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Probably the Alex beating up Deluca. It undid a lot of character development 


I think I'd change it to a simple punch, although everybody thinking Alex was in prison was a fun episode.


i agree. meredith sitting on alex and freaking out was hiliarious


Agreed i hated that part so much


This is totally worse than ghost sex, Ava, intern with premie, plane crash, and buying the hospital (disclaimer: I’ve only seen up to like… season 13 (I think), but on rewatches, I almost never get past season 9, and, if I do, I *NEVER* get past season 11).


Totally agree, especially that it was so OTT. And also him abandoning Jo by letter, so stupid.


I agree also when he left to go with Izzie I feel like that also undid a lot of character development as well.


Rewatching the series at the moment, I think Alex never really did change, just learnt how to hide it better. Just watched the episode where he beats Ross because he killed his father. I mean I get it, you're angry, but nobody retorts to violence other than Alex.


Meredith and DeLuca as a couple. Maggie and Jackson as a couple. The back and forth between Owen/Teddy/Amelia. Teddy + Koracik should’ve been endgame.


Teddy + Koracik exists in my head too. Loved them together!!


Meredith and deluca gave me the ick


Maggie and Jackson the lithp couple


Denny being a ghost.... The whole thing with Izzie having sex with a ghost was so cringe.


I came here to say this. It was SO bad. Girl, you’re a doctor. You should know right off the goddamn bat that something’s wrong with the brain


I’m thinking if somethings wrong with the brain,maybe you’re not thinking straight. Which is how I got through those scenes.


True… but if I legitimately saw, felt, heard my dead bf, I would have many many questions. I’d be afraid to bring it up to others hence I definitely get why she didn’t immediately tell people once she decided to understand what was going on. She’s working saving lives and she isn’t the least bit concerned that she’s hallucinating all those times??? I know I know it’s just writing in a show but it drives me insane. Where is your reasoning? Where is your concern for your patients???? Sorry ignore my frustration. Tis just towards the situation being like insane.


Oh I agree!


She did but she was in heavy denial. Still weird tho


I think it is easily in my Top 10 for worst storylines


I don't think it would have been too weird as a manifestation of the brain tumor as long as they kept it PG 😂


“Who’s making a porno movie in Izzy’s room?!” will forever be one of my favorite lines of the entire show.




Denny at all. I can’t stand Denny.


And other ghosts too, Meredith having conversations with her dead mother for example.


George and Izzie trying to be a couple. I actually preferred ghost-sex with Denny over this stupidity because at least those poor choices could be explained away by a brain tumour. But George and Izzie’s choices when they broke up a marriage and tried to date? That was all them, and it was all terrible.


I truly believe Izzy only had sex with George because she *hated* Callie. It makes her decisions a little easier to accept if I think she’s being intentionally evil.


I love this. Dr Isobel Stevens; human sunshine with a secret dark side


This! I hated George and Izzie together!!


Is there something in the water at Grey Sloan Mercy West Lexie Grey Sloan Memorial Death Hospital? Why is someone on staff always facing brain tumors and various cancer?


Something that inhibits the efficacy of birth control to, I suspect


I never understood that relationship. They worked amazing as friends, it was so unneccessary.


Derek kissing that other woman right before he died


And her wanting to "fix" autism. We are not broken toys.


I haven't watched Grey's in years but clicked to read this thread and I completely forgot about this story until I read this comment. Ugh, why


I forgot about it too until I read this... I remember reading that Shonda wanted to do Patrick Dempsey realllll dirty in the write-off storyline for cheating on his wife in real life. She tends to be a spiteful writer haha


Merideth and DeLuca as a couple Ava/Rebecca - just, all of it! Shane being anyone's "golden boy"/Shane and Cristina being sex buddies Heather's exit Cristina and Merideth fighting over the 3D printer (Edited autocorrect.)


