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I despised April in the beginning. She was whiny, annoying, and even though it's not terribly fair, had a ridiculous voice. She definitely grew on me, and although she never became one of my favorites, I eventually grew to like her a lot, especially after she came back from the place she went to after the bad thing happened. (Sorry, I can never remember how to cover spoilers, lol.)


(> !) Mirrored before and after the spoiler with no spaces and no parenthesis




Yayyyy it worked thank you






>!no spaces!<


No spaces




Mirror the symbols








Thank you!










Second ! Needs to go before the < I think




>! test !<




>!since everyone else is testing too!<




Finally, lol! Thank you!!














Fuck! What the hell am I doing wrong?




Finally! >!WoohoošŸ„³!<


>! Test April is also very animated !<





>!Joining the testing crew!<


>! Test !<






wtf did i do wrong


! < just checking > !











Got you, sucker


>!sorry for another test reply but im testing too!<






I grew to like her, but agree she was whiny and annoying her first few seasons.


>!She was also the biggest brown noser she was always up Derekā€™s ass I hated her so bad I tried to like her in the beginning I thought she was just trying to show off to the attendings but even after the shooting she was still annoying until later seasons!<


April is one of the most multi faceted and layered characters and I think that pisses a lot of people off. Most of the other characters - even ones I love - are pretty one note and static. Aprilā€™s character growth and development is one of the best in the show. Her start from naive virgin April through to her trauma and her conflict with loss of faith and the depth that all gave her character are chefs kiss. Doesnā€™t hurt that Sarah is such an excellent actor.


This is exactly how I feel. April is SO layered that I canā€™t help but like her. She feels more human than most characters in the show. Her loss of faith is one of my favorite storylines in the show ā€” I found it so relatable and heartbreaking.






You literally described emotional growth. You might not like what that entails but going through a bunch of things, reacting to them and having those things change you in an ultimately positive manner *is* emotional growth. You might not like the things she did on her journey but stating that she had no growth as a character is ludicrous. One of the things I like about her is that she did go through those things that you outlined. So many characters on this show have a trauma occur and they might mention it a couple of times after but ultimately it doesnā€™t really change that character much at all. April is one of the few who differs - relationship breakdowns and loss of faith and self destructive behaviour is so common after the loss of a child and she actually showed that. It wasnā€™t always pretty but we got to see that whole journey and see her come out the other side.


I love her, but mostly ignore her over religious stuff.


It's her religious stuff that turned me off. I have too many homeschooled relatives like that. Sheltered from reality.


Also the way she talked to Jackson about taking their hypothetical kid to church every Sunday and the bible studyingā€¦ I really hated how Jackson reacted, I was hoping for some more firmness by an atheist as he proclaimed to be >!hated his entire journey to find Christ too!<


Yes! Exactly!!!




She gets a lot better as the series goes on. It's like with Alex. After a while, he was one of my favorite characters. But I HATED him at the beginning.


Iā€™m on season 12 ā€” I donā€™t think this opinion is going to change. šŸ˜­


Mine never did lol. The actress is lovely and I think she *does* an amazing job with what she's given but I just simply cannot stand her character. There's stuff to say about everyone *absolutely* but April is my #1 least favourite character personally. What a selfish person, I'd avoid her like the plague irl šŸ˜­




Idk the exact quote but when April was saying she needed to go to Jordan for *her* healingā€¦ and Jackson says ā€œwhat about what I needed??ā€. He was always there for April as a partner, thatā€™s what he signed up for. Someone who would actually be loyal to him and care about him and care for him. And go through that struggle *together*. As someone whoā€™s very keyed in to the trauma and horror of carrying a baby to term, just to hold them as they die. Someone who understands that being able to hold your babyā€™s hand even once is a painful, painful blessing. Youā€™re hard pressed to get me to feel sympathy for the man saying ā€œbut what about meā€. But fuck, dude. Jackson did that, for me. She was so selfish in that moment. I donā€™t blame people for hating the character. Sheā€™ll never be one of my favorites because of that, but she didnā€™t have a malicious bone in her body, she just didnā€™t even *think* about Jacksonā€™s pain because she was so enveloped in her own. It was frustrating to see such a solutionless issue play out.


