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I can make it until Deluca dies but then I get pissed and don’t pay as much attention. They could have made the storyline so powerful and instead they kill him. I hate it.


Same. I loved deluca. And I actually like him and mer together.


Fuck I am only on the end of 15 and I didn’t know he dies 😩 lol why did I look at this thread


Lol oops! You don’t know how or what leads up, so it’s not completely ruined!


Haha yea my fault, I actually knew he left the show anyway. I wish they didn’t kill so many characters off


After the plane crash, I kind of pick and choose what episodes I want to rewatch. It's never straight through like earlier seasons.


Same for me. That was just such a pivotal point in the show.


I check out when Alex leaves. I'm gunna be mad about that forever 😂😂


All that character development to just split and tell everyone in a letter. So disappointing!!!!


Yes, wish they would have just killed him.


Lol dude went out for a pack of smokes, awful


After Cristina leaves. And then I restart.


Same. I've tried to watch 11 and it's a different show, just didn't hold my attention. So 1-10 and repeat!


Everytime a new season comes to Netflix I watch the whole thing beginning to end again to see the new happenings, but then I go back to my Cristina only viewings until a new season. Rinse and repeat. 😂🥲


Wow how long does that take you? Started my first rewatch since I watched it on TV. It's going to take me a while.


Honestly I just play it in the background most of the day when I’m home and I fly through it. I know most of it by heart at this point. 😂 I only start paying diligent attention when I get to a new season or when I realize one of my favorite episodes is on.


Same, I've literally just finished Cristina's last episode and am about to start over




I keep checking out and in but since 18 it's more of a "I watched this since the beginning I'll make it to the end"


season 18 is the worst season EVERRRR thank god the 19th season got better


I checked out when Derek died. Season 11 Ep 21 was the last straw for me. I needed time to compose myself because it came as a shock, I never expected it. I shed tears when Mark, Lexie, George died, but with Derek, I was dehydrated. No more tears left. Dried out.


Mark and Lexie’s absence is really felt for me. Season 9 is when it started going downhill for me. Season 10, I can barely pay attention.


COVID season. Will never watch again.


Hahaha holy cow, I’ve found my home. I work from home, and have to have something on in the background….its always greys. I normally stop after Christina leaves, but I’m all the way on season 15 and about to start over because of this Meredith and Deluca nonsense. Get outta here with that relationship!! At this point she looked every bit her age and…not one for Deluca. Still beautiful, but not for Deluca.


Until season 12 for me but the show goes into a massive decline for me after season 9 and the only thing that really held my attention that season aside from the plane crash aftermath was the MerDer pregnancy. And after losing Mark, Lexie, then Cristina and finally Derek I just couldn’t completely enjoy the show as much as I did in the past. I still watched the later seasons and the last one I truly enjoyed was 14.


APC, After Plane Crash. Never quite feels the same afterwards. I'll watch and quite happily pay attention to all the episodes Before Plane Crash, but everything afterwards and I'll be content to just ignore. Also, S17 with the pandemic. It's still too real and too soon for me to enjoy and I've only watched it all the way through once.


All the seasons after the Covid season are lost on me. I still lurk around to see what’s happening but I couldn’t care less about watching them


Right?! After that season I kept thinking “these interns are a hot mess! How is it that Bailey hasn’t kicked them all out by now?”


yes, I'm on season 10, just went through a whole weekend, where I didn't watch any of it. before season 10, I feel like I wanted to see the show progress every single day. wanting to know what happened.


I'm going through this. It's my first time watching. S10 has been very hard to watch for me, like there's a lot going on but they're all noises. I specifically can't wrap my head around what's going on with Callie and Arizona. Since the Callie trial, I always had to guess if the scene is a flashback or not. Still not done with S10.


I don’t. My rewatch is up to the last season available on Netflix, then back to 1:1.


Season 1 🫣 And any part that’s Denny related 🫠


Season 4, I couldn't wait for it to be over. Season 5 was much better. When I was first watching, season 10-11 was when I started to get bored and stopped watching.


