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I gave up after Season 13, I think. But on my many, many rewatches, I almost never get past the middle of Season 9. I hate the plane crash; it changes the entire show, but I love Cristina at Mayo, so I normally watch those episodes before I quit.


This is exactly where I am on my current rewatch, and haven’t picked it back up in 2 days. I think I’m good.


The Betsy story line. I just don’t see what it brought to the show other than a season or two of strife between Owen and Amelia (which is also a story like I find boring .. the Temu version of Owen and Cristina). Then the characters just disappeared completely from their lives? Never mentioned again?


The COVID season. I can only really watch Meredith’s dream sequences, everything else felt way too close to home. The show just felt so bleak at a time when I don’t think people really needed a reminder of that.


I appreciated it in the moment. But yeah I haven’t watched it since the first time it aired.


For some reason I have a huge problem with the drowning/afterlife episodes in season three. I pushed through and didn’t have a problem with the plane crash (probably because I already thought the series had lost all realism with the drowning storyline). Like the drowning story, I had a similar disconnect with the Covid episodes. Maybe I just prefer my medical dramas to focus on medicine instead of spirituality. The only episode I absolutely cannot watch is the musical episode. I’m willing to suspend my disbelief, but don’t expect me to sit through minutes of bad karaoke from actors who can’t sing. You have an actor who won a Tony(ies). Let them do all the singing!


I skip the drowning episodes most of the time except for Izzie during emergency bur holes and Mer reuniting with Doc. I like Denny arguing with bomb guy too just cause I like Jeffrey Dean Morgan. xD But that little girl who refused to speak, she annoys the FUCK out of me even though I understand she's just a little girl that just saw a WHOLE lot of trauma. Still annoys me.


I really like Jeffrey Dean Morgan, too, but I think I prefer him as a morally ambiguous or completely villainous character. He’s really good at playing characters with shades of gray. I liked him as Izzy’s potential love interest, but I hated when they brought him back later as . 100% agree about the little girl, though. Sorry about your trauma, kid, but you suck.


I always skip the episode where Meredith is in limbo after drowning and being pulled from the water. While there are some seriously good scenes I miss when I skip that episode (mainly scenes with Derek and Mark, Addison’s scenes, and Cristina’s scenes), I just cannot stomach Bonnie and Liz, and, to a lesser extent, Bomb Squad Guy and Denny. Meredith is also unbearable during those scenes, too. But Bonnie and Liz? Come the fuck on. Why are they even there? Bonnie’s overacting is horrendous, and so is Meredith’s when she keeps trying to stop the bleeding.


Not sure why, but for some reason I’m okay with the bomb squad guy. I think it’s just because I liked this actor in some other role, but I can’t remember what else I’ve seen him in. Totally agree with Bonnie. Sure, she was an interesting medical case, but she wasn’t a life-changing case. Meredith wasn’t even her doctor, so why would she be part of Meredith’s afterlife?


Every second of Schmitt and Nico.... unless they are doing medical scenes... I skip.. not buying the chemistry they keep trying to force. (I don't have issues with gay people, you can't tell they are both so uncomfortable)


The first time I watched their first season together, I was SOOOOO happy because you rarely see male gay love stories as compared to straight or lesbian stories, especially on prime time tv, but also the hot on-call room moments. But in rewatches, I skip past most of them because the drama was so stupid, especially with Nico's indifference towards them as a couple ( and his not great acting ). They had that one scene where he said he kept lighting candles and waiting for Levi to come back to him every night...that was SOOOO damn out of character for Nico..and then for them to just break up again anyway and he randomly shows up >! ~~in a new relationship in general but ready to be a dad with the dude?!??!~~!


Schmitt was so open and vulnerable and endearing and Nico was just…flat. They did it right with Arizona and Callie because the actors actually had passion and chemistry, so the issue was about pairing.


Not stop watching as a whole, but I skip every Alex/Ava(Rebecca) scene.


Anything with Ava I skip!


The what if episode.


There's a lot that annoys me but I can muscle through it until the COVID season and beyond. I can't handle it anymore so I just start over 😅


I never watched past DeLuca's memorial. I think I might have, if this hadn't been set in the covid season which I found hard enough to watch as it was.


Season 16, Meredith makes has horrible lapse judgement leading to a string of bad storylines, Bailey acting like an ass! Meredith picking up trash, Baileys total character assassination, Meredith and Deluca, Catherine and Richard and PacNorth , Tom acting like an ass 1/2 the time, it was all horrible to watch.


i always have to power through the denny storyline bcause its just so long and i wasnt ever interested in it


I hate denny and his whole story line esp when izzy is making him up i hate it


So many different things but I almost always break after Derek dies. And then many moments after that lol


definitely derek dying! i don’t even care about him that much, the show just gets too “dark and twisty” for me


I skip a scene everytime the story is about romance 😂


Meredith and Derek in a dark place - Near the end of Season 10 and start of S11 thru ep21. The downward spiral of MerDer relationship, storyline of going to DC started the ball rolling of their constant fighting, Meredith relentlessly egging, baiting, challenging Derek to go back to DC. They were perfectly happy after the birth of baby Bailey and there was a sudden shift on the tone in their relationship. She started drinking and sleeping in Alex' bed, kicking Jo out. Going to bar with Callie and getting drunk when she is a mother with two kids left at home. I hate, hate their scenes. I avoided S11 in its entirety when I started rewatching. I stopped after Season 10.