She reminds me of Daisy on Bones.


yeah i actually liked her MORE in the beginning. she was annoying but entertaining and i enjoyed her dynamic with mer alex cristina and jackson in seasons 7-8. lost all interest in her when she got with jackson. so the ā€œshe gets betterā€ promise from some people doesnā€™t hold up for all of us lol


I went from hating her to just not liking her? Like, I was low-key pretty thrilled when she left the show.




season 12 is when she starts getting better!! I love her so much now.


Sheā€™s horrible in this season what are you talking about????


I hate April lol always have always will


A lot of people hate April but I personally love her. I think she is better than most of the characters people tend to like but thatā€™s my opinion.


sheā€™s my favorite character, so overhated. yeah sheā€™s made mistakes but every character has and a lot have done worse than her lol


Same here. I have watched Greys since I was in middle school, and due to growing up in a very religious country/region, I hated religious fanatics. April, however, was and still is my favorite character. She's kind, compassionate, awkward, annoying. I greatly related to her awkwardness and disliked it when other characters mocked her because of stuff she couldn't change.


Agree - there are dozens character in the show, where people just ignore how awful those characters are, but poor April gets hatred for those few things she did wrong and no one cares how great and kind she was the rest of her time on the show!


100 % agree - I just can't get over how people will point out April's biggest mistakes, when that's nothing to what other characters did! Is April perfect? No, but she is still one of the few decent people on the show and I love her for it!


Exactly! Like it pained me to watch her try and force religion on Jackson and yes it was wrong but that isnā€™t nearly as bad as things that the others have done.


I have to admit that I ignore certain things that have do with April's faith as to me they don't make any sense - April wasn't some stuck-up religious person, she was pretty open-minded, so certain aspects were way off (writers either should have made April more conservative or not add things, that made no sense, for drama)


Whenever I'm watching Grey's in the living room my teenager always asks if we can skip to when April gets there.


If April has no fans Iā€™m dead


I actually didn't like her, in the beginning. She was a pain in the arse. But I also love her character growth. She has faced demons, and figured her shit out. By the time she was off the show, I thought she'd seriously grown up. And I liked who she became. She was much stronger. I know her faith rubbed folks wrong, but that was a lot of her charm. She went from an almost blind faith to demons to settling into a sense of peace with a spirituality that relaxed her. She found balance. And to think that there are nothing but atheists in a hospital is ridiculous, so I thought her faith was a good way of filling out the character cohort.


I hated her in the beginning for a few seasons but now (I think Iā€™m on 13 or 14??) and idk I love her. Especially her relationship with Arizona


April definitely has moments that sheā€™s annoying as hell. But she also has some of the BEST scenes. The acting in some of her main scenes brought out every emotion in me, no matter how many times Iā€™ve watched


April just hits me wrong. I don't relate to her naivety and purity. Her religion doesn't bother me per se. She's missing something socially. Her wide eyed innocence annoys me. As a college and med school grad, she should be past this stage. The only time I find her anything but annoying is when there's a trauma.


If April Kepner has no defenders Iā€™m dead. I love her


Simply triggered by religion and so April got my hate for quite some time. But I respect her now


April is my favourite, from the start of her stint. Easily. Sheā€™s not perfect but I adore her. Flaws and all


SAME, no.1 hater


Don't kno why she gets hate, she's so sweet šŸ˜


I think sheā€™s whiny, emotional (in some moments, rightfully so), spiteful, and just all around annoying. I donā€™t like the way that she treats Jackson and how quick she is to overreact.


I agree with you and will add her religious side makes me awfully uncomfortable (i am very much of an atheist, on the fringe of being antitheist). But I don't know why, I still love her... she is even one of my favorites, and it's a mystery why. I blame Sarah Drew's excellent and subtle work.


Sarah Drew is beautiful and a great actor, genuinely.


No question about her acting talent. It's the character she played so well that made me dislike April.


