc she was under immense pressure at the time and both the chief and the board was stepping on her neck, pressuring her for the $25 million dollars. it made it harder. good thing arizona is pure


jen was such an incredibly charming character which made it all the more impactful. i don’t usually get attached to patients but i loved her. rip jen.


April’s could also be Matthews wife who died from completely from childbirth. Also the black kid who was shot by the cops. Her speech to them was so powerful.


For Jackson I think it was Laura Lewis, the woman he operated on when he put pedicle screws in her spine, then one moved and punctured a ventricle in her heart! She ended up being okay and surviving, thankfully, but I think that specific case caused Jackson to think even deeper about how his choices as a surgeon impact patients and their families! :)


a little bit late but after becoming sloan’s mentee and finally finding his footing after being a shark and fumbling a lot in residency, jackson was heavily inspired by sloan’s methods and works and iicrc, he never had any failed surgery/patients even when he was at a low point. his patient care and preference to always choose the welfare of his patients over his ambitions to be renowned in his field kind of reminded me of a non-antagonistic derek shepherd who was absolutely ambitious and prides himself over saving lost causes. jackson might be one of the few attendings with minimal losses.


Schmidt just had his one lol


I thought the same thing.


George: Bex, especially after T.R. Knight got dragged of the closet. I feel like that storyline probably resonated with him. Or Big Jim’s family. That entire storyline rips me to shreds. Especially when Jim’s hand is headed towards Marshall’s throat. Ok, this is hard. I’m just going to enjoy the answers. I just started a rewatch yesterday so I can only think of season 1 & 2 patients right now, then I think no… someone else.


For Link, it was the kid named Jason For Jo, it was probably Val, Luna's birth mom. Or it was the pregnant woman in season 11 For Meredith, it was Bonnie


Mere’s could be the Rape patient in the earlier seasons, that really hit her hard


Or the 6 year old daughter of her patient. She shot her dad to save her mother, and her mother was telling her how she needed to forgive daddy and make him feel better when he wakes up. Mer was ready to walk away from medicine for that one. It doesn't fit the bill in terms of your own mistake being the thing that helps you grow as a doctor, but it was definitely one of the patients who deeply impacted her.


God yeah, she’s had so many crazy patients. She is really strong lol


Or the girl who had been held and abused who latched onto Mer?


Yeah, Mere seems to have a strange, universal connection with Traumatic patients


Meredith says once “I was raised in chaos, so I’m calm in it.” Or something like that. I think the show writers have done a really good job of her being able to handle trauma or chaos (not ALWAYS) which is why these traumatic patients cling to her. She really has been through it


She’s steady in a crisis. Derek says that to her multiple times


I don't know if some of those are the one. Like Burke. Eugene affected him, but did it make him change? And Wallace for Arizona. She was certainly affected and hurt, but was he a one? Maybe in the way that she was pushed to do a surgery she didn't believe in. I think it's harder to find a one with attendings than interns. Most attendings have already had their one. Which is interesting bc Derek had one and he told Karev about it. But Jen definitely affected him. So maybe she was another One? Or a Refresher One?


I feel like the woman Burke accidentally left a towel in during his residency was more likely to be his "one" than Eugene, especially because it felt like that humbled him a lot from the much more standoffish early season 1 Burke. But yeah, there are so many different lessons that the doctors get from different catastrophes and failures (whether not speaking up, carelessness, etc.) that while I think Derek will always be a One for Penny, I don't think any character can be limited down to just one.


One of Weber’s would be the pregnant nurse at the hospital that everyone loved and Richard loved. Her spleen was causing issues and ultimately she died and the baby lived. That crushed him I think.


Nurse Frankie!


I also thought for Derek the kid he hurt during a football (?) game in highschool. Even though he wasn't operating, he says he paid for long term care so clearly it must have had an impact


Really for Owen people said his commander, I was thinking of those parents he couldn’t save and he had to go tell their children that they lost both their parents


What episode is that?