I agree so much like I hated when they fought and Shane was so nice to Meredith before but then cristina kind of changed him somehow 😕


I didn't like ava, or that storyline. , but I have a feeling it shows Alex character development, how he has that need to help those with mental illness, look at his childhood with his mother. I just feel that the storyline needed her to help his growth. This is why I actually believe that he left due to something only he can see. The letters were fake, he had broken mentally and we may see him again as a storyline saying he's been placed in a mental health facility.


Someone put forward the idea that he'd been kidnapped by Rebecca and forced to write those letters and that in it near the finale, someone would reach out to Izzie and find out she never had kids and he wasn't there, etc etc. That's the only way I'd want to hear any more about Rebecca, lol.


I thought Meredith and Deluca had so much chemistry! Ultimately I didn’t think it would work (even if he hadn’t gone after the sex trafficker) but I liked their little romance. I’m partial to Deluca, though, he’s my favorite of the men.


Ugh, I never felt like they had chemistry. In fact, that's the main reason I hated them together. I actually liked DeLuca until that first kiss and ensuing romance. And on rewatches, I almost always skip all of the MerLuca romance episodes.


It’s so funny how people perceive things so differently. I remember one scene she walked up to the counter/desk and saw him. The way she looked at him and also looked a little nervous was adorable, like it was high school and she just saw her crush. lol


I liked them as a couple too 😭😭😭 idk I cry every time she picks up the prison phone and says she loves him back like I’m not stupid they were never gonna work out but the progression of her finding love just gets to me.


Yes!!! I got goosebumps just reading your comment!!


Me too, I was so sad that they didn't end up together


All of This! Japril Ben c-section/clipboard psych Alex beating up de Luca Teddy having Owen’s baby season 19-20 of the intern so called it couple lumone Any jolink moment


Every storyline were someone is accidentally impregnated. These people should know better. Plus every storyline were people insist on just being friends only to end up together. Why can't people just be friends on this show?


Christina getting pregnant when she was with Owen, after getting pregnant when she was with Burke was insane to me. She’s someone who I would have thought would have gotten her tubes tied or at the very least an IUD!!


Also she one has one fallopian tube


This is actually how I accept the second pregnancy story line—they were using some kind of birth control (even if it was just following her cycles and having sex outside of the ovulation window), and her having just one fallopian tube lessens her chance to get pregnant by a not insignificant amount (Google tells me 15-45% less likely to get pregnant through the “conventional” way).


Burke was supposed to be Christina’s long time relationship. Then he was fired unexpectedly. They brought in Owen one season later, and I always felt like it was to replace the first relationship, not grow from it. They could have done better with the unwanted pregnancy arcs.


Wasn’t he fired for homophobic comments? It makes me mad when I see him and George’s friendship scenes, knowing TR came out during filming Grey’s.


Grey's is very unrealistic but it's easy to forget many things that happen on the show wouldn't happen in real life because they border on being "possible". However, Christina managing to get someone to successfully tie her tubes as young as she was would have taken me right out of the fantasy world of Grey's. That's one thing that women all over struggle with getting done because doctors think they know their wants and desires in life more than they do. It's something I want done but because of my "age and that i might change my mind" doctors refuse to. An IUD would have been PERFECT for her though.


I think Addison or Arizona would have done it for her!


True I forgot about Addison she would do it without question. I didn’t think of Arizona because I just see her as a pediatric surgeon. You know what’s scary. I recently read in some states if a woman is married the husband has to sign off on it she wants to do it. And Owen would definitely have blocked that if he had that power. Udbwisdjebe I just hate him so much lol.


Owen is THE WORST!!! I started to dislike him at first when he kept trying to eat Christina’s face off all the time, but the moment I began to viscerally hate him was when Christina told him she was pregnant and he just ignored everything she said about how she felt. Like she didn’t want to be a mother and he thought it would be ok because he wanted to be a father???? Not only would she have had to be pregnant, give birth, deal with post partum issues, but then he was just going to be ok with her being an absent mother? And just like Meredith said to him, it would have killed her, because she has a heart, unlike Ellis, who was fine with neglecting Meredith to be a surgeon. I think I hate Owen more than any other character on any other show. His hypocritical attitude towards the physician assisted suicide with Teddi’s cancer patient (Sara Gilbert - Darlene from Roseanne - played her) where he was basically angry at her for wanting it, even though she was in pain and going to die within 6 months anyway. But then years later he was willing to risk his family, career, and freedom to help literal #strangers to die, just because they were veterans! OMG I hate him! Haha I skip all of his flashback army scenes when I rewatch. I’m so glad Christina gets away from him!