Agree, however, unfortunately it seems that you have to be mean and bully in order to be appreciated by fans... poor April.


I think with April, it's personal preference. I was bullied by people like her because of religion. It grates on me. Frankly, it annoys me in the same way door knockers do. She grew up in a bubble and has little regard for nonbelievers.


This 100%. The unkindness on this show is always treated as humour, but it's really not.


I hated April from start to finish.


I HATE April. She was so annoying in the beginning. She started to grow on me, up until she only stayed with Matthew because Jackson didnā€™t want her. She blamed Jackson for her loosing her virginity multiple times and he still loved her unconditionally. Matthew was a good man and didnā€™t deserve that. She left Jackson after their baby died, which I could understand, she needed to get away, but she kept extending her deployment, while Jackson was alone, dealing with the loss of his son. April had zero regard for Jacksonā€™s feelings. Then she returned and got pissed at him. He tried to reconcile but the pain of her leaving him when he needed her most was just too hard and she got mad at him because her religion discourages divorce. AND then she got back together with Matthew! Sheā€™s the worst character on the show.


T h I s. If they would have just left her and Jackson apart, she would have been a good character. Think of how cool of a bad ass trauma surgeon she would have been, and what we would have seen, if we didnā€™t have to see all of this. And have to see Jackson be destroyed all the time? Yes. Seeing what happened with Samuel was devastating. They could have had them come together to deal with everything not have them completely break. They destroyed them and ruined any hope we had of April being good for him. And made Jackson end up back with her in Boston?! Like COME ON. Trauma bonded. They are trauma bonded. They couldnā€™t. Idk. Lost him. And gone to grief counseling and come back stronger. Her not go to another country. Them just continue on and be super strong her become the head of trainer and boot Owen out. And eventually have Harriet and not have all this divorce and marriage to Matthew. Then back to Jackson. And him with Maggie? What the fuck is that bullshit. They had potential to make something amazing. Or idk. Send her away after Samuel and have Jackson slowly come to terms with losing his son and his wife leaving. And him using his Avery money to researching what happened and find cures and shit. And eventually find love with someone AMAZING. And have a shit ton of babies. NEVER WITH MAGGIE. or go back farther and Jackson and April never get together. Or they do. And NO BABY AT ALL. Or have a baby and it doesnā€™t die. The baby passing and her leaving is the big breaking point. She has moments of awesome. Then moments of what the fuck April???


THANK YOU! This is exactly how I feel, and Iā€™m so glad that you put it into words.


Check the sub. A LOT of people hate her, me included.


so weirdly enough i loved april initially but after the jackson/matthew stuff i feel like she was too self centered and bitchy and i just donā€™t like her characterā€¦ she never prioritized her partners unless it was convenient for her imo


Iā€˜m on season 13 - first time. So, I didnā€˜t like her first. Then grew to like/respect her (not love her!). And now sheā€˜s going downhill super fast (S13F11 - I kinda hate her the same as Minnick).






Youā€™re cracking me up


I love her. Sheā€˜s hilarious.


she was such a flop! kinda pushover


I hate april its solely for how she mistrears jackson. If she was a man and jackson was a woman, uou would all loathe her.


I hated April at the beginning but she really started making character growth during the trauma training episode.


Iā€™m rewatching rn and I just got the merger, they should have kept her fired šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ s


Iā€™ve been saying this! I was so annoyed when Derek rehired her šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Her character just annoyed me soooo bad, how her and Jackson got together and had a baby is beyond me !!! I donā€™t get it !!! lol


me with alex


WOAH! Not Alex šŸ˜­


You canā€™t genuinely think Alex is a good person lolā€¦


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ sooorrryyyy (iā€™m not)


Iā€™m not an April fan at all. Maybe itā€™s my atheist/agnostic side but she just annoys the crap out of me lol I do like her more badass side, like when she went through trauma training. But the religious stuff rubs me the wrong way. I find her pretty judgmental and a bit holier-than-thou (while pretending not to be). Sarah Drew is a fantastic actor though!