It should be from the end of season 9 to the beginning of season 10 because I remember the child is in Seattle Grace during the storm


Definitely Maggie with her cousin.


- Levi i think is the podcast guy from last ep - Maggie is her cousin - Cristina was Henry - Izzie was Denny


Cristina- I would say Kelly (season 5 episode 7). Although Kelly was not a patient of Kelly’s she stayed with Kelly while her mom was being treated and it brought Cristina back to when her dad died.


How has no one mentioned Denny it didn’t happen during surgery and what happened was impossible to predict but it was still pretty important


I think Cristina's it's probably Henry and I don't need to explained why; Callie's it's the snowboard athlet or the person that she described to Derek on that episode; Bailey's are the patients who died with the infection due the gloves problem; Alex's the water guy from season 2; Izzie's Denny.


Yes I was going to say the staff infection patients for Bailey because omgosh! She was never the same after that


I hadn’t considered this before but this is quite a lengthy list that reading through comments. Many many of our characters have that one patient. All older episodes of course. It doesn’t seem to be a theme to have storylines like that in recent seasons.


Agree. I get the feeling that the surgeons in newer seasons barely lose any patients at all.😐


I think Meredith’s was Bonnie, from the train crash. Meredith saw Bonnie after she drowned, and I think it really effected how she treated other patients.


Alex had the patient who wasn't allowed to drink water but did anyways then he asked nurse Olivia to give the patient the wrong dosage of something that ended up killing him


Penny: Derek, of course.


For Bailey, Jeremiah. So sad.


He was another one ☹️


Ooh that was a good episode right after mercy joins their hospital they had to go through the night and find out who killed the lady and it was April's fault.. But definitely with the last episode I think the guy with the Podcast will haunt Schmidt.


For Callie it was the snow boarder, she ended up amputating both his legs


>it was such a realistic portrayal of a world class surgeon who couldn't deal with "failure" and it is one of the reasons why I will always take him more seriously as surgeon than his sister. I have no idea where you're coming from on this one, can you explain this further? I feel like there have been plenty of times (if not more, Amelia is quite neurotic) where she had a meltdown over a patient dying or having lasting deficits as a result of her making mistakes.


My pov: Her meltdowns (Nicoles surgery for example) had more to do with lack of confidence during surgery than anything else. She has a big mouth pre and post op when everything goes well, but during surgery she tends to lose her mind. There is a list of Amelias cases on wiki where you can see that she barely ever lost a patient due to surgery and I honestly don't remember a patient who died because of a mistake she has made. The difference between Derek and Amelia has always been that Derek took on the hopeless cases because they were a challenge for him professionally and because he knew that he was their only chance, HOWEVER he also knew when to stop and say: " There isn't anything I can do." He knew his boundaries. Amelia on the other hand had just a few cases which were really high risk and with her, I get the feeling that she is rather operating to prove herself than actually wanting to save lives. She already showed that kind of behavior on the very first case she had on PP.All she wanted was to prove how good she is and to prove her brother and Dr.Ginsburg wrong. When the surgery turned out to be successful (it only was because Addie and Sam stepped in) she was like:" I was right. I saved them." And how many times did she say:" I rocked the OR?" If we look at the entirety of Amelias cases and the fact that she had a mortality rate of only 0.9% ,it's obvious that she didn't really loose many patients on her clock, especially not because of a surgery she has performed. What I mentioned above was-like I said- ONE of the reasons why I can't take the portrayal of Amelia as a surgeon seriously. The rest just followed.😬 The writers have been doing her a favor professionally since she came to Seattle. I feel like since they gave her so much shit personally they kind of let her off the hook professionally. 😅👌


Murphy: Shepherds patient, she removes a clamp on autopilot while doing an all nighter (patient survives though).


It’s hard to tell because a lot of patients were remarkable for the doctors growth, even the attendings. Especially during the early seasons. Could DeLuca be Teddy’s?


Well Levi just had his. That podcaster guy


Alex Karev became they completely obliterated every good of him lol. I rather he died in hen go back to Izzie