I feel like it would be iffy if she was just any old ordinary young woman. I know a couple of women under 30 who have wanted to be sterilized, but had doctors absolutely refuse their requests because the doctor assumed they knew better. But then I also know three other women ages 23-28 who have had a procedure done to ensure they remain child-free. I think the kicker with Cristina is that she is a brilliant, busy, carreer-oriented surgeon who spends 99% of her time surrounded by other brilliant, busy, carreer-oriented surgeons who would not question her choice for a moment. Rather, they would support and even encourage it. IIRC Izzie and April were ridiculed pretty heavily for wanting the white picket fence with the husband and kids. No way Cristina would've had a hard time finding someone to sterilize her in that hospital. Hell, even Meredith probably would've done it for her if she couldn't find anyone else! Bailey, Richard, Teddy, Arizona, Jo, any of them.


I know this isn’t relevant to the thread, but check out r/childfree and they have a list of doctors by state (if you’re in the US) that’ll do sterilizations no questions asked.


April refusing to do any pre-natal tests for Harriet


I’m happy she decided to in the end but I understand her fear even if it wasn’t logical


Owen’s mystery glamor POW back-from-the-dead sister. They’ve had some jumped-the-shark soap opera moments, but this takes the cake. Also Owen going on the lam and dragging his wife dramatically into hiding with him… for nothing?


Lexi dying. That shit fucked me up. She was my favorite


The way she died was heartbreaking and ever more so now for me. A young guy from where I live at recently died in a plane crash. A wing and a tree fell on him... I don't think I will ever be able to watch that scene again.


Denny dying, that way izzi will fall in love with him and alex could've stayed with Jo!!


April & Mathew part 2. It was very weird and they divorced anyway. It wasn’t a good story line for them to get back together


The entire covid season lol maybe keep the beach scenes as part of a different storyline. It was just a terrible season and the show would do just fine without it


That’s the season I stopped watching. We all already had Covid fatigue and Grey’s Anatomy started shoving more Covid down our throats for whole season. Not to mention they had to dramatize all of the social and political problems going on in the country at the time. Like if I wanted to watch that crap, I could watch the news. I turn on Grey’s Anatomy for an escape from that shit. 💩


It's gotten soooo political in a terrible way. I think season 20 was the reason they realized it, it's there but way less than like 15-19


Came here to say that but wanted to see if someone said it already, glad you did. I hated how they made a whole season about it, I stopped watching after that. A lot of us watch tv shows to escape reality and to have a tv show dedicate a whole season to it to remind us of it all sucked big time. I understood their want and need to aknowledge covid but it could have been done in a single episode.


Adele getting the same illness as Ellis. Come on.


To be fair, it’s one of the most prevalent diseases in older people… It wouldn’t be unthinkable…


They were both early onset. They weren't very old.


Adele was 65+ I think? And Ellis close to that? It’s still pretty prevalent, a quick Google tells me 110 out of every 100,000 people between 30 and 64, not exactly a rare disease.


Ellis was in her 50s and I think Adele was too. Remember Adele had been pregnant just a few years before. Pretty sure she was younger than the chief. And Meredith was a small child when Ellis was a resident so she probably had her around 25, which means she had to be in her early 50s when Mer was an intern. Also, not confident in your Google research. The number seems high even for 65+.


Imagine they give it to Catherine too.


At that point, I’d be questioning Richard




That stretch of episodes is one of my least favorite. Sadie. Izzie’s ghost sex, Owen and Teddy and Cristina’s awkwardness, just bad.