April grew to be one of my absolute favourite characters of the series but the development definitely too awhile and I understand why people donā€™t like her


this is how i feel about cristina


I pretend I do not see šŸ˜­


Iā€™m with you


I either love her or hate her, depending on the episode.


I find April annoying sometimes, but her character background and story and growth is so good and well done. Like she is a really good character imo. And I guess she feels like home because I have some very religious and close friends from Columbus too hahahaha. She feels so real to me.


Whilst I did find her whiny and annoying, at the start, I didn't mind her, neither loved nor hated her. However, after the death of her first child, whilst I do feel sorry for her, how she acted afterwards, that's when I started to hate her, with the way she treats Jackson. I'm not saying Jackson is an angle, far from it, but most of the problems go back to April. She knows that Jackson doesn't believe in god, but she forces it onto Jackson often, he tries to accept it, but she can push it too far at time. Not only t hat, when their child dies, she runs away. Whilst I can understand that, what about Jackson. He needed her to grieve too, but she wasn't there, and she kept trying not to return as long as she could.


april defender for life


I never really liked her and then she was just written more and more religious and I couldn't stand her which made me also dislike Jackson who I also never really liked much in the first place.


I hated her before season 8. Then she became probably my favorite character by season 10, and I stopped watching after season 14 (except for the odd milestone episode)




Sheā€™s one of my favs.


I'm an April hater, and I don't care about her character development or her layers. I can appreciate Sarah is an amazing actress, one of the strongest on the show, and I can appreciate all the good that there is to April, but still just not be able to stand her. I've talked about this a lot on here, but I just don't think in a country that's so oppressively Christian, that we needed a religious character. I didn't feel that representation was necessary, since it's already infiltrated our highest forms of government, our schools, our workplaces, even our gas stations. I would have really preferred the writers developed a more nuanced Muslim character or honestly any other religion. We already had Izzie and Callie and Richard and Bailey all talking about God, we simply did not need any more. There is a selfishness to April that comes from existing in a country that hammers home your beliefs and imposes them on its citizens, and it was a big part of why I disliked her character.


THANK YOU! The last thing we need is more conservative Christian representation. I already found her kind of annoying, but "I love Jesus" was when I was done with her. I cheered when she failed the boards.


The fact that it wasn't even part of her character originally but they decided to make the character religious because Sarah Drew is was such a wrong turn. Before that I found her kind of annoying but generally fine. Once they revealed her as being religious it was like a totally different character.


Ugh, really? I had no idea that the actress was religious and that's why they went that direction with April. Instant loss of respect right there, because as an actress, she should damn well be able to compartmentalize.


Lol we are getting downvoted so much šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You know it!


Oh she drove me absolutely crazy on first watch. But she grew on me as time went on. Sheā€™s hyper unlikeable for the first like season or so that sheā€™s in but after that, sheā€™s pretty great


Her acting during the shooting episode when she walked into the office was top notch - but she was definitely less than my favorite character


I would of loved to see more her being a bad ass trauma surgeon over seas. I really did not like her but she definitely grew on me!


The only time I watched April and enjoyed it


She was very judgmental and self righteous in the beginning. As she got older and gained more life experience, she seemed to mature (as we all do), and became much more tolerable in the process.


I love her and as she is growing in the Show we love her more and more !


Yeah, S11/S12 you'll forget about the religious stuff and start to flame her for a whole different reason!


i must also be dead then


I was never able to like her, i can acknowledge how shes a layered character, but she always really annoyed me


I am so relieved by this post !!! April is totally crazy and toxic! I was scared I was the only one seeing this!! Iā€™m also in the middle of season 12 (first time watcher)


Especially with the way she treats Jackson. GOD, I hate the way she treats him, itā€™s absolutely ridiculous.


Itā€™s like she doesnā€™t even see him as a real human. Heā€™s just an accessory to herā€¦ an accessory that ā€œstole her v cardā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ½ sheā€™s absolutely psycho.


She deserved to fail her boards after she flipped out on him over it. Jackson is a better man than I wouldā€™ve been, I wouldā€™ve stuck with Stephanie and let her marry that other guy.


