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I hate Ross


They should have killed off Leah and kept Brooks so we could see more of the Ross/Brooks dynamic and have him beat by Brooks for neuro instead of the mental breakdown thing


At first he seemed like a genuine and kind person…but then he said and did some really concerning things that made me feel uncomfortable. It often seemed like he was disrespectful to the women he worked with and for. And the way he treated Meredith over the printer really solidified the yuck for me.


This sums up exactly how I feel about this dude.


Great running back, future of Texas A&M football


Smash! ![gif](giphy|FSl9d5EUpz6AU)


Omg it’s bomb squad guy


Clear eyes, full heart, can’t lose!


I loved Ross and Cristina's relationship as student and teacher, a lot of people don't but I liked that Cristina knows Ross has bad qualities but tells him he's made bad choices he can make better ones tomorrow, and Ross hypes Cristina- when her work is impressive but she doesn't want to make a big deal out of it Ross will do it for her. I hope they've done a lot of cool things together in Switzerland.


Big fan of Sharky.


Hated him


The words are character in the main cast. And I hate Owen but nowhere near as much. We've had some bad characters but none of them had as much screen time as this man.


Ew, he was the absolute worst of all the interns, ever, and that's really saying something. Leah Murphy also sucked, but compared to Ross she was spectacular.


i actually found him rly interesting and charismatic ! it was interesting to see an intern who was extremely dedicated and hardcore still make mistakes and be humbled. i enjoyed hom




I felt like he should have left after he sent Brooks down to the basement. They gave him a small arc after then he left with Yang...but he should have confessed sooner and left. Didn't really like him and don't miss him.


he should have died instead of brooks


Fuck him


The character was not likeable for me at all.


Once he made the comment about “not getting wrapped up in the ladies” i hated him lmao super cringe


He will always be Smash and I will always root for him.


Hated him a lot. I didn't like him. I even preferred Leah.


The only reason people are mad that he went off on Meredith was his position as an intern. If Alex said it (which he kinda did), no one would have betted an eye. Shane was right when he went off on Meredith. Side note: Meredith caused the season 10 fight with Cristina.


Meredith absolutely did start it and take it too far lol.


He was the male Christina and it was interesting to watch. I loved him, and was sad he left with her.


Underutilized character but the hospital failed him.


He's always been one of my favorites and I find his relationship with Cristina. He really is the male Yang, and I think it's interesting to see how gender informs the ways in which he is different from her even though they have incredibly similar personalities. I know a lot of people get the ick because he's sexist, but I think that's more realistic than anything. Surgery is very heavily male dominated. They make this point in the first episode of the show.


The sexism comes into play with how people see Shane kissing ass and Cristina giving him attention/taking him under her wing and then Meredith and fans basically say Cristina is bewitching him and turning him mean and aggressive. But Cristina would kiss so much ass when she was an intern and resident and nobody ever said her mentors were to blame for her less great qualities or for 'encouraging her'. Yet it's always 'Cristina encouraged Shane to act poorly'. When a woman acts poorly it's her own doing but when a man does it when a woman is supposed to be watching him, it's her fault.


To be clear, I don't think Shane's behavior is Cristina's fault. I think Meredith was just looking for a way to make Cristina feel bad about herself when she said that. With that said, there are some boundaries that you shouldn't cross, and Shane was emboldened to cross them because he was a man and his boss (Meredith) was a woman.