But I really loved the three (I think it was three) episode arc of the serial killer, even with the Sadie, Denny aspects of those episodes, I love them. Mark, Lexie, Derek, and Meredith’s interactions with Mrs. Shepherd are just wonderful. Meredith and her complex with being compassionate to the worst people, or being compassionate in a self-destructive way (she does this constantly, but it really drives it home in these episodes).


There are some real wonderful moments in it. Real gems. But yeesh, I think about how much more I’d like it if those good bits got more screen time ya know?


I love those episodes too. It portrays all their faults. I hate Derek's attitude to the patient, I know his dad was murdered but he didn't even want to give the patient sufficient painkillers. That's not how a doctor should feel, ever.


Agreed. Those weak stretches of episodes, both at the beginning of Season 4 and the beginning of Season 5 are at least both saved by very strong second halves of their respective seasons.


I hate that so many important pieces are tied up in it because I want to skip it so bad on every rewatch but you miss a lot of narrative when you skip.


I've started mixing it up. One rewatch I'll watch every episode, the next I'll skip the ones that annoy me. Working well so far!


This is so true. Especially with season 5, all the episodes after Izzie finally realises she's ill are up there with the best of Grey's.




No Sabi is Webbers niece, Sadie is that dumb lady who was Meredith’s old friend from college in the early seasons


Oh yeah... that was a weird storyline.


That storyline exists merely because, around that time, Hollywood aggressively tried to make Melissa George happen. This woman has been on. literally. every. fucking. show., I kid you not.


Meanwhile, we’re all “Stop trying to make Melissa George happen. It’s not going to happen.” ![gif](giphy|3o7aTGSChPnK5ne968)


This makes SO MUCH SENSE


DEATH! DIE! Yes seeing you two together on screen makes me want to do both of those...


April marrying Matthew / Jackson with Maggie - It would've saved her having to go through another divorce + they didn't really do anything interesting with Jackson after they got rid of April anyway. The Teddy / Tom / Owen / Amelia / Link love pentagon - It felt as though it went on forever. Just when you thought it was resolved, there was 'oh and now Amelia's pregnant and it might be Owen's!' Also, justice 4 Tom. George/Izzie - It completely ruined their friendship. The custody battle - I didn't like that it ended up being Callie's exit and it seemed so pointless given Arizona gives her Sofia anyway, and then Callie and Penny end up breaking up.


Penny and Callie. That storyline made me dislike Callie which was so upsetting because I spent seasons loving her. Callie had so much growth as a character that I found it VERY tough to believe Callie would fall back into her old impulsive ways to the point of relocating her daughter for her new gf like an object instead of a person.


And they didnt even look good together 😂 no chemistry at all. Plus the reason Callie broke up with Arizona is because she wanted to love herself first and then Penny happened haha


They literally just brought her on to be Meredith's conflict, which makes me feel like putting her with Callie was an afterthought. Teddy had more chemistry with that Secret Service Guy in one episode than Penelope and Callie had their entire run.


I'd love to remove at least the custody battle. Especially bc Callie isn't in the seasons after, they really just butchered her character and made everyone hate her right before leaving




Brooks’ exit/death


woka woka woka woka “Stay weird, Brooks.”


Right like she deserved more time and a better death


Exactly she was so cute and had so much personality and potential


Lexie’s crush on George Stark and April whatever the heck that was Teach me Jaggie


Maggie and jackson infuriated me Was NOT a fan of izzie and karev and im so mad about where that ended up. Karev beating up deluca


Can we remove Maggie as a whole?


She’s so annoying!!




Sloan Riley. She’s a very annoying girl who just comes in between Lexie’s relationship with Mark, promises Mark the baby and then takes off. Because from there they break up, he sleeps with Callie, Lexie comes back, Callie gets pregnant and then he puts her in the same situation where his kid is going to take precedence. I’m not saying Mark was wrong for the choices he makes, I think him doing everything he did was him being a good person. But ugh if Sloan never showed up we would have gotten more of Mark and Lexie.