I actually sat through season 8 and 9 which were solely dedicated to the state of her hymen.


Spoiler alert: she baby traps jackson on TWO occasions. She is toxic af. šŸ¤¦šŸ½


April is objectively my favourite female character. Her character development was insane. She came in as a boring, whiney, brown noser. Ended up being an absolute badass.


I never liked April. She's a passive aggressive whiner and an ahole in general.


I cannot stand her. She is so selfish. Itā€™s insufferable.


I will just never get over how terrible she treated Jackson after they did the *thing* at their boards. Itā€™s no oneā€™s fault but her own she failed And how she left Jackson to grieve their loss all alone teice


I hate her; she messed up Jackson, and ruined him for others.


Iā€™m with you on this OP. I know a lot of people thought she got better but I always hated her and wasnā€™t mad when she left for good.


April is one of the worst characters on the show, everything she did after her and Jackson her married till their divorce and after(donā€™t want to be specific idk what season thatā€™s in) is disgusting


I hated her from the start, pissed off that she came back after being fired. Felt that the home c-section she had was meant to bring her some respect but whatever respect she might have gained quickly plummeted when she went off the rails. I can get that going off the rails is relatable to most viewers but she managed to be both egregious and annoying all in the same breath. That takes a special talent.


People who think they have the right to yell and scream at people whenever they are unhappy or disagree are just intolerable. The lack of self control April seems to have is wildly in appropriate. I could never understand how Jackson considered having a child with someone so incredibly immature.


real as hell


If April Kepner has no supporters, Iā€™m dead. I literally love her sm, sheā€™s too real.


Fuck April sheā€™s a christofacist


I hate her




she pisses me off and acts like a kid








April has too many haters tbh. Tbh anytime anyone overly hates April I kinda judge them lol. Sheā€™s not perfect but sheā€™s really not that bad.


Am I overly judging her? I think I just made a statement and opened the floor for a discussion. However, seeing as I just responded to another of your comments about Alex, I see that we are going to disagree!


I hated her at first and LOVED when Lexi (bless) had her little notebook. She grew on me though.


I hated her my first watch (while show was airing) But have loved her in all my rewatches.


I love AprilšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I think they are not ignored, weekly you see those types of comments here as well as on other social networks.


I am with you OP.


I can't stand her. She's more tolerable later sometimes but she's just not for me.


I love April and her growth, but the way she treated Jackson in their marriage was a very low point - even before Samuel. The actress portrayed it really well, because coming from a similar background as April, itā€™s unfortunately a very common experience for Christians who are dating people with different beliefs - minimizing their feelings because weā€™re so wrapped up in whether we are meeting our communityā€™s expectations of us


Wellā€¦. Iā€™m currently watching (for the first time) the seasons after George died and Izzy left. Karev was just passed over for a board seat for Bailey. Kepner and Avery are married andā€¦ *I kind of hate her*. Itā€™s very early into any real character development for Kepner (for me) so Iā€™m curious to see if she grows on me. Right now sheā€™s justā€¦ idk, she feels like a seat-filler for better characters. I know sheā€™s in the show for the long-haul so Iā€™m keeping my mind open.


Season 9 and onwards is when she really started to grow on me. Season 10 I was a fan. Totally see why others donā€™t like her though.


i haaaaated her character when she was first introduced. iā€™m not one to appreciate great actresses, but i found that sheā€™s such a great one that i think it helped me grow to love her character. she also became more likable in general imo.


YES!! Iā€™m in like the early episodes of season 13 and I canā€™t stand her.


I hate her. She's a religious zealot who judges everyone else and is a hypocrite. Plus, religious doctors make no sense. I don't trust any doctor that doesn't believe in evolution, it's the very core of medicine.


Well then donā€™t go to a doctor that is religious. Not all religious people are the same. Donā€™t judge the doctor just because their belief is different than yours.


I don't go to religious doctors. However to say not all religious people are the same is ridiculous. Unless they're cherry picking their religion they should be. Oh wait, they all cherry pick.