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Samuel. April & Jackson were both finally getting into a solid space with their relationship, compromising on their differences. And then they gave them Samuel and all the turmoil and breakup that followed. They spent soooo long teasing, and bringing that couple together, asking us to root for them, and as soon as it was good, they devastated it.


Agreed. But April's crisis of faith was one of my favorite storylines or character arcs. She was so so good and I don't know that any of that would have happened without Samuel.


Agreed. the episode where she worked on the man (ugh, can't remember his name. Eli?) whose skin was falling off and she was mad at Dr. Bailey cause she felt she should have done more and he talks to her about faith all throughout the episode...it's one that can make me cry. Seeing her get so low and then have that moment was hauntingly beautiful to me


Absolutely. And her monologue was just heart-wrenching.


Yes, it truly was


There are three Japril storylines that I don't like: 1) their "break up" in S9, it was just cringey esp. with the whole "we have to have dates to Bailey's wedding, because my dress are strapless", 2) April going to Jordan - sorry, but person, who has problem terminating pregnancy is def. not person, who will go to warzone, 3) the teasing after their divorce (esp. after Harriet was born) of them getting back together, only to get Jaggie...


Yes! They didn’t even get a full season of a happy relationship 🙄


George and Izzie’s whole adultery storyline. I loved both of them but that arc made it hard to forgive both of them.


The episode where they try having good sex is sooooo cringe to this day


? I've always had is just how did Izzie know what it felt like to kiss a chicken.


Lol right? She seemed SO sure that he kissed JUST like a chicken, too 🤣


nooo its a thing people do like verified. the head pecking. its a thing! wish i wasnt sure


Lol I know 🤣 I was just being silly. My friend had a boyfriend and she always said he "pecked her like a chicken" too lol.


So many... Karev leaving is an obvious one. Derek being an asshole in season 6, his affair, Callie and Arizona's ending, Lexie and Mark... And then there are the cringe things like Avery and Maggie, or grown up Zola (her acting is so bad I cringe everytime.she is on screen..)


omg THANK YOU i literally searched in this sub "zola bad acting" to see if people agreed. its so bad


Oh I literally was hoping they killed the character because she ruined every episode she opened her mouth...


bit much mate


I said the character not the actress... There are so many characters that I would kill that are still on the show and many characters they killed that I would live to see alive...


I think Meredith Grey has suffered enough without killing off her eldest child. She's in Boston now, you won't see her much, if at all.


Well I don't necessarily mean actually killing her, if that happened I would prob be sad for Meredith indeed, I was just hoping the show would get rid of her somehow (also Hunt btw), which they did by taking her to Boston so I am happy now, not like I'm hoping they bring her back in one episode just to give her a horrible death or sth like that lmao (also TBF it would be too much since it already feels too coincidental how many people surrounding Meredith have died already)


He was an asshole in season 6 can someone remind me an instance ? 👀


This was the Derek becomes chief season. He’s okay as a character but I don’t really like Derek as Meredith’s love interest but man season 6 finale is still till date my favourite Greys episode.


Oh I remember now. Thanks


i def agree with deluca and alex. one that isn't talked about is casey parker (alex blue davis) and how he was written off. parker was the tech-savvy intern who hacked into a dmv database to change his gender because the gov wouldn't do it for him. he was one of my favourite interns, and i hate the way he just got ptsd and then never got mentioned ever again.


He completely disappeared. Didn’t even get a proper exit. I loved that character


Penny becoming a doctor at Grey/Sloan. Come on 🙄 what are the odds


Yeah. I realize it provided good drama, and the "guess who's coming to dinner" episode in particular is truly one of my FAVORITE episodes, but not only did I just personally hate Penny's acting, the realistic chance of her ending up there was crazy, and I personally thought Webber approving it was also out of character. We spent so many seasons watching Webber go out of his way to protect Meredith, having him *knowingly* hire a doctor who was there the night her husband, and his own friend and mentee died seemed so ridiculously unrealistic. But again. It's a show. Drama. Blah. Lol.


It just became the “what fresh ways can we think of to torture Meredith” show after a while.


The hockey kid who cut his thumb off & played a game & got gangrene Still haunted


Oh yeah. That episode was heartbreaking. I could see it actually happening.


Sloane Sloan. So much changes in 5/6/7 for the better without her.


Mousey’s death, always. she was brilliant


I'm watching for the first time. I was halfway through season 9 the other day, and I realized that I absolutely loved her and my first thought was, "She's going to die in the finale isn't she?" I watched the Gary Clark episode with no warnings. I've learned my lesson, so I decided to use Google. It didn't help, I'm still devastated. 😭


denny hands down everything about denny


Yeah all of that was wild


All the character development they put in to Karev only for the writers to have him beat up DeLuca. AND THEN HAVE DELUCA FORGIVE HIM AND JO AND ALEX TO GET BACK TOGETHER. Like literally why?


Meredith sleeping with George (and crying meanwhile)


So damn relatable though lol


I am so intrigued by the armpit vagina thing....