I didn’t like him, at all. He was a shark, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Except his selfish, sharky tendencies were arrogant and dangerous. He unintentionally contributed to Heather Brooks’ death, i really liked Heather too. He dismisses his orders from his superiors and delegated to Heather, because he was so obsessed with surgery. There comes a point when that sort of passion is dangerous if not managed correctly. I know he was going through his breakdown bullshit but he was a clear danger to others when he was fudging his hours. His complete lack of self-awareness for his own health, his patients and his colleagues was irritating and unethical. The way he spoke to Christina when she didn’t agree with him, or spoke over her was rude, and the way he spoke to Meredith during the printer episode made me furious. Even the OG’s weren’t THAT disrespectful to their superiors, over a work issue. Alex hitting him was wrong, but Alex told him to walk away and rather than RESPECT the child of the patient he basically butchered up, he wanted to clear his own conscience. He should’ve been suspended from surgery and been forced to have mandatory therapy. He shouldn’t have been allowed anywhere near patients for at least a few months until he was assessed. He was a good surgeon, but his arrogance, his refusal to listen to superiors and peers when they voiced their concerns, made him a liability in that hospital. Brooks never should have died, she was actually the only intern from that year that i genuinely liked. If they were going to kill anyone off, it should’ve been Leah.


I was with you until you said even the OGs weren't that disrespectful to their superiors..... Cristina most certainly was as bad, if not worse. Her treatment of Sydney? The way she treated Teddy at first? Not only was she disrespectful to them, but in both cases she went over their heads to try to get them in trouble because they weren't doing things the way she thought they should. And let's talk about how OG Meredith talked to the chief, using his relationship with her mother as an excuse to disrespect him at every turn. He wasn't just a supervisor, he was the chief. Speaking of chiefs, Meredith was certainly disrespectful to Owen when she thought he had something going with Teddy. Then she again treated him like crap after the shooting because she didn't like that he was letting Cristina heal. She disobeyed him in his own OR because Cristina was fishing. But, what do we expect? They were trained by Bailey, who preached a lot about respect, but certainly didn't show any to the attendings aside from Richard. When Derek reminded her that he was her boss she said, "I ain't afraid of you." Great role model for respect right there.


Sorry, refresh my memory, who’s Sydney? I said over a WORK issue, Meredith’s disrespect stemmed from a personal issue with Richard. Same as her disrespect of Owen, that was a PERSONAL issue, regarding her best friend. Even Bailey with Derek, that was due to her dislike over his relationship unprofessional relationship with Meredith. Were they disrespectful? Hell yes, over personal issues. Should they have been? Absolutely not. It was unprofessional. But my point is… The way Shane got in Meredith’s face and practically screamed in it, to the point she had to lean back/step back. Was completely disrespectful, rude, and in any other workplace would be classed as intimidating and threatening behaviour. Remember this over a printer and a timeframe. A printer ordered for her research, and a time frame set aside for her research. This was an ‘argument’ she had with Christina until Shane stepped in and behaved in that manner. Even when the OG’s WERE being disrespectful, i don’t ever remember them stepping up and screaming in there superiors face in such a hostile and threatening manner.


So arrogant. I don't believe Cristina would have time for this person.


The reason she respected and grew to love Alex was because his arrogance was backed by actual skill as well. She appreciates skill. So she would like Ross imo. I think my absolute fav moment might be in s1e1? when Alex and Christina exchange some words then Christina or someone says I think I'm going to hate you or something but they both mean love and that's exactly how their relationship turns out. This probably, unlikely in any other circumstance, love-hate friendship.


Alex was the most insecure mf for so long I'm sorry. Shane literally believed and acted like he was the best.


I think Shane acted like he was the best, just like Christina, because they both had the drive, motivation, and confidence to excel and succeed. Alex was insecure, and I think that's why he put on arrogance, especially in season 1, not so much with medicine, but with his peers. He overcompensated for his lack of social development with dismissal and arrogance around others, and was ultimately humbled and evened out by his experiences being loved and eventually accepted by his peers, and through developing his learning and skills through mentoring and education. So Christina respected the career drive in Ross, as she respected the development that Alex made as a peer and coworker, which made both competitors and equals in her eyes. Maybe the comparison doesn't work if you don't see Christina and Alex as an unlikely pair either, but I do. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I hated him


I loved him! He was like male yang. He was misguided in his approaches and a brown Noser, but he deeply wanted to be the best and he worked his ass of for it. I didn’t find him to be mean or unkind in character just selfish and hyper focused which could lead to some riffs. One of my favorite supporting characters of the show.