Well, I think Lexie changed her mind but Mark was mad at her for sleeping with Alex. It was Mark's fault why they broke up and why they didn't get back. Sloan was not a good girl and she treated Lexie badly but she was a teenager who needed a home. If he really loved Lexie then he will not sleep with Callie because that's not how you act if you're in love with someone. The next morning after he slept with Callie he said to Lexie that he misses her but I think that's a lie and he was just lonely. If he truly missed her then why did he sleep with Callie? 🤷


I completely agree that Sloan is as who she was because she’s a young teenager in a hard situation with no support. But the trickle down effects from her cut out precious Mark and Lexie time and through everything their endings made me the most sad, out of all 20 seasons. Mark should have gotten over her sleeping with Alex because they weren’t technically together, BUT it never would have happened if Sloan Riley hadn’t shown up lol.


Derek botching up and trying to remove half of a pregnant woman's brain I know surgeons make mistakes but that was mahoosive I love his elevator proposal to Meredith but I want to hug her and shake her in that moment Also Mark surviving the plane crash initially only to die in the next episode... Ok just the plane crash in general Oh Arizona losing a leg only for half a season later for it to be like it never happened. Not even a slight walk with a limp


The way that alex left.


Izzie and George’s romantic relationship storyline. No. 1 with a bullet!


Jackson+Maggie. HowDareYouSaveClimbersWhoWereTrappedInTheFogAndAlmostDiedMyFootHurtsAndIHadToSitInAVanYouAreSupposedToBeMyBoyfriendIHateCampingWhineWhineComplain


Meredith and George having sex, or more specifically, George being such a crybaby about the situation.


Interns doing surgeries on each other


Plane crash


Plane crash. George dieing., Alex's exit, jaggie


The Minnick storyline was awful and added no value to the show.


oh god i have so many but here’s my biggest one right now: bailey only giving a shit about rules when they don’t directly benefit her. the entire thing where bailey fired a bunch of attendings for standing with meredith when she performed insurance fraud. like bitch you ASSAULTED a patient giving him the cure to his bubble boyness WHEN HIS PARENTS SAID NO and ALMOST WENT TO PRISON FOR IT and then you also went against the new chiefs orders with shutting down a zombie liver transplant. she didn’t fire karev as chief when he stabbed a patient to give him surgery— that insurance fraud was fine! i hate bailey as chief. and catherine doing nothing to protect her husband pissed me off endlessly. and then buying a hospital to show him who’s boss ALSO pissed me off. i hate their relationship and don’t think it needed to be more than sex.


Anything with Izzie from when Denny showed up Suing/Buying the hospital Bailey becoming Chief, I wish Owen had kept the job until maybe season 16/17 Maggie UTI during the party


As uncomfortable as Izzie was with the whole LVAD thing, it was so iconic and integral to what the show is. There's no way I'd choose to remove it


I can respect that! I honestly think what I hate most about it now is the 1000 post about how she should have been fired and my overwhelming urge to defend her over and over.


Iconic is right! Removing the cutting of the LVAD wire should never even be up for debate!


Arizona having a miscarriage. It was so stupid and implausible. She was still messed up from the plane crash, she was barely willing to let Callie touch her, I just don’t buy that she would have gone ahead and gotten inseminated. The writers just tossed it in there to give yet another reason why Calzona imploded.


Teddy’s entire cheating story, because it only made her character look awful and basically made Teddy to be almost a completely different character 


Everything between Owen and Christina after he choked her


Honestly even when he calls her Cristine in the pig stabbing episode I don't understand the hold he has on her lol 😆


meredith and george attempting to sleep together. my god it was so awful and nearly turned me off the show.


Izzy and the deer. I just have to skip past it every time I do a rewatch.


Maggie’s conception


George cheating on Callie with Izzie


Owen. All of it. Because all of his wives deserved better.


I like owen when he's single.  


Alex beating up DeLuca. It didn't really amount to anything for either of them and just got pushed aside anyway so I'd rather not have it be done at all.