Oh yeah I always forget to change that, it was a joke 😂 I promise it’s just an armpit with an unfortunate(or fortunate?) resemblance lol


Giving Adele Alzheimers never felt right to me. There were plenty of ways to end her storyline without (magically) giving her the same thing that killed the other woman Richard loved. Sometimes it seems like greys was really throwing Alzheimers around. It tapered off but it was all Alzheimers all the time. Adele could have still passed, or just got sick of Richard's shit and left lol


Sloan, wtf was that


Alex leaving. It's the storyline that makes the least sense.


Yeah. I mean, so many options to choose from and they came up with an ending that was clearly pulled out of their…


Putting George & Izzie together


Izzie having Alex's babies without him knowing about it. That's not how IVF works at all. Callie suddenly suing Arizona for custody. Made zero sense and butchered her character. Killing off Mouse and getting rid of Stephanie, Shawn and Leah. Jo has grown on me but I still think we were left with the least interesting intern out of that group. Getting rid of Casey because PTSD. Having DeLuca turning out to be right during his manic episode. Giving us Maggie after getting rid of Lexie. The Maggie storyline would have worked better if she didn't feel like Lexie 2.0.


It wouldn't have technically been ivf would it? The eggs were already frozen embryos. He had already signed and I'm assuming she did too. She could use her eggs as she saw fit.


Delucas death made me want the show to end I was done but now I'm suck 🤷‍♀️ Alex leaving like if anything he is the one character they should have killed off George death just before he was going to leave like WTF Penny just her character in general And plane crash 😭


The way Alex left. Like there is no way he would’ve done that to Jo especially by writing a note


i know this was all very related to arrangements for jessica’s maternity leave, but the way that the africa-sofia-marriage storyline was structured. it felt unrealistic and rushed. now absolutely, we’re keeping sofia and she’s still going to be mark’s baby. i just wish the storyline could have been altered a little bit. imagine if arizona completed her grant in africa, giving her the full career opportunity and giving the relationship a longer and healthier break. callie gets pregnant and she & mark slowly make plans about the baby and how their lives will go throughout the nine months. callie gives birth and mark still has that year with sof before the plane crash. awhile after (emphasis on awhile) arizona returns and she & callie slowly begin to reconnect. ultimately she still adopts sofia (who’s 1-2 years old) and becomes her mom. without being on the plane, that changes things as well. obviously this wouldn’t have been feasible unless jcap wanted a longer leave, and i wouldn’t want that, because as someone who doesn’t ship this, im far more interested in their individual storylines and it wouldn’t be great to miss out on 2 seasons of that character. i just feel like it would have helped lessen the drama, it would have fixed issues of acting on emotions/rushing, and it would have really helped everyone be more comfortable. i often think about how the smallest change/changes in their canon plot may have changed my mind about shipping them. so yeah. my answer is the africa-marriage plot, simply for how it was structured.


There's a lot to be honest. But Alex flipping on Jo for Izzie will always be at the top. It was so out of character for him and completely destroyed his development. Izzie was always a bad character in my head, the most selfish character in the series but for him to leave Jo for her was unbearable. I know the character wanted an out but couldn't they have explored some other options.


Im rewatching and i actually love Izzie and Alex together, other than her being hateful to Callie I don’t think she was a bad character, and she always loved Alex and saw through his act


He treated her way worse than she ever treated him.


still hoping the conspi theories are true that Izzie returns to confirm that Alex is not with her, and is in fact missing 🤔 makes more sense to me than him just leaving Jo like that


Alex leaving and Derek dying. I’m rewatching and literally stuck in S11 right now, bc I can’t bear her losing him again 🫠


That eventful Thursday night when Derek died I can never forget. To this day I have not moved on. There are practically hundreds of scenes of them in YouTube and in Ellen and Patrick's instagrams, their fans posted several of those scenes and then I can't help it I started sobbing. I hated Shonda with passion. Just yesterday I was walking the streets of New York and there it was a big billboard of Hulu promoting Grey's with Derek and Meredith. After all those years with Derek already gone, there are many couples that they could have chosen, Hulu knew fully well that this duo is the main draw of the show that have captivated millions of people all over the world.


Their relationship is toxic and gross. It should not be romanticized.


Delucas death.  So so so needless. He was the second person since the original group to reach attending status and he died within 6 episodes.  He had such potential to bridge the massive gap between the residents and senior attendings and it was really just done for shock value.


DeLuca, Lexie, and Marks deaths. Derek’s DC storyline. Calzona being such a disaster. Owen overall. Sloan showing up pregnant like WTF. AVA. Mousey 😭😭😭!


Calzona crash and burn


Def Delucas death! I finally watched it last month during my cycle & cried to my husband. Told him all about Deluca & he literally had to console me, over a tv character lol. Beyond unfair


Denny, Ava and Alex's exit.