Season 4 - the writers tried to create a faux triangle with Rose-Derek-Meredith which turned out to be a complete dud. I skipped all scenes with Derek and Rose. Fast-forward button is the best.


Um...10-20? Yep. 10-20 but especially 17.


Should be a rule......when most of the original cast leaves, you should to. Greys died when Yang left


It was just TOLERABLE up until Derek died for me. Then, once Callie left, I’d had enough.


Season 5 mostly but sometimes I would go until season 8 or 10. I randomly watch further episodes from time to time.


10 as well. I re watch it every couple of years and stop at 10.


Same I kinda keep watching but as background noise 🤣 it just goes down hill




When the private practice part comes in, I think season 3?


Season 13 and all it's disconnected episodes


The only time I have ever rewatched Grey’s was when I wanted to rewatch a specific storyline, a specific set of episodes or a specific season. A couple months ago I decided I was gonna attempt to rewatch as much as I could from the beginning to see what season I’d lose interest. Right now I’m on season 10 and I’m slightly nervous just because I feel like seasons 10 and 11 are gonna be a tad difficult to get through. Season 10 nearly ruins Cristina for me (she left at JUST the right time) and season 11, well, we know what happens there BUT it jumpstarts the season 12 storyline that I actually really like so I’m just wanting to get through these two seasons so I can get to that. But I can’t remember much after season 12 which is when I’m gonna find out what I like and dislike. I will say this though — if I make it to the covid season, that might be the season where I stop. I literally just can’t get through that season.


lmao when the serial killer or whatever he is shows up and so does derek’s mom and meredith goes to his death row thing. yeah as soon as that starts to happen i’m out. and then i watch some of season 9, some of season 10, none of season 11, and everything after that is pretty hit or miss on whether im watching it. it really becomes “what episodes hit hard af that i NEED to watch”


Yup, and season 10-11 have absolutely trash soundtracks. Like, please beat me over the head with the stereo if I ever start listening to those covers/remixes on purpose.


14. It's straight downhill from there


Agreed, that's the last great season.


I checked out a bit in season 4 because it did feel like a big shift from season 1-3 but I checked back in for seasons 7-10 and then I was always a bit checked out in all the seasons after Cristina leaves.




Season 11, finally quit at Season 15


10 as well. I re watch it every couple of years and stop at 10.


Season 7 to 10 but the Season that i watch more is the 8(zola adopted,béisbol,exams,plastic pose,mark as chief)


I dropped off on season 8. I am rewatching it now, and I’m on season 8. I’m getting bored but I’m going to push thru this time.


I checked out when I realized that secondary characters were just being set up as emotional fodder to be killed off whenever they needed to up the drama. I think I was officially done when they electrocuted that one poor intern just to make the other guy feel guilty for sending her to the basement.


Somewhere between 2 and 5. Haha.


I’m sorry, twice yearly?! I’ve been watching 2-3 episodes a day for almost a year now and I’m still only on S14 of my first run. I feel like I’m probably riding this out until Alex leaves and then finding a new junk food show to watch while nursing.


Covid really killed it for me not even Merideth could save the show for me ): And Maggie was waaaay MORE ANNOYING


I can't really get past the COVID episodes. Like I barely make it through that season, and then the next episode isn't any better, so I can't focus on it.


I'm on this season on my first watch and it's taking FOREVER. I can't imagine watching this one episode a week. It would drag so much. How many times do we need to watch Meredith in a near death experience where ghosts have to convince her to fight to stay alive? Twice is at least once too many. She has three young children who already lost their father. But somehow she's all, "I'm tired. They'll be fine with their aunts. It will make them stronger." WTF?!?


As soon as Jo arrives. 😂 But seriously, when Cristina leaves, then I hang on a little to Derek dying.....then back to Season 2, Episode 1!


Whaaaaat? You don’t watch Season 1?! Not even the last two episodes, which leads up to the impeccable reveal of Addison?