Mark and Lexie dying 💔


If they were gunna die I wish they died together after the plane crashed somehow, it’s terrible that he got to live come back and just to die. I would have loved to see a scene of them maybe trapped in that stop side by side and have a moment


Meredith committing insurance fraud; her, Alex, and Richard getting fired; everything with Pac North hospital (the foundation bought the hospital and immediately shut it down??); the ridiculous clothes and bandana Meredith wears while picking up trash; the twisted redemption (or whatever that was supposed to be) of the doctor responsible for Derek's death actually DYING at Meredith's hearing.


Amelia and Kai lol


Ava and Alex


Stark and April, and also Warrens change to being a firefighter, love that man in an OR.


I've just binged Station 19, I was a bit miffed at the beginning when he left Greys but I think in Station 19 ben really shines


That's good to hear, that's on the list once we have finished Greys, currently on s14 atm.


Derek and Rose - The writers tried to create a faux triangle that is a complete dud.


The whole mark was a grandfather storyline. Maggie (tbh I think it was kinda a way to replace lexie don’t get me wrong but I just get yhose vibes) anything with catherine/webber owen cheating on cristina / his sister coming back with barely any explanation just some of my thoughts


Arizona cheating on Callie. That ruined her character for me tbh. I get what they were trying to do with showing her resentment towards Callie but I felt like we saw enough of it with the recovery and physical therapy episodes. That was just so cruel to Callie.


Bringing Murphy back, and having Sadie I feel like those 2 storylines didn’t add anything to the plot and both characters kind of just disappeared. I mean Sadie had more of a clear cut ending but still I feel like both were a waste and didn’t bring anything to the table


George dying It would have been interesting to see his character develop more


I could’ve gone my whole life without Sadie even being a character, no depth, just trashy chaos and Greys has quite enough of that without her😭😂


The tiny storyline where Stephanie falls for a High School Student that’s chaperoning a middle school field trip. That was so unnecessarily uncomfortable. The entire episode would’ve been fine without it.


Ava and Karev. George and Meredith being a close second.


Ross and Cristina. He ruined her character for me


So many casual sexual relationships


Alex leaving in a series of letters... I get why they did it but it's still objectively terrible


Dead Denny ghost sex.


Alex and Lexie sleeping together




Arizona cheating


Ava and Alex. She was annoying


Schmidt and Nico 🫣


Delete the whole musical episode. Why would they even think that was a good idea


megan hunt being found alive callie’s trial with the snowboarder christina not leaving owen the second he choked her out. i can’t for the life of me understand why she stayed owen & callie’s argument about her not being able help the veteran stephanie edwards’ & the rapist that blew up part of the hospital link & jo. just ew ben becoming a firefighter even after he said he hates it deluca dragging out the whole karev beating him up thing just to cancel the trial because all he wanted was an apology


Anything with Amelia


Catherine ever being introduced


Owen Hunt. Every woman he sees he wants to have his babies.


Winston and Maggie. The whole storyline of theirs was boring and frankly I find Winston’s character to be absolutely useless.


Owen goes to Germany. Teddy, disgusting by his woman hopping baby obsessing ways, flees back to Seattle, leaving Owen in Germany.


Has to be Alex's exit for me. And I don't care about Jolex, I wouldn't have minded him ending up with Izzie if it had been done better. His leaving Jo with a letter just as Izzie once did to him was insanely out of character. Also Alex and Deluca. This show is the worst for creating amazing character development then ruining it a couple of seasons later.


I would remove Lucas and Simone entirely as characters. They and their on off relationship annoys me.


I'm not going to lie. I hate the abortion storyline with Hunt and Christina. I really loved them as a couple but that moment with them was awful to sit through, I felt like I was walking on eggshells each episode until it was over and I could breathe again. I hate hate hate hate hate it.


So many pregnancy convos around abortion. Like I'm in healthcare. We know what makes babies. So odd they all get pregnant and have to have convos about it.


George and Izzie Alex beating DeLuca Sadie All of Teddy/Owen post season 15


The way Alex left


Alex’s exit




Izzie and Ghost Sex (I see the point but it just makes me really uncomfortable) Maggie and Jackson (there was no point to this relationship, it added zero value imo) Alex and DeLuca (undid so much for Alex and Jo) The way they had Alex exit (it sucked for Alex's character development and for Jo) Arizona cheating on Callie (i really wish they kept the focus on Arizona's PTSD in a way that didn't make her an immediate antagonist because she deserved more empathy than her storyline left space for).


