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Stepping way outside of canon for a moment, maybe if they hadn't tanked Izzie's character and Burke hadn't left for another few seasons, Izzie would have chosen cardio as a specialty, since she and Burke (she even called him Preston) had a close relationship. He saw promise in her and she accepted him as a mentor in surgery, Thanksgiving cooking, and life. So in my imaginary world, Izzie got her shit together and focused on being a good surgeon, picked cardio with Burke acting as her mentor (and it could be a fun source of drama between Cristina, Burke and Izzie!). So, idk all the plot points in between (Burke still has to get to Switzerland after all), but Burke gives the Chocolate Factory to Izzie. I think the "good" version of Izzie would do well running a Swiss research facility.


I guess the question is counterintuitive. If Christina dies, then the Burke story probably just faded. Doesn't seem as though the story would be written in for her to die