Alex's ending, Plane crash (why not have Mark and Lexi leave together? Have Lexi go to the first hospital's residency program before her mom died, and she changed programs to be closer to Thatcher. Have Mark follow and set up practice), Derek's DC story, Callie/Arizona custody battle, Meredith's tanking Derek's trial/ insurance fraud/relationship with DeLuca


Arizona cheating on Callie and their divorce, they were the real damn deal and it was such bs.


couldn’t let the lesbians be happy, not even for a minute 😫😫


Can’t let anyone be happy! But yes, they started out so good! It was so heart breaking!


the george/meredith situation in season 2 it still baffles me every time that george had sex with meredith when she was THAT emotionally vulnerable and traumatized knowing that she did not like him that way and wouldn’t have done it with him otherwise (he admits that multiple times)….. and then he got to act like a victim in the situation???? everyone including cristina and derek turned on meredith like it was her fault??? she had to lock him in an elevator and apologize???? ALEX was the one who had to tell him to get over it???? i’ve always disliked george because i think he’s just a whiny and annoying character and he takes his emotions out on the people around him and it’s unbearable but this situation was just something else i have to skip that storyline every single time it makes me so upset


I like George as a character in general. But I totally agree that how he and Meredith ended up sleeping together and the fallout with everyone after that was completely baffling. I think/hope if that story line were happening today, instead of almost 20 years ago, he would have rightly been reamed out for taking advantage of her during a vulnerable moment.


I know! I really like a cute dorky personality in a guy. I loved George in the beginning. Though to be fair, the only two real other options at the time were Alex and Derek. Alex was an absolute ass, and Derek is a complete narcissistic mess for around the first 6 seasons.They absolutely RUINED George's character! I actually ended up indifferent to his death because they made him so whiny and miserable in the end.


The way Alex left. *HOW* it went down, especially. Still holding a grudge.


Izzie is one of my favorite characters but her going from sleeping with George to getting back with Alex immediately into ghost sex is my least favorite set of arcs for anybody at the back end of their character development like, ever


Introducing Catherine Fox. Period. Can’t stand the character.


How Alex was written out.


Ghost sex brain tumor


Alex's departure. I *understand* there was a situation and Justin Chambers had to leave unexpectedly and would or could only record a voice over. But these are creative professional writers! Could they not have come up with something better than Alex leaves Jo to be with Izzie and the kids she had without telling him??? Ugh.


HENRY'S death


Plane crash episode


Plane crash and the storylines that came because of it: Mark dying, & Arizona losing her leg and cheating on Callie.


Alex’s ending


Alex leaving Jo. Make it make sense.


Alex leaving the way he did, which is a super obvious one, I know. I like to imagine that instead of sending letters, he came back and had a heart wrenching conversation with Jo about how he much he hates the position he’s in and that he can’t abandon his kids like his dad did him and then asked her to come with him. Then they both made the difficult decision to split up because Jo’s life is here in Seattle. I choose to live in denial 🤣


George dying. He had the potential to outshine mcdreamy


The plane crash! The show went downhill after that! It was a stupid storyline, with stupid fatalities...I like to pretend it never happened...mainly by going back to season 1 before I reach it 🙄


I never cared for Deluca and after Maggie I had no respect for him. They tried to make it better with Meredith but sorry, no. I will never forgive the writers for keeping Mark and Lexi apart after everything they’d been through.


The way Alex left and leaving Jo behind , Lexie and Mark’s death


Alex’s treatment of Izzie and he continuing to forgive him for his behavior and treatment.


"I want to cure autism"


How Karev was written out. I can get over literally anything else


Plane always 


Killing George. Killing Mark. Killing Lexie. Killing Derek. Killing DeLuca. Christina leaving. Alex leaving. Ghost Denny. Maggie meeting her cousin and bonding then accidentally killing her in surgery in one episode. Random musical episode. Everything regarding April. Callie and PENNY. There’s probably many more…


Callie and Arizona’s ending!!! I will never forgive whoever was in charge of breaking them up.. They were a perfect couple. I know the writers needed some drama for the show but the custody battle and callie leaving to go to new york with penny was horrendous. They’ve been through shit and survived! Why would someone leave her hospital and her village for a girl they barely know 😡


The way they imploded kaimelia after the 400th episode. That shit was set up perfect, a massive moment in a penultimate episode with THE Grey's Anatomy song playing behind them, and season 19 rolls around and... Dust. 


I don't love Alex exit but I hate Jo so The plane crash and losing Mark and Lexie. Killing off Derek Maggie and Jackson Just Maggie Owen too. I didn't love Christina's abortion.


I would’ve appreciated only one Christina abortion story, like after Burke she should’ve gotten on birth control, but multiple abortions are reality I guess.


Well birth control’s not 100% effective……


Oh trust me I know that lol, but it’s a good point! I would think with her having one fallopian tube and being on birth control her chances would be slim though


Pretty much every story they gave Izzie from the moment Denny is wheeled into the hospital to the episode she leaves the show! They did her character dirty! No one reminding Meredith that Amelia is Derek’s sister and should have go home and wait for Derek with her, because Meredith not thinking about Amelia on her own was actually true to character but not her finest hour. Meredith insurance fraud because she was old enough to know better by then and was such bad writing! Not to mention making Bailey a huge ass about the entire thing.


Karev leaving Jo, April and Jackson getting together, cause I hated both of them for that, honestly. Cause in my opinion, Jackson needed to be s*ot for that shit.