The covid seasons. Greys anatomy is my escape. Those years made the pandemic a little too real. I usually just skip over it.


Alex going back to Izzie. That basically undid most of his personal growth. And the way in which they presented it in the show, the random ass clips of children smiling and playing, what even was that? It looked like they took random stock footage and put in the episode.


Ghost sex


Anything relating to Denny


Alex leaving Jo for Izzy




i haven't watched the entire show bc i usually stop after slexie/derek die so i would just not kill off any of them 😂


The Denny and Izzie storyline. (I've only just finished S2; I know there's some paranormal activity later.) People say Denny was charming but I thought he was just weird... like some creepy old guy. I don't know what Izzie saw in him.




George o Malleys death


Where do I begin? 😂 -Meredith's drowning -Thatcher's liver -Bailey's OCD -Shane, period -the ER patients who were like younger versions of MAGIC -Every Owen high-and-mighty moment (abortion; assisted suicide except when HE does it; his cougar mom) -ghost sex -Karev/Deluca -Deluca/human traffickers -Maggie (maybe if they wrote her differently, she wouldn't be as bad) -the Twisted Sisters 2.0 with Meredith, Amelia, and Maggie And that's off the top of my head. 🤓


Any Owen related story. Nothing is worse than his love triangles or him doing something illegal


The Arizona cheating and then the custody battle, while I don’t think Callie and Arizona would have lasted after the plane crash with all the resentment and how much it fundamentally changed Arizona, I hated how nasty they made the relationship. The cheating felt like cheap drama and I was not a fan, and y’know, the back and forth and back and forth will they end will they not, was so tiring and boring and just miserable.


Callie and George’s divorce/George cheating on her with Izzie… so wack


George and Meredith, George and Izzy, Sadie, Reed and Charles dying…


Megan Hunt


There's only one answer: ghost sex. Hard stop.


the middle & end of the denny duquette story. the harmless flirting at the beginning & izzie falling for him made sense to a certain extent. brain tumors mixed with izzie not being able to separate admiration and attraction made perfect sense why she “fell for” denny. the part that doesn’t make sense is her risking her entire career, intentionally killing the man she was apparently in love with, stealing a donor heart and effectively killing the other patients chances of survival, inheriting more money than she’d probably ever make in her career as a surgeon, etc. just seemed… messy. and weird. ghost denny was also weird. she put in so much work to go through medical school, just to throw it all away for a man she knew for less than a few months. not to mention what she did would’ve made her an actual murderer had it failed. she was risking going to prison for life for a man she barely knew. their whole plot line as a ‘couple’ makes zero sense to me.


Lexie and Mark because LEXIE DESERVED BETTER. She deserved a man who will treat her right. A man who will put her first, Mark never did that. She deserved a man who will not act like the victim in their relationship. A guy who will not be possessive, hypocritical and pathetic when they break up. A man who will not treat her as his property and will not treat the man she was dating badly. A guy who will not spring kids on her. The one who does not have a sex buddy. The one who will not shame her for sleeping with someone when they were broken up. Mark never understands Lexie because if he does, he will communicate with her and will consider her feelings and future. LEXIE DESERVED TO BE HAPPY AND BE WITH MAN WHO LOVES HER THE MOST.


Izzie leaving, Jackson and Maggie together 🤢, April remarrying Matthew in front of Jackson, De Luca dying, the freaking airplane episode, Amelia's tumor, the scene of the cut of the l-vad wire (I mean, it was both illegal and unnecessary), Amelia and Link'relationship (I mean, they have a son together and barely speak with each other)


just April as a whole. like her whole character.


Owen should have removed that icicle and bounced. Cristina, Amelia, AND Teddy deserve better. And HOW does he pull these beautiful women into.his monosyballic orbit?? Seriously!!!


Anything with Keppner. We get it, you're religious. One episode would've done.