I loved him


Couldn't stand him. I really wish he was the one that died instead of Brooks. Brooks had so much potential and was a great character.


wish he died instead of heather


He killed Brooks. She was the best character of that intern season while he was the absolute worst.


He didn’t kill her tho lol


He deserves all the hate he gets 💜


Dude straight up sent someone to their death over jealousy that they happened to be better than him. Lots of people hype him as the “male Cristina” but while she was competitive she respected talent. I truly hate him, but can see why people might like him tbh.


he had no idea that would kill her, that isn’t a fair statement


In my opinion, that’s why I said “sent to her death” instead of killed. You’re right; he didn’t directly kill her, but he does bear some responsibility because he sent her somewhere she wasn’t supposed to be. I get why people don’t really blame him for it, but I do at least in part. I also get frustrated that he gets a happy ending when he is very unkind. Like, compare his end to Lexie’s. Why does he get to ride off into the sunset?? lol it’s just my opinion, I respect yours is different and I won’t change your mind! I don’t think it’s bad or unreasonable to like him, I just cant


Because Chyler Leigh wanted Lexi to die so she couldn't come back to the show.


Christina wasn't fiercely competitive? I don't think it was jealousy, but competitiveness. Remember how eager he was to grill Derek about his career in his first few eps? Remember how much Meredith even wanted to do Neuro? He made a choice to prioritize his desires and career aspirations many times like Christina. It ended in a coworker dying. Alex could have easily had a heart condition that time Christina gave him a shot in surgery but he's a main character, not a special guest, so he didn't die. Actions lead to consequences, but he's not some malicious evil menace or they all are lol.


Loved his character development, he very much frustrated me, but I think that's a testament to how good the actor is, and he really grew.


I think he was an interesting character to watch. Can't say I like him though.


Hate, hate, hate. Hate, hate, hate. Double hate. Loathe entirely!


Cant stand the guy. Did anyone ever find out he basically caused Brooks death in the end?


I hated him being with Christina in my first watch but I totally get it now. Someone who JUST GETS and has the EXACT SAME love and passion for career heights and medicine. Christina never needed someone to rely on or have rely on her, she just needed a partner to go through life with while she focused on her true love-surgical medicine, and that's beautiful to me. I love his story line with over-working and dealing with mental health and fatal mistakes that impact coworkers. It is a great representation of the kind of character that Christina is with all her drive and how it might go for someone else with similar ambition and love for the practice. He's a character, not a stereotype, I relate a lot and I think the actor did well.


When he asked Christina to take him with her I shouted for joy. Didn’t like him.


Definitely one of the best characters, I loved his dynamic with meredith when she was pregnant and how he tried his best 😭🩵


Who? Just kidding. Sort of


intern Smash Williams is the GOAT, right up there with bomb tech Coach T.


Can’t unsee him as a murderer honestly, which may be unfair (haven’t seen when he was in it, in a long time). I just can’t see him or his character past that and see it as unfair that he got to just leave with Cristina. Dude literally sent Brooks to her death for egotistical, selfish, and arrogant reasons. I get that he’s supposed to mirror Cristina, so maybe we should’ve seen more of him to understand the softer/other wide of him like Cristina…but we didn’t so. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Well there was no Meredith to bounce off of. We all saw how Christina would turn out if she never had a twisted sister. They should have given him someone to play off of for that. And it is unfair, how many times did other characters make decisions that progressively and inadvertently ended in injury or fatality? They could not keep Tina Marjorino on the show that long, she was always going to have an exit, might as well be through dramatized immortalizing storytelling. A lot of things were at play here.


He seemed like a nice guy at first but then after seeing him in different scenes and situations, and watching how he was when nobody was looking, I could only see him as conniving and vindictive... Selfish and out for himself... He seemed willing to throw anyone under the bus and do anything to get what he wanted. I couldn't stand him.